messages to trendymatt:
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from intheory27 : -> Reminded me of you. Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
from sunstargirl :
I thought your Wal-mart story was funny. Reminds me of the story about the guy who called Dell IT support because his "coffee holder" was broken, i.e.- his disc drive.
from intheory27 :
Miss you, doll. Just saying. :)
from girlworldj :
Interview Me, s'il vous plait.
from italktowalls :
Here are the questions: 1. Bert and Ernie: Television's first gay couple or nothing more than two bachelors living together for the past 36 years? Have your own theory? 2. If you came up with the name for a sexual act, like the dirty sanchez or a screaming dolphin (yes, you read that correctly), what would it be? No need to describe the actual act. 3. What is the one song you'd want playing as you passed away? 4. Let us pretend that you had a Get Out of Jail Free card. What crime would you commit knowing you'd get off scot-free? 5. Have you ever passed gas while in the company of others and then acted as if nothing happened? Or are you much more devious and have blamed it on someone else?
from intheory27 :
<3 for no reason at all. (or y'know, lots of reasons. :))
from behindtheat :
How you durrin'? I found your diary by accident and read quite a bit, and stole your survey :). I'll read more when I'm awake. I just wanted to say congrats on grad school, you'll love it (from what I hear, I'm going to be a contestant for the broke dropout on DeVry commercials soon). -Brian-
from mangofarmer :
Congratulations on the acceptance letter! Grad school is fun. :)
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island. I saw your dairy on someone's favorites list and stopped by for a visit. I have to tell you that your entry on lessons learned on PPoint presentations really made me laugh. I'm glad I stopped by!
from hulabelly :
Better than mediocre on the HSGSEE? That's fantastic! Not crying DURING the exam is half the battle! I scored in the THIRTIETH PERCENTILE (yeah, 70% of everyone who took it that year did BETTER than me), and was pointed directly to a promising career in toilet scrubbing. Luckily, I'm devastatingly good-looking...
from mangofarmer :
The GRE is evil. EVIL. I ended up waiting outside the room for two hours because they missed my name on the sign-in sheet. So I developed a horrible migraine and therefore did ridiculously badly. So I didn't feel like studying after getting the test prep CD-rom two weeks later. Blargh. I feel your pain.
from lyssbobiss :
This sounds like a personal statement. So there's one aspect of applying that you can put a check mark next to!

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