messages to teacosy:
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from sykosarah :
S'ai't... It's not like I ever update anymore anyway, nor does anyone else ;( Too little time and too much to do, that's all. Happy Palm Sunday--and Easter--and all the days inbetween! Sarah
from sykosarah :
*poke* You abandoned us, you did! For LJ...I can't handle it *sniffle*
from shiloh26 :
Thank you, Claire. That is so true though. There's another quote I absolutely believe in that comes from one of *my* favorite shows, "Lois and Clark." It says, without hope we would die. Yes, we need hope to continue on.
from shiloh26 :
LOL. Lucky even, huh? That was kinda freaky when I read that one.
from loca-banana :
It's not crap, I liked your list. It was difficult for me, too.
from eandme :
Oh you're into Serenity? I saw Joss Whedon in Edinburgh. there was awhole frenzy when he stepped out of his car, a line up of fans just like we made for Elijah. But I didn't know then who he was... sadly.
from shiloh26 :
I did not say they deserve what they got Claire. And for the first little bit no one *could* really get to the victims. And yes, I failed to mention this and the lawlessness. My mistake. My point was though, I have limited sympathy for people who cry out and plead for help then when it *does* get to them, they refuse it! And that's what I said was stupid.
from pink-angel- :
Thanks sweetie. Im ok. I wrote that entry in a down momement. And i cant spell moment. oh screw it. But im ok. Im strong. Ive gotten through worse and maybe it is for the best. right now it sucks but you know, maybe it is something that was bound to happen at some point. Im strong. Ive got good mates (off and online ;) ) and im cool, i can do this. its just when it hurts, it hurts like mad. My freinds husband was doing the sweet thing last night and told me that "he had done the male population of glasgow a favour!" men! lol. but thank you for caring. it means a lot. xx
from eandme :
Excellent post! Had me cracking up. You're so funny! :-))
from eandme :
I know how you feel. When I was at Uni I realized after a while that my mind needed breaks in order to process information, and this need for breaks didn't necessarily arise during summer or Christmas, but very often when I needed to take a difficult exam... I think it is necessary to allow platforms in the learning process. It doesn't mean we are stupid. I think you are real smart, I just ...yeah, I know how you feel!!
from loner-blues :
Oh sure I'll let you know. :-D I'm sorry you're having problems too. UGH! -cat
from loner-blues :
I would weep, but I'm too tired and too hungry so I'll just give you the highlights. My diary won't unlock, so until it does -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. :-) -cat
from shiloh26 :
That *was* the only clean poem on the page. Although I got the impression it was only partially there.
from loner-blues :
Oh no worries at all. I'm sorry things have been difficult. :-( And if anyone can understand going through a rough time...*Hug* I hope you feel better soon. Maybe cozy up next to a blazing hot fire with a cup of tea and a good book? Sometimes that helps me.. Of course, so does consuming vast quanties of chocolate. :-) -cat
from loner-blues :
Of course I believe you. I'm sorry if my note came off negatively, as I didn't intend it that way. I just wanted to thank you for reading both "the-book-bag" and "cats-corner". I know it's not easy to keep up with someone who jumps around as much as I do. -cat
from cats-corner :
Hey, I guess you're no longer interested in reading my diary but I wanted to thank you for following me from "the-book-bag" to "cats-corner." I appreciate the readership. :-) -cat
from cobwebfaerie :
Oooh, you stole! Hah. So did I. Pick me! (Yes, this is from a few entries ago.)
from eddiedog :
Aww, thank you!
from shiloh26 :
Claire, yes, perhaps the government *could* have done more by way of pre-9/11 intelligence, but as I said in the entry it's my opinion the government doesn't need to keep shelling out such a high compensation. And the email didn't focus on pre-9/11 could'ves, would'ves, should'ves. It was pointing out the compensation discrepancies. It also said those who get the higher end of compensation STILL say it's not enough. That's greed, not pain of still grieving.
from cats-corner :
Awwww, why thank you. You're very sweet too. :-) -cat
from michl :
Sounds good. I still have the zip file of the Ldn show, so I could email it to you if you like or I could copy the cd and send it to you. Let me know what you prefer.
from shiloh26 :
Seth survives. Don't worry.
from michl :
Great news! By the way, I love your BNL pics. I am using the group pic as my desktop. I wish I had my camera at the LDN concert. Did you download the bootleg? I have got the LDN show bootleg if you want it.
from lazinger :
I meant blazing hot summer.... :P
from lazinger :
heehe, I love snow too, but sorry to rain on your parade but it has been forecast, somehow, that there won't be a white Xmas next year...and we'll have a blazing hot winter. I really don't see how they can forecast so early, but heh...
from shiloh26 :
I'm sorry your Oma died.
from shiloh26 :
Well so far they're in the appropriate place, but if they head South of the Border even slightly, they're gonna be corralled(sp?) again.
from uniquedesign :
Hey, I took a look at the template, it really does look goofy on your diary ,but it looks allright for me. I messed with the codes a bit and tried to fix some things that could cause the problem and hopefully fixed it. Maybe you should try geting the new codes. Please let me know if you still have problems after that. Thanks! Fe.
from michl :
Glad that he called and that you are going on your second date. By the way, I just love that Chandler quote. I used it in my PhD title =)!
from shiloh26 :
Lol. No prob. Now you know why I was interested. ;o)
from shiloh26 :
Yeah, my philosophy has been "Each to their own." Respect each other and each other's beliefs, but *don't* put another down for them.
from shiloh26 :
Claire, *HUGS* your weird day shall pass. As for athiests who sit in judgement--I know it's not easy, but have your say and let them blow all the hot air they want. A friend has declared more than once to me that she doesn't believe God exists and last night she made a slight jab at my religion. It hurts, but I had to let it go as we were in a public place. I know what is true, what is right and though it hurts to see her turn back on what was her religion...there's I can say to make her see and there's nothing she can do to make me question my religion. I have its comfort. She's relying only on herself.
from shiloh26 :
Sweety, I know what the problem is. It needs to be %%short_description%% instead of %%shortdescription%%. Btw, I like your new template.
from shiloh26 :
Oh I don't doubt myself, honey. As I said, logically I know what he said is untrue. It just stung. I am 29-years-old, have at times been very lonely and wished very, very much to be married. But it hasn't happened and may not happen. I *know* why I'm still single--mostly because it's been my choice in refusing to settle--but it doesn't make it easier with comments like his, huh? Besides it's obvious why *he's* still single.
from cats-corner :
Thank you so much for your note. I doubt very much your writing is "bad, bad, bad." Artists usually tend to be the harshest critics of their work. I think it's fantastic that you use writing as an outlet. And you're so right about Jaci! I've been very charmed when it comes to having such amazing people in my life. I'm not sure I would have made it this far without her and I think everyone should have a "Jaci" of their own. :-D -cat
from shiloh26 :
'Course it's ok. Hope you enjoy what you read.
from the-book-bag :
Thank you so much for the note you left upon my "return" to D-land. Not to worry...there's no hex on you adding folks. Hehe. :-) -cat
from the-book-bag :
Thank you for your note. It's not that I feel like I'm "wrong," I just wish I hadn't trusted the person I was referring to as much as I did.
from the-book-bag :
Thank you. :-D I'm glad you enjoyed the entry. -cat
from the-book-bag :
Of course it's all right if you add me to your buddies list! I'm flattered and thrilled that you like my writing. Thank you so much! :-D -cat
from bo-bean557 :
Yay! You did the quiz from my diary!
from michl :
I am mostly updating in my lj. You'll find the link in my dland journal.
from michl :
Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time with your course work. Perhaps, taking a day or two off doing your course work will help you in the long run.
from swissmod :
This diary is pretty groovy. I'm digging the Am�lie layout. That movie really rocks.
from sykosarah :
Claire- you and everyone else made my day...I, in my wise ignorance, thought that since I hated myself, everyone else would hate me too. I think y'all's conged some sense into me now....being so sweet and all. *massive hug* thank you sooooo much! And yeah, it is really hard for me...esp. since I dont want to disappoint my parents, ya know? and I know that if they knew they would*shrugs* thanks for the message!
from lazinger :
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