messages to slngshot:
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from protoplast :
go to'll explain. unless it's a custom diary. if it is e-mail her and ask her to send you your picture. if you need help after these two steps let me know. * * it's funny how i go through these moments of stength and empowerment--"the world is my oyster" type moments. and then other moments when i get real sad because i'm afraid i'll never find anything that fits as good as he did. then again, maybe i'll find someone who fits better ;-)
from unamerican :
yes you'll have to keep reading...maybe you can figure it out. :)
from boyrepellant :
hey, check out my diary and let me know what you think--i like your tastes in music, esp! too bad you don't have aim, you would be entertaining to talk to.
from wingd-pony :
So good. Must read more. Wanted to say 'hi'. Mission accomplished. Take care.
from slngshot :
g'head...leave me love mail...hate mail...i'll love you back

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