messages to trinity52104:
(click here to add new message):

from imp-bastard :
p.s. I forgot to mention the upside down kitty which is also very excellent.
from incubusrocks :
hey, i am locking my diary. IM me or email me and ill give you a name and password.
from mandypandy83 :
You've been nominated:
from margueritam :
Can I ask what happened? More importantly would you answer?
from soccerpanda8 :
What upy puppy? Uh, I dont know what to say, just playin around on Diaryland. You know what, I am going to go to bed, although I wont sleep. Say Goodnight myself "Goodnight Robbie". Thanks me.
from zeva :
hannah, hunny! We gotta hang out sometime during lunch or some shit like that. This is taimhyr btw... anywhoo, as for the Mike thing, I'd say go for it! all the way! well, maybe not ALL the way, you don't want to go crazy here, but, you know what I mean...
from neona :
hey. another juneau monkey! i'm glad i am not the only one. neona
from bordergurl14 :
hey juneau-ite!!!!!nice diary ya got there. well we gotta do something befor hell rises again....(school) my summa was cool. what bout u? yeah ya gotta help me add some new stuff to my little site thing. and i herd you put a pic of rena in and not one of me you butthead! j/k luv ya laura *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
from pedophiles :
hi. you signed our guestbook saying that our site was referred to you by other diaryland members. Mind telling us who they were? It's not like we're going to hunt and kill you or them. It's just sheer curiosity.
from trinity52104 :
Since, no one else is leaving me a note, I'm gonna be a loser and leave myself one!!!

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