messages to sparkle280:
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from draining :
draining is now locked. email @ ec@elizabethcaudy .com with your username and I'll send y0u te password.
from draining :
The Carlie Brucie diarying still isn't showing up on my rings page. could you please do something about that?
from draining :
I signed up for your Carlie Bruccia memorium ring awhile ago, and it's still not showing up on my page. I just thought you should know. I'll cantact Andrew about this too. Peace, draining
from ghettoqueen1 :
Hey you, Just wanted to say thank you for your note. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I hope you are ok and you update soon. Take care.
from curiouoso :
Thanks for visiting my pages. Midnite says "woof" (Hi). Curiouoso*
from dimmed-star :
Hi, I never got the opportunity to just say thank you for what you said. So, thanks, it meant a lot to me. Melissa
from ghettoqueen1 :
There is nothing wrong with: A. being a concert snob & B. going to a concert by yourself. While it is better to go with someone you can have fun all by yourself. I know I did! Go get sexified and rock out to "Get Away" by ya damn self!
from ghettoqueen1 :
I have been wanting to leave you a message for over a week now but my computer is evil and won't let me. But, I saw "Win A Date..." too and I LOVED it. Topher was looking kinda hot! Plus, the followning week I got the "offical fan club letter" from Tad Hamilton complete with the "autographed" pic you posted. Hehe!

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