messages to spindle:
(click here to add new message):

from bi-pet :
i'm not sure. i sent it in the mail.. yesterday i had a missed call from the boy - i guess, i'll take it slowly step by step, breath by breath. i'm still not sure how i feel about speaking or meeting him.. maybe the thing with writers and books also relates to film. you know films you re-watch years and years after initially watching them. in your memory they are build up, forming these amazing structures but when you watch them again they are as plain as a townhouse and not as elaborate as the eifel tower. if that makes any sense..
from bi-pet :
'catcher in the rye' was one of my favourite books when i was a teenager. i re-read it a couple months ago.. and experienced something similar (i believe).
from bi-pet :
that entry about loss is beautiful. it inspired me to finally write a note to someone i deeply cared about..
from orangepeeler :
Congratulations on finishing your book. You probably do not feel like answering questions about it, so my curiosity will have to remain unsated.
from crestone :
memory presents a reality no longer accessible to me though. it certainly taunts, but offers nothing practical. in this sense, the mere act of remembering draws me farther away from things. i have to walk out into the brisk air every now and then to remind myself of the finality of certain things. i don't know what more can be said in a "note." looking forward to your more extensive comments on geography and anything enlightening that psychoanalytic theory has to offer. do you still have my email ? thanks for the clothing tips. when i live closer perhaps we can communicate more easily by stringing two cups to our computers and speaking through them.
from crestone :
are you beginning to resent geography? i am, the organization and distribution of cities around the world does not make logical sense. someone ought to higher a strategy consultant to reconfigure--perhaps place los angeles next to cheyenne, wyoming and berlin. i'll be living a stone's throw from montreal next year, by the way. does this mean i have to start wearing jackets and socks?
from crestone :
tucking in shirts sounds so grown up and proper. my parents would be proud.
from crestone :
yes, i agree, and don't you think it's an unfortunate thing? to have to pick either living a certain kind of lifestyle or pursuing something professional/academic? my cultural sensibilities always point me toward the professional (and seemingly rational) choice. but who says you're not supposed to indulge your emotional attachments sometimes? still, this idea of something "feeling" right is a tough thing to wrap my mind around.
from bombasine :
oh, it is just so nice to have you back!
from greentealeaf :
well it is up on my website - - portfolio -> short-films -> "the journal" .. and ironically it does involve a diary! very ironic indeed ..
from greentealeaf :
good to see you back here alan. (and as i typed that, i just realised my last short film's main character had the same name as you.)
from crestone :
what a pleasant surprise--looking forward to reading your diary again!
from greentealeaf :
hey alan, diaryland misses you. and i think i do too.
from emotionalist :
where have you been?
from when :
good luck with your thesis! and remember, it sucks now, but it's only temporary. imagine the feeling of elation when it's signed, sealed, and delivered.(this is from someone who wrote an entire philosophy thesis in three days.)
from sls :
oh my god you are so right about the orthodontics thing! amazing. my mind is so totally blown right now that some of my gray matter is dribbling out between my perfectly-aligned pearly whites. *sigh*
from emotionalist :
i read the autobiography of red this morning; could you tell me what you like about anne carson?
from emotionalist :
it's valery, not eliot.
from when :
hi there. i just locked it temporarily, but it's open now again. thanks so much for reading!
from greentealeaf :
thank you for sharing your secret of schmoozing. i saw "howl's" yesterday and it was thought about you briefly. it's a beautiful film, i almost cried at the end.
from greentealeaf :
how are you doing these days? oh, i like xiu xiu and wolf parade too. in fact xiu xiu are coming to sydney next month. i'm most excited, although i might end up not going. anyway. i just wanted to say hi. so hi!
from emotionalist :
right now i'm working on a book of short pieces and am also extraordinarily sad so i think i will probably spend the bulk of the rest of this month sewing these books and cheering up and probably not writing anything grand and new. for my film studies course i read an essay about godard that described his ouevre as not films but attempts at films, which make me think their might be a future not me in not stories, but attempts at stories.
from polyjones :
I loved this entry about feeling sick. It's the most perfect description of illness I've ever heard. Who knew haveing a cold could seem so lyrical?
from emotionalist :
i also cannot promise anything soon, but can promise something eventually.
from emotionalist :
when i wrote september seventeenth, i should have clarified september seventeenth two thousand and FOUR. but yes, the three bus trip was to the grocery store and sometimes i do write on paper but somehow on paper i always burnout while when i type my momentum builds.
from orangepeeler :
most favorite entry so far (12/30)
from bombasine :
when i was little, my dad painted the entire house white. it was some time before i noticed that the shadows were all different colors - rosy or golden or skim-milk blue - because each wall was a slightly different shade. my dad is always quietly doing something very beautiful.
from emotionalist :
i could have written that if i was back in cambridge alone and not in key west with my family and replaced girls names with boys names and had a breakthrough where i learned to write masterpieces that were longer than a phrase.
from emotionalist :
please see a significant portion of my entries since september seventeenth.
from greentealeaf :
i hope alan would have more time (to write in his diary) too.
from squidgyheads :
A post-structuralist essay on writing in post-structuralism? How very reflexive and post-structuralist of you! I'm impressed. ~Meaghan
from greentealeaf :
heh, is mr. spindle falling in love again? i love how you said 'smitten'. and as for the cards, of course you can have a card. when's your birthday? maybe i'll you send one for this christmas.
from hannah-1989 :
wow u think deeply don't u! i seem to understand what u mean by the wanting someone to tell u stories thing...
from emotionalist :
can you tell me about your school in more technical less diary language?
from greentealeaf :
how odd, i thought excessive intake of sugar made everybody high. you become sad when you eat too many cookies?
from emotionalist :
alright, there was an alan and i thought it might be you. i have issue 14/100 and there are more than 14 contributers.
from emotionalist :
today, i checked my mailbox for the first time in a week and found an orphan leaf quarterly with my name in it and i think your's too, right?
from greentealeaf :
how long will you be staying in england? i'm planning to go there some time next year. but it all depends on how much money i can save. p.s. i've missed you and your writing!
from polyjones :
like [email protected]?
from emotionalist :
i think i need to admire someone from afar before i admire them in my arms.
from greentealeaf :
your first one night stand? grr, you beat me again! but i thought you would've had one already, considering that you've ah, .. ok i'll shut up now. (totally pink)
from orangepeeler :
"today, I hate everything that is. I suspect it is because my life has been sadly missing a magical and beautiful book and I simply cannot take it any longer." i have those days too.
from emotionalist :
"there are so many names that come to mind when I am having sex. it makes me afraid to say anything out loud." i reference this entry like you are a famous author.
from likeaforest :
! what sort of details did you have in mind?
from greentealeaf :
dear spindle, where have you been for the last 14 days? me, i wish i could say i've been somewhere, but i feel like i've been nowhere all this time. the other place is starfreer at diaryland but it is rather redundant, as it was made for school .. do update your diary soon.
from polyjones :
I forgot to add: I also believe that often times art can express truth that language is simply incapable of or insufficient for.
from polyjones :
I really like this entry by the way. I agree with your theory about art. The most powerful, enigmatic, emotional and true art is often the least "beautiful."
from greentealeaf :
you're going to hold hands with someone you've never met before? i'm intrigued and jealous.
from greentealeaf :
hee, but confused boys are usually cute.
from likeaforest :
!! you mean he actually makes a living as a beekeeper?
from greentealeaf :
oh, but that is exactly how i write! and look at me, so happily miserable with the result. ;)
from emotionalist :
thanks to you, orphan leaf is publishing me.
from emotionalist :
annie. and now i have terrible allergies so i never want to go outside to smoke anymore which is wonderful i think.
from greentealeaf :
toronto? i've forgotten what you're going there for. anyhow i hope you have a safe journey .. and update soon!
from emotionalist :
incidentally, i've been wondering what your name is.
from greentealeaf :
come back?
from emotionalist :
were you able to read and touch at the same time? i never can.
from emotionalist :
a dilemma: if i read anne hebert, i should read it in french but i don't know where in dc to buy french novels, and by the time i'm back in cambridge i won't have time to read elective novels. unfortunately, it seems that the run on sentence is my form, but i found a few shorter sentences to submit.
from emotionalist :
an outlet for my sentences, this is so exciting! which entries were you thinking of? i've only read a handful of anne heberts poems, perhaps i should read her novels.
from emotionalist :
i love anne hebert.
from xparrynightx :
congratulations. although, i had no doubts.
from greentealeaf :
thank you. you know, you put a smile on my face everytime you drop me a note.
from orangepeeler :
congratulations on getting into dartington. reading barthes all over again is so delicious a venture to think about . . . perhaps i will try that once i finish colette's autobiography.
from greentealeaf :
im so glad you made it ... congratulations! p.s. you did get my email a few weeks ago regarding your poetry, didn't you?
from greentealeaf :
ooh, ahh, barthes. mmm ..
from greentealeaf :
yes, congratulations! and i've been meaning to tell you for quite some time, that i am quite jealous of this erin you speak of so fondly. so very jealous ...
from orangepeeler :
congratulations for being nominated!
from greentealeaf :
gosh, emma's sister ..?! i'll keep my fingers crossed for you. (why is your life so much more interesting than mine? damn you!)
from greentealeaf :
hm. *sends you a hug*
from greentealeaf :
current entry -- love it.
from when :
thanks SO much for a reading suggestions. they sound good and intriguing! i'm sorry to have not thanked you earlier, my computer was in repairs.
from greentealeaf :
thankyou for the kind words. i am still anxiously awaiting your erotic poems in my inbox ... do hurry up please.
from orangepeeler :
i've had only two gigs so far but i help people organize their lives. i clean up the messes they've made from not having enough time. you work in a bookstore, no? i've always wanted to work in either a library or bookstore.
from greentealeaf :
*sigh* to go away, that would be wonderful .. where are you thinking of going? (p.s. the bloody story is up, but i don't like it, hence the 'bloody'. i hope you get the grant, whether you want to stay or not. it's nice to have options. i want to study as much as i can too, while i can.)
from thole :
...what i meant to say was, thank you.
from thole :
oh, i hope it went well, too!
from likeaforest :
what are you trudging around in the snow hanging up posters for? (i am very nosey, you see.) also, at the risk of being terribly presumptuous, you should feel free to im me (thesesawvisions) sometime, if you have aim and the inclination. (admittedly i'm a deplorable emailer, but a great imer! seriously!) o, and for the record, i go to uc davis.
from likeaforest :
i did like it (the play) and i do like him (he has already come to visit, you see). i don't really know much about calgary or edmonton other than the fact that they're both much colder than it is here, which makes me nervous (after a year of california, i'm beginning to get soft!). but o, it's sort of exciting to have a chance to pull my winter coat out of the closet.
from likeaforest :
also -- this is awfully delayed, but i have been meaning to thank you for about 500 years for having sent me your play. i did read it, you know! and i appreciate you letting me read it, particularly in light of me being too guarded at the time to make an even exchange (secret-wise) for it.
from likeaforest :
(a boy)
from likeaforest :
ha! yes, that calgary. and really, why else would a girl like me go to some random, obscure canadian city she's never been to before?
from greentealeaf :
i would willingly tell you that you can send your words to [email protected]. i would also willingly see that work on the reading of the text if i could. i'm writing my essay on foucault right now and thinking about these things. thank you for distracting me so delightfully, if not inadvertently. (no, the boy i met and teased today is crush #8. i've failed miserably on my last mission. but i'm determined to try again. he's too damn beautiful to let go.)
from orangepeeler :
yes, the actual is easier to take/use/undergo than the imagined. the imagined waits for you to finally chance upon it and it has more bite, more teeth, than the actual, which is sometimes just a bunch of little dogs barking. . . . thank you for leaving a note. it is nice to know what people are thinking when they read my jottings.
from greentealeaf :
you .. you should share your erotic poems with us. (blush)
from greentealeaf :
p.s. if you're interested, check out 'this sex which is not one' by luce irigaray - it's accessible and v.interesting stuff - she does a good job at explaining why lacan's model of subjectivity is flawed/lacking.
from greentealeaf :
(smile) i was like 'does he *have* to talk like that?' when i had to read parts of his work on freud. i don't believe i ever got around to finishing them actually. well *i* think he's sexist because his imaginary/symbolic worlds are purely phallocentric and to him, subjectivity = all about attaining/desiring the phallic symbol. i could go on for another 10 mins but i don't want to hog your notes page so i better shutup. but you're intellectually challenging and i like that. ;) (thanks for your encouraging words. i so wish to let my long distance love know how perfect they are but it is hard when i don't actually know them. at all.)
from greentealeaf :
i skimmed over all those thinkers you listed and many more as part of uni work. i found bataille quite a handful, nietzsche a little cuckoo, and lacan, terribly sexist/crazy. but barthesian concepts are indeed splendid! i've only read parts of 'the pleasure of the text' but he is easily one of my fav critical thinkers/linguist. i should read more of his stuff. but i'm off to read more of yours now. heh.
from greentealeaf :
i like barthes too. i even wrote a little quasi-tribute to him a while back, titled 'the death of the author'. i also spent a fair amount of time browsing through your diary last night. your writing is a pleasure to read. but i'm not a fan of monsieur lacan though. he's .. weird.
from thole :
why, thank you! i'll fully admit to being on cloud nine!
from xparrynightx :
Oh you ARE so brilliant enough.
from xparrynightx :
It is strange how the "glamour" goes away. With some I only want them to know them in an "aloof" sort of way... Like something is lost when I find out they have holes in their socks and parents and wash dishes just like everyone else.
from polyjones :
Thank you my dear. I have missed you as well.
from kinkiest :
i love your writing. can i be you when i grow up?
from likeaforest :
ha. i think your roommate and my roommate should hang out!
from xparrynightx :
it is quite strange meeting someone and having an idea of what you think they will look like beforehand. one of my friends once told me that he always just assumes everyone on the internet is beautiful so it is strange when you meet them or see a picture for the first time. i realized upon his explaining of this that i also assume the same. i have wondered what you looked like and then is saw you on friendster and i was somehow not surprised or let down. it was nice.
from likeaforest :
although i would very much like to read your fiction, i think i will have to decline the invitation to swap stories. i considered writing you, but the idea of typing out some very involved and personal story in an email seemed somewhat odd. (and truthfully, i'm not sure this story is interesting enough to warrant this kind of speculation!)
from thole :
could we, perhaps, have the same roommate? mine equates cleanliness with the moral high ground and dear god, i have landed on the kitchen like mount ararat!
from likeaforest :
i WOULD tell you, but it is top secret! actually, i can't think of a really concise way of explaining who this person is and my relationship to them that would comfortably and appropriately fit into a diaryland note. on an unrelated note: is any of your fiction/plays available to read online? i am very nosey/curious. xo, jolie
from likeaforest :
i meant someone else, not me. i know, i know, sometimes my penchant for vagueness and ambiguity get a teensy bit out of hand. also, thanks so much for the book recommendations! what's awfully funny is that i looked up silk (thinking i'd never heard of it before) and realized i bought (and lost, before i got a chance to read it) a copy several years ago on a whim, without ever having heard of the book or the author. gosh.
from thole :
you know, you're really lovely.
from parlance :
Well, thank you for sharing =) It made me smile.
from parlance :
I like your rhyme about shoes :) Don't know where it's from, though. Did you write it?
from laili-6 :
Maybe you could make it into a film...
from xparrynightx :
I saw "Return to Oz" when I was in elementary school and it scared me so much that I was unable to find out how it ended until high school. Finally, my senior year I went out and rented it to finally put the fear behind me. The multi-statue-headed lady still scared me half to death. But then, I am easily scared.
from glorybox- :
So sorry I completely forgot about your Birthday. Hope it was all that it could be. A
from xparrynightx :
Happy belated birthday favorite diarist!
from thole :
did you care for "the royal tennenbaums?" "american beauty?" if so, you'll probably enjoy "eternal sunshine..." i thought it could have ended slightly sooner, but in the grand scheme of things, that is not a big complaint. i liked it, but then again, i don't get out much.
from thole :
best thanks for the encouraging note - i have very thick, straight and unforgiving hair, and every mistake shows. on the bright side, i no longer look like ramona quimby age eight.
from missleigh :
Gnatty? As in gnats? Ugh, I'm not sure that I could.
from squidgyheads :
Purple! (does that help?) ~the other squidgyhead
from spindle :
oh ho ho! I am talking to myself again!
from squidgyheads :
You know, I nearly cried with happiness when I found the title of your diary. It meant to me that you were okay. And now I find you have changed it and it's my fault! This is very distressing. Don't you believe in a beauty anymore?
from xparrynightx :
I could not find you on Friendster. You should be able to find me with the email address parrynight_at_hotmail_dot_com
from eta-c :
hey :) Paleblue is no more!
from thole :
your entries are missed. are you fading away?
from polyjones :
I understand what you mean. It's good to hear from you. And I hope everything goes well. Good luck.
from polyjones :
Is everything okay? I miss your updates.
from missleigh :
I want to see the pinhole pictures! And if you give me her address, I'll take care of her for you ;)
from polyjones :
Canada sounds lovely and appealing to me. Have you ever read anything by Nicholas Christopher. I think you would like him. Trip to the Stars is his best. P.S. Good luck with your strategem.
from when :
Hey there! Many thanks for the trampolinehall tip! I would definitly check it out, but I'll be back in DC by Nov 20th, in a little dress and boots, sitting at my cubicle.
from missleigh :
Aww, thanks ;) I don't need art school in order to create art, though. At least this is what I tell myself ever since I backed out of going ten years ago.
from sunshine1978 :
I am off Wednesday, and will even be in your neck of the woods during the daytime. Or, there is also Tuesday night. I will give you a call.
from sunshine1978 :
This is where I get to, ironically laugh at you heterosexual people. I can have casual sex whenever I want. Ha Ha Ha. Too bad I am too bloody chaste to do so.... However, la! There is hope for you. All you have to do is discard everything you hold dear about who you are and you will then be perfectly able to have casual sex with whomever you want :-)
from riinamiriam :
oh, I was reading Gender Trouble but now I'm in Finland so I have very few things.
from polyjones :
You can ask me some interesting questions if you one ever does
from missleigh :
Here you are, dear Spindle: 1. What is your definition of love? 2. How often do you read theory at the coffee shop? Do you get pleasure from this, or does theory frustrate you? 3. If you had to be stranded on a remote island for one year, would you rather be there with Erin, Katherine, Amber, or a Grande latte from Starbucks? 4. What is your favorite flower? 5. Did you enjoy dressing up as Harry Potter a little bit too much?
from missleigh :
What did you tattoo on yourself??
from cloudmaking :
thank you for the kind words. i plan to keep at it as long as i can, or until i forget. ♥
from meism :
this entry brought a tear...thanks for sharing your grandmother with me.
from malice :
"in the absence of intimacy I will cultivate belief." that is one of the most beautiful sentences i have heard in months. dynastic.xxoo .m.a.
from sunshine1978 :
I think ultimatly Joyful Girl is a song about a certain tenacious kind of joy, courage and carrying on in spite of it all... It was always one of my favorites. A
from xparrynightx :
i would love to leave taking only two suitcases but am much too reliant on material possessions i suppose. it took over a month for me to move this time. it took nearly 6 loads in my car and 2 with my parents van. sometimes i look at all of my stuff and wish i had the nerve to just leave it all behind. the whole "being owned by your things, not owning them" thing... i do really believe it's true. maybe someday i'll get there. i admire you.
from meism :
Man on the Train just opened at my favorite theatre and I think I'll have to see it this weekend. Patrice Leconte and Jean Rochefort together again has me so full of anticipation about the film -- I allowed myself to view the trailer, but didn't read too far into the plot synopsis -- and I've been in love with Rochefort since Hairdresser's Husband, as you know. Long time to carry around a crush.... :) We'll talk!
from malice :
i would highly recommend going to your local farmer's market in search of asparagus that won't burn a hole in your pocket. plus, giving your hard-earned money to a local farmer rather than some conglomerate super/safe/fresh/mega/store is always a good idea. also, i just looked it up and officially asparagus season ends in late june. now we know.
from missleigh :
from bother :
the highlight of my day was noticing that my left arm wasn't quite so badly sunburnt as my right. so i wouldn't feel bad.
from when :
Merci for leaving me a little note. I'm sending you an email very soon!
from malice :
i agree with you regarding the historical ramifications of the potato. there is no question on such an issue. i was merely going on a gastronomic scale, my own personal tastebuds' top four. and actually, now that some time has passed, considering how many different ways one can prepare said tuber i think it should at least get bumped up to number two. however, perfectly grilled asparagus with a squeeze of lemon juice really. can't. be. beat. also, i will not budge on the cinnamon issue. perhaps it's because that was my childhood dog's name? xxoo, .m.a.
from xparrynightx :
your writing is so good... that teeth-clenchy-anticipation-of-the-next-sentence kind of good. how is de certeau going? nothing gave me a headache back in my school days like french philosophy...
from sunshine1978 :
Are you sure that strange woman was not my Mother?
from insilico :
i don't think i ever said how glad i was that you came back to diaryland. i've been thinking of adding montreal to the list of destinations on my waltz across the continent this fall; if you were there, that would certainly be a big incentive to do so. this should've been an email but your addy is at home buried under layers of spam that have to be measured in geological ages. write me if you like.
from when :
You're fucking rad! Thanks for all of your emails. I added you to my "buddy" list. I'd also like to make you a friendship bracelet.
from sunshine1978 :
Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away. It's almost always hard. Don't feel bad you gave her how many years of your life? A
from spindle :
I wonder what people will say, when they discover that I have been talking to myself.
from riinamiriam :
You wrote this: I have made a point to only read novels since I graduated. I think its funny because I am doing exactly the opposite. I'm sick of fiction. I'm reading Judith Butler and a load of books about "chemicals."
from thole :
hmmm...i think i like you too.
from sunshine1978 :
I did pace the show and tell with this one. But you do have my condolences, really you do. I will promise to save a little bit of my angst for a couple of weeks so that, when your new flame leaves we may be properly crank together.
from missleigh :
Thank you, Sir Spindle, for the nice words:) I do wish you luck with the lovely Erin.
from meism :
i do wish you luck because either way you go about it it's not easy.
from missleigh :
Lots of vitamin C, and gargle with some liquid goldenseal! Hope you feel better :)
from squidgyheads :
My fellow squidgyhead left your page on the computer as a surprise, because he is, afterall, a squidgyhead. I am thoroughly delighted you've started writing again. And I'll see your play soon!
from bother :
hello. i thought you had disappeared. how pleasant that you have not. (i was once fluf, by the way--maybe you know this--but i have an undiagnosed phobia of mispellings and so had to... you know, change, or not, or something. yes.)
from meism :
what a nice surprise! keep us clued in now and then, k?
from xparrynightx :
come back, come back, come back. i did not remove you from my buddylist in hopes that you might someday :)
from nekono :
I have been beating down your door for days, why wont you answer? I know you didnt REALLY leave!
from peth :
but wait, i just met you!
from xparrynightx :
i'll miss reading your stuff...i hope life treats you well and everything. i have really enjoyed your writing and your insights.
from peth :
clearly, she tied herself to a chair TWICE. I have now forgotten what I wanted to say.
from nekono :
After reading Beckett, I tied myself naked to a chair but my only gain was a stiff neck and a strong urge for vodka. I was lost again, as usual.
from nekono :
After reading Beckett, I tied myself naked to a chair but my only gain was a stiff neck and a strong urge for vodka. I was lost again, as usual.
from sunshine1978 :
I beleive it's Palestrina.. the baroque composer Giovanni Palestrina who composed all the lovely polyharmonic masses. I like him too.
from meism :
always a pleasure, you the slight curling start of a smile, just at the corner of the lips.
from chzza :
You sound like a lot of couples I know. I like your sort.
from xparrynightx :
my senior seminar in french literary theory almost killed me. granted, it would have been easier had i attended classes...
from fluf :
oh, spindle, i'm sorry. for everything and more. we should talk sometime, if you're not too busy putting inspiration into words.
from bumblebumble :
wow. your writing fills me up like a balloon. i hold it in the best i can. but i can't. it's amazing.
from sunshine1978 :
Yes I will be nicer about you. Promise. Angst is only fun for so long. :o) Hope your doing well. Drop me a line if you so choose through my diarypage. -Aaron-
from chzza :
I think there's a lot of overlap between the Sits and Surs. Most recent Sit flaneur(euse) writing (at least the stuff in the Journal of Psychogeography) is more random. But I think the Sits placed more emphasis on the activity in general than the Surs did (the only Sur work I can recall that emphasizes walking is Breton's Nadja. Incidentally, I knew a girl in school who tried to put Dali's "paranoic-critical method" into practice by taping the soundtracks to horror movies, then walking around listening to them on headphones...) I liked your entry about writing a story for a sociology class (sounds like my kind of prof). Certainly, as you said earlier re: Barthes, the line between the two is fairly fluid. Which is why I've characterized my attitude as a postponed teenage rebellion :) Cheers.
from chzza :
I didn't mean retreating to write so much as retreating to deal with the cognitive dissonance of making certain choices in the face of conventional expectations about how one is to live one's life. Walking flaneur-style is actually tres situationiste (derive, man, derive!). And could one say talking about writing is like walking about dancing? Just a thought.
from fluf :
do you know how hard it is to get an english muffin in england? very! i think we export them all...
from parrynight :
thanks for asking :). the other one, username=littlelovely. you already know about the lilacevening one.
from meism :
and so you have.
from parrynight :
i was once on the verge of understanding theory but was scared away :). i love the way you write...don't stress about it too much.
from chzza :
Barthes /= Theorist. Barthes = POET. I was in Powell's today, which is the greatest book store in the world. It takes up an entire block and is four stories high, stocks used and new books right next to each other, and is best of all entirely independent. Anyway, I say a book there called After Poststructuralism. It gave me a good giggle. Ta, Chad
from parrynight :
i've felt exactly the same about crushes...not wanting it to be spoiled by the reality of actually getting to know them. i love the way you describe things...
from peth :
the day that I read your entry about seeing an old friend, reacquainted-like, I got an email from a similar old friend. I am wondering, too, what this will be like, if anything. enjoy.
from meism :
i'd heard about this movie, but i'm so glad you reminded me. and, yes! it think you've hit upon something....making resolutions for others is brilliant. sometimes others see us more clearly than we do ourselves.
from lilacevening :
the holidays aren't going so well here either...
from meism :
the holidays have often been an odd mix of emotions for me too....i'm losing/loosening my mind in tolkien's tales and finding lovely places to run away to.
from shutupmom :
"and the moon was so beautiful the ocean held up a mirror."
from meism :
i loved girl on the bridge too. few films i've seen have been as sweetly arousing. and nice that it was in black and white. my favorite colors.
from meism :
It IS hard to watch, but do yourself a favor and watch Naked again...he doesn't actually go through with the rough sex he starts with the window woman...remember? He says he can't because she reminds him of his mother...more an insult than if he'd finished what he began...and she encourages his roughness by emploring him to bite her again...not to stop. A really sad scene. And you're right, Johnny is a strange sort of "hero"...he reacts to the way the world seems to come at him...with anger and violence. His problem is he doesn't differentiate between those who randomly kick him and those who really care. He puts us all in the same dirty alley of INhumanity. And the scene when he's in Louise's bathroom...delirious from his wounds...a glimpse of his childhood is there. So much to be said about a film that many dismissed as cruel and misogynistic... And listen too. The soundtrack spirals you along through the though there's a sweetness rising from the gutters and the tubelines below. I'm really in awe of work like this. Not all art is easy on the eyes, or the emotions, eh? :)
from meism :
you've made some more beauty...thanks.
from meism :
I can't wait to see Amelie this weekend myself! You and I should talk movies. I think we share the same tastes.
from lilacevening :
i worked at a library once. in the kids section. it was terrible. children do not know anything about putting things where they belong. it was futile to try to put things in any sort of order. glad you enjoy it though. :) laters...
from lilacevening :
you have a beautiful writing style. i'll definitely be reading more. thanks for joining my hedonist ring too.

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