messages to taintedgurrl:
(click here to add new message):

from panther2 :
You rock. I luv your profile. Write on girl. Your perfect
from psychodyke :
missing the silent slick of your skin on mine... restless with sleeplessness. missing. well. everything.
from psychodyke :
everyone says... they are waiting quietly... and suddenly... the phone no longer rings... [sortthroughyourshitkid] and you realize... that no matter how much you want silence... it is gnawing through your gut... [pleasegoddon'thurtme] and looking into their eyes through yours... you begin to realize... that nobody looks the same anymore... their faces fit their incapacity of speech... except for... how are you... and... where have you been...? and... maybe i would've said something... all along... if anyone had asked...
from groovn-girl :
update your shit once in a while.
from psychodyke :
i never was one for boundaries... they just don't... taste right.
from groovn-girl :
Not just a shell. but even so, the shell of an m&m is the best part.
from screemingink :
oh thank you so very much, deary! you are beautiful as well! xo, Miss Takes

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