messages to suzannadanna:
(click here to add new message):

from miedema2002 :
I found you through your banner. I like your layout and your diary is pretty good. Rock on!
from donut-one :
Much like the last two people " I like, totally saw your banner." Anyway, you make me laugh. I can't usually just sit and read diary entries for a while as it does tend to lose it's appeal, but you kept me entertained for over an hour! Thank you Thank you Thank you. I'm hooked!
from whystinger :
Saw your banner and cruised in. Very interesting. I almost think I read you before... but I am not sure. Your cat's name is very familiar to me... but I am not sure why.
from iwantobeliev :
I just stopped by your diary and wanted you to know that I liked it. I'm sorry your girls' weekend didn't work out. ):
from requiel :
You are so adorable! I totally hate beets.
from breatheasigh :
happy i am no one you know lol..but i'd like to add you if that's ok..haven't read much but i like the way you write :) becka
from arifoxhawk :
Hi. Found your diary yesterday...the day before? All those days look the same in cubeland. I'm enjoying reading and am finding myself saying frequently, "No way, me too!" My journal is seldom updated as I'm live journaling it right now, but I check my buddy list here quite frequently. =]
from sweetresent :
Me love Matchbox Twenty. I can't form coherant sentences when listening to it... I always resort to cave-woman speak. Beautiful entry. ;)
from f-i-n :
i love that line about the way old tvs smelled...
from somstar :
Your neighborhood sounded scary :oX
from bluemeany :
Well if that IS him -- he's so cute!
from bluemeany :
Apparently your comment box ate my comment for dinner, but I did leave you one! To sum up: rollerskating is fun; your story was great; let's see if Neil Duncan has Google. (It was much better the first time around, though.)
from bluemeany :
Oh my God! I have a toothlet too! I thought I was a freak!
from bluemeany :
That phrase, "Carnival Psycho Crazy," made laugh so hard I farted. My office thanks you for making it stink.
from bluemeany :
I have an old friend who hasn't changed her number since, like 1999, and sometimes I wish she WOULD change it so I wouldn't feel obligated to stay in touch. Isn't that horrible?
from bluemeany :
Are you talking about that guy from Fashionable Male? Why, "Mallrats" of course! Kevin Smith is a god in my world.
from candoor :
I like you :)
from jennyserwylo :
Can your husband give my boyfriend lessons? I'd pay cookies and meatballs and hemp necklaces and whatnot! Great blog!
from vickithecute :
Holy cr*p, you're funny! I'm adding you now! (Hooray for banner ads!)
from red40 :
Hi, I saw your button on a friend's diary and thought it was cool. So look! Here I am, leaving a note saying so. = )
from grimm0826 :
Dear Suzannadanna, Please don't'll be fine. I myself have not had a steady job in over a year. You seem to have professional skills, so you should be fine. Good luck to you and to Mister. All the best! --Grimm
from spritopias :
Thanks for the note. HA HA. Wal Mart. What hell.
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. I appreciate it.
from zollje :
I agree about the comment about Journey! No one can ever replace Steve Perry or at least act like him.

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