messages to twomothers:
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from heelandlass :
Hah! That's the first time in my life i've been able to push around a skinny bitch in a bikini. I love it! xxx
from think101 :
you two mothers are what wet dreams are made of, thats all i have to say
from stormyclaude :
today my boss got something precious in the mail and then DISCARDED it. i fished it out of the recycle bin, for you. why? because it is a coupon for $15 off a $20 purchase on HSN (first-time customers only). it ought to get you something REAL pretty. to order, call 1-800-284-3100 and refer to coupon code #449031.
from mommylap :
Feeling Eric's $$ joy was as if it was my own. Only not. I'm off to tick on recommending tutti frutti beans to Jim Carrey now....
from mommylap :
tick the box for tangerine all day.
from madamepierce :
yoanna is made of ice cubes, plastic shards, and hair. Also: I have never seen anything more blowjobby than tyra's action with the microphone in that video. I was all, "she is going to reach her face up and lick that thing," and did she? yes. I also liked how they told the girls they were going to "star" in a video, and then all their footage was crammed in about 4 seconds at the beginning and end! and the rest of the video is all about water and the holes in tyra's pants. word.
from kate-rock :
go ahead make me spew milk out my nose crazy kids! Oh Diet Coke w/ Lime....oh I love it like a fat kid loves cake.
from mommylap :
not for lack of tryin oh yeah save me...
from peytonsplace :
Calculus - Don't even worry about that. Chemistry - Let's mix explosive chemicals.
from mommylap :
Yes! I dig them so in that Andy Warhol way. Kristin- if you have never read the bio of Edie Sedgewick, I think you so oughta. She is a wacky girl in tights after all, as you have been. Happy New Year to you both.
from mommylap :
I being a comic geek, actually have a pretty good idea about a large part of the story which should introduce one of my favorite characters ever. Kristin esp would love her. But really, 2006? Not cool. Wah
from kate-rock :
what a perfect way to say Merry Xmas....
from kate-rock :
Happy holidays to you sister and I hade a failed attempt at a gingerbread house this weekend and I was all like "I bet Eric and Kristen could do it"....we love you two! Our lil house ended up being the graham cracker white trailer trash house with smarties as Griswald x-mas lights on it.Be safe! Don't drink and drive this New Years eve......I"ll be in Maryland if you need a DD Momma Kate will come and taxi you! hahaha....take care!
from brain-dump :
note to self; don't read this diary while eating lunch. eeeeeeeeeew
from ozwald :
You two bitches are crazy. Bells Palsy is when muscles just stop working. I think it's mostly in the face. Some guy I did a show with had it. It goes away after a while.
from fflowers :
I <3 your fart stories every day
from stormyclaude :
if my siblings were old enough to drink in public, we would be you. for now, i guess all we can do is watch mom get sloshed at christmas and read twomothers.
from kristintracy :
hey, mothers.
from reganesque :
I heart you both very very much, you make me laugh like a drunk child.

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