messages to trace-:
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from trace- :
Mangofarmer ..thank you dear heart for those kind words, maybe I should add my age and some other things about me to "a few things." And wildplaces...well said.
from wildplaces :
Yes, when we give thanks to the powers that be, we suddenly, if not instantly have the feeling we belong. I feel nature is showing us how do live and die. In living, do it gracefully and give, and expect nothing in return. In dying, do the same and be grateful for the journey.
from mangofarmer :
You're not old. :) The resident old guy flute player is actually about 80.
from squirrelx :
You weren't whinin', you were 'testifyin' to your trouble'. That's a whole 'nother thing entirely. P.S.: I'm sure glad you avoided the celestial bass tournament.
from wildplaces :
How true that the simple and most beautiful things in life elude most. They do indeed highlight the joy in our human existence.
from just-sandy :
you know, i was re-reading the first entry, you do know that every time you're on the river, seeing the fog, the trees, being a part of the water and your surroundings, that you ARE fishing with Jesus, right?
from mangofarmer :
I'm sorry about your cat. I hope she'll be okay.
from trace- :
Yep flat areas feels empty or sterile..or something. But I suppose other people think mountainous areas feel a bit claustrophobic.
from mangofarmer :
I was just reading your "few things". I feel the same way about mountains vs. flat land.

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