messages to vxxen:
(click here to add new message):

from whystinger :
Great to hear from you!!! 8 years to save up? Regardless, start it and then you will find ways to save up more and speed it up. Happy new year!
from dangerspouse :
You're alive! Hooray! Jason's still got a tiny dicklette! Booooo! Lol...thanks for the note, kiddo. It was great hearing from you - and a relief to know you're ok :)
from whystinger :
Hey Girl! Great to hear from you. Got Jason seeing hour psychiatrist and getting him into therapy? That is a form or giving back or becoming an advocate. That is a step in your journey healing. I am happy for you. If you get serious, make sure you like that, uh, little thing, LMAO. Hugs and I am HAPPY for you!
from dangerspouse :
OMG - they closed the Staten Island Modell's? NOOOO!! Dammit, just when I was gonna head there to see if they had neon green Timberlands. Shit. Oh well, at least it's good to see you posting again! Hope you're doing ok in this plague thing. Hang in there, babe :)
from dangerspouse :
MERRY CHRISTMAS, BEYOTCH!! Hope Santa brought you a moving van under the tree...with a bunch of hotty buff movers for you to watch while they pack your shit up and move you somewhere you actually like. All the best!
from whystinger :
Glad to hear that you told him he must finish his divorce first. I dated a lady who allegedly was waiting for her papers to be signed. That was a big fucking mistake for me, her husband came and told me that SHE was the one not signing the papers. I realized that she was using me to fuck with him... So keep firm!
from phaythles :
17 July 2019. I. Love. You. Too!!! You're my people :) Seriously though I'm glad you're feeling better. I've never been to your side of the country but if I had to roll up and knee some limp dicks in the balls I SO wouldve. That being said mental health is weird. It gets hard dont get me wrong. Some days I wake up like ugghhhh, fuck everyone. Other days I want to lay in bed and weep. Lately I've been waking up feeling all happy and shit so I'm rolling with it. And I just wanted to sprinkle some positivity and sunshine your way. I'm glad you've been riding your bike and getting a work out in. I SWEAR since I've been going to the gym and getting work outs in a few times a week, I have been feeling SO much better. Truly i dont feel quite so crazy. I'm now a believer, hah. I just hope I can keep it up. I seemed to have developed a habit of quitting shit and I want to do better. I've also been tracking calories and shit and that's when I realized I'm an emotional eater. I'm definitely trying to fix that. We're on some hot girl summer shit. Also yay you for finding new guy! I dont know why you're saying it's not gonna last. It could! Or, if not that's cool too. No pressure. Just enjoy yourself. You deserve it :)
from phaythles :
12 July 2019. Whew, child! I just read your last few entries and you have been THROUGH some things. First off I'm glad you are feeling better. I agree it is very important to PUT. YOURSELF. FIRST. *especially* when it comes to someone else being in a funk. Years ago I dated this guy like that and it was such a drain. I'm a nice person and want to help everyone but he had some issues like substance abuse and depression. I just couldn't be there for him because it was sucking my soul dry. This is why there are PROFESSIONALS. Are you a licensed mental health professional?! Nah, you ain't. So set some boundaries and let him go talk to someone and work his bullshit out. You need to focus on you cause imma be HELLA pissed if your ass jumps off a bridge or something. PISSED. So please focus on yourself sis. I also understand the frustrations of mothers. Ayyyyeeee. It's my entire life story I swear! Moms suck. They do. They can mean well but their delivery ain't gotta be all mean. I'm still working on my own mother situation so I dont have a lot of sage wisdom. I moved out and had a mental health crisis and had to move back in with my mom -_- it's been interesting to say the least but I gave myself a firm 6 month deadline because I can never truly be unclenched and happy until I have my own space. I love my mom but need to do it in small ass doses. So set some goals. Dont worry about limp dicks, broken big dicks, or no dicks. Literally write down what you want by Jan 2020. Move out? New job? Car? Then put down mini goals that you need to do to get there. I dont care how mini. If you need to make a goal to get out of bed and brush your hair then do it. One step at a time. When you hit a goal, cross it off and treat yourself. Itll make you feel better like you're making progress and it's a good boost for mental health. That's all I got for now with this long ass note but I need you to stay positive. I believe in you :)
from whystinger :
So Larry didn't work out? A big dick ain't nuthin unless he knows how to use his tongue, fingers and, of course the D. Sorry to hear you are having a rough go of it. I hope things work out better for you soon!
from dangerspouse :
WILL YOU GET THE FUCK OVER LIMP-DICKED JASON ALREADY?! Jesus. Chicks! Lol...hey listen, you GOTTA post some pics from ComicCon. That's gonna be a hoot! And here's how you can save money: start turning tricks. Hey, it worked for me. Easy hours, and best of all: it's all you can eat! Hang in there, babe. That Jeep will be yours before you know it :)
from dangerspouse :
Congrats on the new job!! I'm very happy for you. Hey before you buy that jeep and house, maybe buy a pair of Spanx for TJ. Sounds like he could use 'em. ;)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, I forgot to leave you a "Merry Christmas" on Christmas. I suck. Not as bad as Jason, but I still suck. HOWEVER - I'm remembering to wish you a Happy New Year! Woo hoo, I suddenly don't suck *quite* as much! Right? Right, bitch!
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the great note, vxxen! Yeah, I love you and whystinger too. I'd fuck both of you if I could. :)
from dangerspouse :
from whystinger :
While it is bad news that you have been hearing voices, I really applaud you for getting an appointment with your psychiatrist - this shows that you are taking responsibility for your health and that is a very good thing. I'll keep you in my prayers.
from whystinger :
You been messing with this Jason dude for a long time to still be having troubles with him... Follow your heart girl
from phaythles :
Heeelllooo! I havent been on here in forever. Actually now that I think about it I havent been on any social media in forever, real life has been way to draining. Anyway. 1) I get the frustration of being taken advantaged of and dealing with family. It fucking sucks. It is literally one of the worst emotional drains ever. There really isnt anything you can do but move out. Im in the same situation and I gave myself a hard deadline of 2 months max. I gave myself a pep talk, like listen trick I am *too* damn grown to be living with people. Shit is irritating. Ill rent for a couple years and then I want to buy a house and throw down some roots. I am tired of moving (I *JUST* did three states in six months. Im fucking crazy). You mentioned in one of the entries (I havent been keeping up but I just skimmed the last few) that you would prefer to put the $ down for house instead of rent. Well, start looking! THIS IS YOUR SIGN THAT YOU CAN DO IT!!! WOOT WOOT!!! And if youre waiting for dick, dont. Having your own space means piece of mind (Hmmmm think of how great itll feel with no nagging? No one touching your stuff? No coming home after a long shift to fucked up energy ruining your meditative mojo?). At this point in time can dick give you piece of mind? If not, then get a place on your own. Get you a little starter home or condo or something. Then when you find your true boo thing, he can move in with you, you can rent the property or sell the shit. All of that is a win-win-win. 2) Once again I only skimmed a few entries and Im trying to be positive about this guy but I see hella red flags. He seems like he cant get his shit together and usually when that happens they at LEAST throw down dick for days but his ass apparently cant even do that properly so Im not quite sure what you see in him. If hes a good shoulder to cry on then bump his ass down from boyfriend to BFF. Then get your mind right, have alone time, get you a little place, find some new/interesting hobbies and then BAM the person youve been waiting for will pop up when you least expect it. Trust.
from dangerspouse :
Let's see if I got this straight. He can't get it up with a fine-ass chick like yourself, he won't use sex toys, he hasn't carried through on his promises, he's unemployed. Hmmm. I hate to break it to you, girlfriend, but you're dating a GIRL. Dump his/her unwashed smelly ass. You deserve better. And dick.
from whystinger :
Well, now you know why I am concerned. She swears she is in love. I'm thinking infatuation. You are right about those Spanish lips!
from whystinger :
Done! Hugs.
from whystinger :
I'll email you. Might take my sorry ass a while... I hope you are well.
from dangerspouse :
Haha! Thanks for the rockin' note, babe! Glad my stupid story gave you another chuckle. And yes: Chris can eat MANY dicks. What a dick! He just used you. That wasn't being a "friend". Shit. Pop a cap in his cheap gorilla Kong ass for me, willya? Fool lost a good friend pulling that shit on you. Damn. And I hope things get better at home with mom. That sucks. Hang in there, Batgirl :)
from whystinger :
Jason needs to take care of his shit. He needs tires and buys an Xbox? Really? Dude needs to stop acting like a boy and take care of his shit.
from dangerspouse :
Take a step back and look at this dispassionately. If you stay with Jason and don't cheat, the lack of a fulfilling sex life will make you depressed and frustrated, and you'll become more and more intolerant of his deplorable hygiene - which will also make you depressed and frustrated. If you stay with Jason and DO cheat, you might temporarily scratch that itch for a bit, but you'll still be going home to someone with serious stank. And if you get caught - and you will get caught - it ain't gonna be pretty. Now if you go back to Big Dick Steve...oh honey, don't. Just don't. Go back and re-read the entries you wrote telling why you left him in the first place. Right now you're just thinking with your pussy if you're even REMOTELY considering hooking back up with that loser. So, what do you do now, huh? I'll tell you: stop thinking those are your only options. There are plenty of guys out there who would love to get with a fine, freaky piece of ass like yourself. Don't get all depressed and tell yourself there aren't! Nobody likes dry spells, and the frustrations of dating. But it's worth it - YOUR worth it - to find someone who'll rock you in the sack AND takes a goddam shower more than once a fortnight. Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't fucking give up. You're Batgirl, remember?
from whystinger :
Medical coding and billing - one can make a fortune at that. Maybe I should look at that for a second career!
from whystinger :
Of course, Step Dad. We haven't met but long ago we had many conversations on email or Diaryland notes and I am fond of you too. Take care of you and great idea to ask your therapist. That may be a good thing to work on if the therapist agrees. I believe that everyone should have some therapy, it helps. Peace and hugs.
from whystinger :
You probably wanted intimacy with Steve because he was "safe," you knew you would not get it from him or you recognized something in Steve or your relationship with him from other parts of your life and you were trying to relive and make things differently. Who can Steve represent in your life? You see those familiar patterns and they are comfortable and draw you in. The intimacy that Jason offers scares you as the feelings are unfamiliar or you don't want to give to Jason as you are afraid of being hurt. Think and study, figure what bothers you and what you need to do to move beyond it.
from whystinger :
Piss on that punk ass bitch Steve! You deserve much better.
from dangerspouse :
Woo hoo! Great news!! Way to go BATGIRL!!! Hope this is the beginning of a beautiful new life for you. Without that mofo Steve ;)
from whystinger :
Glad to see an update from you.
from dangerspouse :
PCOS? Seriously, like, what next?? At least it's not the Big C, so there's that. I'll be thinking about you kid - all the best. Hang in there, and keep taking those meds no matter how distressing it is for the moment. It's better than not medically addressing your problems!
from whystinger :
Be careful of weaning yourself off of the meds - get help with that. Did you know that if you have enough bi-polar episodes it will make that disease progress and get worse? Please be careful. Hugs
from dangerspouse :
YOU'RE BACK!! Glad to hear you're not ugly, lol. Sucks that that's all the guy wants to fuck. Men! Right? Ahhh, sorry you have to work Thanksgiving. Me too. We should start a club :) Good luck getting the job, babe. I'm pullin' for ya!
from dangerspouse :
Hey babe, it's almost Thanksgiving 2016 - where you been?? Update us on the job and Steve situations already! Miss you....
from jimbostaxi :
Good luck ! Central pk west huh? Ok I'll ask for Vxxen when I get my caramel Macciato :0)
from whystinger :
Good luck with the DEP. Hugs!
from dangerspouse :
Do you know, all this time I never realized you were in the City. Go figure. Hey, good luck with the DEP. birth control now, huh? Glad you're feeling better, but you know the drill: don't ride bareback, girl. :)
from dangerspouse :
Woot woot! Good freakin' luck, Chef Vxxen!! You go girl - show those losers what righteous cooking us all about and make TONS of money. You can dp this!!
from dangerspouse :
That one sentence sums it up for a lot of us. Letting go is an exercise in teeth gritting, stomach churning, can't get to sleep because of obsessing, frustration. Hang in there. May not seem like it at the moment, but it will pass. Someday....
from vxxen :
Ok. So. I'm back from vacation. I had an absolutely awesome time. But, now that I'm back, I'm putting aalllll of my efforts to get my d. E. P. Police Shit going. The only thing that's stopping me is the pysch department. The lady that's in charge of it is on vacation. Ughhhh! I'm impatient! I know this will start my'life. I KNOW it! I'm going to stay'up tjwrw for 7 months. And'come home on the weekends. I'm happy with that decision. Mom and'dad won't be with me living'up there. I have NO problem living by myself. I HAVE to do this. It would be much easier if I had a car, but. Whatcha going to do. Its 3am gotta get up in 3 hours 😞😞😞 see ya!
from dangerspouse :
Hey girlie, it's July and we're all waiting to know how you're feeling. (Well, I am, anyway.) Wassup? Have things been sorted out between you and your birth control pills? Between you and Steven? I sure hope everything's ok with you!
from whystinger :
Wassup gurly? How YOU?
from dangerspouse :
Y'know, no matter how many good time you have, it's never worth the fighting. Look back on the good times fondly, but don't let it make you pine for a relationship that was ultimately toxic. You have to care for yourself first and foremost, and hitching your star to acrimony is a recipe for disaster. Hang in there, girl!
from whystinger :
Christopher sounds like a little bitch. Piss on him and toss him if he is selfish. You remember reading about my wife (now ex-wife) and she was like that. Run baby run!
from whystinger :
I agree, clean up the finances and get things right and then start building the nest egg... awesome!
from whystinger :
No, it is not sad that you want to live alone. That may be good for you and may help with the depression. Baby your family life may be affecting you in a bad way. Did you say your Dad is an alcoholic? If so, have you went to Al-Anon or Alateen family group meetings? They may help, ask your therapist. Your feelings are normal. About alcoholics - they are really too busy with their alcoholism to really be there, so you need support. Hugs to you also and thanks for the note! xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
:0) ty!
from jimbostaxi :
You want to spread those Batgirl wings there's nothing wrong with that , its not sad it's to be expected
from jimbostaxi :
Damn that milk man was really trying to deliver the LECHE! Hope they arrested his ass. The photobucket links not working but saw your batcar :0) I always thought of batgirl on a motor cycle :0)
from jimbostaxi :
I want to know about the cops! Cheer up and tell the story you can't leave us in suspense like that :0)
from jimbostaxi :
thanks for the kind note, :0) she's grown but she will always be my little girl and I wish I could shield her from any pain but I know that's impossible
from jimbostaxi :
We representin da big apple :0) ok so here's how your next interview should go....start the theme music ...Ba na na nana BATGIRL,,, then you enter all decked out in uniform...then ,,, you speak,,, I've decided to take a break from fighting crime to work at________you would be a fool not to hire me,,, if they don't hire you on the spot you take a batgirl baton out and you bash them in the head :0) with some batgirl attitude you'll be as good as gold:0)
from julymalaise :
Girl, I'm in the same position as you! I can't find a job for my life! This people don't want to hire me!
from whystinger :
At times I don't have time to write, but I am trying to write more frequently. I probably won't get the chance to write until later this week.
from jimbostaxi :
Have you checked Green acres Mall over there by Valley Stream Queens border ?
from dangerspouse :
A hundred bucks on a WALLET?? Fucker better come with a 50 dollar bill in it already, that's all I'm sayin'.
from dangerspouse :
So, like, what's keeping you from hooking up with Jon? He gay/married/Republican or something?
from julymalaise :
Awww, thanks girl! I love you too!! You were one of my favorites from my goodluckgold days and a great friend to this present day! I wish you the best in life!
from dangerspouse :
$9.25/hour?? What happened to Cuomo and DeBlasio agreeing to paying you guys 15 per hour? $9.25 won't even get you across the Verrazano! Sheee-it. I hope you find a better offer in health care services. Good luck!
from julymalaise :
Hey, I just got around to reading your newest and entries and I'm glad things are looking up ! Congrats on Barnes and Noble! I absolutely live books and Starbucks! I like that strength is coming back. Girl, I knew it never left. :) you're such a trooper! And ugh, that guy sounds like a jerk. What is it about men!?
from dangerspouse :
What the hell is wrong with men, anyway? I'd dump the whole shitty lot of them if I were you and go lezzie. And post videos. Pleeeeeeeeeeze!
from dangerspouse :
Dyson? They SUCK! (*badum bum*)
from dangerspouse :
"SHOW! ME! THE! MONEY!!" Rake it in while you can, baby! Hey - what sort of products would you be doing demonstrations for?
from dangerspouse :
That's what I'm talkin' about. Good girl! If you regret a ring years later, you can just toss it. A tattoo? BBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! 10-thousand dollars in laser zaps. Wise choice, Batgirl :)
from dangerspouse :
Lol. When has ANYONE ever looked back on their 16-year-old self and thought, "My, what a mature and rational being I was back then"? We ALL cringe, and wonder what the hell happened between then and now. Still, it sucks that you feel you have to dissemble in front of family, particularly. That's a heavy stone to keep carrying. But at least take heart from this: 30 is NOT half a life. You got plenty of time left to kick ass and take names, sistah girl. (If you were a guy I'd quote the Groucho Marx line, "You're only as young as the woman you feel", but, um, yeah. Anyway.) Oh, and for gods sake, don't get a tattoo. Certainly not on your finger, anyway. Seriously, you need a tattoo to remind you of such a common saying? You can't just memorize it? You're beautiful the way you are. You don't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari, y'know?
from whystinger :
An hour and a half with the therapist. That is awesome! I have to tell you, the reason you came out exhausted was not from the crying as much as it was from the hard work you did in the therapy session. A good therapy session IS exhausting when you have done a lot of good work. Keep it up. Oh, I like your plan on getting back up on top of things. Keep working.
from dangerspouse :
Oh no! I wasn't able to leave a note on your day of crisis - I'm so sorry!! I hope your therapy session helps pull you out of this spiral. What an awful hell you must feel you're living in to even consider something like that. Listen, if you think venting verbally will help ever, shoot me an e-mail and I'll send you my phone number. Don't want to see ANYONE slide that far into depression, let alone someone I've grown to like - even if it's on-line like. Same thing, really. Hang in there, babe!!
from whystinger :
Hey Step daughter, what's up? Que pasa? I understand contemplating suicide - I did contemplate it many years ago when I first was married to Honi. I decided if I did commit suicide, then she would win and I decided that I would want to win and I have. I stayed away from suicide. There really is no good way to go and the world would not be as nice a place for me if you were not in it, so please don't act on it. We need you around. If you need to talk, let me know, I still have the same email, whystinger"at" and while I don't check that email often, I will if you need me to. You mentioned that you were suffering from depression, so that can be a big part of you contemplating suicide. You are a bad ass, one of the strongest women I know so you can get through this and there is no shame in asking for help. Call your doctor or hell, you can even call me. We need you around. Who will keep me posted about Staten Island?
from julymalaise :
I just read your recent post and it worried me because you were talking about suicide. I just want to let you to know that life gets better and even though things seem complicated, there is a time when things will get. We must ride out the storm to get to the sunshine sometimes and even though it may challenge us, we'll learn a lot about ourselves in the process if we ride the storm. I know you are a strong woman and I know that life is diffcult, but the thing is to keep going, no matter what. I hope you are doing well, girl. Even though I don't post here anymore, I still read around so I'm already looking at my friends' post. So I'm always in check here. If you want to talk, we can exchange notes here on d-land. I just want you to get better and things to be good. I know life is hard, but it's a test. It tests every aspect of ourselves and of our lives, and we must come out valiant and stronger than what life throws at us. IF you need to talk , I'm here.
from dangerspouse :
Lol! Don't ever worry about offending me, babe. I was born without that gene. Feel free to be stupid, obnoxious, offensive, and as massive a bitch as you ever wanted to be when you leave me notes. I love it all! And to answer your question: no, I'm not a father. But you're wrong when you say I'd be a good one. I'd be a SERIOUSLY horrible dad. I'd steal all my kids toys! I WANT ALL THE TOYS FOR ME! ME!!!! How dare those little midgets try to horn in on my action? Those are MY crayons, you little bitch! :)
from dangerspouse :
It doesn't sound pathetic at all. Who can judge when it comes to affairs of the heart? The heart wants what the heart wants, and to hell with everything else. If you think you did the right thing, even if it stings, you did the right thing. Hang in there. Don't accept less than you deserve. Especially if it's pudgy.
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks! Your visage is pretty freakin' awesome too :) Glad to hear you're taking control of things, eating right, gettin' ripped, and generally getting the best kind of revenge. You go, Batgirl! Woot!
from jimbostaxi :
Love the template love the diary :0)
from dangerspouse :
Feeling lonely when you're not actually alone blows moose cock. WTF is this guy's problem? Ok, he's got a bff he clicks with. But does he have to give you less quality advice and attention AND be a shitty lay at the same time? Cut this guy loose and try again. You're worth it.
from whystinger :
No offense, but Stephen doesn't like to be called a pussy because he IS a pussy from what little I know about him. He should be all over you wanting more and more. He spend a lot of time on video games?
from whystinger :
Hey step daughter, I am back
from phaythles :
2/11: Girl! Heeeelllllooooo! I miss your feisty ass :) Dont feel bad for the fb stalk cause I do that shit too. No lie. Im glad youre happy. That makes me happy. No judgement on the twins. That shit made me laugh. Do you find yourself over caffeinated working at starbucks? Cause I thought about working there but figured my ass would be WIRED. For. Sound. Hah! I actually tried almond milk. I wasnt thrilled. And that makes me feel bad like Im the ONLY fucking person who doesnt think that shit is amazeballs. I found it too syrupy? Thick? It was so weird. Took me forever to finish the cartoon and I never looked back. Im back to occasionally doing milk and timing it where I dont have to leave my house just in case I gut bomb.
from julymalaise :
Tommy sounds cuteee, get 'em vxxen! hope you are doing well, by the way!!
from whystinger :
11/25. Wassup??? How are you???
from phaythles :
2/24: New glasses are life changing. Life. Changing. I am sometimes still amazed at how blind my eye was. No lie I am feeling some type of way about my left eye. And speaking of life changing what the fuck is going on with you and that guy? It makes my heart hurt that youre dealing with these bums. Youre too good for that shit. *big squeezy hug*
from phaythles :
Well ello duckie! Havent really heard from you in a minute. That sucks that you broke it off but it sounds for the best. You ARE awesome! Completely superlicious awesomeness just oozes from your pores. I really hope you figure that out so that you quit picking "projects" and get someone who is actually worthy of your time. *super squeezy hug*
from whystinger :
Sorry you are having troubles, but in a way, I am glad you broke it off with him. YOU DESERVE BETTER! You are awesome and there are plenty of no cost/low cost things he can do if he wants to.
from julymalaise :
Its thats my new place!
from englishsucks :
check out at fetlife dot com :) to find a Dom :)
from whystinger :
I get tired like that. Make sure you take care of yourself! It will help. Get to the gym and make sure you are sleeping well.
from whystinger :
Done! Hope I still have the correct email, think I do. Let me know if I don't
from whystinger :
Want me to email the password?
from phaythles :
5/2: Ahaha! You and your verbal language. 1) "verbalizing (is that a word?)" Yes. And if anyone says no. Fuck off. 2) "Im awesome. Id want to hang out with me all the time!" That made me laugh. You ARE awesome! You're quirky and I love that. :)
from whystinger :
Girl, where the hell are you? How are you?
from englishsucks :
thank you so much for your kind note. <3
from phaythles :
12/6: I find the occasional pity party good for the spirit. So dont you fret :)
from goodluckgold :
Hope you are well...
from phaythles :
6/4/12: I havent been on here in a loooooong ass time! So I thought Id stop by and drop a quick lil note to see how you are since you havent been on here either in a loooooong ass time. Hah! Heart you always duckie :)
from phaythles :
* A quick lil dumb ass...smh...girl I feel you on the sexual thing! I blame it on boys tryin to be men...smh...that and they ALWAYS seem to forget we NEED more than a few quick boy wtf was that?!?! Im glad ur feelin good but ahh if I gotta finish my damn self off or call some boy toy on the side...We. Got. Issues. Just sayin...
from phaythles :
* I cnt type worth a damn...that might have somethin to do with me not being on here...hah!
from phaythles :
Lol...girl you know me...busy with everything and nothing at all...its mostly cause I been lazy...I was on here and looked and eas like damn I aint been on here in I figured Id update my shit and drop and quick lil note...miss you too! :)
from phaythles :
Mama duckie! Whats been happening? How is it going with you and your liar? I hope you dumped his ass...smh...cant stand liars...there is no need...and did you get that job? What else do I need to be updated on? I only had the energy to read like the last 4 hook a sistah up with the details...I miss you! And I hope all is well :)
from whystinger :
Well, I had some shoes on! I think the ant was on a weed I picked out of the yard and it must have dropped onto my foot. The vinegar sure helped...
from whystinger :
Gee thanks Doll! "Sumptin is better than nuttin"
from whystinger :
Ok, time for you to update us...
from leaveten :
haha! you should try it. it's definetly different.
from whystinger :
That's it, kick his ass and tell him I'm fucking coming up from Georgia to kick his ass for messing with you!
from phaythles :
Awww duckie...I heart you so BIG...Im over it as of right point in carrying all that damn weight around...that man simply doesnt exist to me...he tries to talk to me and I say hi or keep shit real short just to be polite...but I aint lettin him rain all over my damn parade...considerin we dont know each other like that...shiiiit...and I havent said shit to my mom cause Im tryin to keep shit real cool...its almost like I have a mom again...and I love that...shit has been real good and we're all laughing and joking and really getting along and shit...and I wanna keep those good times a rolling...that sucks bout ur "crack" being boring...maybe it was like an intense crush and now that flame is being dimmed...go twitch that ass and find someone who is absolutely fucking stimulating...hah!
from phaythles :
Lmao. "Hot crack" Well....if youre gonna be hooked on should at *LEAST* be some hot shit...haha...the quotes on my profile? Nah I just added everyone's name so I could remember who said what and shit...sometimes I feel as if Im going senile...
from phaythles :
Damn duckie...its almost like youre addicted to crack...hah! someone needs to join the 9 steps program :)
from phaythles :
Smh. You two got some issues...hah! What the hell happened to being strong?
from phaythles :
I heart u too duckie! Just remember girl...I got your back :)
from phaythles : sis and I are somethin else...we sorta have too much time on our hands...changes do suck...I remember when I changed my life...I cut out a lot of ppl...and it had me super depressed for awhile...but just think ur better off...if these ppl didnt make it through the wasnt meant to be...its better to change for the best and have ppl with those same life goals surroundin u...then to be surrounded by a bunch of fake/bitchy/downer ppl...either way u have moments where u are alone...only option one ur gonna find urself with really great ppl that are goin in the same direction as u...and ull be stronger for it...option b only leads to bein miserable and no one wants that...
from phaythles :
Ahh jeez...Im glad ur puttin one-foot-in-front-of-the-other-one-day-at-a-time-thing...but u just sounded funky in that last entry even though ur tryin to say ur happy...quit thinkin bout that boy...I kno its hard...but he aint spendin his free time thinkin bout u like that...he aint got himself all twisted n shit...I love u girl...Im just wrried, okay? Fuck ALL those half ass men in ur life...u are a strong u need to find u an equal...quit stoopin for all the rif/raf...they aint no where near ur no more compromising...thats how u get in these messes... *hugs* ::insert something cleverly witty here that makes u laugh::
from phaythles :
Oh girl please, no wrries...I find him weird and shit...aint tryin to be all up in *THAT* thanks...u too...u get a lil emotionally crazy with these boys...*DONT* let them play u...
from phaythles :
Fuck boys their all fuckin I am thinkin females are complicated and its the fuckin boys...smfh...ugh...
from phaythles :
Glad ur over George...I that he was so hot n cold...and flaky...u deserve better!! Eh that married man is somethin else...I told my mom and she was like awww maybe hes not married wtf...idk my main thing is...why go through all that trouble to tlk to me just to ask bout a damn job?! He must be a fuckin idiot...
from phaythles :
But the depressin ones are so good! Lol...u right though...I need me a happy-laugh-out-loud-makes-u-wanna-slap-ur-mama-well-maybe-not-ur-mama-but-any-damn-body-kinda book...Ill be on the look out... :)
from phaythles :
Youre readin a japanese book? What is it like a comic book or something?
from phaythles :
You crack me up! Here u are like this is a good book and read it, I read it and your confused...hahaha...he had repressed the memories of what his aunt did...but it comes out when him and sam almost have sex on her bed...she touches him and he turns all white and has a freak out moment...cause thats when the memories came back...he ended up in a cationic state when his fam found him, so he spent 2 mnths in the you shouldnt have to re-read the book...just re-read the ending...spanish culture is long as it isnt in spanish...cause my ass would have to find me a translator...haha...I have to say it kinda tickles me that we're exchanging books...I feel like a book club...only a very cool book club :)
from phaythles :
P.s. glad u get to go to comic con...even if that means hiding your 'fat ass' in the bathrm on the ferry :)
from phaythles :
I finished the book...and I totally get why u thought he was gangsta...thats when he jumped into patricks fight and whupped everybodys ass, right? For such an emotional kid he can fight...but I had mixed feelings about the ending...him gettin molested by his aunt made me feel squirmy/weird/funny...but Im glad that he pretty much wrked it out of his system and hes not trippin bout bein in 10th grade...and he'll meet lots of new ppl...the book was really well written...and Im glad I bought it...
from phaythles :
*laughs* told was pretty dope...almost done with Wallflower...its depressin...he kissed sam cause he got dared to kiss the pretty girl and it wasnt his gf...and no ones tlkin to him...I feel so bad for this character...its fuckin ridiculous...
from phaythles :
Lol...girl I figured it out...and I wnt get offended if u said somethin bout my brother...shit u hes like ur crazy ass brother too :) Yeah married man needs to dip...that man has sent me so many damn mixed signals over this past year...and I find out hes married...dnt wanna be bothered...and hes actin like we all chummy and shit...fuckin boys...smh...
from phaythles :
Lol u is tooooo funny...and it took me a min to figure out who 'that nigga nasty' is...I was like wtf...but I think u meant the maintenance married man...either that or my brother...but he aint back to the married man...idk what to do with him...I liked him before I found out he was married...and now I swear that man tlks to me more wtf go run along dude...dnt wanna be bothered...
from whystinger :
I desperately need to get back into Yoga too... What say we "git her done and get back to Yoga"
from phaythles :
P.S. U kno what I just noticed? Im mentioned twice for ur fave feel special :)
from phaythles :
Lol to u datin the notes...wish dland did it for us...cause I tried the whole date thing when I first started writin u...but I stopped cause I can never remember what day it best of luck to gma is a fuckin rockstar...Im tellin u...she does not act like normal gmas...hell neither does my gpa...and Im grateful for that...glad ur wrkin on ur anger issues duckie :) its better to let it out than hold it in...
from leaveten :
it's very beautiful. how old are you? i'm just curious because there's a book i read when i was younger called "the perks of being a wallflower" that changed my life. it's a really short read- i think about 100 pages. but it's so incredible. btw- i noticed you are a frank miller fan. i'm a pretty big sin city fan. his graphic novels are just amazing.
from whystinger :
Your template does not bring me here to your notes and your guestbook is not working right... You are excited because therapy is good? You love life? I do!
from leaveten :
ah.. i'm not sure if you are talking about the one in italian- but it's actually from a beautiful poem. its called la divine comedia and i definetly reccomend you read it if you ever get a chance. i think you would like it.
from leaveten :
which entry?
from phaythles : got me outta a funk when I was doin it also...theres 14 quotes...5 of which are urs...I went thru notes/the diary and I also took some frm FB...and if u wanna know ur quotes 2/5/8/11/14...I quoted me and other Dland ppl...but I like the whole happy quote thing...makes me laugh...and if I get bored of a quote...I can fill a new one in...cause me and u is a ur sayin I dnt have to have a membership? Sweeeeet....cause I wanna do hello kitty...u need to lemme kno how u did it (hook me up with ur secret recipe girl)
from phaythles :
P.s. Heart the new background! Ur batgirl alllll the way...I wanna do u have to have one of those membership thingys?
from phaythles :
Ur too cute! "My step-sister! Only you know. . without the meanness lmao" and the funniest part? I just added on mine we shoulda been
from phaythles :
First thing first: I absolutely LOVE that I got that outta the for ur advice and kind wrds...and btw that crazy ass bitch had it comin to her...fuck her and all those other haters...ppl just dnt kno how to handle u...but never change...I cherish ur honesty...a lotta ppl hide bhind lies and dnt like shit brought up in their I say speak the truth sista! Speak it!! lmao...(I kno I kno slightly crazy)...thanks for sayin Im strong and not weird for trippin bout school...Im always like that at first...I always feel like the weird/smelly/nerdy kid...when Im not...but still...Ive tried to tlk to them but they always brush me off...I get that they dnt want me to trip and that theyll handle shit...but at the same time I wish someone would listen to me...but they look at it as if Im whiny...and they dnt like whiners...they look at it is: life sucks but suck it up and keep it movin ya cnt change shit...which in all reality is good advice... :)
from phaythles :
Awww thanks...Im here for u too...u crazy ass chick :) My mother is psychotic...actually shes pretty much a bi-polar narcissist...but Im not gonna sue her...1) she aint got no money to pay my ass back 2) I gotta think bout all my sibs...Its not just me...theres a whole tribe of just ventin to get the shit outta my system...I got burned by that bitch one too many times so Im done...Luv ya duckie! And Im here for u my sassy big sis :)
from whystinger :
Time for you to do another update girly:)
from englishsucks :
im sorry the relationship turned out shitty for you but that tells you theres a better man out there for ya. HUGS! keep ur chin up hun. oxox
from omfggwtf :
nice diary (: xo.
from phaythles :
Fuck that bitch! I cnt even believe that shit...for like blown away...and I hate when white ppl always wanna pull some race card...but honestly luv if he LET his sis break ya'll up over some just wasnt worth it...*hugs* ya kno im here for ya girl! Much luv!
from phaythles :
Snaps for vxxen! Im so excited for u...ill save that ass whuppin for his bitch ass sister...lmao! luv ya Duckie! Glad all is well...
from phaythles :
Ello Duckie...u need to update or hit me up...whats goin on u changed ur status frm 'relationship' to 'single' and u have a quote tlkin bot bitterness and anger...what did that boy do? U want me to go and kick his skinny lil ass? Cause I will find a way...maybe we could meet halfway or some shit...hah! Anyway u know Im here for hopefully all gets better... *BIG tight mushy kinda hug* Luv ya!
from whystinger :
Time for you to update girlie...
from phaythles :
Oh my goodness Muff what is goin on??? *BIG hug* holla at me if u wanna tlk...and hopefully everythings alright...much luv...
from phaythles :
And yes Imma double note ur ass cause I got a lot to say...haha...i kno right a damn gift drive by...then she wanna b like i had to go to wrk...i didnt have time to tlk...u just haaaaad to go to wrk with all those damn ppl in ur tired of this shit...movin glad u and ur boy is doin so well...and fuck that he white...he make u frm this sleepy ass lil town n the middle of fuckin michigan...and pretty much all ive dated was white...nobody says shit...well ive had an asian but thats...yeah...we'll just leave it at for some reason ppl aint got an issue with me with a white dude...they figure he got a case of jungle fever or some shit :) but they have issues with my mama bein white...but girl shrug that shit off like some nasty ass snow and keep it it! dnt wrry bout holdin no hands n shit...shit if ppl was starin at me id start a whole hot n heavy make out session...snap! Lol...but much luv ta ya girl and keep ur head up... *hugs*
from phaythles :
Ello duckie...I luv u glad to be missed :)...but dnt wrry...ill be back...i deleted all those just waitin for them to figure out they cnt get ahold of me...then ill be back...since this shit i just wanna fight every-damn-body...and i dnt fight! hah...I havent done a whole lotta bakin...but i got on this bread kick...n that was cause my mama had this thing for church...and the one lady was makin tarts and i wanted to beat the damn tart bread it was lol...and i really enjoy my mamas been callin me the bready lady...
from whystinger :
If you want to date a white boy, then date him. There is NOTHING wrong with it, but you may have some criticism. I dated a black woman years ago and got criticism from my black friends. My white friends were more cool with it or kept their mouths shut. If you like him, then date him, enjoy the time together and see where it goes. Then again, I only believe in one race, the HUMAN race! I believe that God wanted the different people of the world to live and love together. Gosh, this sounds preachy...
from phaythles :
Snaps for Vxxen...ur an adult...hah...
from phaythles :
Hello fuck that bitch...i aint even trippin...i just vented...and poof! its outta my system...gigglin and sex doesnt mix...and gigglin for a guy is a bit weird...but i gotchu...u aint bein too picky...some guys just know how to fuck a female and hit the right spots...n gets the job done...and to needs to be awesome...cause sex is the glue to hold a healthy relationship together...if u aint got that glue...girrrrrl...everythin falls apart...
from englishsucks :
AWESOME!!!! congrat on new bf! yay
from phaythles :
Well duh of course im right...haha...that why i said dnt freak out...bsides it sounds like yall been hittin on each if he aint said shit or done anythin that made ur lil red flags pop up...u good...
from phaythles : srry i shouldnt be laughin but ur entry is funny...calm down...maybe hes not gay...but i will admit a lot of gay guys are cuuuuuuuuuuute...haha...i can usually dead on spot a gay...but sometimes my radar can be lose ALL hopes...just tread carefully...bsides they usually give u some sign or some shit when u get to hittin on em...
from phaythles :
I just wanna cry...its just...uh...i feel like i shoulda known...i feel like there were red flags that i either ignored or repressed...i question if i did it myself...i get that hes a grown ass man...but i was drunk...n i feel like i coulda/shoulda controlled the srry for just dumpin this on u...i know this is a heavy load sorta thing...i just need to somehow either deal with this or shove it back n a cardboard box back into the shadowy corner of my brain so i dnt have to think of it...but seriously thanks...*hugs* I heart u HUGE...u have no idea... :)
from phaythles :
Hey...ummm...ur tlkin bout that poem 'shattered'...i dnt really tlk bout personal things in poems...but the whole thing with kermit...being a married man n uh...brought up these repressed memories from when i was 18...n i never handled was skittles dad...n i was at her grad party...wasted...n i blame myself because i shoulda went upstairs n went to bed when skittles did...but me n her dad were playin pool...n it happened...basically along those lines of the poem... but thanks...for sayin im not a whore...n that im not stupid...that does help...ur the first person i i hope u dnt think im like fucked up...*sighs* this is just...idk...the memory came up n bit me n the ass n now 2 yrs later i still dnt know how to handle it...
from phaythles :
Hey!!! Lol feel like i never get to tlk to u...n i barely have time to read shit on here...bout ur guys...fuck justin...if his brain is all u tlk to geogre bout is dirty tlk...but...theres more to life n u have to feel like u can connect...n hmmmmm...i think thats all i gotta say on that topic...lmao...
from phaythles :
Thanks hun...u are quite witty urself... :) n i had a lot of weird n random shit that needed to get off my chest...n im excited for u bout school...woot woot...its okay to be nervous but i SWEAR ull b fine n ull breeze through school like wtf was i trippin bout...haha...cause thats what i ended up doin...
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note on Twitter. What did you get the summons for? As for Georgie, remember, Girls want what they can't have - I think Georgia is or was playing you. In fact, wanting is much sweeter than having...
from phaythles :
Awww thanks muff...that made me feel warm n fuzzy...honestly i was surprised...didnt realize i had that big of an impact...~ur grasshopper(haha)
from phaythles :
IT doesnt make u a cold hearted me thats just protectin urself...sometimes i wrry im like that...but honestly im the warm n fuzzy person within my group of friends...u got my back...i got urs...n theres only so many chances ull get with me so dnt keep fuckin me over cause im i get whatchu goin through...
from whystinger :
Dude, what's up with Georgie? I guess I haven't taught you well. You now have to be the one who cares less and ignore him, Next time he calls or texts, ignore him or be vague and say you are busy and will call back later, then DON'T.
from goodluckgold :
Hey vxxen, if you want, check me out at my new diary if you like. it's
from xxholding-on :
hi i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland towards a contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from phaythles :
LMFAO...socks?! We're they at least cute socks...and at least when u tlk to urself ureself is not hittin on u...have a few friends that are gay...its always a lil akward when they start hittin on u though...its okay after the first time n u explain ur just not that way but it gets annoying after the 100th time of them tellin u how hot u are n wonderin how ull b like n bed...yeah but i guess theyre not together again...n im totally excited by cupcake...glad to have a non crazy friend...
from phaythles :
Well it is all done...u have a friend mom was like whose that a friend or like a friend/ like a friend friend/friend...she nods n goes i got alot of them n they become really good friends...alrity then...anyway have like the bestest bday is hard but fuck it u cnt b bogged down with theyre shit...cause it fucks up ur at leats push it off til tomorrow...haha...
from bantenhut :
Fuck! Diaryland ate my post. And it was so profound! Okay, not really. The essence was this: your mom sounds like a crazy person. Do what you want.
from phaythles :
Awww hun that shit blows with ur mom...n i swear all moms have short term memory they say one thing then another n then they get the nerve to get pissed off at u cause ur confused...maybe being a mom messes with ur damn brain...idk...ive learned(still a wrk n progress haha) that u have to let it go...n that usually they apologize the next day...or at least mine does when her pill kicks n... :) happy bday! And hopefully u have fun n get shitfaced...woot woot...
from phaythles :
Woot Woot I know soooo fuckin glad...hey whats ur email addy so i can add u on facebook...promise not to tell the wrld ur secrets...lmao...
from phaythles :
Lmfao...girrrrl if u was my neighbor u could come over n eat...shiiiit my mom thinks shes freakin martha stweart...kid u not...she cooks all our meals...shes the friggin cupcake lady(we have em ALL the time)...our friends are over here like we LUV ur are ride or it sucks that ur not but ur still pretty sweet n my book...haha...
from phaythles :
YAY u for bein able to hopefully u get ur money squared away n shitll b good for happy for u...lmao...ur ass is not old...shiiiiit ur 24...but i guess i cnt bitch cause i flipped out a mnth ago when i turned 20...felt i was gettin old...girl why cnt u b my damn neighbor...u give great advice...i know ur there for me...everytime i think im losin my mind u let me kno im not crazy...u freakin rock hun n i mean it...i heart u big!
from phaythles :
Lmao...u know that thing u do when u post notes to me on ur own page...yeah well...i just did that...
from phaythles :
Lmao...ur mamas tryin to ruin ur game...but its something my mom would do...shiiiiit all my sibs would act like that too so i feel ya...thanks bout the poem...i guess i dnt see it as pretty since i wrote it out of anger/hurt/sadness...cause of skittles n shit...but thanks...
from englishsucks :
why do mother always have to embarrass her children like that? hahahahhaa
from phaythles :
Lmao...u are too cute...playin all hard to get n shit...awww...
from englishsucks :
the convo between you and georgie made me lol. you are so fricken cute!
from phaythles :
LMFAO!!! Girrrrrl...i hear ya...i get excited if i see the guy i like pencil...i think bout jumpin on that shit n 'sharpening' it...but...its kermit...n yeah...i mean there are times when i find myself atrracted to him and things that arent totally PG but its not gonna wrk out...theres just too many things n the situation that im like woah...thats why i didnt want his pencil on my phone...haha...
from phaythles :
Lmao...girl i know right...i would never send a boob pic w/o gettin there pencil pic upfront...shiiiit...bsides ill honestly admit n say i dnt wanna see kermits me thats a whole other level that im not quite sure i wanna take it
from phaythles :
Lmfao bout the 'pencil' pic thing...i hear u...i think its too funny to even seriously i got ur shit on my dnt think a lil shy to ask...but kermit brought it up so i was like hey if u ever get a boob pic of me...girls gone wild nips n all...then i guess its only then he tried to turn the tables on me n was like if i send u my 'pencil' pic then u HAVE to send me a boob pic...n my opinion thats not n the rule book...cause ya sent it to me...i didnt we'll see...haha...
from phaythles :
Lmao...i know n theyre damn boobie pics...whats up with issue is not so much the fact he wants one(n honestly i should have an issue with that cause hes married but w/e) its the fact i do NOT want my boobs all over the net n shit or him showin his buddies...or even worst tellin someone at wrk that he got some boobie pics frm me...he keeps tellin me he'll keep it safe n its for his eyes only...but keep tellin him no n he keeps wantin to get me drunk enough so he like kermit seriously something wrong with that picture...u wantin u get me drunk for some pics...hmmmm...
from phaythles :
Lol...reliving the convos are always fun...i wrked with kermit today n i guess everyone bailed on his party...he said him n his wife were n bed by 11...cupcake irish n i felt horrible n said we'd show up to the next one...we wanted to go but we all had other plans n honestly we coulda tried harder to go but we figured itd b like an orgy fest cause thats just how kermit now he wants a boob pic just to make up for me not showin up...hah...that mans something else...
from phaythles :
Hey muffin...hah to u posting ur convo...its more wrk but i have to say i forget convos so i end up rereading the shit later on the rd n im usually like wow i said that or woah wtf was i n ur hair...tsk tsk...girl i always have curlers n my damn hair...well lately ive been rockin a ponytail...been to damn lazy...n i cnt believe all those damn side effects frm some freakin asthma seriously?! lol...holla!(see how i tried to get all hood...been hangin with a shit ton of crazy ass white ppl lately...tryin to get my black back lmao)...
from whystinger :
Curlers in your hair - shame on you...
from phaythles :
Lmao...yes my sister is a riot...that girl has been spoutin sarcasm since she was 2! Shes so quick witted that sometimes i wanna smack her cuz i cnt keep up but shes funny...well when shes listenin n not actin like she 13 goin on
from phaythles :
Goin on vacation...girl where u goin...hope u have a blast! Glad hes bein a lil understandin now...wouldnt b surprised if he left ur lil ass alone for a few days then tried again...
from phaythles :
lmao ment 'hug' NOT 'huge'...
from phaythles :
*The bestest biggest huge EVER*...u fuckin rock...that was so cute n it made me feel better...thanks alot muffin...ur the coolest ever...ur so nice...u keep it real n ur just an all round kickass chick...i heart u BIG...
from phaythles :
lol...yeah they white n i wanna say mexican? Im not sure but they bitches for real...n i really got a beef with the daughter cause she was tlkin all that shit to my mom like she grown or some shit...bitch please u only 19 n ur mama pops pills all damn day...but shiiiit sound like u got some issues on ur end too...i hate it when boys pull that how many times do u have to b clear I. DONT. LIKE. U. but then they think ur tryin to play hard to get n then they all pissy cause u didnt fall for theyre charm...thats some ho ass shit...
from whystinger :
I have been blessed in my life to meet a lot of cool folks. You should research the terms in yahoo or google. Fascinating stuff. Fascinating people. Good hearted. We get a hurricane warning a few years ago and one of the Gullah brought his buddies to the camp to evacuate the kids. Not seeking money, just wanting to help.
from phaythles :
LMAO...thats right girl...keep those goodies on lock down...shoot...if ur feelin feisty keep that 'car'(haha) package to ur damnself...what he dnt kno wnt hurt him...
from phaythles :
oops...'care' package not 'car'
from phaythles :
awww...i kno why u excited...its bout those warm n fuzzy thats really cool of u to send a car package though...n i totally agree with u on the whole nude pics wouldnt b such a good idea...even if he were to pinkie promise he wouldnt show that shit...pretty soon youll start gettin fan mail of boys diggin ur goodies...lmfao...
from phaythles :
I kno right...freakin assholes...ur right though this aint grade school...shiiit grow
from whystinger :
A couple of those bitches of Georgies ain't gonna like you, or may cause some trouble, cuz they can't compete with you. They may be nice, but be nice and watch them for jealousy, you are prettier...
from phaythles :
Lmao...yes ur pretty funny...feels good doesnt sometimes i feel txt messages are over rated...then i go n post some more...haha...
from phaythles :
LMFAO...'gossiping about the hot black puerto rican chick with the fat ass'...omfg cnt even hate cuz u kno they was tryin to size u up any damn way...but ur boy is cuuuute...haha...postin txt messages is not the funniest...its cool when its all said n done but its a pain n the ass to get there so i dnt blame u one bit...haha...
from phaythles :
lol...riiight...though there are times im like shiiiiit...u can have my dig-iiits...cuz we do get some cuuuuute guys...girl i hear ya on the bein broke thing...i need some new clothes...but cnt afford to do it...shiiiit sucks...
from phaythles :
haha...yes we have goals at wrk...we have to sell so many extended protection plans...have so many ppl sign ur for the store credit there has been numerous times ive flirted or some guy has been starin at my chest that i end gettin numbers for the store...which is fine n all...sometimes they try to get my actual number or wanna invite me to some bar n im all like...ummm no...haha...
from phaythles :
OMFG that was some ho shit...what guy says no to hangin out with a chick that he happened to invite...who the fuck cares if it was a boys night...guys night can still be a guys night if u have one or two chicks w/u...not to mention he fuckin invited u n knowin the fact u were tryin to juggle ur schedule to hang out with him....ugh...fuck him...he must be gay as fuck or stupid as fuck...either way u dnt need him...
from goodluckgold :
Wow, boys first, then girls. Has this playa ever heard of ladies first? Ugh... forget him, that was so rude of what he done to you. Plus, you're the right, he's wrong. If you invited someone somewhere and then saying "Sorry, you can't go with us, it's a dude's night." or whatever, that is bull-crap! That is just plain wrong, he MUST be gay! Ya girrrl, Sam
from whystinger :
It sucks if he puts the boyz over you - that's the gayest shit I have ever heard, or he's playing you, which means he's a fucking asshole. If the dudes came and said "no women tonight" he should have kept his committment to you. This shows a lack of class... He's either a loser or way too immature.
from phaythles :
Heeeeeeey girl...hopefully everything goes smooth...ill keep my fingers crossed for u...go get that hottie! LMAO...
from phaythles :
Lmao...all boys are the same...i know how they spit theyre game...they think theyre slick...haha...but i will admit there are quite a few of em who do really wanna kick it at ur place or theres n a PG sorta way...but for the most part goin to someones house to 'watch a movie' is code for hot make out session or hey lets fuck...
from phaythles : white boys...cnt even hate...they are cute...haha...but u cracked me up bout damn he let himself go n how u wanna go on a real date...shiiiiit...i dnt blame u most boys now n days just wanna b like lets go to my house n uh watch a movie...riiiiiiight...
from goodluckgold :
Thanks for the sweet message. Well, i hadn't online for a while. Let's just say that things are changing right now.
from phaythles :
Lmao...yeah imma fuckin riot...we're crazy at wrk...the-cowrker-we-cnt-stand is like 50 n shes frm that day n age u dnt tlk bout sex n u keep totally covered up n shit...she actually started blushin when she saw my like im srry...but im the type of person if sex makes u uncomfortable i so wanna keep tlkin to u bout so mean...but i dnt think shes gay but she aint had a man n FOREVER i wish she'd go out n get laid so she'd b happy...n i also added more to that entry...i wonder if ppl normally do that or am i the only one...haha...
from phaythles :
LMFAO...i kno right...crazy dedication...n i was like really why am i typin it now? But i couldnt fall asleep so i was like hey lemme get this off my chest...but it was sorta pissin me off just cuz its hard as HELL to type when ur drunk...i kept fuckin shit up...
from phaythles :
Ugh...its sad but its w/ used to i vent n move on...but thanx...
from phaythles :
lol i kno right? I saw the title n i was like shiiiit im not that pure...n it surprised me that i got a wtf does it take to be unpure...haha...u should go to n see what u rate...n the way u sound u may b a lil less pure than
from phaythles :
LMFAO...burn a village? Omg thats grrrreat...i mean im blind too n i have glasses but dammmmn...n yeah his ass shouldnt b bitchin cuz who the fuck cares if u dnt like wtf ya doin as long as u makin money....shiiiiiit...and n this economy? Lol...n that blow up doll comment came outta nowhere n CRACKED my ass up...girl u so
from phaythles :
Glad ya'll had fun at ur party or w/e it was...n u found urself a new hottie? Sweeeeet...keep it steppin girl...n i got how u were nervous bout intro'in ur sis...i get like that when i intro my bro seventeen or any of my friends...cuz the whole lots a bunch of attention whores with loud ppl clash n im just cnt we all just get along?? lol...
from phaythles :
Lmao...omfg u crack me up...n i have a feelin the whole i-left-a-note-on-the-wrong-page thing is goin to b a regula thing...glad u give me credit for curin u but if u read my note goin who? Then honestly u cured urself...theres only so much cool credit u can give
from vxxen :
teehee you said "Richie limbo" lol nah but ur right and its weird ut i woke up 'cured' lmao i was reading you note and i was like, "who the hell is she talkin ab--o0oo. that nigga." lmao. but THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ! lol
from phaythles :
N i hate to break it to u...but ur a lil lame cuz u follow the groups twitter thing...ya need to make a clean break n what ur doin is askin for heartache n it brings up weird ass feelings n stop...ur puttin urself n richie limbo...its torture...
from phaythles :
lmao...riiiight biracial is the new in thing...its a little weird...i mean it kicks ass cuz we're all over the fuckin place...but its a lil weird being idolized like objects...but its w/e...old age my ass...quit tlkin like ur lil ass is 40 yrs old or some shit...plz...u probably dnt write all the damn time cuz u got a life...n i on the other hand...well who knows...haha...
from phaythles :
lol...thats fine that u had to squish...i write like 20 entries a day...either i have a lot of random shit on my mind(true) or im totally lame(semi-true haha)...yeah i couldnt stand that shit...theres nuthin wrong bein biracial...ignorant asses...but i got tired of fightin the whole damn country...bsides i took great satisfaction to the fact that my mom was suuuuuper cute n fly n all the boys wanted her...take that bitches cuz i kno ur mamas got frizzy hair n look BUSTED all the damn where i live now they all like i think biracial babies are SUPER cute n i wanna get with a biraical chick n if i had babies with u what would they look like? like alrity...sloooooooow ur roll...shiiiit...
from phaythles :
Awww i luv u too...I totally luv these warm n fuzzy moments! *HUGS* Lol! I get it how u dnt wanna get judged or u feel a lil weird postin ur poems cuz its a different side of u just needed a lil faith...keep up the good wrk...
from phaythles :
Yay!! You did it...n yes it IS a poem because I say so its REALLY good...n ur right its all erotic and n mourin of a lover...but good none-the-less...snaps for vxxen!!!
from phaythles :
Riiiight...messin w/her sometimes amuses me...haha...yes post a poem cuz i said so n im cool like
from phaythles :
I used to change the spellin all the time with my real name n itd piss my mom off...cuz shed b like thats NOT how i spelled ur she called it hooked on phonics n lets just say it inspired me to fuck up as many other wrds as i could...haha...
from phaythles :
Lmfao...i call it hooked on phonics...n dnt wrry ur not the only one whos taken forever to figure out what it means...i just like to play with wrds...
from phaythles :
Lmao...ive never done all these times im thinkin ur quoting me n ur notes ur actually tryin to quote me n mine...haha...thats too funny...yes the sky is really blue...some random thought like that helps jerks the thoughts away frm the boy-you-must-not-really-think-bout...haha...yes i would like to read the rest of ur poem n any others u got...thus is why i brought it up...haha...ugh scale ratings are overrated...i was actually on this poem site were they rate ur poetry...i was thinkin mine would b anywhere btween a 6-8 n theyd give me a like ugh u jealous fuckers! Lol...
from vxxen :
LMAO! You said the sky is really blue ! lol yeah well you know kinda depressing lol i should really get back into it but its all sappy and shit. that last one was kinda....sexual. on a scale of 1-10 id say its a 6 or 7 :/ u let me know if u would still like to read it lol
from phaythles :
haha...spoke to the ending of ur poem n ur entry...that was good why the hell wnt u put the whole damn thing down...n ur slightly depressing...but not as psychotic as me which is probably a good thing...haha...
from phaythles :
lmao...riiiight thats the best way to put richie who? Ill do that...find myself thinkin bout someone then ill b like wow the sky is REALLY blue today...haha...thats cool that u write poetry...u should post like to read it depressin like mine? Or r u more a happy poet...
from phaythles :
hey hun...i didnt know u wrote poetry...srry bout shit not wrkin out...that shit always blows...ur havin hella luck w/this whole datin thing...jeez...but shit will perk up...
from phaythles :
lol...aww dnt wrry ur cool too...haha...yeah for once we freakin got along w/o tryin to kill each other...seventeen was tryin to give me tips n shit...n i guess i was holdin the football i thought all ur fingers were sposed to go on the laces but i guess its just ur last two...but it was still great fun...shiiiiit u meetin that boy after 1am...girrrrl u know whats bout to go down...dnt kid urself...but have fun! lol...
from phaythles :
Awww muffin...i know how u isnt on the track u wanted it to b n its takin longer than u wanted so u feel a bit lame n like a loser cause u cnt help ur fam out...i feel like that alot...but just keep those goals nfront of u n u will make em come true...*HUGS* (i kno how u like em...haha..)
from phaythles :
oh how u crack me quiz thingy...totally jockin it...haha...
from phaythles :
lmao girl u aint crazy...i luv hugs too...told ya its all bout the warm n fuzzys...
from phaythles :
Awww thanx!!! That was so nice of u to say that...made me feel all warm n guess i was just havin a bummy day or w/e...i get stressed n my fam drives me thanks...and just so u kno i think ur one of the coolest realest honest chicks ever!!! **HUGS**
from phaythles :
lol...riiiiight...thats why i was like i cnt hate on those drunk ppl cuz i cnt say that shit sober why judge? My fave part was the taco bell n shit part...that cracked me up cause ive been there...haha...ugh...stevens a loser...boys r bad(my fave saying haha)...n sometimes they do some stupid shit that makes no w/e n move past...hes not worth the time thinkin bout him like that...
from phaythles :
riiiight...ugh...u shouldnt have to beg a guy for attention...bsides if he wanted to hang he woulda letchu its w/e...he needs to just fuck interupt no hair appointment...shiiiiit...
from phaythles :
lol...forgot to finish my train of thought...ur note to self cracked me up just cause i use that phrase alot...n when i do i envision a giant yellow post when i read ur entry i saw ur huge yellow sticky note...n for sum odd reason it cracked me up...
from phaythles :
Note to it is really sick n confused by it cause i wouldnt do that like shiiiit we broke up...move on...but my unstable friends wnt n then they try to drag me n2 theyre usually like fuuuuuck just leave me outta this shit...ive got my own issues to deal w/...cnt handle ya'lls freakin head will explode...shiiiit...
from phaythles :
awww ya'll sound like ya'll were havin some crazy ur that damn allgeric to smoke n u end up with a smoker...mayb thats why he didnt try n give u no kiss/hug/whatever goodbye...haha...yeah i heard u aint supposed to chase the guy...bsides chasing overrated...if he wants u that damn badly he can chase...shiiiiit thats what guys are do all the damn wrk...lmao...
from phaythles :
lmao...girl u crack me up...u quoted me n ur damn notes...haha...yeah i kno what ur tlkin bout even though u spelt that shit wrong...but its all good...i speak vxxen so i gotchu...i tried so many hair products...ugh! my hairs so funny...white hair products dry my hair out n black hair products weigh it down n make it all greasy n shit...i need to do like a combo or some shit for it to wrk...hey ur bday is like a mnth after mine! Im june 28th...plz july aint the end of summer...summer dnt end this way til aug/sept...n no not everybody can b a hoochie...u can try...but uhhh...i kno i get grossed out when i see BIG ass ppl out rockin short shorts n tank tops n bathing suits w/theyre shit all hangin out n bellies floppin every which way...shiiiit...i get u need to love ur body n be proud...but damn! I draw a limit n i cnt stand ho's doin theyre damn skank plz u aint that damn omg i sound so bitter dnt i?
from vxxen :
.<.they kept blowin up my phone like where the fuck r u...n i just kept goin i have no fuckin clue...if i did...i wouldnt b freakin lost...haha...>~~LMFAOOO! thats freakin' hilarious!
from phaythles :
lol...girl i feel was hot as hell the other day n i was like ugh! wasnt prepared...n that was some funny shit bout ya'll gettin the damn zoo none the less...but i cnt hate cause im direction dysfunctional...shiiiit...i got lost for 3 hrs n my own damn city...the fuckin burbs none the fam was pissed...they kept blowin up my phone like where the fuck r u...n i just kept goin i have no fuckin clue...if i did...i wouldnt b freakin lost...haha...
from phaythles :
lmao...yes black barbie...i swear im one of those few black chicks with no ass...n it depresses rather have an ass n small boobs...then no ass/hips w/my big ass my friends say im built more like a barbie doll...but i have to say i hate that plastic bitch just for the fact she does fuckin a hater...haha...nah i didnt take him to wrk...n he got over it...this one cashier whom i cnt fuckin stand says she woulda switched like bitch u coulda told me b4 today...shiiiit...its too late now...ugh fuckin ppl...
from goodluckgold :
Hahhahaha, yeah, yesterday was William Shakespeare's birthday, yeah I shouldn't be nervous around him and that's a grea method not to be shy around guys, picture Martin in his underwear! Gosh, that is a laugh!
from phaythles :
lmao...riiiiight...dnt matter what color...deadbeat still a at 11 just cause that girl loves to gossip...she lives off that shit...if u wanna know anythin bout anybody u go to my sister...but its a double edge sword...cause if anyone wanted to kno anythin bout me...they go to her...LMFAO...nah i didnt break more like a wanna be shaker cause girl i aint got no ass or hips...i got some huge ass always like UGH!! why couldnt i get an ass...shiiiiit im built like a damn black barbie doll....
from phaythles :
lol...girl i hear ya...most these men out here aint all that great either...i swear to u i have a deadbeat/bum like wtf...i had this guy tryin to pick me up the other day...girl...he is n his 30's...livin at home w/his elderly no car...n he sells drugs for a livin...i was like seriously??? hes frm my block....n my sister is news at of course he knows my he was all like u got an issue w/black men...i see u hangin round those white boys...once again...seriously??? color aint got nuthin to do with allgeric to deadbeats...then i kept on a walkin...shiiiiit...n i put an extra step to my walk so my hips switched for the hell of
from phaythles :
lol...awwww...he sounds so cute...glad shits goin straight for ya!
from phaythles :
LMFAO...crazy white girl tried...well since u are n one piece n she gone...u won...but it musta been a hard battle cause u sound just a lil bitter/jaded bout crazy white girls...LMAO!!!
from goodluckgold :
Yo vxxs, Glad you and the totty are all going well, I had a feeling it will. Steven sounds adorable!!!
from phaythles :
lol...i know im funny...its part of my charm...but uh...ur like crazy funny omg...she got all offended when i said i really didnt wanna c her ass for i told her i was just jokin...but i do need a few days to unwind n shit...haha...stomping her foot? Girl u put too much thought n2 this...or did some crazy white girl screw u over? Lol...
from phaythles :
Lol...glad u liked the shoutout...i was like i need to get this off my chest...n then i posted n i was like i hope they dnt find this corny! haha...alrity...frm here on out i kno fo'sho u r hood...i just didnt wanna offend u(u kno how sum ppl get....)...i had a tlk w/my friend...told her i basically feel used n first she got it but then she feel back to old ways...i basically told her i dnt wanna see her for awhile cause my ass needs a break...
from phaythles :
lmfao...girl i was sittin supposed to b doin these papers...n i read ur comment...i laughed so damn friend was like whats so funny...shiiiit...nothin...yes shes thought it was funny as fuck u askd that...*sighs* i know i shouldnt let her do this to me...n well...idk..i feel like shes my bff...we've been thru shit together...n i should help her...but damn! lol...girl i believe modesty is overrated anyway...shiiiit we all got the same damn type of parts...some are small or big...some r saggy or like get over it...
from goodluckgold :
See, I knew everything was going to be all right with you and your date. Sounded like you had a good time.
from goodluckgold :
Hi! You mean my layout? Thanks!!!
from goodluckgold :
Hahhaa, hey girl. Your new totty seems to be cool and funny, I'm sure you will have lot of fun with him, so don't get all anxious. Hahahha, that is a kind of thing my dad would say about the guy, he'll be all worrying about him if he is danger, but you know dads how they are.... Hope all will be well, I sure of it. Ciao, Sammy
from phaythles :
lmao...ur reaction to what i said was funny to me...if only my managers would let me say some of that shit to the guests...shiiiiit...haha...u cracked my ass up though w/ur fam n the trans...i swear i could clearly see how ur mama acts cause my mom would be like that too(shes white but shes waaaay more hood than me) u have a great easter hun!
from puzzledgirl :
YaY! You won! Haha. Yeah Bill Cosby is hella funny. I love the Cosby Show. My favorite was Rudy she was just adorable!
from puzzledgirl :
HAHA! Well, damn! I need to be watching VH1 more often. That nasty ass Ray J is storming that network.
from phaythles : was probably a good thing that u were sittin far away...that way u can crack up at his jokes...without losing focus because...he just looks old as hell...
from phaythles :
bill cosby is funny...i cracked up alot to his skits and luved watchin him on the cosby show...but now that hes friggin 80...idk...he sorta creeps me out...haha...
from phaythles :
thanx for the note...ummm no..cause what happens is we fight...and when we agrue everything comes to air...then like after the fight...we dnt tlk to each other...then when we do we claim to keep we said to each n mind...and at first it wrks...but then we go back to the cycle of hatin on each now that she hates on us like that...well i dnt say anything...why bother?
from whystinger :
By the way, your guestbook doesn't work... I should have mentioned that before. Where you at girl???
from whystinger :
PR of not, DON'T FUCK HIM. Date and keep your knees together... let the relationship form. I don't blame you about the Bronx... can be rough, especially the South Bronx
from phaythles :
Haha...yeah if i were u...i would totally leave the romance novels alone...they dnt help if ur tryin to stay away frm sex and not get n the mood...
from phaythles :
LMFAO...riiiight...yeah my sibs and i could smell his feet...its hard not too...and idk if he could smell em..but damn they were bad...i voted we throw his lil ass n the shower...but he didnt bring spare clothes so my mom said it was no point n gettin him clean just to put on stinky clothes...i figured itd help...ive NEVER smelt feet so bad u wanna throw up...
from puzzledgirl :
Black To Future? Girl whats that???????? I see "Black" in it so I know im interested! :D
from puzzledgirl :
Yea girl, Gs to Gents is real good! I love that dude Mito man. Haha. He so lil' and errbody be tryna start shit with him. Teddy my main man though. He straight certified swagg!
from puzzledgirl :
LMAO. Girl you can make someone laugh! I kno rite. I'ma have to go with tha bandana though. To keep it gangstaaaaaaaaaaa. :)
from phaythles :
lol...dirty/racist jokes r a hobby of mine...and this may seem mean or racial(im not tryin to b) but crackin black jokes nfront of white ppl is strangely funny to me...they look at me like i cnt believe shes crackin jokes bout her own race! Haha...and yeah their r ur silent gangstas...ya just gotta hunt em down...haha...
from puzzledgirl :
Hell yea they still exist. Hop yo ass over to the club, haha. They there.
from puzzledgirl :
Yea, I know right. My friend Josheria does too. I lurvs me Nana. What u been up to???!
from vxxen :
I'm trying, girl im trying! lol Me and u gotta beat this lol ;)
from puzzledgirl :
Uh Oh! Vxxen movin' on up! Getting that good ole education, and everything! Hehehe. I am SO glad that you are getting better girl! You's be a REAL strong person! Go on head girl! (:
from vxxen :
WORD! that foo' dont know about that. he thinks its cute. so now..I'ma ignore him. he just mad I didn't give none of this sweet-ness lolol He tried to come at me with that bitch-ass-ness lol
from puzzledgirl :
Mmm..Mac kno he was wrong for that! I hate snitches. Snitches get effed ^ around here!
from puzzledgirl :
Well damn! send me some! HAHA
from puzzledgirl :
Vxxen WTH is that you want someone to find?? LOLZ!
from phaythles :
3*11*9...lmao ur entries cracked me up...the first one was funny...i was just like WHOOO GO GIRL!!!...and thanx for the shoutout...and u have to admit it feels good to write the txt messages...mayb then sumone will read em and knock sum sense n2 ur ass if ya need it(which u didnt) or just to laugh at ur ass(which i did)...
from englishsucks :
Well it didn't help me at all because sometime it works on me then sometimes it doesn't and its been a month that I slept maybe only 16 hours =\
from phaythles :
3*10* i feel ya...i get tired as hell bout 10 too...sumtimes when im puttin him to bed i fall asleep before he does...i just get to the point where im like fuck it...good night...haha
from englishsucks :
Sweeeeet! I'm not the only one! Yayayayay! lol
from phaythles :
3*9*9...and i feel ya on the whole boys r assholes...its hard to forget a number when youve spent a great chunk of ur time dialin it and hopin for sumthin real...
from phaythles :
3*9*9...haha yeah my sibs r a wild bunch...sumtimes i just wanna beat the hell outta them...but 98% of the time i luv them for theyre the fact that my 2 yr old bro is eatin cookies and dancin on the kitchen counter even though its damn near midnight and waaaay past his
from phaythles :
3*9*9...yeah my bro whos 7 luvs that shit...i dnt get it...but w/e...he goes round tryin to wrestle sumone...he even has a wrestlin i forgot what it was...
from phaythles :
3*8*9...lmao i kno right? Fuckin bitches...but its w/e...girl u had my ass crackin up readin ur shit...i like the part bout mama made me look up sum parts of her dreams hopin to find out she'll win the lotto...haha...riiiight...nstead it was sum weird stuff bout bad luck and havin issues...if i kne that was the answer...soo wouldnt have looked it up... oh and i also noted the last time i posted the wrong date...i guess i shouldnt b puttin the date on these notes if i dnt kno what freakin day it is...haha
from whystinger :
I don't know about the airport, but I will be driving, so I can take it! I did rinse (good too) and felt moisturized, but put some skin cream on anyway and it feels pretty good.
from whystinger :
Alright Vxxen!
from phaythles :
3*10*9...oh damn that shits crazy...hope everythin gets better for i hear ya on bein a clutz...but to me aint nothin wrong w/bein a dork/clumsy....makes u stand out frm the rest of the pack and adds sparkle to ur charm...haha
from phaythles :
3*5*9...oh no u got hurt...howd that happen? I dnt think im too cute for pom poms...its more like im totally spastic...sooo havin pom poms would prolly b dangerous...Id end up hurtin sumone n my excitment...
from selfbiased :
i assure you that there will be no love lost.
from phaythles :
3*5*9...haha goin to assume u mean the txt entry bout me bein a cheerleader and killin the wave...i was laughin my ass off as we were txtin...
from selfbiased :
either your layout does not work properly, or it's terrible. i'm not sure which.
from puzzledgirl :
Hahahaha. Dat shampoo should get that hair boneee straight! Im actually waiting to get some clothes from UPS. Better hurry the eff up, or someone calling the po-po. haha. jk jk jk.
from puzzledgirl :
GURL! Those stenographers do make big bucks! $$$ I'm glad you got high plans for yourself! That's really good! I wanna live in the City too. SO BAD. Get on top of the world home skillet!
from puzzledgirl :
OMG! I love that effing layout homie!!
from puzzledgirl :
Well dang girl. You had all the fellas up on you! SWAGGALICIOUS! Seems like youre gettin a lil' obsessed with this Carlos guy, eyyy?? HEHEHEHE :D miss ya.
from englishsucks :
what are you waiting for??? TELL!! ;)
from goodluckgold :
I agree, don't like crying get to you, and everything is well.
from goodluckgold :
Lol, vxxen!!!
from goodluckgold :
Hey hey hey, fried chicken, oh my god, I looooooooove it!!
from puzzledgirl :
GIRL! I loveee single ladies! haha..i bet u to' it up on tht damn flo! I luv the choreography in that video, i'm finna go watch it on youtube now. Y'all look so cute in the picture! Bet tha party was BOMB! Sure did sound lyk it=] OMGG! DID U KNW DAT ITS A TRANSVESTITE IN THA SINGLE LADIES VIDEEOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! p.s. sorry about the two copies of those notes. i clicked done twice >_<
from puzzledgirl :
girl wht video iz u talkin bout?? lolz
from puzzledgirl :
girl wht video iz u talkin bout?? lolz
from puzzledgirl :
haha. well, thank you! i'll email you and picture of me=]
from puzzledgirl :
haha. well, thank you! i'll email you and picture of me=]
from whystinger :
Boob Lube, ie Udder Cream is a pretty good moisturizer. The lavendar thing is an aromatherapy deal... and is in the lotion. Good for sleeping...
from whystinger :
I use boob lube...LOL called Udder Cream. Veterinarian product also used for people or I use Aveeno Baby Lavendar and Vanilla... or Eucerin. Maybe try your stuff.
from puzzledgirl : eat glass if it was flavored..!! lolz [crazyyyy] GURLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! did you see 1 guy 1 jar video?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
from goodluckgold :
You learning spanish too? Me too!!!! Muy, muy, bien!!! (I hope I spelled that right. Heheheehe.)
from puzzledgirl :
Now that was DEAD wrong, they know they could've gave you that dern Medicaid! 400 is huge, yo. Not to make fun outta your situation but I LOVEEEEEEE chewable flavory vitamins, I ate so much of them that I got SICK! Lyk throwing up and everything, and it's'd least expect to get sick off of VITAMINS hahahahahaha!
from whystinger :
Yo' wassup my Vxxen???
from curiouoso :
Hey most of that I'd agree with. You soundlike me in that I can't understand how people can be so buddy buddy with thier X, especially right after they breakup. When I'm done, I'm done! If it's so hot while in the relationship, then it's really torrid while in that uncertain place, and it's cold as a witch's hind tit in the winter time, when it's done! BTW, why is that when you're breaking up, the good times are sexually hotter than a Nymph & a Satyr on a beach in Tahiti?
from puzzledgirl :
AW! Hahaha you and mac look so cute!! Is he white?? Or puerto rican like u is??? he reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal lite girl!
from puzzledgirl :
Mmhm! Yup! YUP! Preach girl, preach! U know how ta get a man, if u want one u WILL have one! BAM! This girl cracked tha nigga in 24 hours...HOLLLLAAAA!
from puzzledgirl :
GURLL and look whats happening now! Everythangg goin in a downspiral! But i'ma catch tha glass befo it least i know i need too! well nena is cute, it sounds like a cute name for a girl!=D yea i knw it aint easy to let go, n if i dont then my life w/ be sad cuz they tryna fuck wit ma relationships n stuff..i dunno all i knw is tht im tired of it!! gurll yeaa!! franks is good too!!
from whystinger :
Yo, day when I was chillen at Kentucky Fried Chicken Jus mindin my bidness eatin food an finger licken... dis dude walks in lookin strange and kinda funny walks up to da front wit a menu and his money... Run-DMC
from whystinger :
You had your ass carried piggyback and you were winded??? Dude looks in one pick like he's gonna puke in the friend chicken box... I wonder what the hell you were doing with your chin on the side of his head? Were you smelling him, or rubbing your jaw on him to mark him as your territory like the cat does to me??? LOL
from puzzledgirl :
Okay, its koool if you dont find it!
from puzzledgirl :
AW! I love that nickname haha "nena" it has a good ring to it! I'd kiss anybody with eyes like that too. Thanx for wishing me luck with the promise ring and all! It's pretty scary, though. YEEAAAA girl u knw dat fried chicken is THA SHITTTTTTTTTTTT! Especially with HOT SAUCE..TEXAS PETE!!! OMGGG
from puzzledgirl :
OMG girl that song is GOOD. I bookmarked that Imeem page. you know where they have it in the English Version???
from puzzledgirl : did you know rehab was gettin in there?! Girl, what u is, PSYCHIC?! U scurz me..haha JK JK..but yea that dude in the Halo Video is a cute one! I thank he played in Barbershop girl...! I love eyes like his!!!!
from englishsucks :
girrrrl im married - for almost 3 years i STILL dont have sex life! pbfft
from goodluckgold :
Obama, yeahh, show them how we roll! Lol!
from goodluckgold :
Your mom and sister are lucky!! They're gonna see Obama! hooray! Lol about Bush! Yeah, Bush, get out, hope he didn't leave anything or forgot the key to the white house, lol!
from englishsucks :
you're gonna love the books!!!!!
from whystinger :
so now it is your time to disappear
from puzzledgirl :
DAYUMMMMMMM..that's some scary ass shit!!! Grandpa spat his game I bet!!! LOL
from whystinger :
True dat!
from goodluckgold :
Omigod! I heard about that plane, lucky they survived! Yeah, Kev's annnoying, really. I wanna steal the shit out of him, nut at the same time, I just want him to leave me alone, like I don't want no problems , you know?
from whystinger :
They's old Pilots and Bold Pilots but they ain't no old bold pilots... They say you are better off with an old pilot, cuz dey been 'round long time an know how to get dey ass outta jam...
from puzzledgirl :
Yeaaaaa girl, I'm slick like the grease you fry da chicken witttt=D =D (corny, much?) ;-]
from goodluckgold :
Sure you can take the survey too! Lol!
from goodluckgold :
Hahaha, don't worry I'm a total bookworm too!
from goodluckgold :
Hahaha, you think that?
from whystinger :
Flirty is fine and good. As long as it wasn't too trashy or slutty... like getting naked and running around... or worse. I figured you were on the strait. I was tired last night and forgot to drop you an email... sorry
from whystinger :
I have Green Giant and Birds Eye. Pictsweet is kinda nasty at times. Good for soups and stews, but it gets all freezer burned and it like almost generic... Like eating canned veggies vs fresh. I need to find my veg-cabbage diet soup. Good and filling and LOW CAL! Lotsa roughage too....
from whystinger :
You are a book worm? Well, I am proud of you! I too am a book junkie. I may just let you ride on the bike. so how MUCH partying did you do? You didn't shame the family name did you? Puking ain't bad. I am glad to hear that you don't need surgery. That is good news indeed. Get ur ass well gurl. Word.
from whystinger :
So what did you do on New Year's Eve? Where you been? I have left a few messages, but did Yahell gobble them up or were ya just ignoring me? LOL. Let me know what the Doc sayts and I'll drip you an email later...
from puzzledgirl :
HAHA! "Ack" Yeah, when I say act I pronounce just as so. I'm gladdd you're not mad at Mac lucky, cos I can't keep friends for SHIT. Holla back rite at ya goon! =D =D
from goodluckgold :
Lol, oh I thought it was the proactiv commericial because Hadyen was on that too, and thanks for saying my list is cute, and I know Whiteboy is so sexy!
from whystinger :
Good that you added translation, as my spanish is really weak...
from puzzledgirl :
Don't think I don't remember you talking about how you ain't gonna mess with that Jack and Coke..I'ma get you if you do!! Aww why the ":'(" I'd never get mad with you girl!! You be my goon lol!
from puzzledgirl :
HAHAHAHA! Dang girl, u REALLY do care about me, huh? I know what you mean though, about her trying to steal my happiness, and it's hard because I can't avoid that chick! She on that STALKER hype!
from puzzledgirl :
LMAO! He used the car heater?! To WARM up a wendy's SANDWICH! ROFLMAO!!!!!! How crazy can that dude get!
from goodluckgold :
Hey, are you talking about proactiv? I'm soooo sick of this commercials, but they look like they might work! Lol! Yeah, Hayden Patteineire is on one of them!
from goodluckgold :
lol what the list or what i said about you on my list?
from whystinger :
?Como esta usted?
from goodluckgold :
Sure, you can add me!!!
from goodluckgold :
Yeah, New York's cool! I escpecially loved 5th avenue, one day, I'll go there for a shopping spree when the economy rises up! Hahahaha, yeah Champagne Woo!!
from goodluckgold :
coolio, hahahha, thanks for the comment, I appricaite and I might get used to wine, but champagne is more the shit, grrrl! Samm P.S. Mind if I add you?
from puzzledgirl :
Cosby's is tha S.H.I.T lol.
from puzzledgirl :
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrl, that party sounded off tha hook! LMAO. Yeah chick, the Lesbians can be rocking with that "smack-mouth" sometimes, errbody really. I see you and Mac looking all CUTE! (Aww) You're pretty girl. PS;; Stay away from that Jack and Coke! I know where you live.....=D =D
from puzzledgirl :
Girl, did you find that SS card?! That quote you left at the entry (before the last) was deep as eva! Aw, I hope you and Rob have good times! Could be a potential lover? Hehe. New Years = awesome! HAPPY NEW YEAR CHICKKKKK!!! :D
from puzzledgirl :
Haha! I know, my old was just...-_- I'm glad you like it though! :D
from puzzledgirl :
Dang, that does sound scary. I member that show, so good! Health can just be frightening. But you gonna be good, girl, ya a souljuh dont forget! lmao. Hehe, im glad your mom was happy, ESP., considering her loss! You made hearts merry, ain't that the whole point?! Ya digg. =D
from puzzledgirl :
Haha. Aww! It was cute :D lol. Yeahhh girl, xmas was good like iano whatt. OMG i threw DOWN on that food, we had..macaroni..sweet potato pie...dressing..candied yams..ham..cassarole..chicken..gurrrrrll!!
from puzzledgirl :
"when yo check stop coming" girlll. You always have somebody crackin'!! LMAO
from puzzledgirl :
Haha, well, you rock harder then! LMAO, I was on that soulja boy when crank dat came out. Haha, aww. thanx=D. I know, It's so cutee. OH! Btw, MERRY CHIRSTMAS EVEEEE. rofl!
from whystinger :
You bought him a sheep? WTF does he do with it? pack it? I don't wanna know. Merry Christmas and chat with u later. Hey, what about the P. O. Box? Ever check it out? Went home and stole some of my old books for you
from imworried :
thank you for the note about my aunt. I haven't been here in a while and haven't checked my notes or anything. just an update, her surgery was today, and they removed the tumor completely. there are still tests and stuff, but things are looking good, atleast so far.
from puzzledgirl :
OMG, girl! That $h!t sounds like it really hurts. Keep ya head up girl, I got you, yo. It'll be alright, kiss that pain GOODBYE. Make sure you keep me updated 'bout the doc info too. Wanna make sure you alright!
from puzzledgirl :
LMAO! I bet that boy nuts probably hit the damn ceiling when he got that gift. That is soo cute though, I'm sure he REALLY likes you girl! <3
from puzzledgirl :
Pain? What's wrong girl??
from puzzledgirl :
Nahh. I ain't gon cheat..least..hope not... ...................
from puzzledgirl :
LMAO! That puerto rican shit was FUNNY as hell! I notice some of it in the puerto ricans/dominicans alot. Hahaha.
from puzzledgirl :
LOL, "Bum Skillet" <3 But dang, yo, He sued for 40 but aint get but 3!!..pssh. I woulda been pissed knowing I lost a stella job to that!! Dennis seems like a good guy tho! I bet he's oober fun to kick it wit!
from puzzledgirl :
Hey gyrlie! Missed yaz tooo! But, Guess who's back?! The BITCH is back! With a vengeanceeeeeeeeee!
from whystinger :
Honi has a bunch of Weight Watchers cookbooks and they are really good. I have been thinking of buying one. I would LOVE any of your favorite recipes and crockpot cooking recipes, but I will take what I can get... thanks!
from whystinger :
Come on, you know I am your Daddy's age girl... or maybe even older, but not by much.
from whystinger :
I bow to you, oh great kitchen Goddess... my bread turned out great this time. I turned the temp lower (325) and also sprinkled flour. The flour burned a bit, but the bread didn't and it is fucking great!!!!!!!!!
from whystinger :
You made the date, now ya gotta go on it...
from whystinger :
You so crazy!
from whystinger :
nice story! I enjoyed chatting with you last night.
from puzzledgirl :
Yeah, I digg the Zune more. Just because it uses WMP instead of iTunes. lol. Plus its mo affordable n stuff. haha.
from puzzledgirl :
GOT DAMN! Like..WOW! Alotta drama went on at that fling, yo! I don't blame you, I wouldn't have fought neither, ya gotta fight ya own battles. But about the "director" lol. Yo, if you feeling the vibes from here..make yo move girl..sometimes guys are just lil scaredey cats. HA.
from puzzledgirl :
OMG! Men..and women can be such PLAYAS! I'm glad you wise enuff, to figure that shit out tho girl...for your hearts sake.
from puzzledgirl :
HAHA, I know right?! We had deep dish of that pie too girl..good as a muthatrucka! yeaz girl i got the iPod, and that Zune. lol.
from leaveten :
how have you been?
from puzzledgirl :
Now shxt was fxcked up yo! I can imagine how you felt...flaming!! Just don't kill tha girl..haha.
from whystinger :
Wha chu doin? the gangsta lean?
from whystinger :
Wha chu doin? the gangsta lean?
from puzzledgirl :
Hahaha! Don't forget about the actual birth too nahh! I LOVE those names! Especially Bianca it sounds so frenchy and classy like lol. Biancaaa <3
from puzzledgirl :
Hahahahaha. I bet they were screaming like hell. I agree with you on that commenting shit, I hate it when people judge what I like. It's called individuality, my moms does it all the time. grrr.
from puzzledgirl :
LMAO at having McD's on an ideal date..! They do have some good french fries though....
from whystinger :
It is good to have same sex friends. Maybe invite Vanessa but start looking for a new female friend. Start cultivating those new friendships Home Skillet...
from whystinger :
What's a good looking woman like you doing with a fugly bastard like that anyway?
from whystinger :
A fuckin Brooklyn Italian? Yeah, shy away from his greasy ass.... 'specially if he says a movie you like is gay. Any guy who won't go to a movie to get closer to a girl is too into himself...
from puzzledgirl :
HAHA! Bernie Mac is like the King of Comedy yo! R.I.P
from puzzledgirl :
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang guhl! Calm down yo, calm down. Don't wanna see no dern muggshots on Channel 9 News or nothin. HA! But forreal tho' that is fucked up! Takin out yo earphones, calling you race is she???
from idontpretend :
Thanks for the suggestion. I've never written anything like this before, so I'm really, reeaalllyyy nervous. I want it to be perfect, but I just don't know right now. Hopefully I'll get it right before the big day comes. =]
from greypoupon :
Thanks, doll. Glad to know I'm not alone. :)
from imatwin :
Thanks for saying so, sometimes I think far too much about things so that leads me think I'm a bit pathetic for doing more thinking then actual action.
from puzzledgirl :
LOL cheaaaa girl Duecez b dat WORD!! HA! I knoww! Pickin on da white doo, lol we silllayy!
from whystinger :
By the way, I am glad you are feeling better...
from whystinger :
Thanks for the shouts and I really dig that pic of that hero chick. I will download a pic of my in my halloween costume;;; jh0opefully this weeken.d and I can't afuckn tupe good wto noguth
from puzzledgirl :
LOL ya got that right! Yeehhh ull be fine girl! haha, i knw they were..all sweets b tasty rlly! be good! DUECEZ :)))
from puzzledgirl :
LMAO, thanx for being concerned tho! OMGGG!! I LOVE brownieeeeeees! gimme sum! lol i hope u win dat court case girl, sometimes tha law can be a b**** tho! real talk..
from puzzledgirl :
Oh noo girl, I dont wana ex does! It's fuckn crazyyy yo!! haha nahh dont worry girl, i aint "suicidooohh, suicidooohh" :D
from puzzledgirl :
(and not in a crazy white girl way lol) HA! Edward Cullen is pretty cute! :) I love that excerpt from the book... I am glad you are feeling better girl..don't worry, just keep your head up! Things will get brighter and brighter each day..sounds like you had it pretty rough at those jobs..ppl are just shit sometimes. lol. :D
from puzzledgirl :
GIRLLL Barack won!
from gr8chick :
whats up,girl. i had to leave you a not after seeing your last post. i just finished resding twilight, and i just downloaded the second book on my phone. i cant wait to see the movie! yeah, i have a secret desire to be a vamp.... thanks anne rice! have a google one, sweets!
from curiouoso :
Hey I'm with you..We won for a change! I wish I was in that Chicago Park standing next to you Yelling Obama, Obama! Think of it, an "old" white dude and a young woman proud to call herself a little bit of lots of cultures, celebrating hand in hand, at least till your momma saw us! Mellow out girl....put that quick temper to making the world better while we have the chance! Curiouoso*
from puzzledgirl :
YAY! Surveyyyyss!! lol: "get to work on time" time is a douche bag, lol.
from puzzledgirl :
LOL, That is EXACTLY what I am doing. I hate it when people get so negative..I NEED my spaceee! Bitch
from puzzledgirl :
HA! Okay, thanks for being considerate of my feelings! Same goes for you, I sometimes say things that aren't right concerning the moment and situation >.<...forgive me if I do as well! :P)
from puzzledgirl :
NO WAY! Catwoman should be number one! *chants* "#1 #1 #1!!"
from puzzledgirl :
LOL. I'm usually SO bad when it comes to making up similies/metaphors or w/e..but tht was just popped in me mind! :D But thanx for the advice! Definitely taken in consideration..
from gr8chick :
Hey chickie-poo! How's it hangin? I unlocked my diary. Sorry I had so much trouble trying to get that info to you. I see you've been hanging tuff with my boy whystinger! I think I'm gettin a little jealous. ;) Just wanted to let you know I'm still around. Have a great weekend!
from whystinger :
Where you at? I'm right here on Diaryland and it looks like you are too.... or at least you were....
from puzzledgirl :
Flu Shot = NO FUN! LOL, It hurt..ALOT! I still want to cry when I get shots..even being almost 15! Haha.
from puzzledgirl :
Heyy! Thanx for leavin the comment! Your diary ROCKS, love the layout! :D
from whystinger :
Damn cool template! I love it!
from whystinger :
I'm rat 'chere home slice... I too have dropped a few pounds... from portion control. I would love to lose about 40 lbs.
from whystinger :
Oh, I almost forgot. A home skillet like me can say "sofrrrito and you can't??? You gotta be shittin' me... Fuckin A right Homes
from whystinger :
Nice indeed. Fucken is spelled "fuckin" or more properly fuckin'... that entry seemed to be me arguing with my wife ;)
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for your note and the compliments. Glad you enjoyed the pictures (it IS a shitty place, tho!). s x
from whystinger :
You had a vision of Walter... He must have thought of you and your Dad as he passed.
from whystinger :
And where are you, my lil Gangsta ass bitch? you avoiding me to make me miss you?
from whystinger :
Damn, Girrrrl nice cake! really arty! I agree, we need sex education along with other things. Back in the day, we were given sex education in school and out of 425 grads, only two were pregnant in high school. My thoughts are - school does the sex education and the parents teach the abstinence. It won't prevent it all, but will help and maybe stop STDs...
from whystinger :
I will have to say that you wrote a pretty good gansta white boy list.... I pretty much agree.
from curiouoso :
We could agree on some of those movies. Thanks for taking up the challenge. At least I know somebody out there reads me! Curiouoso*
from whystinger :
I just wanted you to consider that she wanted him to be there. On the other hand, maybe he is an abusive, controlling asshole who won't let his woman out of his sight, or perhaps she is the one like that. Maybe I have it all wrong and who knows?
from whystinger :
Maybe the man is not there on his own - maybe she made him go, or just kept bugging him to go. Maybe he is not the needy mo-fugger. Maybe she is a needy ho... like my wife....
from leaveten :
my email is [email protected] - feel free to come to me for anything you need.
from leaveten :
haha although her advice is really good i would be more than glad to help you with anything you need help with. if you ever want someone to talk to about absolutely anything or need advice i am definetly here. leave me a note anytime, i check diaryland almost every day. i also have an email address so if you want that just ask for it.
from whystinger :
Well, she really likes the Puerto Ricans that used to live across the street and really likes a few blacks she works with, but she is so negative and hateful to most different people in general. It really doesn't make sense how she can harbor so much hatred towards people she doesn't reall know. I genuinely think that she hates 80% of the world. They (BPD) generally hate their mates but fear them leaving, so she most likely hates me... It just makes me want to puke.
from whystinger :
from gr8chick :
Hey, girl! I got your e-mail asking for the keys. I tried to respond, but I kept getting failed message messages. Do you have another address? Let me know. And, I really appreciate the fact that you like stopping by my diary! Hang in there, girl. Shit happens, we get down, but then we have to choice but to role with the punches. You certainly don't seem like the kind of chick that would just lie down, and give up. It may take some time to figure out how to deal with situations in our lives...but you and me, girl...we're gonna get to where we want to be! Have a great weekend!
from whystinger :
Ok, how about you do a longer entry talking about what is going on and why. It may be good for you to do that.
from whystinger :
Tell me about the injuries again...
from vxxen :
Thanks, Whystinger!
from whystinger :
Vxxen, what you are feeling is normal. You see someone you had it bad for and you feel that queasy feeling and I had it too. Especially if you were into them and they weren't as into you. Sometimes you feel those same feelings even when you break up with someone. I think they are growing pains, as in growing as a person. Embrace the pain and don't beat yourself up over it, "That too, just like gas, will pass..." Oh, I emailed and got another failure notice. I tried to resend, so let me know...
from whystinger :
Did you get my email? I hope so. Let me know
from englishsucks :
There's bugorama camp going on this weekend. Jimmy is VW freak, so we're going camping. Something I'm afraid I might get bored coz VWs aren't my thing. Bah. I'll probably just sunbath with lovehandles showinng haahahha (ok maybe not)
from englishsucks :
YOU GO GIRL! Be sure you get a guy like tyson (the model)!!! Haters are lame. LOL. whatcha doin for labor weekend?
from englishsucks :
GET A NEW GUY! :) i know how that is, old flame can be nuts.
from whystinger :
Perhaps we need to chat. I need to catch up on your diary, so give me the names of a few entries I need to read to get up to speed on your thing with this dude. Email me at whystinger"at"
from whystinger :
That is the way to be when the relationship is iffy... he/she that cares the least wins... Make him kiss your feet and suck your toes if he calls again...
from englishsucks :
thank you sweetheart. it sucks to lose a friend like that. wah.
from whystinger :
It does suck and especially since I don't get any regularly... Most of the year it is once every 8 weeks, summers are a bit better. She was already telling me her puss hurts...
from curiouoso :
I added you to my list, so now I'm going to be all nosey and shit! Read everything! Thanks for reading me, I hope you find it interesting, at least some of the time! I've got a bad thing for Carloses right now, but I'm sure your Carlos could be a sweetheart - Well if he keeps making you cry....I'm going to get some gypsey to put a hex on him! Something like athlete's foot on the pecker....That'll itch till Christmas. curiouoso*
from whystinger :
Hmmm, he sounds a bit jealous... I also fixed my template
from whystinger :
Let me know if the email came through and you got in for a peek...
from whystinger :
Read Gr8chick... you will like her. Hey, I tried to send you the keys to my diary, but the emails keep getting returned as undeliverable... how the heck can I get them to you???
from gr8chick :
Hey, I came across your diary, and wanted to let you know that I am going to add you to my buddy list. Stay strong, and don't end up like me...with a guy you fell for at a young age and stayed with just because. Before you know it, it will be twenty 25 years later, and he's still the same guy but you're not the same chick. Keep your head up, girl!
from whystinger :
Hmmmm, maybe. How old are you? Send me an email for the password. whystinger"at"
from leaveten :
i'm glad my words were able to help you. if you'd like you can talk to me any time. i read all of your entries and i wnt to let you know that as stupid as it sounds-no boy is worth your tears, and the one that is won't make you cry. if this guy doesn't appreciate you, then i am more than positive you can find someone that will. you are a beautiful person, you seem very sociable, like you get along with a lot of people. that's a quality not a lot of people have, use it. you're going to find someone new, and let me tell you, it will feel a million times better, as good as it was. be strong. i know you are. while you are single, enjoy it. learn from it. being single i find myself happier. no one else to worry about, just a chance to breathe. take it in. watch a lot of movies. hang out as much as possible. and when you're alone, appreciate how amazing you are.
from whystinger :
Find someone else - someone who appreciates you...

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