messages to simon-lagrue:
(click here to add new message):

from mizlizzy :
I am so happy for you, SL, I really hope that your life gets sweeter by the day. I too moved to a new place for love. It can be hard sometimes, but so worth it. Please keep us informed as things progress! Yay! XOXO
from worldofwings :
Miss your writing, but happy that you are happy! I know a man is in love or happy when he gets quiet! Hope it all works out!
from mizlizzy :
I'm beside myself with joy for you. Cherish this time!
from simon-lagrue :
Thanks Jen! I'm very happy! I hope that things are starting to brighten for you too! You can make it happy, you just have to stand firm and will it.
from zeroreverb7 :
Just wanted to say how happy I am for you that things are working out so well....:) take good care Peace
from mizlizzy :
Happy birthday Simon. Hey I am making a little xmas present for you! Could I possibly have your snailmail address so that I can mail it to you? It's nothing fancy, just a crafty type thing. If I can have your addy please email me at [email protected] *HUGS*
from mizlizzy :
I see you've password protected your diary. Can I be allowed access? I miss you.
from splinter- :
Can't swear at work because that's just unladylike well I'd like to give a good impression and not a trashy-mouth one.
from splinter- :
We all write drivel man. However, here's that age-old crap expression: "one person's crap is another's gold." right? If you honestly feel like you get NOTHING out of DL, then leave. If you get at least a teensy bit of something, than stay. Really, that easy huh? I've been feeling the same way actually... but I keep thinking there's still something there and so I keep writing. As for your note: I usually do just dump my thoughts out. I've been lazy with structure. In Creative Writing at school it was all about structure... so I guess maybe in a way I'm trying to rebel. As for meeting, I don't know... never say never. The probability? 1%. And we can get to know each other on here...
from drahmaqueen :
Thank you very much for the very sweet and supportive note. I will keep on pluggin' and I will keep you posted! Jen
from drahmaqueen :
Hey thanks for adding me. I had not gotten around to updating my buddy list, until I saw yours. I have been swamped!!! I look forward to some time to dive in and check out your entries. It will be a nice break. Have a great day! Jen
from zeroreverb7 :
good to know
from splinter- :
well, if you're sighing over me not updating... you can stop sighing now. Hasta.
from zeroreverb7 :
from splinter- :
What're you sighing for, eh?
from obi-char :
Haha. I'm fairly certain you're giving me way too much credit and not giving yourself enough.
from obi-char :
Hey, you can borrow my problem if I can borrow yours? :)
from obi-char :
I've yet to come up with music for it. Lame, I know. But it's either I have the lyrics and no music, or vice versa. If I only had a guitar, dammit. Someday ...
from zeroreverb7 :
re: your note. Thanks. Thanks a zillion times over. I know that you are right...I just get very caught up. miss talking to you. Hope you are well Hugs Hugs Hugs peace
from obi-char :
Iowa isn't much better. I feel your pain. Only instead of mosquitos, we have stupid goddamn drivers. Assholes.
from obi-char :
You may enjoy my latest diary entry. *wink*
from tattodnanny :
I saw him, too!!! Was that an incredable freakin' concert or what? I so lost my voice from singing and yelling and whooping. A good time was had by all.
from worldofwings :
Weird Al....he is God! Just saw him here in Mississippi, wonderful show! Did he do all his costume changes?
from worldofwings :
So my husband won't see it I am leaving this in your notes. :) 1. Where was the most unusual place that you found someone who was so attractive to you that your jaw must have hit the floor? I found him at my adopted brother David's house and he was three years younger than me. I'll call him "R". He was everything I was attracted to...long strawberry blond hair, baby face, lanky and he had the most beautiful smile. He was also everything I was not attracted too...THUG! 2. Did you do anything about it? Unfortunately, yes. I talked my adopted father Jim into letting him come over for the night. Now Jim is not really my father, but a gay 51 year old man who has been more like a father to me than mine, ever. Jim felt I needed to "get some" and I did. 3. If you did something about it, briefly, what happened? As stated above "I got some", but I also made the mistake of falling in love for almost two years. MANY things happened between us, things I never would have done if I had not been in love. I lost 70 pounds in the process of mooning over him. Then Paul and I got together. I still think about him to this day. I still love him, that will never end, but I would never act on it because I love my husband MUCH more. You never stop loving your first love, though. Sorry if this was too much! :) I loved your questions!
from splinter- :
I was teasing. I wasn't clueless. matter.
from splinter- :
desired? effect?
from splinter- :
What do you think my celibacy/abstinence is right now? Of course I'm being picky with people and telling myself that I'm like this on purpose, of my own volition, because I CAN.... but really... my celibacy has NOTHING to do with ME and everything to do with THEM. Bastards.
from purex :
I've never seen a fireball.. but now that I know what they are, I'll be on the lookout! ;)
from simon-lagrue :
Well, technically I didnt say that I was trying to maintain MY celebacy. But, since you brought it up, I suppose psychologically its more comfortable to say that its a choice rather than a general concensus of the female population. *cough*
from splinter- :
Yeah, I did it on purpose... my entry that made you "question" your celibacy. WHAT? Please. Now the question is: why are you trying to maintain celibacy?
from worldofwings :
Man, can I leave Paul and marry you? :) Thanks so much for your kind words! I am sure it will work out in the long run...he just needs to learn that his actions have repercussions and one day I may not be there. We had a talk last night and things seem to be improving a bit. Thanks again!
from mizlizzy :
I am completely in tears. I am very touched by what you did for that little baby and yes, I would have felt her weight in my arms for a long, long time thereafter. I don't know how I could endure such a horrific experience; you are a very strong individual and I admire you for that. The fact that you shared this is really important, because, at least for me, it brings me back to reality from the silly things I worry about. I love you, Simon LaGrue! Hang in there! You did all you could do and that is more than most.
from worldofwings : I have to give you MAJOR props, because I just don't think I could have done what you did. There was nothing you could have sound like you did everything you could. Not many people in this day and age would have even stopped. I bet one day that lucky little girl will try to find you. :)
from zeroreverb7 :
What's up You? Peace
from beagle47 :
thank you, simon, your thoughs are sincerely appreciated. peace.
from obi-char :
Man, I miss my nephews a lot now.
from obi-char :
^ my new diary entry ^ You might appreciate it.
from beagle47 :
thanks to you, simon-lagrue!
from zeroreverb7 :
hey where are you hiding? everything ok? hope you are well Peace
from zeroreverb7 :
you know why Im a dork? cuz I am. cuz I leave notes when Im tired and should be sleeping and I confuse nice awesome people like you :) Black Gesso is in fact for canvases whilst Liquid Laytex is for bodies :) Im going to ban myself from note leaving for a week...Hugs Hugs Peace
from zeroreverb7 :
:) re: your note..that would be liquid laytex:)have you seen this stuff?? its sooo cool!! You just paint it on someone..and it covers like spandex...:) ahem...:) Hugs Hugs Hugs Peace
from raven72d :
Browning is always worth quoting.
from raven72d :
Useful knowledge... something to go in the Moleskine.
from simon-lagrue :
Aha! So Gesso is similar to Bob Ross's "Liquid White"! And here I thought it was related to *cough* panties *cough*. *Blush*
from zeroreverb7 :
:) gesso is like primer for prepares the surface to receive the paint..and it is usually white. but...Black Gesso is the absolute best because then you basically have a black canvas..which is great if all your paintings start in the dark...:) Hope You Are Well :) Hugs Hugs Peace (you are not a loser nerd)
from zeroreverb7 :
Your note was wonderful,insightful,thoughtful,and so greatly appreciated. But your entry has me all worried what is up? you ok? hugs hugs hugs be well Peace
from raven72d :
Ummm... I rather admire the Nizari Ismailis-- the so-called Assassins. The Shriners are rather creepy.
from ghanima :
Indeed, my Simon. I abide.
from zeroreverb7 :
ok so Im a compulsive note leaver :) but I had to tell you made me smile :) thanks :) Hugs Peace be well
from zeroreverb7 :
you need a here's one for you...hug hughguhug :) Peace
from shannonwills :
Thanks about the pics...I asked Paul and in a sleepy state he shrugged his shoulder, so I can't tell you if he knows what it is or not. Of course, this is the same man who plays his computer games in his sleep and answers most of my questions with "I shot him, he's dead, but these other guys are after me..." when he is asleep. I will ask him again when he is awake tonight! :)
from tattodnanny :
I wasn't bored, I thought it was pretty interesting. I am curios, though, since you presented the for and against evidence so clearly, what your opinion is.
from zeroreverb7 :
Im going to miss is raining outside..can you please please make the clouds part so I can watch the moon disappear? re:the note you left want me to what with a what? ;) Peace Hugs
from obi-char :
Pfft. I knew you were an alien all along.
from mizlizzy :
I knew there was a reason that I liked you! Now I have a reason to love you! Another alien with wide musical tastes! And, honey, I eat peanut butter and turkey sandwiches, and for a snack, lemons encrusted with kosher salt. :) Be well!!!
from zeroreverb7 :
I thought I recognized you. Interplanetary travelers we are...we must've passed eachother ;) be well Peace
from tattodnanny :
ok, seriously. I don't think your crazy, cuz that used to happen to me a lot. (you know, before I was married, when people still thought about me.) Allways the same way, where I was almost asleep, and I would hear that whisper. Couldn't you recognise the voice, thought?
from exhaust :
BOOM! Well done.
from mizlizzy :
I LOVED this post. I love it when you can use writing to purge anger and get in touch with all the different layers of your feelings. I have been in the position you are in now--and I know that you will survive and be all the better for your experience. You're quite a guy.
from exhaust :
SCREECH! SCREECH! SCREECH! Dude, welcome to my life.
from exhaust :
You know what? She should have been "a bad catch" just because of the fact she used "lol" a BAZILLION TIMES.
from zeroreverb7 :
hi thanks for adding the comment [how did you know?? :)]and yay for discovering a fellow queensryche fan :) Peace
from tattodnanny :
hey, me again! I wanted to comment cuz I, too, have allways had a difficult time with traditional mediation. Me, I fall asleep as soon as I get that relaxed, or am unable to relax. But, when I'm exercising, I get into a mediative state, so I think that people like you, (and I, apparently), have to have our bodies occupied for our brains to be calm.
from tattodnanny :
WEEEE!! We both entrancing!
from golfwidow :
.:hug:. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother.
from golfwidow :
Oh, wow, thanks for almost adding me to your faves. I say almost 'cos the link is wrong. I, unlike you, do not own a hyphen. Although I am saving up for one. You rock.
from tattodnanny :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites list. I'm all EEEEE! cuz now I have 70 buddies, and you like Robert Browning!!!
from exhaust :
Zork? Un-fucking-believably cool.
from obi-char :

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