messages to whaleart:
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from peggypenny :
new chrome book opened to where I left off here at diaryland. Hi again. Love the diary. Keep it up, it helps me focus and grow. Thank you diary hero, Andrew. Let's all thank Andrew. Peggy Penny
from blujeans-uk :
Thats kind of you to say. Those pictures are from what feels like a lifetime ago now though, and I have definitely grown into my confidence since then :)
from achmardi :
Thank you!
from julymalaise :
Oh that’s cool. I’m looking forward to all changes that Andrew has in store for diaryland
from julymalaise :
Thanks! And I’m so sorry to hear about that. What was your previous account? I can understand. I can’t get access to any of the others I want access in.
from strawberrri :
Thanks! But I can't take any credit whatsoever. Someone designed it, and I linked to their site to give them credit, but they went defunct well over a decade ago, if not longer.
from sparkle-pink :
yikes I'm glad you made it out of the hospital okay. Hope you make a full recovery soon!
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the add on I’ve added you as well. I’m trying to get back to posting my regularly :)
from papotheclown :
That's actually how I was able to get out as well. I convinced them that being in was actually increasing my anxiety. The only thing that made it helpful was 1. finally finding a prescription that works and 2. developing a little mental-ward crush on someone who really seemed to understand me. The rest of the experience was pretty awful.
from swordfern :
thank you!
from hitch-hike :
Hello, and thank you for the add!! Looking forward to reading more of you!
from illusionless :
Thanks for the note. I've been in therapy and am on medication and both have helped me a lot. It was a lot of trial and error before finding the right combo that worked. Now it's about trying to get myself back into normal society. ^_^
from misfitstray :
I think that the "mail-guys/girls" in Korea are taking the packages for themselfes ;)
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the note, and again: welcome back, no matter which account name you're stuck with :) Lol- think you could reduce the size of that pic so it doesn't look like we're looking at a row of skyscrapers? Regardless, a very impressive looking piece from what I can tell. Post more (smaller) pics when you finish it!
from sparkle-pink :
Heya!! username sparklepink password envelope. I look forward to reading more of your entries :D
from dangerspouse :
Hey, I just saw you added me as a fave. Thanks, I'm very flattered! I added you to mine - you seem like a real fascinating character, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your and Bill's adventures:)
from omfggwtf :
i quite like your diary! :) xo.

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