messages to shadoweloc:
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from whitetigress :
Thanks. I definitely hope so. :)
from whitetigress :
LoL. That's alright. You never said either way whether you were going. :)
from tuff517 :
Holy crap! It didn't even click that the date they gave was Nov. 12. Doy. I am so off this month, and it is sad.
from rosejeide :
Sorry about the late night text. I hope it didn't wake you. Anyway, I was wondering when I could get the high quality b-day pix from you.
from adobogirl :
why are you wasting so much energy on me? poetry? just for me? what is your freaking point? Our arguments are not even on the same wavelength. I never said I was free of fault. In my own power, I tried. You say I'm doing things for attention. Okay, um, whose attention are you trying to grab with your note with the poetry link? Look, you can say all you want, seriously, it's a free country. And I meant what I said about me not mudslinging. I apologized for whatever I did to Emz...and I offered to pay her back for her sandals (I might just send her a check anyway since I guess even after she declined my offer she must have been pissed off enough for you to know about those sandals), and to whoever I owe money to, please speak up- I'll pay you back. Like I said, it's NEVER my INTENTION to hurt ANYONE. I admit I did some pretty shitty things in the past, but that was THEN and this is NOW and if you can't let that go, that's your fucking problem. I don't need your approval to change, but I don't need to be linked to negativity that might drag me down. Understand, this beef is squashed and I'll do whatever in my power to right what I did wrong given if I can do anything about it. With that said, I hope you have a good life. Good luck on the job. I also had a thyroid problem before and that shit wasn't good. and worrying about medical coverage isn't cool, either. I have bad credit because my mom didn't pay for a emergency visit to the doctor when I was 18. So I am slowly paying off this $700 bill. Oh, and I did have a job. I had a small stipend from the church I taught at. It BARELY covered the rent. I braided hair, drove people around, massaged backs, cleaned apartments just to make it to the next month. So yeah, you can keep your engineer job. (just in response to what you said on Jaime's comments earlier.) This is the last time I'll be responding. Arguing has proven pointless. You do have your points as I have mine. You're right about guys needing a lot of time. This I can do. So, please, just give me mine (time) and call it a day.
from jaydekitten :
hehe yeah the atmosphere was definitely entertaining. Oooh, there's bubble tea in East Lansing now? Have you tried it yet? Is it good? ANyways, I hope all is well with you!
from tokubetsu :
Well, technically, I didn't tell anyone about the new page. They found it through a different means... Anyway, I was *trying* to be anonymous due to the parental unit factor and such...
from jaydekitten :
haha, I didn't tell you about my new page because I knew you already knew =D You added me to your favorites!
from enderw :
mmm I like your design and your writing is entertsining I will be back

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