messages to sweetabsence:
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from deepest-blue :
Oh my God... darling... words escape me. I am so deeply, deeply sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Please keep in touch, I would like to keep reading you and you me. I'm here if you need anything. Thinking of you and your family xxo
from deepest-blue :
Loved your 'Perfect Boyfriend' post :) Sent it to Rome so he could make notes, ticks and crosses, hehe. Enjoying your writing of late, love. Take care of you & your boy xox
from deepest-blue :
Sending you & Marc love during the festive season, hope you guys have a great Christmas together and may the New Year bring both of you good health, happiness and success... xox
from deepest-blue :
Hey chick. Nice to see you writing again. I feel like it's been ages since I read your diary or since you read mine. Hope you are well ♥
from girl101 :
i can't wait to have my own apartment and decorate and get cute plates and match everything but not too matchy-matchy and have fresh flowers and bright colors and a comfy couch. how is the apartment hunting going?
from girl101 :
"So Im starting to write in here again because I want to. Im closing my archiving pages from highschool and that chapter of my life because I'd like to think that Im different than I was back then as well as my life that is changing around me, everyday." ♥. i feel that in a big way. i'm so glad. i really like reading your entries, they read like you're talking to an old friend. i hope for many good things in your future, darling♥

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