messages to tou-mou:
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from beagle47 :
how can this be?
from beagle47 :
how can this be?
from greenwitch :
are you gone forever or only on hiatus? I couldn't get in when I realized I couldn't remember if you mentioned taking some time off. I hope all is well with you.
from tarkis :
thank you for the assurance, the vet said the same though I am not one to accept as truth what people who take my money say. He is indoors except when we take him on leash for walks.. though that was when he was attacked. On another note, in my off center thoughts, the waxing & waning, the yin and yang, the positive & negative, the male & female, gods and goddesses... aren't they all just aspects possessed by all?
from greenwitch :
Division is futile. The heavens are a spiral with many phases and faces. So calling one Solar and one Lunar really makes no difference since there should be aspects of both in any God/Goddess worth their salt. of course this is only my opinion and being one to shun doctrine I pave my own way. I have examined the different cultures and been caught up in the bias that can shine through different traditions and found it wanting.
from beagle47 :
""the barks, the bayings. you have done nothing with your life, nothing. all your potential? wasted." now, why'd ya' have to go and remind us? i'm going to go lap up a strong one. ;)
from goodsandwich :
I've got to read a transcript of the memo.
from greenwitch :
Both A. and I enjoyed your music at dinner this evening. Thank you.
from tarkis :
an Indian blessing I give to yu this new years eve: May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you and the pure light within you guide you on your way this new year and this new day.
from greenwitch :
Who ever reads for the reader? My friend we often read best for ourselves but we find it harder to "see". What is it you seek? what is it you need? A picture in cards.... I could try but my vision is sometimes clouded but the acute. A few tidbits of information and a fimiliarity with the Crowley cards. My choice of pictographs, written by a woman. Your choice of court cards to represent you. A small cryptic homage to yourself..... Perhaps I could help you see something. A time and place standing still.... you may get the idea to look further. Let me know. (I have read deep but am not versed in reading at a distance. An interesting experiment, I think)
from tou-mou :
hmmm... winter goddesses... I'd say Skadi, or Artemis in one of her pissed-off moods. Cailleach or any of the Crones would work just as well. But personally, I'd prefer hangin' near the hearth with Brigid. :)
from greenwitch :
Sounds like you are feeling the effect of the lake. We woke to a dusting and a horrible wind. But the wind always seems to blow here at the bottom of the mountain. Seems the lords of weather prediction think we will be warmer in a couple of days.... I always wonder which is worse deep winter or mud season. Which goddess do you find welcoming when the winter winds blow?
from greenwitch :
Yup, in NY. I live in Ulster county within walking distance of Sullivan so we are not handshaking neighbors but we are still within a reasonable distance. The outbreak info is as reported to the CDC.
from goodsandwich :
Dang it. I wish you lived *here*, because I know *I* would like you, and there are plenty of people around here who understand that hibernation is not illness. Damn! Well, wishing won't make it so, but I hope you feel more comfortable in your skin today.
from greenwitch :
"itchy someplace we shall not name".... Perhaps this is a time when "lactose intolerant" proves useful in the form of a bit of yogurt carefully placed. Do keep it organic, please. I hope the demons of broken things are quite finished toying with you.
from beagle47 :
ahem. shhh. (keep this between us, eh? <laughing>) your note sincerely touched me. should you query "why???" the answer: i know such words do not fall lightly from your mouth (or, in this case, your hand). i read, then welled, then caught myself. you deserve to know. thank you, 'mou. your timing: impecable. okay, back to our regular (de-)programming then, yes?
from beagle47 :
re: "my forte: carrying boxes upon boxes, breaking down said boxes with al-Qaeda style cutters, and silent yet persistent labor into the wee hours, if necessary..." you move me. ;)
from missleigh :
Poor you! I swear I've had food poisoning from eggplant before, also. It's the evilest of all the nightshades.
from picean-dream :
I know that Navajo chant well, a good one. Hope you continue to improve!
from greenwitch :
Ack, the stomach thing is so nasty. I hope you are back up to speed ASAP. I know the chant you had running through your head and I find it pops up at odd times for me too. The irony, I suppose, is that you were probably feeling very far from beauty as it was insinuating itself into your consciousness.
from elf-arrow :
Poor bird, it isn't as if we can change our colors like seasons, or fashion.
from missleigh :
Poor Mou. I do wish I had your determination, though.
from tarkis :
you are the best.. thanks for the laughter.
from greenwitch :
I hope the knees can heal.... I have a friend who ran 8 miles from manhatten to brooklyn on his way home from work. It healed the pains of the day and then his knees gave out. He no longer runs but can still hike and bike and find ways to drain the strain. Green healing energy to you....
from zen-grae :
beautiful entry about hera and brighid. made me feel so calm and warm to read it. thank you!...~zen
from missleigh :
My tired ol' knees prefer the elliptical machine at the gym. Ken's a runner though, and he doesn't feel his workout is good enough unless he's hitting pavement.
from tarkis :
the color green... how wonderful a gift
from beagle47 :
i've answers! 1) "why, then, am i more afraid of death and/or mauling by dog than anything else?" it's the bird-like nature. 2) counter all black t-shirts with white ones, awash in beagle47isms as you waltz through the "woods..." alrighty, then, (won't?) see ya later. oh, and thanks again for adding me back. i sincerely appreciate it.
from enchancea :
Heres the info to get in my diary: Name: faeluv PW: 188484997 Im not sure when Ill unlock it as of right now, hopefully soon.
from missleigh :
Happy Birthday, my dear!
from zen-grae :
sorry work is not going well. i too am one that "rules by love" and the most difficult i find is that i tend to get taken advantage of...~zen
from zen-grae :
thank you for adding me to your list of diaries. your diary is beautiful and i look forward to reading more entries!......~zen
from beagle47 :
well, actually, there is one other, but i'll never tell. but, still, *pouty woof*
from beagle47 :
ouch. dumped by the only true writer in the 'land. my doggie soul is crushed. *half-hearted woof whine*
from elf-arrow :
My, what a beautiful voice you have! I look forward to much more!
from f-i-n :
beautiful feathers
from z0tl :
i sent the whole world my email. [email protected]
from pondlife :
You certainly are a strange and beautiful bird.
from z0tl :
yep. you still owe me lyrix for your stupid stupid unintelligible songs. hwkannon, bah. liek i can't hit a goddam bell on my own and get the sound of a harp.
from missleigh :
Ha ha! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I almost used this one:
from cybercoward :
GRRRRR! "misogynist"
from greenwitch :
Birds, creatures that I have always admired. For me here in NY the red tailed hawk and kestrel, the barn owl and titmouse. They speak such an odd language of beauty and power. I can't imagine better allies
from z0tl :
ok, hello, i've been outta diarlyland loop for a long time now and pretty much everyone i ever knew has committed virtual suicide, but in lookin' over the list of my faithful vassals, i noticed you! how might have you stumbled upon evyl's spawn and why would you be interested in adding the hell hole of a journal i keep to your list of faves? well, either way, i just wanted to make sure you weren't drunk when you did it, other than that i hope all's well in your world, i live in z wxrld, so i wouldn't know. hug:z!
from beagle47 :
argh! andrew rejected the e-mail as spam, thus: contains the holiday message 2005. please visit? all my best...-=b47=-
from silveringrid :
it feels good to write in here again - although i'm afraid it's been less than sporadic... but, as always, your words remain more than inspirational. i hope you are doing well.
from enchancea :
Thats sounds wonderful
from missleigh :
Thank you! I love it, too.
from beagle47 :
on behalf of writers everywhere, i simply must write: edit copy (i.e., turn gold into shit). forgive me? you've just been edited. ;)
from enchancea :
Great entry. It amazes me that people can even think like that, especially about a situation as horrible as this.
from desdemonia :
Hey just saw that you added me (again). Thank you so much ! I look forward to reading your diary.
from beagle47 :
"i wish i knew what to say to punkrockgirl, all dressed in pink with her dreds cut off, her various body-piercings out, a discrete silver cross around her neck. i wish i knew what to say..." next time you see her, may i suggest "fuck yeh!" with a wink and a smile. up with diversity! ;)
from missleigh :
Yay! Tell me how the brownies are. I have yet to try them.
from greenwitch :
I can totally relate to solitary......good luck finding peace in your spirit and ritual.
from missleigh :
It's good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks those things are creepy! Poor lil' blind buggers.
from greenwitch :
Dream in "color". Vivid places that haunt. Happy 30, that one is easy, riding the wave of saturn return. There are places in the future where time picks and paws and loves until you cannot sit still.....go in peace.....
from loner-blues :
My diary (for whatever reason) refuses to be unlocked, so until I'm able to correct the problem -- USERNAME: fucked, PASSWORD: over. I'm sorry for any inconvienence this may cause. -cat
from daisydee1 :
Tou-mou, the ability to Dream is a beautiful, painful blessing. Best wishes to you as you heal! :-) ~D~
from loner-blues :
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for adding me to your favorites list. :-) -cat
from daisydee1 :
Very interesting food for thought. Thanks! :-)
from daisydee1 :
Did you like Spretnak's book?
from djmarionette :
thank you so much for your response on the genetics. I think I'll post that. I'm glad you're following along with the flying circus! These people are great comedy.
from greenwitch :
Hi, thanks for adding me to your favorites. Your site is beautiful and I look forward to exploring your writings
from daisydee1 :
How terrible! I feel for you. All that BS is exactly why I've been hatching my "Escape Corporate America" work plan. Happy New Year. ;-)
from datura93 :
Just wanted to pop in here and say hi. I've been lurking in your journal lately and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your writing. I'm sure I'll be back ;)
from beagle47 :
"i'm 29, and he's 46..." one more year and he might be mature enough to date you. ;)
from missleigh :
Thank you very much! :)
from elvisload :
aww... the big bad evil borders are keeping you stuck where you are... it's always something... mom and dad...bush... government... lack of government... bla bla bla... btw I dated an Austrailian for a couple years... it's not all that.
from beagle47 :
*woof!* (sorry, couldn't resist...)
from jenne1017 :
Actually, the Log Cabin's do NOT support Bush and did not endorse him this election cycle. I am always glad to get rants ;)
from daisydee1 :
Got Soy? LOL. Cool diary. :-)
from dailywisdom :
Your wisdom is up at DailyWisdom! Thanks for your submission! ~ Jamie
from beagle47 :
"aweful renditions of Jon Bon Jovi..." hmmm, Freudian slip, deliberate nod to 80's big-hair rock or sincere "crush?" ;)
from beagle47 :
gotta love the dog!
from missleigh :
"Yet". Heh.
from opusshrugged :
today's entry struck a chord in me (with more than just it's beautiful, poetic flow) & i wanted to thank you for sharing your words. & speaking of Goddesses ... isn't Virginia Rodrigues simply Divine.
from beagle47 :
you hate your birthday and, yet, what an opportune date to send best wishes. all my best, 'mou. ah, yes, if only to moo...[woof!].
from sasori-gal :
I changed my hourglass for a digital clock! Your birthday revelations are truly poetic~ even though they may be fateful reminders, have a brilliant one! Best wishes on your birthday!
from gettingnaked :
Thanks so much for filling out my survey. I really appreciate it! One more week and the project will be a thing of the past...
from sasori-gal :
Oh no! I wish there was something I could do to magically nurse you back to health. I'm sorry to hear that your body is being put through hell now. Just take it easy and I hope you'll have a speedy recovery. Thinking of you!
from niceguymike :
The cranberry juice is a good call, especially from a preventative point of view. There's also an over-the-counter pill called Azo Standard which will relieve all of the symptoms for a time. Downside is that you will pee bright orange for a time. It does get rid of the burning, urgency and frequency, though.
from missleigh :
Uva ursi and probiotics. Feel better soon. :)
from beagle47 :
doctor b says: try cranberry juice (from trader joe's if possible). last note, i promise. {crossing paws...)
from sasori-gal :
*ouch* I empathize with your pain having been a sufferer myself once. I've heard cranberry juice is good and since taking cranberry supplements, I haven't had a problem since. (knock on wood) Take care!
from niceguymike :
Perhaps I am unique in the world at not having experienced male privilege. I have worked with any number of female colleagues who make as much as or more than I do. I don't automatically get taken more seriously than a woman. I do certainly acknowledge the stereotypes out there, and I further acknowledge that some women are stronger and faster than some men (me, for example), and some men are more sensitive and caring than some women. While biology is not destiny, there are differences between men and women. Your thesis seems to be that men and women are exactly the same, but that women are treated unfairly at every juncture. In my experience, at least, that is simply not true.
from beagle47 :
impermanency sucks. i want to be eternal and forever.
from niceguymike :
Hissandtell pointed me to your 4/11 entry, and I must say I loved your description of eye-candy. Good to know we guys aren't the only guilty ones.
from hissandtell :
Oh, baby, I have not laughed so much in weeks. You are completely sensational. Love, R xxx
from sasori-gal :
Thank you for adding me to your favorites. I find your diary fascinating! The design is beautiful and your writing is captivating. I hope you are feeling better. Take good care and thanks for introducing me to a new favorite! :)
from cdghost :
pretty words
from beagle47 :
i know this means nothing, but what the hell: "...another hypersociable i-need-a-man fainting-heart poodlehead..." this mandog laughed. peace.
from erato :
Hope you feel better soon!
from erato :
Dreams are such marvels.
from erato :
I agree.
from erato :
The worst, perhaps, is the knowledge that if we don't meet the proximity, shock-and-awe freakshow of a death with the appropriately measured quantities of victims (all, of course, depending on our country of demise), we won't even make it out of the obit section. Disposable beings, just tissue and water.
from beagle47 :
"...and so, the smile of the cashier with her black hair, her too-red lips, the calls and e-mails from the guitarist..." just a great paragraph, really.
from silveringrid :
just wondering if you were giving out your password - if so, i'd lovelovelove to have it. hope all is going well.
from trinity63 :
Hi I got it from here:
from beagle47 :
you dog. i drew the 3 of hub caps.
from beagle47 :
"well, i'll be damned and you'll see to it." hello. this is as random a note as you'll ever see and likely as meaningless as it is random but, see, it's been a strange year and i thought "let's end it on some odd notes," you know, sort of like taunting the universe (which seems to be expecting a bow) by answering with a blow. you do know, don't you?
from odalisk :
Hmm. I think there is something sexual about the ring. Especially if you think of it as this thing that everybody covets, and which functions, which offers you this addictive pleasure, when you stick your finger through the hole. But on the whole, I think that the deal with the ringbearers not having a partner is partly that the ring makes them asexual; and that's something that you see a lot in the world, people who are really power hungry and just abandon sexual fulfillment. Who get more high off making a risky bet or a big deal than off sex. I think that the idea of the story is that power is antithetical to personal bonds...which is why Aragorn doesn't get his elf-girl in the book, for example. Because he can't have both. The Fellowship survives, via friendship, very much because they are so powerless...
from ghanima :
I am doing Nanowrimo, too. We should encourage each other. Mine will be at

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