messages to wonka1106:
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from p3-corr :
hehe monty python is funny, theres something on about it this weekend here in the uk, i saw an advert for it earlier... hope your friends sister likes you!
from plaidskies :
Paula, thank you for the note and your prayers. I know my stepdad appreciates anything anyone can do for him. Thanks for being my friend.
from plaidskies :
Wish I could vomit or roll my eyes at your entry, but it's just so wonderful (and I know that feeling all too well) that I can only say that I am thrilled for you!
from rockapenguin :
Clay's tour dates got posted today. March 4th at Nassau Colliseum. I come home the 5th. I hope you can go.
from madelin :
I got depressed in the middle of the morning yesterday .. and I have no clue why either. I just started feeling so blue. I think its for the same reasons - I feel like I'm in a rut and have to change things or something, but I'm too comfortable and have become a terrible creature of habit and I'm too dang scared to change. NOW that can cause depression - and that is only one of the things that I think/know are bothering me.
from madelin :
what are smile potatoes?
from sroo :
Thanks for stopping by my diary and laeving a note, I appreciate the encouragment. Its good to know that someone else is doing well on WW, keep me posted.
from plaidskies :
Paula, I thought I did have notes. Because people have left them for me. So I think if you go to my profile page you can do it from there, although I really should have that feature ON my diary. I loved Ross's many lines last night but particularly "Hey, that rhymes!" Scrubs WAS funny and W&G and CHOMPER--OMG I would never let him walk on his own if I had him. But Sadie would then be pissed off at me and I can't piss her off because she is awesome.
from plaidskies :
haha, i love that movie too! SOOO cute what you got for Puff. I'm sorry it's cold. It's cold here too, sadly. I don't know why they dont' think that we would be more productive if icicles were not forming on our fingers, but hey...who can get into the minds of corporate people. If you are sick, don't work out. If you're feeling better, do the treadmill for 20 min and then take a short nap. at 20 min on the treadmill, you at least burned some fat.
from jelligyrl :
there must be some Toros, I mean CLovers, in the atmosphere. I know you don't think a white girl made that up. I love that movie!!!! :) You rock Paula.
from plaidskies :
YAY for 3.6 pounds gone! It's a Yeah pink moment to be sure! I am glad I'm inspring you with my gym stories...hopefully I will continue to be inspired. And I've also been drinking water. Yeegawd the peeness involved with that is inSANE. But you gotta do what you gotta do. :) And I LOVE the Gilmore Girls!
from ariawoman :
Peeness is your friend!
from ariawoman :
last night I saw the video for "Stacey's Mom" and I died laughing cuz of "stacey's mom does, in fact, got it goin' on".
from ariawoman :
I already IMed you with purple, but i wanted it to be counted in the final tally. :-)
from madelin :
The pink isn't a pretty pink - it's actually kinda scary - I would go for the purple.
from plaidskies :
yeah that pink is kinda too pink. i enjoy the purple one.
from ladust115 :
Paula, the pink one looks almost red, if that's any help. I like the purple one. Linda
from spaltor :
Vioxx is AWESOME
from ariawoman :
flar flarg
from ariawoman :
from wonka1106 :
1 point for Angela!
from jelligyrl :
Hmmm....I think that's the same song from my diary!!! Hillary Duff...So Yesterday. Cheesy song!! You rule! Yeah Pink! Angela :)
from ariawoman :
It's from Friends!! Woooo! Last night Louise called me up and said "I'm trapped, in an ATM vestibule, with Jill Goodacre!"
from p3-corr :
i added u to my favourites btw. that title you have is a song sung by phoebe buffay sung in the friends episode where they had a blackout ;) series 1. x
from p3-corr :
hi thanks for the note, your diary is really funky, i like the pink and grey :o) take care x
from rockapenguin :
Yea Pink!!!
from sourkandi :
Willy wonka and the chocolate factory is my favorite movie too.Sad that they couldnt make a second one.Wonka has a quote which is also my favorite"The suspense is terrible,I hope it'll last." fare well.

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