messages to ubergurl:
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from candoor :
merry happy new year :)
from candoor :
merry happy new year :)
from idiot-milk :
It totally better pass, yo. Otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to end up stabbing someone in the head with a fork. And that is just not the way to win friends and influence people.
from serenaville :
HA! Just as I'd clicked 'Done!' on the last note, I spied an interesting-looking black banner about stuffed bunnies: Of course, yours. The coincidences mount. Either that, or you simply make compelling banners. Gotta love it. Anyhow, I'll be reading. :) -Serena
from serenaville :
(8/11) Thank you so much for adding serenaville to your faves/buddy list! I was very pleasantly surprised, as I'd coincidentally clicked on your banner just this morning. May I ask how/where you found me? I'm burning with curiosity! Thanks again for the honor, ubergurl, and for your time in reading my space. Take care!
from candoor :
I'm not sure how I got here, but I decided to leave a note anyway... lots of links to explore... and thanks to Igor too :)
from aaronorear :
Congratulations on the wedding!
from aaronorear :
It might not have been an don't go in for impulses so much. We tend to have an thought mulling on the back burner for a while and, because we don't tell anyone what we're thinking, it seems like an impulse when we suddenly (finally) act on it.
from thebugprince :
Mmm. Not so well on my big "Q." I'll get there. Hopefully inside the month. Thanks for asking.
from thebugprince :
How goes the quit?
from thebugprince :
28 days sans smokes: it's a habit now. Congrats! I'm gearing up for my next big quit in a month, or so. Thanks for stroking my ego and reading, linking.
from bionicgurl :
i'm day one in my quitting smoking. i marked this date a while ago. i think i can. i think i can. thanks for adding me. i'll be back soon

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