messages to wordwarriorv:
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from lilmissalien :
Your head? Either that or it's rude.
from lilmissalien :
First my mother was Himler, now she's Gollum?! Or was it just because it sounds much better than saying "Shelley's Mum gave me an iron. So did Shelley."? I'm also disturbed about the comments re me fingering my ring... but when do you not disturb me? ;)
from lilmissalien :
Oh Stevi-Woo I love you. 'The Hands', 'The Legs' and the craziness too. Straight away I totally knew Ann Widdecombe's not a patch on you. And even though we both should be in a zoo I know that this much is true: Tomorrow 3 months I have been with you. The randomness just grew and grew. So is it time for something new, Or will a Thai Green Curry do, Oh Stevi-Woo be doobie doo?
from lilmissalien :
How about combining the sex with coffee and chocolate? ;)
from weymouth66 :
Great I Will Survive parody - especially like your version because I hate the original! You are a genius. All the best, Jess

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