messages to won-too-tree:
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from aryssa90 :
Can I get your email for the username and password :)
from aryssa90 :
Hey! Hope you’re doing well! Can I get the un and pw? If so, my email is PAGraves90 at gmail
from aryssa90 :
I think it’s good you came here to vent, it’s important! I think it’s always been so clear how much you love your kiddo. If you got divorced do you think it would be impossible to support your kid? Do you think you mightbdicorce him after she’s done with school?
from aryssa90 :
Thank you! Sometimes I ask myself if I’m ever going to be satisfied with my life or if maybe there’s just something broken with me.
from dangerspouse :
Gah. I was gonna put up that exact same list, but I procrastinated.
from dangerspouse :
Yeow. I hope your plan comes to fruition...before the hit is NOT open palmed, and you end up more than just dazed and a bit lumpy up top. What happened when the cops showed up?? Anyone hauled off in cuffs? Jesus. Be careful. Hang in there. Good luck. And all those other empty words of support that are really of no practical value but we say them anyway hoping they will be.

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