messages to wingwingday:
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from wingwingday :
Thx for leaving me a note. It is so interesting that u cannot read my chinese words but still spend sometimes here.=)
from pornoviolent :
hmmm.... no notes outside of a, say, administrative note dealing with layouts and coding and such. nothing real. nothing to say to this sir or madam a shred about their personality. what they do for themselves, how they are for others. what makes this person tic. what gets them off, jumps for joy, led to impulse against unfavorable odds? oh. but i am forgetting myself, perhpas. this beautiful person, owner of this tiny, tiny corner of the universe. what does she feel it with?/ how sad you are you today? are you being you really are or are you putting up a front for me, for them? i see it all written thought cotton and lace. when this is done it'll a beautiful piece of tapestry i guarantee it. but now... back to matter at hand. there's a woman inyou life that needs taken care of and i see now that our little helpers are disbursing. this is ablessing inand of itself. where did the music go? strike it up again i say!! STRIKE! oh much better. see, the music helps to move the energies around. a spring cleaning of sorts. don't worry love, they won't hutyou. but you better keep you eyes sharp. those jungles will really get you if you're not careful.... now... go.... off... off with..... you understand? m'lady? will you continue the journey? the people... your people... need you... desperately ydo... don't di... we can't have our mother die and let those idiot kids runoff all alone cand we. this is aweavign left indefinitable in cotton. it'll be a quilte one day. you could pull it write out of the screen.hey why don't you try. no harm trying, is there? c'mon... c'moon... pull us away....'s... flims...
from lilydesigns :
Are you the person who wanted to know how to use the blockquote area? If so, this is what you type: <blockquote> What ever text you want to highlight goes here. </blockquote>
from wingwingday :
it's 'I'm ok '~~
from soundofsteps :
it's my most favourite song~~recently~~ very cool~ both Chinese and English~

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