messages to xparrynightx:
(click here to add new message):

from anahcra :
what teach abroad program are you talking about?
from k9642042 :
Thanks! Considering my immigration situation though, i was going to canada with or without a job offer by early february. Now to get the thief all imported!
from deadish :
**curls up around your ankles and purrs consolation**
from wonderwall :
oh no! i hope everything's okay with your grandparents, as okay as possible i guess. you'll be in my thoughts. *hugs*
from anahcra :
You're really putting yourself up for marriage on the interweb? Haha.. I'm sorry I have to laugh.. i just can't .. imagine.. Hm.. but then again my parents put my sister up on some matrimony sites, too. But she really doesn't need it.. she meets people without a problem. and I didn't think you needed it either. But man.. that's so disconcerting about the job situation.. and friends disappearing.. :-(
from dysenchanted :
Hi there! I thought you'd been abducted by aliens! :) Glad you're back! I would like to check out gmail. That would be kewl. I hate Yahoo! If I don't check it for a few days, it's SPAM central. Ick. And my account is full of icky ads. See ya later! ~christine
from anahcra :
seeing your link to my solostyle website makes me want to hurry up and work on the new layout more. thanks babe
from spindle :
I suppose I'm not actually especially worried. and I suspect she is as worried, and as not really worried. we've each seen a play that the other has written. we both liked what we saw, it's why we started talking to each other in the first place. I suppose I am simply excited that I like her this much, and that I respect her writing this much, that I'm not as convinced of my own abilities in relation to hers. which is such an amazing feeling. spending time with someone who is this good. thank you, though. your vote of confidence is appreciated.
from deadish :
arrr. i wish i was being offered several transcription jobs right now. :C stupid tifton. but yay for you! ^_^
from deadish :
i lub yooou. =^._.^=
from deadish :
you know.. i ate nearly an entire brick of cheese the other night with ketchup on it. was goooood. there should be more inventive cheese snacks.. made entirely of cheese.
from deadish :
mwaww. i bite you. and i added prev and next buttons just for jooooo. though i had thought of adding those before. :D whee!
from spindle :
I never saw Return to OZ as a kid. I had the storybook made from the movie, and that was freaky enough. the wheelers, oh God, the wheelers. I wouldn't have made it through as a kid. and to think, L. Frank Baum wrote the Oz books because he thought modern children should have stories told to them that are not as grim and frightening as traditional fairy tales.
from wonderwall :
hey- just wanted to let you know, that was a great entry... and if your friend in boston is still looking for a roommate, feel free to pass on my email: brilliantwhenuglow at hotmail dot com. thanks :)
from imustflee :
that rent shit was good. stupid french keoycoqrds
from wonderwall :
i'm waiting on one of my friends to figure out if shes goin to boston or chicago, if she goes to chicago ill need a roommate, so ill let you know. i wouldnt be movin in til sept, but it might be worth a try. thanks :)
from wonderwall :
congrats on the new job!! :) ooh, and thanks for the last note. you made my day. :)
from wonderwall :
you're so together! i'm proud. i wish i had any real-life applicable skills.
from go-jane-doe :
Okay, you HAVE to send me your essay . . . I love who you are!
from spindle :
I too am friendstered. try to find an Alan who likes The Little Prince and Peter Pan who lives in Edmonton.
from tom-seb-jak :
That entry quoted Buffy in the title... i there fore love you.
from parlance :
I am advertising myself.
from popscene :
shit man, i'm moving into to your nowhere land!
from wonderwall :
hey, i have also been feeling diary writing is kind of pointless lately (well not in general, but just mine)-- maybe it's just because we've been doing it for so long? anyway, i hope you feel better, hopefully when you move you'll get more time to yourself.
from deadish :
yayy! i will type like the bestest automaton. @_@ hehee. but in happier news i found that the dollar store sells GIANT boxes of bottlecaps.. which i have NEVER had except on halloween in those paper packets... i am happy.
from tanked :
OHMYGOD when am i moving in twingirl?
from popscene :
rock on! it looks awesome on you.
from deadish :
(your guestbook doesn't like me so) **love** :/
from spindle :
it's also easier to start over without very much. I hoard things, I can't bear to part with anything that ever meant anything. and it's all too much, things are contradicting other things and I can't make any sense of it; and if I can't make sense of all of these things then my memory starts to crumble and then my sense of self starts to go too. I need to to do this, if I remember correctly (and of course I don't) I think I do this about every five years.
from spindle :
thank you! de Certeau was going slowly and is not moving at all at the moment. I poke at him with a boot now and then, and he twitches a bit when I do, and other than that, not many signs of life. in Everday Life he keeps repeating himself -- it's the same structural relations over and over again: the structures of domination re-signified and subverted in their articulation by the supposedly dominated, the possibility of resistance coinciding with apparent defeat. without something new tossed into the mix soon, I am giving up, to pursue the research project I've always wanted to do but never did: madness. a friend loaned me A Brief History of Madness by Roy Porter, and I picked up A Social History of Madness by the same guy last year, and I've had Foucault's Madness & Civilisation floating around for ages now -- it is time to sit down and go through them all. the brief history was, well, brief and now I'm in the middle of Foucault.
from xikn :
it is funny you talked about not smoking - i have not done so since june 22 - it is hard sometimes - but I am learning to live with not smoking again.
from wonderwall :
great new layout. good luck with the move.
from wonderwall :
hey, its a fairly small image, let me know where i can email it to :)
from wonderwall :
"At how easy it is to erase something that tells who you are." great line, and yeah that is scary. i have a friend who really wants a nose job. plastic surgery freaks me out. i mean, why would we want to change our physical appearances? it seems to me we should work on changing the inside, what we're actually supposed to control...
from heartshaped :
beautiful layout. xo.
from tanked :
OOOOH IM SO SMART! your pictars of tori are links. *grins*
from popscene :
the pink looks nice.. and thank you :)
from popscene :
it's [img src="blah.jpg" alt="This is the text"] ..also i think you should stick border=0 in the img tag too :D
from spindle :
I will be coming back. But I can't write in my old template (it just doesn't fit anymore) and I can't change it yet because of all the server troubles.
from vixenated :
Ooo i love this layout, i had it once :)
from dysenchanted :
hi! please sign my guestbook, or email me with your p-word. Purdy please? :)
from thbestfriend :
I must have missed something:( Will you password me?
from emochick175 :
you know you're sending me a password love...
from dernhelm :
Passworded?! I miss you! :(
from k9642042 :
passworded? gimme!
from sesomatto :
Hey, you lazy bum. ;o) username sammi, password ooobaby. Enjoy!
from vixenated :
Goodluck with the job hunting!
from wonderwall :
ooooh. purty.
from wonderwall :
sarah, sometimes you are my hero. i'm roadtripping it to florida soon. can't wait. oh, and boys are yucky. they can go to hell.
from dernhelm :
Awwww! Good for you! *hugs*
from couchmobile :
LOOOOVing the new design!
from goldenlights :
p.s.-seriously, come visit or stay here for 6 months or so!
from goldenlights :
you wanna share a room with me in toronto? if we split my rent/room, it comes down to $150 a person per month! i have a buuuuunk bed and we can split the cost of bags of chips and weed!
from couchmobile :
Please refrain from mentioning your Nerds rope again. I really think I'm going vomit all over my office whenever i think of those little turds of sugar pasted on to that crusty licorice thing. ggRGURGBRLBEEeeebblglgg..........
from tanked :
whee!!! seizures!!! :D
from composer :
christy, working and living in boston. i want to know her. you should introduce us, i am always looking for more quality friends, being cute doesn't hurt. dVRG
from couchmobile :
Yes, come early! That just means more fondue for me.... hehehehehe..... Are N & D coming? Bring whoever you want: I'm all about mingling.
from composer :
i love the movie L.A. Story. Sarah Jessica Parker back in the day when i thought she was hot but didn't know how to categorize her. now after seeing Kissing...Stein i think of her as sexy-ugly. as far as cookie sheets are concerned buy one of the non-stick non-burn kind, with no raised sides (for cookies, pizzas, etc). And another one also non-stick with raised sides (for brittles, turnovers, and other potentially runny things). also buy a couple silpats, very popular on FOODTV and they're grrreat. hopefully by the time i come back to MN you will be a beautiful non-smoking person, i look forward to that. stay up... dVRG
from couchmobile :
Nope, no AIM/ICQ/etc. Sorry! I hope you are still smoke-outing and not ripping your hair out or anything. You, me, coffee--maybe after Thanksgiving?
from tanked :
double yay! yay 1: no more smoking. yay 2: my tape!! <3
from composer :
how are you doing? i heard about the accident before i left. hope you are doing alright, i've been there or somewhere far past where you were. dVRG
from deadish :
it should. it should change, goddamnit! ise gwine to make it change. **nods head emphatically** **encourages you to nod head as well**
from k9642042 :
soup...i'll consider that as entry number two. Entry number one was "k-dog". Did you quit today?
from xikn :
hey sorry i could not talk to you but glad you are okay ....
from tanked :
i did quit; i quit for a month, then decided i needed to come back.
from couchmobile :
I like you too. Well, okay, I barely know you, but I'm sure I would like you bunches if we met again. Thanks for leaving the note on my new diary--you're my first! We'll have to hook up (in the platonic sense) when I get to Mpls. and dig through your little blue box... ;)
from soliloquy-- :
i like you. :)
from soliloquy-- :
Been reading your old entries. Thursday night drug binges, eh? Hmmm. Anyway, you should re-read your "One Day at a Time". Listen to yourself. You give good advice. Who loves ya baby! (me, of course).
from k9642042 :
Yes. So very bad, please destroy your copy so it doesn't hurt others. PS: Enjoy the petit prince fact, I am insanely jealous of it.
from starinajar :
agh [blushes] thank you, darling <3
from xikn :
if rufus is with her again let me know - would love to see him in concert - glad you got great tkts... (airline for tickets) tty soon colmie
from starinajar :
not moving... not completly, anyway <3
from k9642042 :
well, if I am hearing things that aren't there I am not aware that they aren't real so it isn't causing problems....i hope.
from wonderwall :
thanks again for hosting. you rock :) the work sitch sounds stressful. hang in there. stress sucks.
from anahcra :
i'm sorry my entries are so infrequent. i just like to live more than write about my life. sometimes. and sometimes it just takes a long time to really let things sink in and to come to realizations.
from vixenated :
Poor girl, I'd hate to be in a workplace like that, I feel for you, I really really do. But yay! I'm getting a tape! Eeee
from starinajar :
yes! yes she is. and thank you! <3
from wonderwall :
you'd host my images? aww! well, the URL is and angelicagirl is writing the code for me. so if you could hook it up, that would be awesome :) let me know... i'll write an entry in your honor! :)
from deadish :
goshdarned pritty layout, dear. you know what's horrible? i'm looking forward to moving to atlanta by myself and not having money for food so i can lose weight. ha! HA!
from vixenated :
from goldenlights :
haha yeah we proved all those motherfuckers wrong! we showed them!
from xikn :
i still like ya know matter what the office bitch says... in germany now... having fun here..
from deadish :
hee. but swearing is so fucking good! yay. i said fuck.
from anahcra :
from anahcra :
i say sleep on the job again
from k9642042 :
your job sure does suck..and that comes from someone who works with cow shit.
from vixenated :
aww poor sarah *hug*
from goldenlights :
fly up to toronto for the weekend!
from wonderwall :
thanks for the welcome wishes. dig the layout change. haven't seen signs, but after you said it sucked, i can wait for video. heh.
from k9642042 :
dessert is tasty
from vixenated :
Amelie is like the good mood drug!
from vixenated :
Good luck with everything! :)
from vixenated :
I think you should become an air traffic controller.
from vixenated :
Sarah! :( That's bad, it never sounded like you were having a great time, but now I feel awful that you made all that change and now you hate it :(
from k9642042 :
do you not like your job or something?
from anahcra :
MAD props to you for working out and taking care of your health
from vixenated :
Hey, that sucks that they took away your messenger things, now what will you do? lol. And no i didn't try trillian because there is no mac version, which is what i need. However i was talking to a friend of mine about it and he's tried it and said it sucked. So who knows, maybey ou should see for yourself :)
from k9642042 :
hmm...mixtape...i also have a cdplayerless car AND no cassette recorder to make mixtapes for my car...leaving me! It's awful
from k9642042 :
i went with salmon...i had some in the freezer...i also made hummous. Yummous!
from goldenlights :
buy a digital camera and send it to me when you're bored of it! ;)
from vixenated :
I can't stand seeing my parents cry, I don't know what to do at all. Luckily it rarely happens.
from vixenated :
yay for extra money! and i quite enjoy the hide the diry hair dos and mis matched clothing lol. i doubt it's quite suitable for work though.
from deadish :
oh no! i was thinking of changing my layout soon anyway. la. :O how can you BEAR to be without the daily gibberings of myself? ha!
from vixenated :
ick about the scraps of paper! but ooh air traffic controller, you sure can do it all cant' you.
from k9642042 :
hmm...isn't that like a super high stress job? Ick.
from xikn :
it was great to see and talk with you. - thanks for coming out!! haircuts are cheap...
from goldenlights :
recreation is fun!
from deadish :
i feel that way all day, every day, mah dear. that's why i'm such a giant fangirl about things. my obsessions are my friends. ha. HA!
from vixenated :
I know I know it would be good if we could chat a bit. Thanks for the message anyway.
from dysenchanted :
sorry for the novel... :)
from dysenchanted :
"my life just feels empty most of the time. i don't feel that anything i do matters. and i wonder where my past idealism went. i wonder when this apathy fell upon me with such force. it's strange not to care enough to do anything, but to still obsess over the lack of action." ~You know, perhaps it's like a defense mechanism - the only thing that keeps us sane...or from having to go on Prozac. (That's why I smoke pot...) My husband and I are completely into politics- deeply entrenched and sometimes it's just too exhausting to care... you know what they always say: "Ignorance is bliss" well... it is and it isn't... once you open your eyes to the fallacies of the world, you can't go back to sleep again... but unfortunately, unless you are in a position of power no one listens to you. But, I really think our generation is the one that's going to pull this country out of this downward spiral that (as painful as it is to admit...) our parents - and the rest of the baby boomer generation started to fuck up in the first place.... or at least it's a nice thought, anyway. I weep for this country, for humanity, for our future. I really think that once the year 2000 hit, everyone kind of lost their sense of direction in life.... it was this huge anti-climatic event, and now no one knows what the fuck to do with themselves anymore. Especially after September 11th... the whole concept of "protection", and "safety" vanished. I live in a state where 5 year old girls are kidnapped from their front yards, raped, murdered, and thrown out onto the highway- discarded, as if they mean nothing. The scum of the earth is allowed to run freely, while we, the innocent are held hostage in our own homes. It's thoroughly depressing. Just try not to let it get to you so much that you forget that the vast majority of people are good and honest, and it's only a small percentage that give the rest of humanity a bad name.
from vixenated :
you're going to see beck! yay for you. and yay for new work buddies, and hopefully being able to smoke with a girl in her office. lol
from vixenated :
I'm sure the job will get better! you always find out awful things the first day
from deadish :
from xikn :
SORRY I MISSED IT !! But happy belated BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! colmie
from vixenated :
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear sarah, happy birhtday to you. And now carrying on my sisters ritual....happy birthday to you, hapy birthday to you, you look like a monkey and you smell like one too! hehe. Hope you had a marvellous time, and i know the deal about getting sick, i've been sick on my birthday for the past 4 years or something. *groan* lol. Take care!
from e-rratica :
we're twins born on different days to different parents.. happy birthday, twingirl
from deadish :
wheee! spine-splintering fun they are! :D i think they might still be up on ebay... mmm i'll go look.
from deadish :
aw shoo, woman. of course you can add me. i added you already to my list :D i'm going to eat soydogs today! aren't you excited for me?! yay.
from vixenated :
aww thanks girly, that's really sweet
from k9642042 :
from goldenlights :
the gbook looks wicked! i tried to make one but then i forgot, haha, i suck.. good work!
from grrarrgh :
I couldn't find the place to sign your guestbook. I have a pregnant girl living with me now. And all the people who used to talk to me, now ignore me most of the time. Not my friends, but my family. So, i know how you feel with your sister. And have you noticed that Dave Matthews and Creed aren't on the radio as much anymore? :o) buh bye... Derek
from goldenlights :
see how it says <a href="mailto:[email protected]</a> ? fix that to say <a href="mailto:[email protected]">email</a> and it should work. thats weird! :P
from fallonme :
star wars came out on May 16th. So you've had three weeks.
from deadish :
oh.. **snurk** i feel so... LOVEd... :D
did you know i have a little yellow my little pony with transparent butterfly wings? i do!! i'm also a lifetime member of the lisa frank fanclub. i have the card to prove it!
from deadish :
hee. i feel like saying BASTARD right now. so, BASTARD i will say.
from n0a :
paperback cheese novel? haha
from vixenated :
Lol thank y ou very much, i don't often like my curly hair but sometimes it's a nice change. And you should get jeans like this! They are soooo damn comfy.
from deadish :
"i'm proud of what i am... I am a libRARian."
i don't know where that's from, but i heard it on dr.demento.. so yeah!
ohno! someone has a banner wif nny on it... noooooooo!
from anahcra :
man! that sounds so cool.. i wish i could come speedboat with you.. or float a canoe on a lake.. i love water
from dernhelm :
I found you! :) Can I have the password to parrynight?
from spindle :
sigh. i wish this was a seminar. i like seminars, i like getting to talk through things with a room of interesting people. but no. what i get to do is spend my days in dusty old libraries reading, reading, reading. sometimes lacan, sometimes something he refers to, and sometimes reading the spines of the books people around me are reading. because it is beautiful out and i am stuck in here reading, again, and i'm really getting sick of it. i want to go outside and play.
from anahcra :
parry! you getting letters from cool people you met online? i miss that...
from dysenchanted :
I found ya! :) Hope I'm the first to leave you a note. What is up with AbFab? Did it go away forever and ever? love, dysenchanted

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