messages to veg:
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from heidiann :
Well I suppose after a year and a half I should just accept that you aren't coming back to this blog! Sigh. If you do ever happen to return please let me know! xo Heidi
from missleigh :
Congrats on the new job! And I think you're supposed to be scared about things like that, or else it probably wouldn't be worth doing.
from mathero :
haha. thats hilarious! <3
from missleigh :
Aww, thanks! ;)
from heidiann2 :
I think that's the funniest goddamn thing I've ever read. I love you, Veg.
from kittybukkake :
Go Veg! Thanks for the quiz and the link!
from beotch :
oh my god. im considering asking you to make a pact with me to shave our heads. btw- my favorite words: flummox, vex, debacle, conundrum, and cheesecake.
from beotch :
veggie, i totally have that impulse to make out with everyone. well, everyone male, anyway. it sucks and definitely makes life very weird and confusing, especially when one you really felt platonic about turns out to be a GREAT KISSER!! AUUUGGGHGHH!! anyway, i feel your pain.
from rhyme :
hello, your page is great. that is all. thank you.
from bethany9 :
fellow chicagoan just saying hi. liked your site... i'll be back.
from heidiann :
You're back! When did that happen?! But yay for that! Us blind folk must stick together. =) Rather; us blind yet fashionably bespectacled people must stick together.
from mnvnjnsn :
I have some links to some spiffy spyware that should get rid of most of that crap at This is not a poly to get you to read my journal. I just hate spyware.
from apothecary :
Are you quoting the ol' Oregon Trail game?
from thekinkymary :
hi, thought id say hi while i stopped by, ttyl, buhbye -mary-
from harri3tspy :
Thanks for adding me to your favorites list. I've been meaning to leave you a note since you posted your beet recipe, which was great -- I'm a huge fan of the beet/lentil combo. If you want to try another recipe, let me know and I'll send you my favorite.
from christy13 :
Can I get the password, or are you totally private now?
from missleigh :
Holy Moly! That "cool 2B real" site is.... well, I'm not sure what that is!
from lass :
Yes! I'm back!! It was outpatient surgery!! (Embarassing, given my total meltdown over the situation.) Pony status?!! Email me!! Start writing in your diary again, dammit!! Drinks, soon!!! BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from purplememe :
I want to recommend a video for anyone who has had the experience of dating someone who was groovy but was not meeting some need such that it was driving you crazy. It's a dcoumentary called, "Always a Bridesmaid." Even though I am not marriage hungry like the narrator, I still watched this film with relish, for she had the same problem as I had with many of my past b-friends- not wanting the same things at the same time. She vacillates even through the end of the movie, leaving us with no solution to the problem, but with some seeds of self-reflection.
from jessieescola :
it's not easy, is it? that fear. i went through 4 years of therapy and i still fight it on a regular basis. but now i recognize when i'm doing it and i can start doing things to stop. you really can't just have medication, you must have someone to talk to. and really, leaving him may have been the best thing for you to do.
from missleigh :
You definately deserve someone who meets more than 65% of your needs, you know! And I feel you on the social interaction thing. Sometimes it seems like I go days without talking to people.
from felicezombie :
I'm convinced that even once I get married, I'll be destined to become one of those old ladies with thirty, pfft! who needs kids when you have cats? ;-)
from pebblespunk :
Hi! I searched for any one who loves Screamin Jay Hawkins, and you�re the only one i the list! I love your Cow-story! :) /Pippi (alias pebblespunk)
from purplememe :
Don't worry, veg, I have been thinking about getting one of those old lady carts, too.
from kittybukkake :
I just saw the Electric Needle Room Simpsons last night! For the first time! I hope your acupuncture is less painful than that.
from lass :
rest in peace, mira dog. :(
from missleigh :
I'm so sorry to hear about Mira. Take care :)
from janeqpublic :
RE: Your bathroom problem. Try Tilex - it keeps the mold from coming back or you could just flood the fucker with bleach before you move out.
from janeqpublic :
glad you found a place! sorry for the subterfuge with the email addy.
from missleigh :
congratulations on the new place! I understand your nervousness, but I bet you'll love it when you move in.
from enidhere :
you are so brave with those treatments. needles just make nervous.
from purplememe :
That's so funny about hoarding food and being vegan. I have a whole drawer in my office devoted to food. And everytime I go to the grocery store I buy lots of canned beans... just in case. I even keep apple sauce in my car.
from janeqpublic :
I have a great landlord - email me at [email protected] if you want the name and phone number. Most of their apartments are in the Ukranian Village/West Village neighborhood.
from missleigh :
(exhales a long, deep sigh...) Oh great. They mentioned the "vegan" couple who starved their baby. Great that's the kind of promotion veganisim needs, eh? Sounds like this article was a big waste of pulp to me. Oh, and welcome back! We missed you.
from purplememe :
Yeah, I would've become paranoid and angry, too. I had to fast for 10 hours once(but water was ok). woke up at 8AM on Saturday, and no coffee and low blood sugar. I became a mega-bitch, especially when I couldn't even find the place.
from janeqpublic :
Thanks for the note. I took a peek in your diary as well - very nicely done and the layout is great.
from missleigh :
microwaving lobsters.... uggh. How brutal do humans need to be? I also read this suggestion by Julia Child. Barbaric.
from layoutaddict :
i LOVE the colors you used for this! it's absolutely gorgeous!! too bad i didn't come up with it, ha.. <3amy
from missleigh :
I like your new layout alot... it's groovy!
from missleigh :
I just read your "snotty vegan" entry, and I got bad flashbacks of every time I go to my mom's house. My vegan cooking gets alot of wrinkled noses, snickers, and "what the hell is that?". To some people, there really is no good way to introduce good meat free food. Which really sucks, doesn't it?
from zaziel :
I guess I'm turning up in your stats because I keep running into you because of outgrabe... and I joined the Googled diary ring when I was Googled for Brezsny. Which wasn't very exciting, nothing to brag about, really. I would love to be Googled for octopodous; I'm seventh on the list for octopodous. I could cherish the stranger who Googled me for octopodous. And anybody looking for both Cheerios and fellatios will have to be satisfied with just me. I'm the only result for that search.
from purplememe :
I cannot remember "The Duke's" last name, but I know who you are talking about. He intimidated me, too. He's just such a good dresser and so graceful. Didn't "Carmel" our tall thin and cute housemate describe him as "like a young male deer?"
from jessieescola :
that sucks. i haven't heard from him in a couple of days. i'm not going to put too much effort into him. i like him a lot, but i don't have the energy.
from jessieescola :
really? he's hard to read. i mean, there are times when i think, "yeah, so this guy digs me." and there are other times when i think, "i'm being a fool." i've just had bad luck and if there's one thing i can't stand, it's wishy-washiness. so, i just...i'm one of those people who needs a firm answer.
from jessieescola :
i can't tell if he's flirting back. it's hard to tell with him. uhm, i talked with him on the phone last night for almost 4 hours though.
from jessieescola :
do you know who i'm trying to flirt with? i'm trying to flirt with outgrabe. tee-hee. he knows it. i like him lots. tee-hee.
from girle :
:) Too bad I can't get in. Girle U:Lemme PW: In

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