messages to travelgirl79:
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from banessa :
hello! long time no talk... hope life is GREAT for you these days :) life is going quite smoothly for me now that i've got a new job that i love and my boyfriend and i have been dating for 1 year and 6 months which is another mile stone and well everything else is going just as good too :) so drop me a line when you have a free second!! take care friend :)
from benzene :
Hi! Thanks for leaving me a note! Is this the new website you talked about in your old diary? Hope everything's going well, and if you ever feel like traveling up to DC, you should stop by and see me. We can practice Spanish/English. :-) Take care!
from forty-plus :
Thanks for joining the All About Me List diary ring. Loved your list!
from kuri-chan :
hey ^_^ That's a very pretty background. thanks for using my layout.

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