messages to seventhofmay:
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from elemmiire :
cut them off. you know this.
from elemmiire :
I get it.
from elemmiire :
I check only occasionally, and I just happened to know it was time to check I guess :) pretty cool. I haven't written anything in mine in forever and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm doing really well, and I am glad that you are too. <3
from elemmiire :
:) I like your post. 05/02/16
from elemmiire :
awwwwww dramatic sigh?! (4/20/15)
from elemmiire :
I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I think of you often and I hope we can talk soon. we will be traveling cross country Aug 4-7th, so if you have some time, and if it's possible, I would love to see you while we pass through.
from bridgecity :
I didn't receive an email but I think my settings were wrong or something. I think I fixed them though. thank you.
from bridgecity :
how's it going? I was wondering if i could get your pw.
from elemmiire :
a baby!
from elemmiire :
congratulations, don't lose heart. <3 it's not an easy thing, but I know you can do this.
from elemmiire :
I still care about you.
from elemmiire :
sorry I've been away for so long. your secrets are safe with me! good luck, you can still do this. 12/23
from elemmiire :
, see, I wasn't kidding when I said, we're not that different.... 8/6
from elemmiire :
from elemmiire :
I do that too. (7/12/13)
from elemmiire :
I'm also new to tarot. i have a friend that reads cards (similar to tarot i guess -- there's all kinds). i get a reading every week.
from elemmiire :
I think you should read 3 cards a day. You can't help but focus when it's just one card, but really it's all just a part of the story. Look beyond what's right in front of you, look for the bigger picture. (4/25/13 - crazy that these notes are not even dated! so there it is)
from elemmiire :
the more i read, the more i want to talk, more.
from elemmiire :
ok i stayed ;)
from elemmiire :
we are not very different, my friend. don't worry. i won't keep checking either, i usually never ever come here... i just happened to come back one day, looking for a safe place, just like you.
from elemmiire :
miss you too <3
from elemmiire :
i wanted you to know i was here.
from bridgecity :
nice entries. I'm right there with ya buddy.
from unhealthyme :
it's okay. i'm a "high-functioning alcoholic" too.

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