messages to yeahright:
(click here to add new message):

from matt :
Hey, are you still around? Let me know, I've got a favor to ask.
from jenistar :
are you still here? just checking in.
from jenistar :
hoping everything is okay...43 days is a long time. Not so long if you're expecting it, but a long break with no words, even for you.
from limegreenman :
Wow! You're back! Sorry to dig it up again about committment and divorce - I married my university sweetheart and after 12 months she was out because she couldn't tell me that she wasn't sure about our relationship after all. So I think it's great you're not moving in together because it is a big step that is very painful to undo. I shouldn't have moved in with my previous girlfriend, but we were both moving to a new area at the same time, so it was the logical, and economical, thing to do. The closest you want to live is just far enough apart you can't hear the other one having fun without you because can't (or didn't want to) join in.
from onacloud :
i've been a faithful reader since i was twelve, if you can believe that. (i'm almost fifteen). you've come a long way, dear.
from entropia :
Hey there. Just read a couple of your latest entries. Diaryland sort of wore me out, and I stopped reading, but I'm sort of reading some of my favorites again, and you were the first I got around to read. It is so scary how your life and mine have been sort of parallel, all this time I've known you. Only everything happens to you about a month and a hald earlier. It's scary. Reading you is like taking a peek at my future. Hadn't shared that with you before, I don't think. Hope you're doing fine.
from jenistar :
Hey, I *like* your long-ass diary entries. Warm and mushy thoughts your way from one of your ten loyal readers.
from liza :
dear simone, even after three years at diaryland, you STILL write the longest entries ever! :)
from killmenow :
Thanks for posting the poem. I really enjoyed it and can relate. I'm glad to see you writing again although I'm truly sorry about the inspiration for it. Things will get better.. hope is good.
from circusfreak :
that's a pretty photo. very rain-foresty. i like photos. neat layout too. hello. yeah right, not.
from limegreenman :
Soccer is 22 men kicking around an inflated pig's bladder for 90 minutes. And people love it :-)
from limegreenman :
No, your diary isn't boring. The little touches of touch; skin against skin. Sex sells ;-) I would still be reading without that. And with it, it reminds me of what I'm missing.
from happyanger :
Hello. I'm not sure why I'm sending you a note, but I figured it might brighten your internet experience. Plus, I like the authors you chose as favourites. Your diary is a multi-faceted, multi-sensory literary trip. Have a successful day.
from yoshi-c :
I found your diary from erm, a link from somone else's diary, don't ask me who's diary it was because that was about three hours ago. I don't believe I have been reading for that long!
from shutupmom :
pinball on a second date? you rule. i think youre my new favorite. yep.
from deviousgrin :
No matter how far between my visits are, I always end up coming back to your journal and reading for longer than I should. And by longer than I should, I mean slowly browsing through every single link that looks even remotely interesting. I've been at it for about 3 hours now. Yeah, well, if I weren't here, I'd be haunting the Collective Soul board or overposting in opendiary. And you know, it's not even like I have anything particularly good to say, I just felt like letting you know that. Being as I left Diaryland a long time ago, I guess I shouldn't cheat the service by using it to send messages to people I used to read all the time, but it's free for me and relatively painless for you, so I'll continue. The point of that last sentence was to tell you that if this thing includes a link back to... yeah, Deviousgrin, that's a dead-and-gone diary. Sad. I only occupied it for about a month. And didn't even keep up with it then... And no, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, but you know how plans go. I e-mailed you once. You e-mailed me back. Then I lost AOHell, and with it, the bookmark that led to your diary. Being the genius that I am not, I went through an old clique that I remembered browsing through when I visited you during what I call your Grey Layout Period (tm), and hunted your name out of the member... list? Member thing. Don't rightly remember. This was a couple of months ago and I can't remember what songs are on my playlist right now. So there you have that. I have to admit that I haven't read very much of your poetry. I made it through some prose, more of which than poetry, and read all of the short stories on your main site. Excuse my short attention span. I find you infinitely interesting. I've mentioned you twice when talking about web... stuff... and I damn near danced for joy when I found your pages again. I have the horrible feeling there's a character limit to this, as the box I'm currently typing in is not even two inches high, and people don't usually do that for the convenience of the manuscript this has become. I think I'm done for the moment. Hmmm, I wonder how often you check these messages. I wonder if I'll remember to check mine anytime in the near future. You know what? I think I'm going to hunt up an e-mail address and warn you about this ramble. If I can. I think I saw it on your main page. Who knows? I'll check. -Lib

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