messages to val922:
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from curious-me :
Okay I haven't received anything in my email (you were sending it to my hotmail?). I told you I'm a novice when it comes to all this - scary that I work on computers all day and know so little about them!
from curious-me :
Thanks for the words! If I ever figure out how to post pictures I have a feeling I'm gonna spin way out of control with this. But first things first is figuring it all out! Me and computers aren't the best of friends on good days so I can only imagine the swearing that will be going on at my place when I finally get the time to sit down and try again!
from curious-me :
Hi, I got your comment regarding swearing and becoming immersed in someone else's way of speaking/writing. I can't remember exactly if this was the case back then but I do know what you mean. If I read a saying someone writes/ says a lot then I sometimes find myself repeating it! Unfortunately I also think my potty mouth comes from the fact that my hubby is the exact opposite. I can count the number of times he's sworn on one hand since I've known him. I'm not going to take the time right now to examine THAT statement! :) Anywho, take care.
from val922 :
You're right I didn't give you isight or advice. I also didn't TELL you to do anything. I also didn't say settle for less but inferred that MAYBE your situation required more thought before you wrote off your friend. You have continually taken it all wrong. Again you are right let's forget about the whole shebang and part ways.
from sensualistic :
'Insight' and 'advice' are two different things, both of which you didn't do. You basically told me to stop rocking the boat and be happy with what I have. That's why I was angry and told you to stop. I have no problems with insight, someone else's viewpoint is always welcome, but I do not like someone telling me I should just be happy with the situation and stop whining about it. I know I'm being more blunt than you were in your last email, but that's how I took it. I don't like people telling me how to run my life. If I'm unhappy with something, I'm going to do something about it. I spent way too many years not doing so, and you've read my history. You should have understand that. I refuse to be unhappy in my life and won't tolerate someone saying I should just put up with things. Other than that, I have no problems really. And I honestly don't want to discuss/drag out whatever happened months ago either. It's done, let's forget about it.
from curious-me :
Hi I found your journal through one of the diaryrings and I couldn't stop reading. I love the way you write. Just thought I'd drop you a line and let you know. Now that I caught up on the back history (yah I do that too)I look forward to reading you on a regular basis. Cheers!
from lilfoxyvixen :
Thank you for your comments.... makes total sense, thanks again for your input!
from sensualistic :
You MUST go to the Zoo at least! Especially now before it's too hot. If you go in the summer you won't see anything, they all hide. It's really an entire day excursion too, you'll be pooped at the end of the day but it's so cool to see all these animals and to smell how bad the monkeys really are!!! And no worries, I'll take care of her and make sure she's having fun. :)
from lilfoxyvixen :
order them online... that is what I do!
from val922 :
Thank you both for the compliments. I try with every breath to be a positive force in the world.
from bootsnbuckls :
Thank you soooo soo much for the kind words. I try. ~grin~ TTFN
from bambinodoll :
Wow Boots. see the comment wrote about you in the profile? Sweet!! I always knew you had it in ya. Love your page by the way Val.
from bootsnbuckls :
from val922 :
Here is a cut and Paste of the comment I recieved: "DREARY?!?!? Good lord woman! That was absolutely disgustingly horrible!!! ;-)". LOL.
from sensualistic :
i just signed your comments but then couldn't see them after. was it my idiocy or they not working properly? well.. what i had said was that the word 'dreary' was a HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT to last weekends weather!
from sensualistic :
Thanks for the understanding! I had to delete over 50 entries just to delete what might have connected me to that person. It was an in person/online deal. Not good at all!!
from sensualistic :
Perhaps I made an assumption. I have stalking issues and the ISP provider matched the stalker ISP. If you wouldn't mind telling me your IP (if you know how). I know I sound paranoid but this person made my life hell and to take the chance isn't worth it. If you're just reading because you like then I have no problems opening up. Hope you understand. And thanks for the note.

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