messages to thedykeic:
(click here to add new message):

from science-girl :
Hi there! I found you through the hilarious "Verb my Noun! Harder!" banner. I've added you to my favorites. Hope you don't mind.
from blueiceflame :
Hey. Merry late X-mas. Yeah, I'm stupid. ;)
from candoor :
I am enjoying read you (and learning), so I hope to find time to come back often :)
from ladyjustice :
I almost ended with that line: "Revenge..." Right now I'm aiming for $100,000 - that'll put an end to my "he MUST PAY!" fanaticism. Thanks for the note. :-D
from justamephit :
Hey you! Please, please come back to us, we miss you terribly! *eyelash flutterings and other appealing postures*
from ceciliamarie :
Hey Ky, we miss you. Hope you're doing alright. ~Bets and Julie
from mulher :
I'm still so very sad that you're not writing here any more... very very sad.
from ladyjustice :
Dearest, I have already started studying for the Bar ( yeah, yeah, the Associate calls me an "overachiever" and makes fun of me for having started already). But I have, and I've started to realize that it's not going to be all that horrible. In fact, we might even enjoy it. The Bar suddenly doesn't seem so scary. Of course, that might just be me on no sleep at 4 in the morning, but whatever.
from ladyjustice :
Do you really need my permission? oh, yeah...I forgot the copyright thingy at the bottom of my page - copy away, dear dykeic!
from mulher :
You should name the Saabie after my favorite Swedish actress -- Lena Olin, so you could call her Lena, or Olin, or LO for short. I vote for Lena Olin!!!!! I can see me now, skipping classes tonight to rent a bunch of her movies!!
from lezbian :
I just wanted to let you know that I read your diary. Check mine out if you'd like :)
from hey4eyes :
A dyke with a Saab. Swell! Bobbie Sue Dicks.
from ceciliamarie :
thanks ;)

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