messages to vignettes:
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from caudelac :
OOh. You are my own Favorite. ;)
from kitty1980 :
happy random guestbooks/notes signing week :)
from pasunrond :
Your modern Magnon is an intriguing one. More coming? (Not that I'd mind seeing more of Gavin, either...)
from margot-poni :
Yes, what /is/ tuition? I may need a scholarship. :) Ach, but that's wonderful! If only it was real. I think I'd have to major in Jehan.
from quois :
So, what's the tuition?
from partouse :
Those are officially the scariest moderns I have ever met. They make the voices in my head want to outdo them. There is this Prouvaire volunteering to write a story about his boyfriends (god help me) and then there's the �ferre, who translates hideously poorly into modernity. And -- no. You win. :) I concede that you are scarier than I want to be.
from plainymph :
*gawps* I always knew Gavroche wasn't the little pure-as-snow good Samaritan that Hugo made him out to be. Anyway, I think I like yours better.
from mhari :
re: figment care -- HA! I'm so amused. And yes, I spy on your vignettes2 archives.
from partouse :
Squeeeeee! Oh my god, I love you. That was so -- wrong. :) My day is made. Completely. Write more! Write more! Also -- yes, I have trouble finding euphemisms that don't hurt my brain, too, so I know what you mean. Still. Squeee! I like these boys. Get your Enjolras to tell us about his escapades. ;>
from caudelac :
Ending the first, I think, my dear. i'm all about charming last lines.
from mhari :
Tsktsktsk. It's okay; if you renamed him Marcelin you'd have another demented blond boy out for your blood, I'm afraid. ;) I don't think it's too terribly confusing. And-- poor, broken E. *pats him*
from withhismarys :
Very nice! I look forward to reading more.
from mhari :
Poor Lance. On a related note, have you read "The Dress Lodger", by Sheri (I think) Holman? It is pretty and macabre. I think you'd enjoy it.
from plainymph :
Oh. Eesh. I love it ("Mistaken Identity", that is); I don't know why, but it was so very RIGHT. And that one line -- "but half of him, namely the lower half, was hoping for a slow night" -- made my day. Really.
from caudelac :
from quois :
meh! I just sat down and read about half of everything. Is it terribly wrong of me to rather adore your monteparnasse? Beautiful, beautiful, eerie, harrowing, throat-clutch, lovely.
from mhari :
Ah, gods, echo-lady. you're going to make me fond of these crazy broken kids. :)
from mhari :
Aiii. Echo, sweet, that (deux.html) has No Right to be that touching. But it is. *shuffles off to work on trying to write something half as good*
from plainymph :
Oh. Now you've got me interested. Good taste is overrated anyway.
from dulcimer :
Ach. Violinist R, that is. I have celli on the brain at the moment, don't mind me...
from dulcimer :
So, morphine Enjolras and cellist R? Do have another baguette.
from mhari :
*tingles happily*
from plainymph :
A morphine-addicted Enjolras? Sounds fascinating, but still I offer you my condolences -- from a safe distance, of course.
from jaceritter :
Very very cool writing. And I think Fyo would make an excellent addition to the email rpg should you be interested in throwing him in there.
from themunchkins :
This is kinda forward of me, probably, but have you ever thought of adding Fyodor to the email rp? He intrigues me :).
from mhari :
This thing makes me very happy. Why haven't I read anything of yours before? And d'you want a custom template, by any chance? (this is one of Manon's vices: she sees awesome writing, she immediately yearns to put purty graphics on it. forgive her.)
from plainymph :
Oh. Thank you for the note. I'm really enjoying your diary, and the latest piece is especially good. Eagerly anticipating more :).
from dulcimer :
Might as well fall upon the guestbook out of the blue as well... Lovely fictional Frenchies you have here; hope to see more soon.
from themunchkins :
Hi, this is Becca from the email roleplay. I like muchly. Keep up the good work :).

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