messages to sushipig:
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from kelly :
Though the last time I had this vomiting and sleeplessness stuff we did think I was pregnant, I know for sure this time I am not!
from kristoli :
Oh dear, other blog is also shut down, hope you are well!
from kristoli :
I'm assuming that because you are all lit up that means you are still in one piece, hang in there, hope things are well.
from amandabean :
sheesh! can we request a password from you, or is this private? good to see you.
from kelly :
you have updated! but i can't read it. still, seeing SUSHIPIG in red is enough to make me want to take a screencap for memories sake:)
from kelly :
don't sniffle! i'd never break up with YOU! heh. you rock my socks;)
from sas1981 :
hey...been reading awhile, not sure if i ever left you a note or not. Anyway I could get a password?
from kelly :
hey, you. my heart leapt into my throat when your diary showed up red on my buddy list. i hope all is well with you and the sushipiglet. :)
from knock-first :
crap...ya the one year old stuff got sent to the sister in law could always just stick a nob on her back and make her a wind up doll...hmmmmm, I guess it isnt like she cares yet.
from knock-first :
Between my two girls and myself we have a huge suitcase stuffed full of Halloween costumes. I sometimes think I could open my own shop. Granted most of the costumes fit a 5-10 year old girl, but hey....I live in Austin if you want one.
from mommylap :
You are great! I loved your entry about being between the surf and the swash. I have to add it to my favorite entries. Just remember that no matter how tired you might feel you are stronger and have more endurance than you'll ever be able to realize.
from angelmommy82 :
Bri, Where the hell did you go???? I miss you girl! This is Miss Emily Ann.... your long lost pal from Dallas. Please email me and let me know how you and the baby are doing. I have special news to share with you missy! Luv ya girl, and I hope to hear from you soon!!!!!!!!!
from kelly :
Brie my darling, your guest book is sadly not working...however!! You have a baby now, so guest books are small potatoes. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Where do you live? I be needin' an addres, my friend. YOU ROCK! Your baby is beautiful. Love, Kel.
from amandabean :
I tried to leave a message in your guestbook, but it really wasn't working. Ilona is beautiful, just like her mother. If you need anything, Brie, just let me know.
from sas1981 :
Just some ideas about the job hunt if you are in Austin...have you tried temp agencies? Austin State School is ALWAYS hiring, they are located off of Mopac and W. 35th. And Spherion is always hiring call center representatives for Dell. Or Harris Publishing off of Burnet road. Just some ideas, maybe not a permanent career but at least they may get some money coming in!
from dragonflie51 :
Hi I was just looking at some diaries and I found yours and I saw that you are reading Bless Me Ultima. We have to read it for school. Do you like it??? Just wondering because I haaaaaaaaateeeee it hehe and I should probably go read it now lol.
from amandabean :
i finally sunk to a new low. i'm sorry i had to lock my diary after over two years of ... of well, being myself. but things are getting really bad on this end. do me a favor and email me right-quickly at [email protected] (i'm so high maintenence, i really am sorry about this), and i'll send you the visitor password. i'm sorry i had to do this. hopefully it is very, very temporary.
from tragedyanne :
Heh. You said your mom's filipino (in some entry, sometime ago). I'm filipino-canadian, but I only came here to Canada almost 5 years ago. I didn't really go thru culture shock, but I bet my parents did. I think they still are.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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