messages to the1warrior:
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from silentcries8 :
Nice entries. A pleasure to read, thanks! Being "done with a lot of things" - an underrated consequence of life/stress/overwhelm/age(?). Well said!
from boyecho :
back to new york?!
from the-grey-one :
hey there :) you can email me at kira_o(at) for a password
from boyecho :
yes indeedy. what's your email?
from the-grey-one :
epic.entry! truly inspiring and awesome! wicked happy for you!!
from the-grey-one :
.. hmm it is now oct 3, 2011, and i am starting to wonder if you might ever update again!
from killsoft :
skeet skeet
from the-grey-one :
it's sad what happened to the hippies.... i am sorry about your friend.
from the-grey-one :
i decided my last note to you had a tone about it that i dislike. i wanted to let you know that your most recent entry is something that is echoed in all of us. which is sad and beautiful at the same time.
from the-grey-one :
haha FL is a country away from me. and yeah , i need to get to a real city where there are real gay women, but alas, i am broke and without a drivers license. canada has its benefits, as i just walked (drunkenly) to a store a few blocks away in strange neighbourhood, (and yes we spell everything with a u) without being mugged and raped. hhah i am too drunk to keep going, but thanks for the support warrior. i'm fully aware of the (at least) 2 weeks to get back on track, as i worked at a detox center for 2 years. how ironic that i am just another study case. haha but after tonight i will have nothing to prevent sobriety, and i fully appreciate your support and expertise. which i am sure i already said. anyways. ;)
from the-grey-one :
"Is there a magical lesbian of our dreams? Alas I wonder some more." im pretty sure i have something almost identical to this in my diary.. im sorry you're having trouble with your girl. i'd give advice but i am not qualified!
from moodswing :
you still want her to change, when really we have to accept these people for who they are
from the-grey-one :
i know what you mean by full-time struggle. it's only been a few hours and im already like "........" just that dead silence that begs to be filled with acrid smoke...
from the-grey-one :
i noticed you have tegan and sara as a favorite band, i absolutely love them! i saw them live not too long ago, and a band named An Horse opened for them, you should check them out :)
from the-grey-one :
i am so happy i happened upon your diary. it's wonderful. it was one of those surprising finds when i was just about to quit looking. its nice when you hear your own thoughts mirrored in someone else's voice. (does that sound presumptuous? whatever its anonymous internet, i guess i will risk to be forward)
from moodswing :
from moodswing :
um *I* TOTALLY fell up the stairs and not down this morning. proves my goddamn point.

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