messages to timdangerous:
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from muffinhead :
Still miss you
from muffinhead :
...miss you...
from muffinhead :
Oh Tim! Gads I've missed you! And I didn't know how much until tears burst from my eyes having just heard from you. I am so glad you are doing ok, or so your diary tells me. Yes sometimes the feelings between me and Wicked wane, but every time I have to fix something on the Cadillac now, it only makes me appreciate the Chevelle more, he has never been a major problem for me. It would be like losing a good friend for no reason. It's just that they become such a financial burden at times so my mood changes in cycles. And as far as my pets, just as my cars are part of who I am, animals are too. Life just isn't the same without them. It would be as if your kids were suddenly gone, one feels very lost. As each day passes, the feeling only grows. I may be on the hunt for an animal companion very soon.
from stepfordtart :
Oops! I forgot to sign off! s x
from stepfordtart :
Hi Tim! Just had a read through some of your stuff. Fair play to you for trying to make huge changes in your life - my husband is doing similarly at the moment (not with weight but....oh, let not go into it here!). Sounds like you have people around you who love you and want you to succeed. Just hope what youre doing is safe as it sounds scary as hell!
from dietpeppers2 :
If you're going to fast, you should definitely be JUICING. Juice as much as you want, drink it down, your body won't be digesting fiber, but at least you will still be getting micro nutrients and minerals. Exercise and fasting, are not a good idea, generally. If you feel too weak to move, then your body is eating itself. Slim fast is not food. Supplement with green food vitamins and a multi vitamin, too. Meditate if you really want to exercise your body. Discover new levels of mental awareness and strength. I did a juice fast for a week- I lost a LOT of fat that I couldn't really afford to lose, but I still felt GREAT. I would get up in the morning, make an herb drink, take a vitamin, do yoga for an hour and meditate for 30 minutes, then juice until I had a huge bowl of juice that I could drink all day long, any time I felt hungry. I went to bed early, but got up early and did it again. Also, take an oil- like extra virgin olive/coconut oil or something like avacado or walnut oil; one to three tablespoons a day should be good.
from tenderpoison :
Tim, you need to eat. What you're describing is anorexia, and it's just as unhealthy as the weight. You have family and even people that are far far away, who you haven't heard from in a while, that want you to be happy and healthy. Don't trade in one bad habit another - trade UP, you're worth it. Love, Kat
from annanotbob2 :
Hi Tim, I just clicked on your name in the box on the right, read your latest post and wanted to say hello and support you in your endeavours. I too have had many struggles over the years and still find it hard to achieve ordinary things, so I have a bit of understanding of fighting to find a way back into the world. Good for you - I wish you every success. Is it OK to eat nothing at all? I wonder if your stomach acids aren't causing this discomfort, but I'm not a doctor and know nothing really. All the best, Anna x
from movingsands :
im ready! im listening! because you sound promising and full of hope :)
from kll :
From familial experience, a Father's suicide causes incendiary psychological damage for generations to come. My family is completely fucked up. We have suicide genes. It's like dominoes or a fragile house of cards type of thing; just set it in motion and watch the chain reaction. Best to avoid that outcome completely, it's only ever an easy out for one party. As for the weight thing, you and I both brother. Gotta get this lazy lump some motivation to move and improve. The job thing, well I'm truly grateful I am not in that predicament. But I feel for you and wish you the best in your efforts. I tend to think I could not overcome such a situation, but life has a way of working out if you just keep a sense of focus and determination. Good luck.
from muffinhead :
We spend our whole lives trying to do that very think, screwing our heads on straight. I think it's the one and only instance where we truly wish, there was an instruction manual.
from minstrelite :
You and me both, brother. Man, if I had a twin...I'm gonna add you if you don't mind.
from muffinhead :
I miss you terribly! I wish you would come back on a semi-regular basis, if for nothing else than to give your friend here peace of mind that you do exist.
from muffinhead :
I miss you.
from muffinhead :
Love you too dear. :-x :-)
from muffinhead :
that was beautiful tim.
from f-i-n :
beautiful blog....
from crazy-wolf :
Do WHAT!?!
from muffinhead :
of COURSE there are those that still read. at least I can speak for myself.
from augustdreams :
I so want to join you inside that blender. Let's sail away somewhere - drink margaritas on an island and listen to the sound of the pounding waves. Mmmm. Bliss. Love you my pirate.
from muffinhead :
Extreme groups get attention, but they are never good for anybody. That means animal/enviromental, religious, racial, or whatever. I believe the middle lane is almost always the best lane to be in, quick access to the right and left and a bit safer. I started donating monthly to the ASPCA, it's small but it's action. I'd volunteer more, but 1. this job isn't flexible enough for that and 2. I'd always be depressed as hell because no matter what you do you can't save them all. I wish I could, but something I say constantly, "you can only do what you can do" and hope that maybe others are doing the same.
from crazy-wolf :
sushi...blah. Toss that fish in some flour and then drop it in some hot greese and we can chow down. Feel me, Main?
from sweet-sara :
I've tried sushi twice and I seriously tried to like it but honestly... what is the point in "trying" to like something just because it's trendy? There are so many other foods to enjoy! ;~)
from augustdreams :
Okay. I'm coming in late on the haircut thing but A-FREAKING-MEN! God I HATE those pushy assholes who try to make me feel guilty for not cutting my hair off. I've been a member of Chemoangels for six years. But that, of course, means nothing. Because there's no way for THEM to profit from it. I hate people. *sigh* Thank you for being YOU my pirate. You are one of the so-rare good ones. Never forget that. You add so much to this world with your words and your good heart. ILY
from augustdreams :
I'm sorry, sweetheart. Fucking government. I hope they take my refund and your school money and CHOKE on 'em! >:( ILY
from sweet-sara :
I think it's a sweet thing she did, Tim.
from sweet-sara :
from muffinhead :
the "gym" prose rocks. that's exactly it.
from augustdreams :
Beautiful entry, sweetheart. [[[hug]]]
from muffinhead :
welcome back hon.

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