messages to veryberry:
(click here to add new message):

from wacewace :
Hey you! It's been a while, hehe. Yeah, I'm actually (and finally) getting married. And sorry I didn't get back to you sooner; my brand-new spam filter works too well. :D
from camisado :
Dland sucks! I'm a gold member, and it won't show my pictures half the time! Grr! We should go on strike!
from megan0905 :
It's funny how even if I have no clue exactly what/who you're writing about, you always descripe it so well! I wish I had that kind of talent!
from for-no-one- :
Hehe, thanks. I didn't mean to sound rude. It seems like all the sororities here are the same which makes me kind of sad, but I wasn't going to join anyway. I'm glad you found a good group. I should be fine without that stuff... as I keep telling myself.
from cathieanne :
I LOVED Legends of the Hidden Temple! I was thinking about that just the other day!!!
from wacewace :
I accidentally sent this message to myself the first time, hehe. Stupid Diaryland. Avon is a pretty good money maker if you know how to make it work. And it's more than just makeup; there's jewelery, skin care, vitamins, perfume, everything. There are some people who will open the catalog and immediately say "I have to have this." I sold a diamond ring to a customer like this, hehe. Also, when I first started, I was guaranteed to earn 50% of everything I sold, and 50% for the next three sales campaigns if I sold more than $50. It can really add up when you sell a couple hundred dollars of merchandise. And since it only costs $10 to start, you're not losing much if it doesn't work for you. I know it sounds like I'm throwing you a sales pitch, but I'm not trying to. You really can't talk about sales without sounding like a salesperson, hehe.
from rican-girl :
ok im tryin to find someone that can explain how i make my diary go to the next entry and previous entry w/o havin to go to the archive page. could u tell me how?
from wacewace :
Aww, thanks. I've been stressing all day, but I know I'll laugh about it when it's over. That's how the last hurricane turned out, hehe.
from wacewace :
Yeah, I wanted to plan it alongside the high school's prom so my friends could go with us, but now I'm not sure so sure about that. Besides, I've gotta have enough time to get us that Hummer limo.
from wacewace :
You could come if you wanted to, but since you live so far away, I wouldn't make you really dress up since you're shelling out for a plane ticket. Actually, I was thinking about you while I was coming up with the idea, since you said your prom sucked, too. It won't be until May, so there's plenty of time to think about it. ^^ Don't let me pressure you into it, though.
from for-no-one- :
Lisa has moved here
from cathieanne :
Ah, you re-enrolled in mypoints just for me?! I think the gift card is 2750 points. It takes a while to accumulate them, unless you a) shop online through them or b) have their credit card (which I do). I've already gotten over $150 worth of stuff from them, which I find entirely worth it!
from wacewace :
I'm trying to get a wepage set up with them, but the lady who recruited me hasn't even put me in the database, so I can't even register yet. ^^ But until then, I'll mail it to you, hehe.
from cathieanne :
including airfare and whatnot, it was about $2000, which is a bit high. If you go in the off season, you can go way cheaper. Like, airfare is nearly half as much in November than June.
from megan0905 :
I hate to say it, but I think I'm going to move to LJ permanently. I feel like SUCH a traitor, and it sucks that I'm paying for diaryland still... but, I dunno... I know more people over there now. I have the same name there, and you're on my friend's list, so you can still read me, if you want. :)
from silentsigh :
Haha, thats my favorite part ;)
from silentsigh :
That's because it's a very SELECTIVE college.
from srogers909 :
Thanks very much for the congratulatory note! :D
from cathieanne :
psh. I wonder where all my commenters are, too! ;) The good smelling shampoo is Paul Mitchell Shampoo One. But be warned, it doesn't lather, like, at all.
from cornnugget :
Crutches are much more difficult than people realize and they can really put a lot of pain and extra strain on the arms. Ask her to let you give them a try and after about 10 minutes, imagine yourself using them for weeks, a month, even longer. Crutches suck. Just thought you would like another perspective. Take care.
from srogers909 :
40 years is easier to believe when you think of it as two-fifths of a century. ;) Smaller number, easier to handle. But I agree: it boggles the mind.
from cathieanne :
if you hold down Enter with "rosebud; ;" it'll go pretty fast. ;)
from srogers909 : I reading this correctly? A class called Relaxing Skills assigns homework? Isn't that kind of...I dunno, ironic?
from srogers909 :
Rap WILL be the downfall of western civilization. Er, I mean: Rap will B the downfall of western civizzle-ization. Or something like that...
from cathieanne :
Oh, it is SO a dagger date.
from megan0905 :
Hey! If you don't mind making me a layout, that would be so cool! I don't have a particular theme in mind and I like most colors. If it's too much trouble though, don't worry about it!
from silentsigh :
Not dangerous, or life threatening. Just very hard to do. And I had my chance, and didn't take it. But wow, what a night. Happy new years to you.
from silentsigh :
Oooh, I want a Queen shirt :) Most people would probably not know Queen, which can be a good/bad thing. They would be unable to make snotty comments about them, but on the other hand they would be oblivious to their music.. except for like "We are the Champions" which is usually thought of a one hit wonder by aforementioned stupid people. *major rolleyes*
from srogers909 :
Hey there! Thanks for the nice notes. :) I'm feeling much better now, and I'm almost done with Heart of Darkness (thank God). I'm glad that you enjoy my diary. I've got some free time coming up, so I'll finally be able to see more of yours! I look forward to reading it.
from megan0905 :
Yes, Jennifer Tilly is the one in Haunted Mansion. She was really odd on Jay Leno. I didn't know they were thinking about changing the ride! That's one of my favorites too!
from silentsigh :
oh most definetely. but then only zeppelin fans would probably get it ;)
from silentsigh :
o.o We think too much alike. Anyway, have a Happy Windsday!
from cathieanne :
Yeah, not only is it four hours, but it's actually TWO tests. Some people do get their degrees from the same places. But some places have better graduate programs, or they want to work with new people. Or they want to move. I just want to work with Carlson again. He is a rrrriot.
from silentsigh :
thanks for the note :) it made my week seem a lot better.
from silentsigh :
*gasp* i should not put spoilers on my webpage then. i hope you see it soon, it is a wonderful movie.
from cathieanne :
Oh yes, I saw that lamp at Walmart. Rest assured that this lamp is even BETTER than that one. For one thing, the lamp shades are ceramic. Or glass. Or something not plastic that makes a nice tinkling noise. It is a great lamp though, isn't it?
from raresilk :
Your review is up at Rare Silk Reviews. Congratulations on a fantastic score! Leslie Irene :)
from silentsigh :
Thanks for the note. Luckily bee stings don't last long. I don't think I've left you a note before so I'm just gonna say I like your diary a lot and thanks for reading mine... and good luck with all the stuff in your life like driving and whatnot. You're an awesome person :) -Lisa
from wacewace :
Hey there. Sadly, I've never actually tried a Lush product, though I've been getting their catalogues for a few years now. I'm just not a big fan of mail order, and their only store is in San Francisco. Oh, and nice entry today.
from wacewace :
The banner sounds great; go for it! Also, I can relate to the bobbin incident. Once I tried changing the bobbin, and the whole sewing machine fell apart.
from wacewace :
Congratulations on your review!
from wacewace :
Tee hee. I liked the L and D system you made up. Since I read that, I started using it, too, and it helps a lot. Thanks. It kind of reminds me of a system I used in middle to seperate vertical and horizontal lines. See, vertical lines are virgins, so they're standing up, and horizontal lines are whores, so they're lying down. That has middle school written all over it, hehe. See you later.
from megan0905 :
I love hearing your Geoff stories! They make me so happy for you! :-)
from hippie5 :
Congrats on the all A's! I know you were positively thrilled, and that's a great accomplishment :-) Oh, and love love love the daisies layout, btw!
from psianina :
I'm hoping I can come with you to DW some time in the future, or maybe we can visit NYC or sumthin. Anyway, I know you'll have fun all the same :)
from megan0905 :
I'm glad that you had so much fun!! That's great. I have to be very drunk in order to dance too. Actually, the only time that I *really* let loose was in Australia a couple of years ago. I only knew the few people that I went to the club with, and I was quite drunk. It was fun. It's definitely a wonderful feeling to be able to let loose like that. :-)
from leslieirene :
Thanks! That's my baby! His name's Simon, my 8-year-old Dachshund. He lets me do anything to him. He's a good little model! Thanks. Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)
from psianina :
ROFL! Truer words were never spoken, indeed. INDEED.
from psianina :
oh my crap, that's exactly the Victorian house I'm going to live in when I'm a spinster! it's going to be the headquarters of B.A.D.A.S.S.!!
from marn :
Awwwww, thank you. There's some really ugly corners on this place, but the meadow has turned out well. Spring bulbs make winter tolerable.
from psianina :
oooooh P&P is EXCELLENT! and actually, I wonder if I COULD swing DW... I may have to ask at work tomorrow about taking a week off, heehee.
from megan0905 :
Easter was originally a Pagan holiday?
from dramaqueen34 :
I love your layout im in love with anything to do with France or the French language, did you create it yourself
from psianina :
I read that far, heehee! And I understand the eating thing, oddly enough. For some reason when we go out, I can't eat much around Grant; I just don't feel that hungry. Strange...
from psianina :
heh heh okay. I knew there must've been some misunderstanding and you couldn't really be dissing me, dawg! *huggles*
from marn :
Thank you for the wangitude! Oh, and congrats on the 4.0 GPA. Wow, that's an amazing achievement.
from psianina :
Losing your voice rocks! I never lose it for very long, though, which is disappointing. I was sick all last week and my voice has only been raspy the last three days. Darnit. That's the only cool thing about being sick.
from megan0905 :
Hmm.. your guestbook isn't letting me sign it. Anyways, I completely agree with you about exercising. In fact, I was just thinking about it this morning. I want to go to the gym, because I really need to get in shape and lose some weight. I feel so ashamed though. I don't have anything to wear that is appropriate, and I just don't want people watching me. Last semester, I had to take a fitness class. That was really great -- I was more comfortable because I knew the people that were there with me were also forced to go. I just wish there was some way that I could make myself go work out. I really need to. :-\
from psianina :
awww poor ickle alien!
from megan0905 :
My ear canals get itchy too! Isn't that the most annoying thing ever? It happens to me because of allergies. Usually ear infections feel more like pins and needles in your ear canal. If they continue to be itchy/painful, you probably should go to your health center, just in case. Hope you don't get sick!
from psianina :
holy carp!
from wacewace :
Hey! Yeah, I'm not into that Vicky chick, either. And it's cool that you complained. I'm glad someone did. But yeah, I liked that paragraph about Joan Rivers. I've wondered that same thing for years. Anyway, I'm glad you stopped by! ~Wacie
from megan0905 :
I love to hear about you and Geoff! And I know what you mean about building up an event so much, and then having it just fly by. I always want it to last for so much longer than it actually does. And I tend to always think about something a real lot, and know exactly how I want it to happen. Then it happens a completely different way, and I'm super disappointed. I *hate* that. I have to learn to stop building things up.
from psianina :
The LOTR Sisters thing is just an open diary, not a full-fledged RPing place or anything. It's not like it'll take me away from posting at Hogwarts. What has made me so absent from there are the lack of ideas and the over abundance of annoying members. I just have nothing to write about. I've been thinking of leaving, since I never know what to post. I haven't even bothered to read the boards the last few days because it's just a bunch of inane chatter and conversations I'm no part of...
from psianina :
yay! :)
from freuds-fave :
A- Parisians think you're rude if you don't speak French. And learning French in a US classroom is tellement null. Get a French boyfriend who doesn't speak English. And then take an intensive language course in France...and don't bother to strive for fluency. That takes like 10 years. (Take it from me! 7 years of study, 5+ years of living here and I still sound like Fez on That 70s Show).
from shlippy :
In the words of the immortal Frosty the Snowman: "I'll be back again someday." Thanks for caring!
from elvensea :
Tell Josh that they were somewhat off, but not THAT bad, for pity's sake. The movie was still very good, and brought a lot out that before you had to leave to imagination, like the music and what not. It didn't end in the same place as the books, but that's because The Return of the King is the shortest one, and they had to make it longer. (I mean, if they'd kept on going with the movie so they could end where the book did, it would've been 4 hours long!) Overall, I'm quite satisfied, and the only part I *know* was off was the bit with Aragorn (if you know what I'm talking about). Anywho--sorry to take up all this note space, hehe! I should have made this a diary entry! ^_^
from marn :
Kyoto won't be easy, m'dear, and we have an oil-producing province (Alberta) which is simply going nuts about this. But I think we have the political will to see it through. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
from elvensea :
"I'd rather be friends with a guy before I dated him anyway because I'd be more at ease. So yeah, it's a long time for me to have liked him without any 'results', hehe, but considering I started from not even knowing him all that well, I think I'm doing pretty good!" Except for the fact that only one other person who actually knows Jeremy knows that I like him, and have for *quite* sometime (my estimations are always off, I know its been over 2 years) I'd have to say that we have at least one thing very much in common! :P
from rockonbytch :
i like yur diary!take a look @ my diary!if you like it could you add me to yur faves?i'll do the same for you if you will for me!
from megan0905 :
Mulder watches porn?
from dramaqueen34 :
Yes i was talking about ur design in ur diary. i love it. DO u have to have gold membership to make it butterflies? did ya read my diary? dont be lazy and let me kow soonn.. LOL just playing with ya!
from dramaqueen34 :
hey i was just wondering how do u change ur diary image?? i love yours its soo pretty!!
from janette :
You've probably already written the draft by now...what you should do is FOCUS on family environment but mention that it cannot be separated from the social environment (although I would've said social environment refers not just to the immediate physical environment, but also the habits of friends, the culture, the school/workplace etc.). Then you do just that: focus mostly on the family, but mention anything relevant that is social, just don't go into it in its own right, only how it relates to family influences.
from megan0905 :
The Honda Civic Hybrid costs somewhere around $20,000. But, you get a tax break, since it's good for the environment.. so that's good. But yeah, waaay too much for me to afford!
from elvensea :
Poor Berry...:) Why don't ou take a vacation on my island for a little while? Actually, its not a tropical one, its in the United Kingdom, and consequentially doesn't get much heat, but you can use it anyway! Just make sure you take warm clothes. :P *scurries away*
from norag1 :
I really enjoy reading you're diary. I read that you wanted advice about birkenstocks awhile back. My mom owns quite a few pairs of them. She loves them because they are comfortable. After you break the shoes in they are supposed to be 'form-fitting. They should last you quite awhile since they are really well-made.
from mdnghtmagic :
*stares at the sky* Berry, I can -show- you how to sew ... I think I mentioned that sometime awhile ago. We just have to get stuff together, a project and time, and we'll be set :) *hugs*
from psianina :
That's another example of the hypocrisy of false Christians. Like those people who blow up abortion clinics. Yes, abortion is wrong according to the Bible, because it's murder -- so does that make killing an abortion doctor okay? NO, it's still murder! Some people are so dumb.
from psianina :
Heehee, I kinda liked how the first paragraph was big. It reminded me of how some books have the first sentence in small caps or something...
from psianina :
It's because you have to start each paragraph with the <P> tag :) P for paragraph, easy to remember! But you don't have to remember it -- just change your template so it says <P>%%entry%%, and you never have to type in the <P>. ^_^
from fallencupid :
That sucks about waking up late. You know I tend to turn off my alarm clock sometimes and think I can get a few more minutes in then get up. A few minutes turns into 20 and I realize I am running late at that point and fly out of bed. One time I actually somehow managed to hit the swicth off in my sleep since my clock is right next to my bed. Fortunatly I managed to get up before the time the alarm was supposed to get up. *whew*
from megan0905 :
Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only weird one. A few weeks ago, I had a dream about you! lol. I can't remember what it was about now, but you were definitely in it. :-P
from marn :
Well, clearly, you ate something very, very weird just before going to bed.
from elvensea :
Why, thank you! I know what you mean about not trying things unless you think you'll be good at it...and not just good, exceptional. But I guess its just relieving to try things anyway, because I've been doing that more often and I really am in a happy state of my life right now. ANYWAY, enough about me, and thanks again for the note! :)
from baderin :
I think you're working from a lot of assumptions about fraternities and not a lot of experience. You didn't like this guy because he's a frat boy. But he's turned out to be nice. What makes you assume that the party will be just drinking and having sex? You're judging them on sterotypes. Maybe you should give them a shot first.
from no-answers :
Congratulations on the exam mark :)
from comment-anon :
Your diary is too cute :)
from psianina :
I don't see what's so wrong with the microchip thing. Are you against implanting them in dogs too? But if your dog went missing and you were able to locate it because you'd had a microchip implanted in it, wouldn't you be incredibly glad you had done that? It's simply not possible for parents to keep an eye on their children 24/7 (or for pet owners to watch their pets 24/7). Who knows how many children could be rescued before their kidnappers killed them if the child had a microchip implanted. It wouldn't be a bad idea for adults too - like convicted felons. People with microchips implanted in them wouldn't have their every movement monitored - it would only be when they go missing that they'd be tracked down. And if it can save a life, it's definitely worth it.
from psianina :
ooooooh I hope you get a radio show someday! Maybe halfway through the semester (or year), one of the upperclassmen will drop out or something, and then you can hurry up and take their spot ;) I'd LOVE to have my own radio show... I wonder if MCC has a station, heh heh. My brother was a guest DJ for the SCSU station one time (during that less-than-a-semester he attended there), but it was REALLY late at night so I didn't get to listen to it. He got to be a guest DJ because he was friends with the regular DJ. So you should make some connections over at the Clarion radio station, mwehehehe.
from psianina :
sorry about the bee sting! :( I hate bees too. There's a cat next to your weatherpixie, hehe.
from kerigirl :
Firstly- I am terrified of the phone, but the more I'm forced to use it, the easier it has gotten. I still only call family members for the most part, though. Secondly- much good wishes with the college thing. I was really scared about it, but it's so much fun. :) However, I'm still in orientation and this is a small school with a lot of freedoms.
from gensy :
I used to have the same telephone phobia.. well, sometimes I still get it, but for the most part I realize that I have to make the call, so I just get over the initial not wanting to make the call... hehe.
from elvensea :
I'm sorry about your nasty telephone experience...I think telephones may be rather like dogs...You can't let them know you're afraid...^_^ I hope you have better experiences from now on!
from psianina :
wheee!! so when do you move in? you may have mail waiting ^_^
from kerigirl :
I hope you have as much luck with your roommate that I seem to have with mine. If you have trouble with light from the street, try getting blackout curtains. They're really easy to make if you get at least one thick piece of fabric (and then another that you'll see to make it pretty). At least, from watching Trading Spaces, they look easy to make.
from janette :
According to MI Theory I'm good at Visual/Spatial intelligence and Musical intelligence most, followed by Verbal/Linguistic. My Maths Lecturer said that they've done a lot of studies in Maths and there is no one Mathematical intelligence because people can do well on one kind of maths but not another. I suppose that makes sense because some maths is Visual/Spacial, some is Logical, some is finding patterns, etc.
from megan0905 :
I got my wisdom teeth out about three years ago, and it really wasn't bad at all. I wasn't in any pain, but it did bleed a lot which was pretty gross. Don't be worried about it, most people think it's easy, rather than painful.
from psianina :
I think it'd depend on what the fan club was for, like if it's for an actor, you'd probably have to contact their agent and find out if there is one and if not, if you could start it. If it's for a miniseries like Tenth Kingdom, I dunno! You could contact the production studio that made it -- not the big one like NBC, but the smaller one that's usually run by the director. As for conventions -- all I know is that the big ones (like Star Trek and Xena and other sci-fi types) are run by a company called Creation Entertainment. (
from invisiblepal :
Hi. Welcome to and thanks for joining the Pa ring. :)
from neko-carre :
Welcome to the Cancerians diaryring. :)
from psianina :
If you're talking about the a-list thing: Just like all those diary-review sites, it's a totally SUBJECTIVE thing. "Alistdiva" is just picking her own personal a-list, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
from marn :
Mmmmmmm, corn, indeed. Somethings are so wonderful they just reduce us to monosyllables, eh?
from megan0905 :
I use a laptop too, and I can't stand the touchpad. Even when I use the keyboard, I tend to accidentally hit the touchpad and screw something up. So, I got an external mouse and keyboard. It seems silly, but it works out much better for me. It really doesn't matter since I don't travel with my laptop, it just sits on my desk.
from psianina :
I understand what you mean about the feedback thing. *nodnods* That was rude (or at least uncouth) of the guy to say that. That's almost like giving someone a present and then saying, "And I'd appreciate it if you sent me a thank-you card." <BR><BR>And the bell-bottoms thing!! I hear ya, sister. There's this one picture of my dad as a teenager, and he was soooo hippie. Plus he was 6'4" and unbelievably skinny, so those pants made his legs look even MORE long and thin! His nickname in high school was the Stork, ha ha ha.
from psianina :
I loooove Never Been Kissed! My friends told me I was Josie too, hehe. And the link to Jam's quiz doesn't work!
from tincan815 :
I was never a big Pinocchio fan, either. The squishing definitely would've added something.
from chriistyl :
I ADORE YOUR DESIGN... OH AND I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY TOO... I am 28 and I have Hello kitty all over my diary... my sister is 30 and half her apt is hello kitty and PPG themed.... come check me out....
from janette :
I NEVER get sick of reading your diary, so don't feel like you get rambly & boring! You make me laugh (you make me cry, you deserve an oscar...)!
from eyesonthesky :
Your layout is ADORABLE.
from megan0905 :
I'm so glad that you had fun with Geoff!! It sounds like a great time. Hope there's many more! =)
from gensy :
I've been reading your diary for a while, but haven't had time to leave a note. I was reading your recent entry where you were talking about how your mom would like to get a parakeet, and you thought they would be pretty loud. I had 2 large parrots for about 6 or 7 years, and they can be loud during the day-although you get used to it-but if you put a sheet over their cage at night, they go straight to sleep. Parakeet's are angels in volume compared to regular parrots, and they are so cute! We had to get rid of our parrots because one of them almost bit my little brothers finger off! (But with good reason, the little tike was sticking his finger in the cage, hehe) Well, just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your diary, and wow this became a long note. =)
from mdnghtmagic :
Kuririn layout is SO CUTE!!!!
from mdnghtmagic :
I liked the French Hello Kitty layout better ... agreement from me that it fit you better, too. Hope to see it again! :) Let's get some more Venetian Sunsets, mah Berry!! *giggles madly*
from demmykin :
AMBER!!! Amber Amber Amber!! We ARE overdue for our 1 week conversation! *lightly slaps her hand* Bad Demmy. *grins*
from janette :
1) I sent you the profile button - why isn't it up yet you lazy Berry?? *grins* 2) Often it is helpful for people with Autism to write things down. For some reason I can't remember some people with this condition don't truly take things in if they are simply said (or gestured), but they seem to absorb written text. 3) AAARGH. Do you realise that I made "Berry Patch" "Berry Path"? eeee...I'll try to make you a new button tomorrow or on the weekend. In the meantime, people can trip down the Berry Path...*giggles*
from psianina :
Bring back the French Hello Kitty someday, s'il vous plait! And I'm not saying that just because I made it, either. =P It was just such a cute design, and it really fit you, especially since you have all those French Hello Kitty things from the Sanrio store! =D And the banner you made for it was adorable too.
from psianina :
Ever since Arby's got rid of their delicious Turkey Sub, I haven't liked going there anymore! XP
from psianina :
why don't you come on MSN anymore? *cries* This is the second time you've updated your diary while I'm online, but I don't see you come on MSN! ;_; are you mad at me or something?
from catwhisperz :
wow! i just love your hello kitty theme. how adorable
from mechaieh :
Came in through the banner. Cute layout. :-) Good work standing up for yourself - keep it up.
from psianina :
As the Lady Nancy Astor once said, "One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time." ^_^
from kerigirl :
Happy happy birthday!
from psianina :
Orientation sounds like it went very smoothly - yay! "Fear the Bird"!! *giggles* I wish I was there with ya! Miss you, hope to see you on MSN again soon!
from psianina :
Be Like Bush! Tone that Tush! *falls over*
from psianina :
I think you should email that girl at Clarion! That WOULD be cool to get there and already know somebody! =D
from janette :
Oh HTML...well, you can imagine what I was trying to do! *twinkly smile*
from janette :
Berreeeeeeeeee...Where are yooo, I miss yooo.... <BR>I know <I>exactly</i> what you mean about the teeth operation! I haven't even had a <I>filling</i> in my teeth. Sure, I've broken two bones, but no stitches either, and nothing vaguely resembling an operation. I haven't been to the dentist now for a few years (I haven't felt the need) but, now that my wisdom teeth are coming through more properly, I'm a little afraid to go for the exact same reason! Eeek! *hugs* At least you don't have to get braces, too. That's what happened to my sister AND my friend, when they got their teeth out.
from kerigirl :
Yay on getting accepted! You have all my wishes for good luck there.
from emilina :
Congratulations hon! I know you'll do well in college.What are you planning on majoring and/or minoring in?
from megan0905 :
Yay!! Congratulations on getting accepted! :-D
from psianina :
Awww, Berry. Sorry to hear - or not hear - you had a bad day. Miss you. ~Lola
from psianina :
Happy anniversary - TO YOU! Happy anniversary - TO YOU! Happy anniversary, dear Berrrrryyyyyy!! Happy anniversary to you!
from kerigirl :
Aw, your new Hello Kitty design is très adorable! I love the clean lines and the red, white, and blue Frenchieness of it. (I don't suppose that is a word...) But then, I love all the designs you use. :)
from baderin :
While it's true that the store shouldn't return something they didn't sell in the first place, they're not really out money. They do get the merchandise back, which they can return to the manufacturer for the money if it's broken, or sell to someone else for the money if it isn't broken. It's not like they lose money.
from psianina :
And wouldn't it be *especially* wise to save a receipt for something you spent TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS on?
from janette :
Anyone who had a grain of sense would see that behind your reserve you're the funnest person alive and try to get to know that fun person! *smushes* I forgot to say that I love the Hello Kitty design too! Well done Berry & Laney! You haven't told me who the long-lost NWT friend is yet...I wanna see if my guess was right.
from janette :
Who was the long-lost NWT friend?? *looks down* I was talking like Chris/Eo with that "Darlin'" hehe...
from janette :
Darlin', they're not REAL photo-booth photos if you don't have ones where you're not expecting the flash. My two best friends and I took a set of them in high school and the first one we were laughing about something, the second one we were laughing hysterically because we missed the flash and the THIRD one we were laughing so much we weren't even in the picture properly! Emma's face got covered more and more until only her forhead was showing. Desiree laughed so much her face went forward and forward until there was HER great big forhead close up at the bottom of the picture! Hehe. It wouldn't have been the same if they'd been NORMAL pictures!
from moon-candle :
Hey berry, I'm sorry about your dog Pierre. =( I know what it's like to lose a pet, and all of the anger and hurt ya feel after you lose them. I hope you feel better soon... **a hug from someone you don't know, so you're probably thinking: "Who the heck?" **
from janette :
Hey! You could always keep up the French and become one of those people who translate French books into English and English books into French - you could translate for authors like Robert Jordan! O.O
from psianina :
I feel the same way about English classes!! And I don't think you should give up on being an author -- I think there are plenty of authors who didn't major in English. A lot of people don't end up working in the field they majored in!
from marn :
Thanks for the sweet note. Oh, to be a young 'un like you again ... *Sigh*.
from megan0905 :
LOL.. yes, I'm done with finals and back at home. STALKER!! hehe.. I'm sooo kidding. :) I guess that my finals went pretty well.. I'm just glad that they're over!!
from janette :
Oh, and I'm not over my high school - and even my primary school - angst either.
from janette :
Mr Bean = Rowan Atkinson. He was so funny & clever in the Mr Bean series, Blackadder and the other various things I've seen him do (e.g. 4 Weddings and a Funeral, The Lion King & this stand-up stage show they show on telly now and then which is hilarious) that the movie was a major let-down. :/
from janette :
Go Daisy Design! (ooh that'd be a good name for a design site:, enough with the ideas for projects I don't have time for (argh!)) Amberry, I wann come and play the diagon alley game with you! Although I like to win, so I'd be put out if you were being all nice and I was being ruthless (well, ish), so you have to promise me when we finally meet and play board games that you won't be any less ruthless than me. *hughug*
from soldierdad :
Hey, i am a new reader. just thought i would let you know that i find your diar a good read and i enjoy the layout :)
from megan0905 :
I just wanted to let you know that read your diary on a regular basis (actually, really really often because I pretty much sit in front of my computer all day long instead of doing work.. lol). I don't think that it's boring at all.. you keep my interest! :-)
from punkerchicka :
hi,my name is nikki and i read ur diary and i think its very kewl. the pic on yoyr diary is very kewl.well ima go now. bye
from pop-phobic :
Your diary is, to say the least (and I mean the VERY least), beautiful. It is...magnificent. A masterpiece. It is a Kaleid - that means "beautiful form" in Greek it is, I believe...I could be wrong. Etymology isn't my best subject. Anyspam, just thought I'd say your diary is muy bonita.
from enchancea :
just wanted to say you have a very beautiful diary
from psianina :
Actually, 60s fashions came back in the 90s. Now 70s fashions are hip again. And 80s fashions are peeking in already. I don't try to be trendy, thankfully. I hate 80s fashions. The only good thing about the 80s were the cartoons! I hate 80s hair, 80s clothes, 80s music...
from mdnghtmagic : MoreHair! *giggles and huggles 'da Berry* I'm on a kick now, girl! and yes, tag along with me on the MUD! Dustin and I both have good stats and are lvl 6, I think...
from mdnghtmagic :
from a silly eDiets article:
Hair is largely made up of vitamin B complex and protein. Choosing foods rich in these nutrients will create the quickest result. Some women have had very good luck with silica tablets which are sold at most drugstores. You can also increase circulation to the scalp with a brisk daily massage, using the tips of your fingers.
from christachick :
I can't stand that mcdonald's commercial either! Argh! The Spice Girls were out a LONG time ago. And those chicken strips are sooooo nasty. I tried them the other day and could barely choke down one. Oh, by the way..CUTE layout. :D
from funkymcnasty :
oh. my. goodness. I love all of the gifs at the bottom of your page. They kick the ass of everyone x infinity! Later Dayz, Rachael
from megan0905 :
Hey! I really like your diary. The layout is very nice, and I like your style of writing. It's fun to read! :)
from psianina :
ooooh yay!
it appears to do HTML! or at least the BR tags.... how about some bold?
sorry, ignore this note! ^_^;;;
from psianina :
I love the names you picked! Oliver and Olivia are very cute, but how about Barnabas and Olivia? Those two sound cute together as well, and there's no repetitiveness. I wonder if this thing does paragraph breaks...
or HTML?
anyhoo, I guess I'll save the rest of my comments for when I see you next! ;)
from shauna098 :
Hiya! Another anime fan ne? Yes, same here! I love that picture of Sakura, it's adorable. Your diary is really interesting and pretty! Keep up the good work! :D
from kinkykitten1 :
I love your diary. it is so cute. i really like your layout. wish i had one! Crystal
from fallencupid :
Nice diary! I love it. It made me laugh when I read about the moldy bread. I also took a look at your bedroom pictures. Must I say, they are quite impressive. :-) I enjoyed looking at your diary and plan to come back often. I hope you get a chance to check out mine! Plese do if you get the chance and leave a note. :-) ~Fallen
from viks :
cool diary :D love vikki
from janette :
*giggles* Debra Lee Furness (I think I spelled it right) and Hugh Jackman met on this short drama series (that they were showing at the same time as the oscars and I've never seen, so I watched bits of) called Corelli, where she was a psychologist and he was this guy in prison (and his face was fatter!) which he won awards for. I don't know how much older than him she is, but she is older...they've been married for at least ten years, I think...and her hair's been white-blond for a long as I can remember knowing who she was, which makes her look even older than if she had brown hair and kept dying it or something.
~end ramble~
from kerigirl :
That new picture you have is adorable. So sweet and innocent, yet there's something about her. Anyhow, I have to mention that I rarelyrarely watch awards shows, but last night I managed to flip through the Academy Awards to see the Cirque du Soleil performance. Was that not too cool? I wanna dangle from huge-o-gigantic ribbons some day! ;-)
from lordacon :
Yes, beautiful layout and wonderful writings. Drop me a line sometime
from flutterby26 :
I'm sure you get this alot but I just wanted to say I love your layout it's gorgeous. I love it, love it,love it.....
from janette :
Berrybambini, your layout is goooorgeous...I'm getting soo jealous!
from itsmylife :
You have the cutest layout! Nice!
from waldo :
Hi! I just have to say that I totally love your layout. That picture is simply beautiful. Of course, anything done by CLAMP is beautiful. ^_^ Have a nice day!
from pnkrawkstr :
Hey, WOAH!!! Your layout is SO nice! LOL I'm jealous! :o) I love cartoon dolls, LOL. I made a doll maker, too. You can go here: and click on doll maker! :D Bye!
from mdnghtmagic :
hey, I enjoy your critter tales too, Berry!! *huggles*
from toejam :
I just wanted to say that that singer from Five for Fighting is trained in opera, maybe that's why people think his voice sounds terrible, because they are used to very untrained voices, like the n*Sync boys. There is great sight out there about the guy who is Five for Fighting, he is very talented.
from starbabe013 :
Hello-- your diary is amazing. I just got to this diary place so mine isn't that nice yet. I'm workin on it though. I used to write at another diary place sooo yep. I like this better, much friendlier. --Sarah
from psianina :
I've been kicked off MSN for no reason, and it won't let me back on! Grrr
from aseyka :
I used to hear the same stuff about going back to school or getting my license. I just wasn't ready to drive until a year ago.... and I'm 28 ! Good luck at work. I'll be back to see how everything went :)
from shlippy :
you definitely don't need to pick a major right away...try some different classes and see what you like. You can probably use them as electives later. And woo hoo for joining the college radio station. I love mine!
from no-answers :
Early morning is by FAR the best time to write because it's weird ideas that make the world go round :)
from psianina :
sorry about the bad day!
from darlindoll :
This is my "Random notes day" so lucky you is getting a note! HEHEHEHE! TAG! You're it!
from psianina :
I read in TV Guide that both the Rose Red diary and Ellen are fictitious! I can't remember what else it said, but I remember those two things...
from psianina :
Someone found your diary by searching on Yahoo for "Tahitian nude women"!!! *RORF*
from psianina :
"Pine" is from the same root as the word "pain" -- they both mean to suffer.
from mdnghtmagic :
I second Janette's keep-a-running-email-to-your-dad idea. I also like your new layout bunches! s'pretty! I'm feeling a bit better than when you called ... *crosses fingers* I'll probably try calling you tonight or such to figure out something for Weds *hugs*
from janette :
Berry! *smush* I wasn't angry at you! If I gave that impression at all then it was only teasing-ish and I genuinely did have stuff to do away from the compy!

(I hope HTML works in these notes or there'll be ugly html tags showing)...I think you should write a running email to your Dad but don't send it. Write it when your particularly mad or hurt, but then come back to it and edit it and just keep it there, updating it, improving it etc. until you feel ready to actually send it and deal with his reply.
from janette :
Feeling cold when have fever: The Hypothalamus controls the constant temperature (among other things) that the body needs. When it can't do this on it's own, it causes the body to act in a way that lets you know what's wrong so you can do something about it - e.g. if you feel cold you will run around or put on more clothes and therefore maintain a stable temperature. When you have an illness, it throws your hypothalamus out of whack so it THINKS you're too cold and need to be a lot warmer. So it does it's best to make you warmer and warmer and therefore you get a fever. However, it thinks you're BELOW your required body temperature, so it makes YOU cold so that you do something to make yourself warmer! =D
from psianina :
I'll never use the phrase "a cold fish" to describe an aloof person again!!! (well okay I will.)
from mdnghtmagic :
whee! I made an entry that actually showed up! now I just gotta get a good layout thrown together ;) *hugs* love ya, girl ... 'member that
from demmykin :
*waves and hugs* HI BERRY!!! That's all. *smiggles*
from psianina :
errr, hear. Sorry, I can't read OR spell.
from psianina :
I must here your plan for conquest with Geoff!
from psianina :
At first I thought it said "FEMINIST hygiene." HA HA! Life's a riot when you don't know how to read.
from kat-kat :
Hi! I just want to tell you that you have a nice site. Keep it up darling! And please visit mine too.
from psianina :
I want to hear your good news! NOW. Thank you. ^_^
from mdnghtmagic :
Harry Potter! if you can wait for the Tuesday after the Friday it comes out, Dustin might be driving me down for Thanksgiving and we can all go see it :D can't wait!!!!
from mdnghtmagic :
I think AOL's got some sort of cable/dsl access version ... I remember seeing something like that at, check it out! I want you back at the NWT, Berry! looks like Dustin's almost definitely going to join :D anyway, dat's it ... hope to see you online to talk sometime soon! *huggles*
from janette :
Whee! Layout compliment!! *smushes* You haven't written ME a note yet Berrybambinikins!!
from psianina :
from shady78 :
just thought i'd say you have a very nice layout! :o) i like your diary.

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