messages to seven-point5:
(click here to add new message):

from l-alle :
yr gbook is broken, friend! also, yr lorus link needs updatin'.
from argentum :
from my-replay :
your goals are pretty amazing. well, "goal."
from argentum :
For some reason, I picture you dancing like one of the kids from 'Peanuts'. Sans extremely large melon, of course.
from errantnights :
but is it not enough to be complete? let me give you everything you need
from argentum :
That's entirely too much excitment. Glad you're ok.
from courtneydw :
"Well one year the Earth just seemed to break. It just never got cold anymore..." That made me crack up laughing. I also will tell my grandchildren that someday.. mainly because it's basically happening and it will make for one hell of a story. :]
from argentum :
Is that a weiner-dog dick hanging down from him? WTF dude! Also, 'Tenesee Stud' came up on my IPOD after you mentioned it.
from rancidbowtie :
I feel the same way. All of the time. I never know how to act. I always think I have done something wrong with my body language or something.
from imatwin :
You make me laugh. ~Alex
from imatwin :
from imatwin :
Hello, I added you a couple of days ago. just thought you'd like ta know. Oh and I have the same problem, that's why I shop at cheap stores ;) ~Alex
from jinkymarvels :
re: today's blabbermouth comment. sometimes i think we live parallel lives, for i too, am a blabbermouth who should be dragged out and shot like a rapid dog. and the proof just sat there staring at me today. and my coffee got cold and everything.
from jinkymarvels :
it is safe to say that tears were shed for danielle across the contient (even in rural nova scotia).
from jinkymarvels :
7.5: where is the ticket taking you?
from my-replay :
silly candy story. :-P
from rachaelina :
I had a very great time with Ms. Kim! I was drunk for almost the entire duration of our hang-out, (before they picked me up I downed a vodka + crm. soda) but that's the way people do it, right? You will have to come and visit sometime!
from idiot-milk :
I once let a very cute, very drunk rugby player cut my hair. I assumed that his hair-cutting skill was in direct proportion to his cuteness. Imagine my chagrin when I discovered that was not, in fact, the case. Of course, in the light of both day and sobriety, I discovered that his cuteness was also not as great as I had originally thought. So perhaps the hair-cutting ability to cuteness relationship was actually rather direct. Hmm. At any rate...yeah, no, that was pretty much it. Carry on.
from my-replay :
well thankss - by interesting I mean you seem like a happy person who's also pretty hilarious.
from my-replay :
hey.. I've added you. you're interesting.
from sislynn :
my myspace is my blog lately.
from bexx :
um...ahh..ahhh.ahhhh.ummm.....-Le Tigre
from argentum :
secretly, you were flattered by being propositioned by a shirtless hispanic man in a minivan.
from argentum :
Maybe you are, but you just lost your bow and arrows.
from citizenjane :
rain, rain, and more rain. but i saw much music. interpol, white stripes, john fogerty, alan jackson, the pixies, kanye west (by surprise - with common). i missed joan jett though.
from argentum :
Ponderings like today make me think you are the smartest girl I know. <3 <3 <3
from citizenjane :
the red letters hurt mine eyes.
from kneesocks :
hi - email me at lesslethargic at if ya want my password. xo h
from g0ddessfreya :
hey! I've been reading your diary for a long time now damnit, it's just about the only one I read everytime it's updated. And I swear in the last two days I've tried reading it at least eight times, only to get that annoying password box. Sniff. Sniff.
from jinkymarvels :
ungh! locked? what the... could you spare the password so i could tap into your site please? if the answer is yes, leave it here [email protected] or in my notes. thank YOU!
from fourbysix :
Congratulations, Molly B. :)
from starlight42 :
The Wind Beneath My Wings entry cracked me up!!
from schmarpy :
I wish I knew that game you're talking about. I only remember playing Plaque Attack! I tried searching for it, but only found math and word games. I love brown and rainbows.
from kneesocks :
its so true! i was even thinking after i left you that note that i should have mentioned the alien forehead!
from kneesocks :
is christina ricci's head still way too big for her starved body?
from paperbridges :
let's go to the queen mary for an art deco steamship picnic! we can have sandwiches and pink wine. then we can hunt for ghosts.
from paperbridges :
molly b's apartment reminds me of an art deco steamship and that is a very, very good thing.
from lisse :
what's wrong? why are you warning me now that things are going good again? drop me an e-mail or something.
from idiot-milk :
I just got a holiday card from a deeply disturbed individual! I can tell they're deeply disturbed by the randomly slanting handwriting! Whee! You are a lovely girl. Thank you for the Christmas card, lady! I promise that I'm sending out some of my own, but I also promise that won't be any time soon. I suck with the timely doing of things. Also my life is sucky with the busy-ness. But SOMEDAY I will do it. Oh yes, some day! In the meantime, thank you and god bless!
from idiot-milk :
OH, THE HUMANITY! WHO COULD TREAT URKEL SO?! Fucking savages, man. Fucking savages.
from lisse :
from seven-point5 : "lisse, sometimes you are so porno it makes me blush!" ------- OH, YOU LOVE IT.
from idiot-milk :
Challenged by both alcoholics and alcohol, causing deviant behavior and graphic displays of underpants and other assorted undergarments. Also there might be some flinging of guacamole. In other words, your average night out on the town with me in attendance.
from idiot-milk :
Eh, it was probably just a bunch of dirty Mexicans anyway. You know how sensitive the tacos can be.
from vacantlegend :
Ello! i like being cute, i feel good :) thank you. I'll check to see if youv signed up, and if so, ill review you, k :)? have a coolies day!!
from sleepyreview :
Ello, Its Random Guestbook Signing week... and notes are close enough, right? I also invite you to be reviewed at SleepyReviews! Enjoy!

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