messages to wendyrules:
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from chaostraffic :
I hope you didn't, you know, like die on your flight to and from the ATL. Cause I'd miss your sweet mo fo self. p.s. I love to fly and it shows.
from wendyrules :
A few of the people know each other. Jackie, Brian and I work together. Basically, we all only know each other from D-Land. We all read Pete and he touched a nerve so we called him out on it. Some of it was way too harsh but at the end of the day when tempers have calmed it is my sincere hope that everyone will kiss and make up.
from plopphizz :
Wow, that was a whole lotta comments yesterday. Do all of you people work together, or know each other in real life? -- P.P.
from anisettekiss :
I think you're GRRREAT!!!
from hamiltonian :
Your diary is fun; that ios something I need to make mine more so.
from hamiltonian :
belated happy birthday
from plopphizz :
I figured that. I'm nice too, so I like to give an unawkward out if necessary. But mostly, I just want you to enjoy some of my writing and i think the Friday Night Disappointment entry is a lot of fun :). Glad you enjoyed it. I really need to make a favorites list heh. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
hey, seeing as I kinda forced you into putting me on your favorites list playing off that HRT comment, I thought it only fair to give you an idea of entries you might enjoy: try "Friday Night Disappointment", it's quick and pretty funny. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
Groovy, catch you on the flip side, my babies. Okay, okay, now the new rule is we can only communicate using 1930s pulp fiction, hard boiled private eye slang on the next two notes. -- P.P.
from plopphizz :
Oh you need to remove the space so it's just one word plopphizz. Thanks, P.P.
from plopphizz :
Cool, thanks :). I have been off reading this weekend, I had some holds on books at the library and all ten of them came in at once. Therefore I have been frantically trying to read them all before th eend of this month. Also to get more inspiration to write. I hit dry spells sometimes and need to take a break and read to get back into the groove. Cya P.P.
from anisettekiss :
WENDY! I fixed it!! Go me.
from anisettekiss :
...what the frigg... I'm gonna ask Judd to fix it. It may take a few days.. THANKS for telling me!! :)
from anisettekiss :
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Stupidity should be painful...
from anisettekiss :
HA!! I think we will have MUCH to talk about. I had a customer the other day asking me if they will have any trouble cashing their paycheck at WACHOVIA BANK. I don't work for them... when I explained that, it was as if she had NO IDEA what I was talking about. UGH.
from incredipete :
Supergold is on the way! (Unless for some reason they reject my credit card...stranger things have happened.)

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