messages to unhealthyme:
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from raven72d :
Just discovered your entries. They do hold my attention. And I understand about work stress. All the best, here at the holiday season.
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from acuteapathy :
I'm loving the imagery.
from phaythles :
Glad you liked. "You know you're an adult when you're excited about a new set of matching, non-stick pots & pans." <----- this made me tip over from laughing. It is too true. And you're over the moon when someone buys the set for you.
from phaythles :
I remembered that you liked Banks. I'm not sure if you already heard of Janine and the Mixtape but she is amazing. She sort of reminds me of Banks. Her EP is called "Dark Minds". I like all of it but the standouts to me are: 'Dark Minds' and 'Hold Me'. Figured I'd share. Happy Thanksgiving! :)
from phaythles :
No problem. Glad you enjoyed the song. I kinda forget people read these things so your note left me surprised (in a good way) hah! Like I said I've been going more Indie or whatever because Rap/Pop is just all gimmicky with no actual substance. There are only so many songs I can listen to about getting high, being naked, having wild swinging from the chandelier monkey sex, and asses. It gets pretty redundant after awhile.
from thruthecrowd :
Yay! Congrats on obtaining the piece of paper!! ;)
from usb-port :
Don't wait for lighting. Go seek it out.
from dangerspouse :
Aww, thanks for the note back :) (Of course, my wife might dispute my self proclaimed "Real Man" status.) Rock on!
from dangerspouse :
Of course Real Men can keep diaries. We just don't tell other Real Men about them :)
from warpednormal :
aw, no i don't. I'll check it out, and most likely follow you there :) haha
from megorawrr :
It's rawr. Sorry, I thought it sent you an email with it. But you should be all set now. :)
from acuteapathy :
You're welcome. ;)
from acuteapathy :
Just email me at [email protected] and then we can exchange nnumbers. :)
from acuteapathy :
marry me! LOL.
from acuteapathy :
yeah, i completely understand that. if thats the case, i've pretty much covered every emotion possible...and STILL continue to write. LOL.
from acuteapathy :
Sounds like you need a hug. *virtual hug* Cheeer up, kitten. :)
from acuteapathy :
Yeah, I used to not smile a lot. But lately, with such nice things like what you sent me, I smile easily. You are pretty awesome yourself. ;)
from acuteapathy :
Aww. Thank you both for liking, following my diary and for saying that. I'm sure I can be a bit much but that put a HUGE smile on my face.
from malloh :
maybe i'm just in the mood to project but my god, i can relate. feels like i'm reading something i wrote myself.
from cut-therain :
you might just have, did you recognize my name? i've had quite a few diaries on here. a couple of my girlfriends and i have been writing on here since we were in 8th grade and we'll be seniors in college next year.
from in-alaska :
fingers crossed. this is so counter productive, writing private things in public, but i'm probably just retarded anyway.
from megorawrr :
:[ What happened?
from foreveragain :
I accidentally left that message as my alter-ego. Indeed, Leighton is my homeboy. I was present for much of the recording and mastering of that new record. It was wonderful to watch it take shape and finally be ready for the people. So happy to have found someone who appreciated it!
from idividedbyi :
oh hello there! you have my boy leighton listed as one of yr favourite artists. now tell me, how did you come across him and his wonderful sounds?
from alliprincess :
Started reading your recent entries. love what I saw.
from megorawrr :
Heh, I was trying to figure that out.
from megorawrr :
yeah, he did. ;_;

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