messages to ubergrrl:
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from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from jfsuperstar :
you're back, but you're leaving? ack! i'm so happy for you. you must gimme the new blog addy: [email protected]
from goingloopy :
You guys look so cute!! And I want your new blog address. [email protected] :)
from jfsuperstar :
hey, long time no write...congrats on your engagement! see what i told you? ps. you are too beautiful to go on a diet. i hope you aren't still on silly ol' WW. no one should have to do math in order to eat, IMO
from bigpimpinmba :
Weight Watchers is a pain in the arse to stick to, but the wife and I EACH lost aout 35 pounds on Weight Watchers. Sometimes, obsession is good.
from rapunzal :
You were the first to inspire me! And I'm convinced that we can help each other so much. Let's obsess, shall we?
from goingloopy :
YAY! You're alive! :) I am glad your relationship is good, sorry your job sucks, and am willing to taste test anything with pastry in the title...
from imaphatpig :
cool! glad to see that YOU are still alive. ;) how is the J man?
from bigpimpinmba :
At a few points, I almost took your non-updating ass out of my favorites, but I couldn't out of loyalty for the template that IS BigPimpinMBA. Congrats on the J-Lo(ve).<P>Welcome back.... maybe.
from bigpimpinmba :
It makes me sad that you don't update anymore. I hope all is well in love and life!
from nightmare54 :
YO!! where the hell you been hiding??!!!!
from irishblueyes :
thank you and it does make me feel better since i kind of felt like a total loon while writing it!
from nightmare54 :
Thanks for dropping by! I'm exstatic that you have found a love of your life! and I will be sure to rub the girl in all the right spots!
from rue25 :
hey girl... thanks for the add!
from goingloopy :
Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya for the favorites add. :)
from nightmare54 :
How is the multi-hour game session going? killing and wizardry? let me know about how much fun it is!!
from smokeybone :
Loved your diary. I am adding it to my favorites. Are you thirlled? No? Oh well.
from plopphizz :
Oh good, my "good job on the sex" comment has been sitting at the TOP of your notes section for like a week or something. Eh, whatayaganadoo. Just noting you to say I am glad things are going well. Cya P.P.
from plopphizz :
Good job on the sex, figured it would be the end to a temporary rut. I updated my comments on you, so check them out. Thanks for your time -- P.P.
from godmoney :
Congrats on J, ur artistic successes, etc. You do indeed �fucking rock,� and I loved skimming thru ur stuff. So THIS is what the diary of a psyschic reads like�
from bigpimpinmba :
Thanks for the compliment on my son. He does kick some tremendous ass. You should have a Krispy Kreme Glzed Cruller or Glazed Sour Cream. I love donuts. Mmmmm.
from imaphatpig :
Good for you! You have way more balls than I do at this point in my life. Eric's mom is a professional artists (landscapes in oils and pastels) who makes a serious living because she's that good (don't even think of calling Thomas Kinkade good compared to her). It has taken her 20 some years to get to where she is now but I can see you headed in her direction. Maybe I will be there as well someday. She has been a great inspiration to me (and now you too) in my endeavors with photography. I have had enough paying jobs at this point to call myself a professional but I don't know... it's scary to me to leave the world of salaried with benefits jobs. Everyone that I know insists that it is my calling. Eric's mom says that I have incredible natural talent and ability to really see who people are - and this comes through in the portraits that I do. My mom insists that I pursue it more aggressively since my myers-briggs type notes photography as the number one profession for my type. Eric insists also since he is supportive but I almost believe all of his claims of me. It's weird because I just do it because I enjoy it and when I am done with a job, all I see are the pictures (not the money). For now and for a little while longer I think I will just stick with random weekend shoots. Anyway, just wanted to wish you well! I'm rooting for you! Take care. -Andrea
from plopphizz :
Hey lady, thanks for the updated comment with the quote. I don't always know what readers find funny or not, but I am really glad you liked something from the Wildlife entry -- I spent an embarassingly long amount of time on that entry before I posted it. You probably understand the weirdness that goes on with obsessive creativity, and also the complete appreciation you have for people who appreciate things you create. So thanks again -- P.P.
from bigpimpinmba :
How dare you leave a barking-dog-defending note on my page. Damn you. Damn you to hell. You and my damned MP3 player.
from bigpimpinmba :
I actually prefer to sing Baby Got Back a-cappella (sp?) in a Romantica Musica style. Any time there is karaoke, my friends make me get up and perform Baby Got Back, the Humpty Hump (Digital Underground) and Easy (Commodores). Not that it takes a lot of convincing. I really can't believe that you know "Funk That" and "Doo Doo Brown". I can't live without knowing that I have them in my music collection. I saw that you were listening to Cake during one of your entries. I LOVE Cake. They are my absolute favorite band. They are a great concert to see. I've been listening to a lot of Beastie Boys and Beatles lately. Seems like I'm stuck in the B-section of my collection. Since Juddhole loves him so much, I'll have to whip out some of my formidable Jimmy Buffett collection for his listening pleasure.
from irishblueyes :
thank you so much for your note! It means so much to me that people actually care and sympathize with my crazy internal drama. And you are exactly right about being on our own paths. I think that's often why I feel so crazy, because I think other people are further along or in better life postions than me. I'm very guilty of comparing myself to other people even though I know it's ridiculous. Thanks for the compliment on the layout as well. And good luck with the German...even though I'm married now, I clearly remember those days. Why is it that these guys have no idea what kind of messed up shit they are creating in our heads while they don't even give it a second thought? I'll never know. ♥
from bigpimpinmba :
To anyone who doesn't already know, Ubergrrl is awesome and you should bow down and pay homage. If you do, she may knit you a bag or some shit.
from meeshapeesha :
Okay it might be a little mullett-like but they can't cut it yet, it's too thin. Trust me, I won't let it grow much longer. No nephew of mine is going to look like a hillbilly, no sir!
from joecartoon :
Weird?? This from the girl who thinks Judd is hot?? (Okay, maybe he's hot in that dirty/unwashed/goalieballcheese kinda way.) Yeah, I'm probably weird.
from purplecigar :
Hi there. Thanks for adding me to your faves! I was just looking at your profile and besides running through your archives, I think I'll take a jaunt through your faves as well. Looks like some mighty fine company I'm in!
from irishblueyes :
Amen to that! Bono is definitely 'the man' to use a phrase I hate. But he is a god among men for sure!
from bigpimpinmba :
You're one funny girl. Now, get your sliding of the chair ass off the floor and continue being funny or I'm going to have to find this German fellow and slap him around just a little bit.
from bigpimpinmba :
You like that advanced html shiznit I'm throwing on my pee-yellow page, don't you? I know your panties are all sorts of wet just thinking about me sitting at my computer stroking the keys and making words appear in italics, bold and underlining, all in the same entry. I'm just that much of a sexy bitch. OK... Let's be real. As an un-creative engineer, I may have humor, but not much of an imagination. I welcome any and all help in the design category. You are proving yourself to be every bit the goddess that you are described as in my profile. You make me want to go out and buy me a tricked-out Saturn because I know that's another thing that gets you all sorts of randy.
from bigpimpinmba :
Uber... Thanks for the html advice. I appreciate it. You obviously don't appreciate the pity-my-pathetic-diary look of my diary. I actually found your diary through Juddhole's. Thanks for dropping a note on my page. As for what to expect with kids, you're only reading the Cliff's notes of child-rearing on my diary. The real thing is even more fun! You're a funny lass. Keep it up.
from imaphatpig :
It's going to have to wait until after I get the pomade and perfect my blowdrying skills. I'll post them ASAP after that.
from irishblueyes :
Thanks for the note, and not to worry, I'm never particular eloquent when it comes to these notes either!
from irishblueyes :
Just wanted to say hi, just started reading and found you through my favorite ms. what I've read so far and your latest entry makes me look forward to thirty instead of dreading it (still 4 1/2 years to go yet) :)
from jfsuperstar :
hi. i'm glad someone has weird dreams too. hope all goes well with the german. if i forget to tell you thursday, happy birthday, and welcome to your 'dirty thirties'!
from imaphatpig :
Ummm... in response... it depends. Normally I am not such a slacker but lately it has just kind of happened. The problem is that I am teaching myself VB because I am building a database for my department from the ground up. Well, obviously this is frustrating since I am not a software engineer by trade, so... this means lots of blowing off steam at diaryland! By the way, love all of this business about the German. I am a huge supporter of "meeting" people by way of online sites. My theory is that you can find the same amount of chumps in real life as online. Why the heck not do it online then? -A
from clarity25 :
"The German and I...made this loud sound tonight. It went like this: *CLICK!*" lol, that's really awesome! It sounds like you had an amazing night and from what you described he seems like a really sensual, and intense guy with a great sense of humor. I know what you mean about not being able to think about anything else at work, the memories just kind of swirl in your head and make your toes tingle. So happy for you and I look forward to more tales..
from jfsuperstar :
i've been annoyed with the down time at dland too. loved the story about the extra butter. i also love dave attell.
from clarity25 :
Hi, thank you so much for your note. I just wanted to tell you that I find your diary refreshingly honest and real. I can sympathize with your turbulant relationship with your mother, I had struggles with my own father for a long time. Also, about the German man you connected with. I find that German men in general have a strong understanding of woman and humanness, that always amazed me. When I first met Eric, I was surprised at how quickly we connected and how close I felt to him. We could talk for hours. It was different from any relationship I'd had before.
from porktornado :
I didn't edit your note to match my opinion. I just believe that people deserve a certain degree of respect in death. You can post whatever opinion you want on your site. Not on mine.
from juddhole :
"Running with Scissors" is one of my favorite books. I don't eat cock and I didn't live with crazy people (not REAL crazy), but it is still awesome and Augusten Burroughs is a phenomenal writer. If you wrote about your life and didn't leave a thing out (all the nasty shit) I'd read your book.
from imaphatpig :
Your diary is so snazzy. I picked you at random. Don't think that I am weird, please, I just have a lot of time on my hands (even though I should be working). Anyway, mommy dearest woes are something that I can identify with. My mom's not as bad as she used to be but she still has her moments. And I love reading about your dating adventures. I shall live vicariously through you because you are awesome! Thanks. -Andrea
from jfsuperstar :
good to hear you are feeling better. i have chicken ravioli today..... reagan on a twenty? blech. rock on, darling!
from jfsuperstar :
ewwww! i packed chili in my lunch today! i'm sorry you're so sick.
from juddhole :
Men are pigs. Painting is good. Painting pigs is fan-frickin-tastic.<br><br>If you're in Denver, and looking for men, I can hook you up with some great guys. Funny, good-looking, great athletes... you weren't looking for smart, ambitious, or not-living-with-their-parents were you?<br><br>Damn.
from jfsuperstar :
nice. i often have violent visions myself. don't fret--it's deed above creed. stop by and visit!
from rapunzal :
I think you're right about the cave! Men hiding from everything, just because they can't multi-task.

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