messages to wristbang:
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from lavin :
its so good to finally hear from you. im glad that things are going well. you deserve it. i think you are an amazing person with a wonderful complex soul. take care of yourself. until next time. :)
from yngdivorcee :
Just checking in to say hi :) & whatever goes on, don't forget that you are something else and worth so much. ~v. ([email protected])
from lavin :
hope everything's ok, and that you update soon! take care!
from yngdivorcee :
:( youve blocked me out. Well, I imagine behind that password protected screen, that everything is going well, and I just wanted to say "hello". ~v.
from wonderchai :
all the light that paves the way for me is the wish and will for the end to see -- the bright light is the end of the black light district. i need you address so I can send you a something. :)
from omega-hue :
"so philip-- when are we going to make out?" maybe i will take your advice too. the first time is the hardest, to start living i mean. but each try after that gets a little more exiting. take care.
from wonderchai :
"the trouble you took from her eyes- i thought it was there, for good... that's why i never tried" (thank you.)
from shrinkodebt :
wristbang... intriguing name :) I love that you post pictures and I like your entry on SI. I only wish I had time to read more. I shall return.
from wonderchai :
and the fighter bites back the blood/from his lip where the world has caved in
from the-noise :
Perhaps it's just a Diaryland curse of sorts, but rest assured that almost all other proms you'll read of on here were perfectly miserable as well. Including my own. Proms aren't meant for the mindless I'm thinking. :) So don't be upset that your's was less than perfect.
from the-noise :
"i want to be skinnier and have not so round of a face and a different nose and long hair and smaller feet." That's insanity. Seriously. You're gorgeous. I'll eventually be buying a nose like yours someday. Round faces are heavenly. Mine's grotesquely elongated... like a stretched out silly-putty newspaper print.
from yngdivorcee :
I think you are beautiful ... and smart. And if no one you know reads your diary,it onlyl means you havesomething personal for yourself. You dont need their approval, you are fantastic all on your own.
from lavin :
eighteen is where the thoughts began to engulf my mind. i think you are amazing. I really believe you are meant to do great things.
from omega-hue :
you've reminded me of someone i know, they sent me a link to your diary and i will come back. everyone needs someone to think they are worth the world, and whoever they are, they will find you soon enough. take care. ~o.
from wonderchai :
i know what you mean about march 19th
from wonderchai :
yeah the shitty thing about people who purport to know exactly how you feel is that they can't, because they aren't you. we just know it all sucks. every part of it. and i mean growing up. it's a lifelong process.
from posidon :
i am intrigued by your diary. "i feel ilke i.m being stood up by someone I don't even know exists". I know exactly how you feel. You seem like the type who carries the weight of the world on your shoulders. I'm the same way. I used to think it was a bad thing, but i love the person i've become. Thanks for allowing me to learn a little about you!
from t0rment :
hey, i know how that goes ... been there, still there, wish i wasn't here. and, i don't think yer note in my diary sounded lame [hehe, like that didn't sound lame] yer's is good, too
from mia22 :
Well I just wanted to let you know! There are people out there, with problems as bad as yours!! I have so many problems now if isn't even funny! Then I read you deal, and it made me feel better knowing I'm not the only one with bad a life!! Anyways, just wanted to say hi and thanks!

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