messages to sourgirl999:
(click here to add new message):

from kanyooceemee :
you are very pretty.
from milliemo94 :
hey girl- your dairies r so funny!
from glass-arcade :
you don't like the skulking anymore or are you going to have two journals? Two jobs? Where are you slaving now? If you need a new layout for sourgirl, let me know. There's some decent ones.
from glass-arcade :
i'm online now at home!!!!! Sorry I havent called, the cell phone hasnt been charged. My home number is 867-9788 I'll try to fix the picture thing on the website soon.
from glass-arcade :
Ahhhhh I lost your email address plus my computer is dead anyway wahhhhhh! Call me: 909-648-2690
from idiot-milk :
Thanks, sweetpea! But there's no need to be shy, I don't bite! I swear! Well. At least not most of the time.
from glass-arcade :
Call me!! I miss you :) A memo for DJ? Yup, the problem with him is that sometimes you can have a blast with him but invariably he has to ruin things by running his mouth *sighs*. Is he coming back though? Have you heard something? Oh and hahaha, we both have boyfriends named Chris.
from clauren :
Thanks for taking my survey jumbomumbo. YEs It is hard to live with cable modem.
from glass-arcade :
I think that was my favourite episode of Space Ghost and one of the few times I liked Bjork!!

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