messages to twisted-mind:
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from wifemotherme :
(((Amy))) So nice to see a note from you!
from blueyedmom :
My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I know you just want to wrap your arms around her and protect her. I say go for it. Do what you feel is right. You are standing up for your daughter! Your husband may be mad for a while but in your heart you will always know you did what you felt was best for her. Like you told me "who will stand up for them, if not me?" Good luck. (p.s. i tried posting this on your other site, but it wouldn't let me.)
from blueyedmom :
Hi Amy, Thanks again for your encouragement!! If you lived closer I would probably take you up on that offer!! :) You're a good person!!! And, I have been meaning to tell you that I LOOOOVE the tat's you and your husband got. They are awesome!!
from blueyedmom :
sorry it took so long to get back to your comment. it's been hectic. i never did say anything. my oldest brother is back in Wisconsin but my other brother (from Germany) is coming to dinner next week. I am going to extend the invitation that he stay at my house next time he comes to the states. and i don't know what is up with my sister. she came from nothing and has already forgotten it, and it's only been 9 short years.
from blueyedmom :
thanks for the help! I couldn't have gotten that picture there without it!
from blueyedmom :
thanks for the encouragement. do you update somewhere else now?

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