messages to torquil:
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from dangerspouse :
41! One more entry to go and you'll have the answer to life, the universe, and everything!!
from orgami :
thank you for the suggestion to read Confessions i may even make time to read this i have responsibilities and people who say hello and goodbye at me but i remember when there was no one Not all that long ago No it was not i loved my travelling days and my present partner wants me to go on a trip so i am planning something for late fall before winter hits I love your entry about the pool up in Canada in Algonquin Park along a long beautiful lake with hills are the remains of a great mansion site and there is a large structure the sides of the old pool still visible the pool is filled in now all this was from the turn of the century or something like this when the railroad was still cutting across the south end of the park and rich barons held large parcels of lands nothing as tranquil as water glad i just randomly picked the T's tonight and pulled a name from the middle of the list ..O..

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