messages to udders:
(click here to add new message):

from annivate :
whatever happened to that chatter box? remember that? the chatter box.
from annivate :
also, wheel chair dave is staring at me right now.
from annivate :
boyscout mo-bile will never fail. no slant rhymes? no slant rhymes. p.s. my eyeball itches. scratch it?
from annivate :
it's probably your hips. i mean a cold. that slug. mind yer business!
from annivate :
from annivate :
hey, why don't you fuckin add your best friend, bitch. einen schmallish weiner. ya.
from mojo1915 :
Hello. Have an awesome day! :)
from battlestaar :
damn! the lines didn't space right and spoiled a great pome....see below
from battlestaar :
I'm just floored to hear you're bored you've got a great town so get out and around don't sit and weep cause no friends you'll keep create your own fun and you'll shine like the sun
from kimyadawson :
thanks for joining the mp ring!
from battlestaar :
hay Abbs - thanx for the guestbook sign. back atcha now. i'll watch those entries coming off your dancing fingertips. love your drop box - specially "I'm clever" and OK, I fess up. I do love to jack off and dream about you. and now that we got that resolved - whom I sposed to ride, the M/C or Lolita? how bout both!!! but do you think that'd be ok? would it not be wrong to mess with a 17 yr old heart?? I dunno, I dunno. got some shred of morals here so I dunno...
from maddysinsno :
from tripque :
Abbey, I honestly think that you are too cool for words. And I think we do see eye-to-eye on many topics, apathy is one of them. I tend to rant these days, not so much write. The net effect is the same, I suppose. Good to hear from you once again. Off to see your favorite band tomorrow (total sarcasm-going to see Dave Matthews. More of a friend-support thing. (Chick begged me to go).
from tripque :
Abbey, I've started writing. I guess you were my inspiration to do it's only fair you should read it if you wish. I hope you are well and that the craziness is at least manageable. Life is always better with a 10-sizes-too-small toboggan and a beaver-fur stole.

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