messages to yellow-ninja:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
I know, right? You'd think I'd ipso facto be a (hummingbird) chick magnet no matter what color I wore! I guess they really are like human chicks. Gotta feed 'em first, and preferably with sweets. Works every time. (Well, that and roofies.) Marshmallows, huh? Woof....
from cocoabean :
Bummer! But I understand!
from dangerspouse :
Aw, thanks babe!
from dangerspouse :
I personally don't like the ketchup/paste/BBQ sauce topping on my meatloafs, but a certain wife I know who shall remain nameless does. So once in a while I avert my eyes and brush some on for the last 20 minutes or so of baking to keep her happy. If that's not love, I don't know what is. (However, despite her preference, the majority of the time I don't do it. Not because I bridle at the thought, but more because when I make some of my favorite variations which are more similar to French terrines, the ketchup/etc. topping really does clash, and she knows it. But again, once in a while I throw her a bone and make an Americanized version. Warms her midwestern trailer trash heart, it does....)
from cocoabean :
Whoa! Way for your mom to hang in there!
from dangerspouse :
BTW, medieval rhetoric sounds absolutely fascinating! What an incredible period of Western history, and one that is so often characterized erroneously in such simplistic and stereotyped terms. (Did you ever watch any episodes of "Time Team", the long running British archaeology TV series? I learned more about this period than I care to admit by binging the episodes put up on YouTube.) Oh, and I just read a terrific article on Medieval brothels published in "History Today", which online publication I subscribe to. It may not be a riveting as discourses on rhetoric, but if you've got a few minutes to kill it might be worth a read: :)
from dangerspouse :
Strangely, they ALL accused me of sexual harassment.
from dangerspouse :
I know why you're dreaming of eye stigmata. It's because you're playing so much Mario Cart. It does have that effect after a few hours - and no one can play it for less than that. (Did I ever tell you the girl who voiced Princess Peach once accused me of sexual harassment? True story. NewWifey(tm) still won't play that character in the game, or even let anyone in the house do so, she's so mad at her.) BTW, my best to your mother. I hope this procedure fixes things. Back problems are no joke.
from dangerspouse :
Yo bitch, I am DANGERSPOUSE. I'm a loose cannon blogger who plays by his own rules. It's why the chicks dig me. Bad boys forever! I'll post as many pictures as many times as I like, and there nuthin' you or any of the other Deans at this chicken shit college can do about it! (Er...sorry you don't get to tell your kids about booty calls in person any more. It's tough on a lot of us having to give up our passions during lockdown. Hang in there. Prof, too.)
from dangerspouse :
I almost forgot: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALMOST MIDDLE AGED PERSON! I hope you had a nice semi-vegetarian cake, at least. Many more :)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, the prof really loves his mom. That's sweet :) BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T FINISH YOUR BIRTHDAY RIBEYE!! And I didn't think the pandemic news could get any worse. Now we're leaving prime cuts of beef on the plate. Oh, the horror....the horror.... (I hope you blinding headaches get better. Seriously, that sucks. Get thee to a neurologist if it doesn't clear up once the spectre of death has passed off into the distance, willya? I need to keep reading your posts.)
from dangerspouse :
By attractiveness. Definitely.
from dangerspouse :
I honestly thought 2020 couldn't get any worse. And then I heard about kalimotxo. We're doomed....
from dangerspouse :
Do you know I haven't seen Home Improvement OR Castaway? But NewWifey(tm) - who is not a cultural pariah - explained them to me. And I agree :) (BTW, I laughed at "rage nap"!)
from dangerspouse :
NINJA! Oh my god, I can't believe I didn't get back here and check out the wedding pics when you posted them. I'm so sorry! And you mentioned me and everything! (Not that you wouldn't, of course.) I was just so mired in pedestrian married life concerns - health disasters, arguments over tulle - that I completely neglected D-Land for the past few weeks. Sorry! Thanks for holding off on any new updates until I got here, I appreciate the self sacrifice and effort it must have taken. Oh - and fuck your "I have to say something, anything, critical in order to feel superior" professor. Right in the mouth. Bitch.
from cocoabean :
Too big? Just right.
from cocoabean :
Yay! for getting the wedding you wanted! Beautiful ring!
from dangerspouse :
So I guess congrats on the "Fuck you, I'm gettin' hitched the way I want, yo" are in order. Did you at least wear white hiking shoes to the top of Mt. Lonely for the proposal? But really, now that you are legally his goods and chattel you really should toe the line and take his name like a real woman. Other than that though, I approve. I do wish I was invited to the Big Party though. I would have gifted you monogrammed sporks or something.
from dangerspouse :
Waddaya mean, "for once"?
from dangerspouse :
It's the swollen part that concerns me most. Fat chicks. Brrrrrr.
from dangerspouse :
Call it feminine intuition, but I'm getting the impression that my chances with you are starting to fade a bit. Dammit. Oh well, congratulations anyway!! I hope you wacky, impulsive teens have as long and riotously loving a life together as NewWifey(tm) and I have. Seriouly, that is a very sincere wish for you. That, and no children. You think running a race with tendonitis and a sinus infection is a long, painful prospect....
from cocoabean :
Congratulations! Eloping is the best!
from dangerspouse :
Woof. Ok, yeah, sounds like a few weeks of destressing is in order after all that. I'm sorry to hear it was so rough. Hang in there.
from dangerspouse :
Merry Christmas, babe! It's today, and when I get home all I want to see under the tree is a notification that you came through with the promised stories of your engagement, the marathon results, update on Dad indignation, a wedding..?, and maybe a topless pic or two (of you, not Prof...although.....). Hope you're doing well kiddo, and thanks very much for the note over at my place. It's good indeed to be back :)
from dangerspouse :
I like Chris Rock's proposed solution to gun violence: have guns continue to be readily accessible - fighting the Second Amendment is futile, after all. But charge $30,000 per bullet. Aside from the sheer number of people who now suddenly couldn't afford any at all, if you found a dead body with 3 bullet holes in him/her you'd think, "Damn. 90 thousand? This guy REALLY must have deserved it." and it wouldn't bother you.
from dangerspouse :
Huh. For a SECOND there I thought you were officially engaged. My wife read your entry and SECONDed it. But I guess we were - oh by the way, did you hear I GOT SECOND PLACE in my very first photography competition? I did! I did! YOU, meanwhile, only got engaged - a hobby that takes no skill at all (other than head). So you came in SECOND in this comparison, sorry. SECOND, I TELL YOU!
from dangerspouse :
Try this one on 'em: "Ingratitude, thou marble hearted little shits!". See? The Bard CAN be relevant to today's youth. So...pre-marital counseling, huh? I'm starting to think you might be trying to tell me something...
from dangerspouse :
My god, you're right! Time to print new letterhead....
from dangerspouse :
"Award Winning Photographer", huh? Y'know it does have a certain ring to it. And maybe it'll stop her bitching about how I insist she introduce me now: "Award Winning Cunnilinguist". Ok, you've convinced me. The new title starts...right after my next display of cunnilinguistic superiority! (And I have no explanation as to why my blood runs cold when a camera is pointed at me. But it does. Even in that sash and tiara.)
from dangerspouse :
Hey kid, just wanted to thank you for the great notes you left while I was taking my Mental Breakdown hiatus. You're right, this medical institution shit IS shit. I can't believe you went through something exactly like I did! (The difference, of course: you didn't curl up into a ball and begin sucking your thumb for three weeks without rest.) Oh, and if I ever get over my fear of cameras, "Will It Loaf" (sans punctuation) is a go. Yay, prescient dreams! :)
from dangerspouse :
C'mon, at least give us a debauched Valentines Day update.
from dangerspouse :
I have others, you know. Just ask :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks for the birthday wishes babe! Yeah, I've really gotten onboard...wait, that sounds bad. Really gotten Oh heck: I'm really enjoying fucking NewWifey(tm) for as long as she deludes herself into thinking it's helping. I'm so glad you're enjoying that soup, and the next time I have spuds in the house I'll take your advice and toss a few in :)
from dangerspouse :
I suggest an outdoor display. Maybe under a pussy willow.
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks for the great note, babe! (Ooops....) Lol, yeah, comments have certainly run the gamut - mostly at my other blog, but also via email. Everything from "God, I wanna fuck you SO HARD now" (mostly from women, thankfully) to "I see right through you, mister. I've read your misogynistic jokes. This is just a blatant attempt to justify them. If I ever meet you I'm gonna cut your dick off and stick it on my mantle with all the other dicks I've cut off." (Quick joke: Did you hear Lorena Bobbitt was in a car accident? Some dick cut HER off.) I actually enjoyed seeing all the different responses, the different takes people had on both my essay and my perceived motivation. Vive la difference, different strokes, it takes all kinds, etc. etc., and so on. Gosh, I can't imagine a Conservative Christian being a HUGE QUTTER. They are usually so even keeled, so...ok, they're all batshit crazy. ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN! ;)
from dangerspouse :
I may be an attention whore, but it got a damn vote out of you, didn't it? Woo hoo! Lol - "tons of wood". Gosh, I can't think of a single double entrende there....hmmmmm...... :)
from dangerspouse :
Butternut farts are a sure sign of success. Well done! :)
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, no surpise there. EVERYONE prefers my wife once they meet me. Odd, really. Hey, if you do make the soup drop me a note and let me know how it came out. Even if you are serving it to...grrrr...*him*. :)
from dangerspouse :
Two kids, a dog, and both of you in a Honda Fit. Southern "charm". Guns. Yup, I can see why you chose him over me. *sob*
from cocoabean :
There's always the courthouse for a wedding.. since it's such a long drive for your (future) in-laws, why not just get married and then celebrate with each group separately.....
from dangerspouse :
Dammit. I go away for a few months and you're so distraught you're now considering MARRIAGE?! I blame myself.... (ps. come back and give an update one of these days, willya? I need to know how this turns out. NEED!) 11/18
from blazingstar :
Yay!!! So glad to see an update and so glad you are so happy! Dude, marriage is wack as a construct, and throw in patriarchy and religion and FAMILY EXPECTATIONS (which obviously encompass all of the above issues plus eternal guilt tripping)...Yes, it can be crazily stressful, but sometimes all of that makes the couple even closer and stronger in the end. Whether it’s through eloping or some begrudging compromises with the fam. You guys will make the decision that’s right for you. I think it’s so sweet that he is so mindful of your feelings and wishes, which should be a given in relationships, but ugh MEN IN GENERAL, right? He’s a keeper.
from cocoabean :
Bizarre? Yes! LOL Surely one of you knows a minister who could marry you in a very nice setting, even if it isn't a church.....
from cocoabean :
Well I would totally agree that she's jealous of the time you spend with Prof and not with her... not too sure about the bi thing... but she misses you so she's unhappy and crabby....
from dangerspouse :
Wow, such drama! Who knew you could make drama with K sound more tragic than another mass school slaughter? Well done! ;)
from cocoabean :
I would probably do it BECAUSE I knew it would irritate her... lol
from cocoabean :
Wow, Prof sounds like a great guy! I'm not sure what I'd do about K other than distance myself.. but then there's that trip coming up.....
from dangerspouse :
I hear ya. I actually did the same as you fairly recently: no sugar or substitute for a few weeks. Amazing how sweet things like fruit started to taste after a while. Had to give it up though because there were a number of recipes I couldn't make any more and it was starting to cause some wailing a gnashing of teeth from NewWifey(tm). (And I generally eschew sugar substitutes now, but as I said, back when I was shedding my walrus weight I was very grateful to have it.)
from dangerspouse :
I feel for K, as I too know what it's like to have everyone hate you (even if it's justified). The world can be so cruel....
from dangerspouse :
Ooo, a typo. I know you meant "yearns".
from dangerspouse :
I am NOT needy. I just crave attention, or I'll die. Fine. Don't leave me life sustaining Likes or socially mandated replies to my replies. See if I fucking care, bitch! *sob*...why do I always fall for the bad ones....
from dangerspouse :
My god - YOU'RE the famous "S"?! Bwahahaha! That's too cool! I love your notes! In retrospect, I should have guessed those notes were from you. They're too witty for the usual hoi poloi that frequent my dump. Awesome! Lol...also explains (I guess) why you never respond to, or Like, my replies to your comments. Stuck up bitch!! :)
from dangerspouse :
Wait - you left a note at my WP page? What's your handle there??
from dangerspouse :
My god, I miss Vine. And plesbians. (You know you've now lost them forever, right? Good luck, Teach....)
from dangerspouse :
1) Yay! 2) Yup! 3) YAY! 4) Boo. 5) Whew. 6) Yay!
from dangerspouse :
Let's see: sorry about the fever...yay for respite from the evil rubber band, however brief...who the hell is Prof??....MLK was black??...da fuck is wrong wit K, anyway? Bitch don't know you by now??..."podcasts" and "radio" are not the same, I feel compelled to nervously point out. Don't hate on me,'s the school year going? That is all.
from dangerspouse :
MERRY CHRISTMAS despite that :)
from dangerspouse :
Ha! Funny AND topical! :)
from dangerspouse :
HE CAME BACK! I got up at 3am for work, and when I walked to our back room to get changed he was curled up on a pile of my shirts and snoozing away as if we hadn't just spent the last 5 days wailing in despair at his absence. Bastard. Scarfed down an entire can of 9-Lives "Turkey-n-Cheese" shreds, too. *sigh* It's amazing how fond we've grown of the little bugger in the couple of weeks since we found him. I was really more relieved to see him than I care to admit. I guess we're just gonna have to get used to his schedule, as you say. Thanks for the note(s), kiddo :)
from dangerspouse :
I'm sorry, I should have been more considerate of your situation and not said anything. I'll just say we're hopeful he returns. Since he's basically still, despite appearances in the photos, a feral cat, he may just be out doing feral stuff for a few days. We hope.
from dangerspouse :
How could I *not* know that already? I'm married. I hear it every day. (Sad news: Midnight is missing. Wifey is frantic.)
from dangerspouse :
I'm sorry you - your family - is going through all this. I rarely leave notes when someone is dealing with real life dolor, but I want you to know I've been reading and my thoughts are with you. ((( )))
from cocoabean :
the sadness has to run its course, you will be fine once it does. Hang in there!
from dangerspouse :
She's available for rent. I do recommend her - it would definitely cure your boredom. And then cause you to pine for it to return.
from cocoabean :
So sorry... I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision for her.
from dangerspouse :
Nah. My hands aren't any less ugly than the rest of me. :)
from dangerspouse :
OF COURSE it's stuffing. I knew you were one of us. *whew* Good. You stay on my Buddy Lst. Thanks for the note of commisuration, babe. Yeah, the ol' fridge is practically bursting its hinges from leftovers. I literally will not be able to make/eat them all before some goes bad probably, even with freezing some and transforming others into things like bread products. Talk about a 1st world problem, huh? Hey, speaking of leftovers - Milla Jovovich had nothing on that runner's bod of yours. Great job!! I can't believe you made that yourself. I mean, the wig alone must have taken weeks! Bravo :)
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the note babe, and Happy Thanksgiving! Now go back and read the update I just attached to the bottom of that entry. Sad Thanksgiving :(
from dangerspouse :
That's only because you haven't talked to me for all your days.
from dangerspouse :
When that story first crossed my news desk I immediately thought they spelled her name wrong. It should be "Mad:Pooper". (Write back if you don't get it...dummy) :)
from dangerspouse :
You dumped HotBod? Woo hoo, I've chance. Shit. Lol - good for you though, finally coming up with an analogy even he could understand. I'm sure you'll find someone with abs like that again, and one who's not half a worm, either. Oh, and don't let that bottom picture of you circulate too far. If it's seen in Colorado, they might think you're the Mad Pooper they've been looking for. :)
from cocoabean :
One mistake?
from cocoabean :
I agree, it is cute! Errr... the tat. I'll leave opinions on your butt to Dangerspouse. I agree with him though, Hot Bod will hide his dealings better but still continue to deal.
from dangerspouse :
And now I've seen your tat. Dammit. So close. SO close. Still...yeah, ok, it's cute. And reasonably discreet. And...HOLY SHIT WHAT A ROCKIN' BUTT YOU CAN EVEN TELL WITH THE SHORTS. Um...keep running :) Regards HotBod: he's figured out how to mollify you. Short term goal accomplished. You KNOW he's not gonna kill that cash cow just because you demanded it, not matter the seeming sincerity of his capitulation. When were you born again? Thursday? Oh well, sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.... MEN!
from dangerspouse :
And "not at all veiled" is how I expect to see it :)
from dangerspouse :
Wellllllllll...ok. You've always been an arbiter of taste and discretion (at least for purposes of this note, anyway). So if you say your butt tat is tasteful and discrete, I'll take your word for it. But, ah, as cocobean there says: a pic would help. Waddaya say?
from cocoabean :
And I want to see a picture of that tattoo. Your BF is trying to justify what he's doing by saying he's just the middleman, but he is what he is.. a dealer. I agree that it's easy to make money that way, but he's the guy the cops are looking for... the guy who can lead them to the guy who's dealing pounds. Ounces are one thing, pounds are another.
from dangerspouse :
Y'know, I'm still having trouble processing the tattoo. You work hard to hone and maintain a perfect body - why mar it? You don't put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari, girl! Do you think that will improve it? (God, why do I always fall for the Bad Girls. *sob*)
from cocoabean :
Either he's naive or just plain stupid. There are plenty of middlemen sitting in prison for dealing weed. There are plenty of other jobs if one needs more money.....
from dangerspouse :
I'm a little confused here. The note you left me seemed to intimate Mr. HB was done and gone. But your entry here makes you appear indecisive. Either way, I'm very proud of you. Proud enough that I'm even going to refrain from making some stupid salacious joke about alter-me having a chance with you. Hang in there, kid.
from dangerspouse :
I had a chance before Mr. Bod because I'm DANGERSPOUSE, dammit! My alter ego will accept no intimations of rejection. :)
from dangerspouse :
7 grand on a teacher's salary? Are you nuts? LET YOUR RICH PARENTS PAY FOR IT! If they're that loaded, 7 grand won't waylay any plans for the nephews' future and other selfless deeds. LET THEM PAY FOR IT! (And, uh, I guess I don't have a chance with you any more, huh? Oh well. I would have just spoiled you for Mr. Hot Bod anyway. Story of my life....)
from blazingstar :
Just popping in to say hi, thank you for the supportive comment the other week when I finally got around to writing, and let you know I still read every entry of yours! So glad you're still here. And I am LOVING the "dear heart" trick--might have to steal that.
from dangerspouse :
You have no idea. If only my tongue were two...inches ...longer.
from dangerspouse :
I need both hands.
from dangerspouse :
That fixed it. But you should have posted a pic of Beans next to that one of you so we could compare.
from dangerspouse :
Dammit. The picture doesn't show. I used to masturbate to Beans. Just wanted to see if you're as magical....
from dangerspouse :
Have your hair run the marathon. It's in GREAT shape.
from dangerspouse :
It may interest you to know that I am a charter member of the IBTAC (Itty Bitty Titty Appreciation Society). True story: I've never been to a strip club, mostly on principle. But the one and only time I was ever sorely tempted to gag and blindfold my principle was when I saw a club near my work advertise, "TINY TITTY WEEK!" Took every ounce of willpower I had not to walk in there paycheck in hand. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick a girl out of bed screaming, "Your breasts are too big!" But given the chance to design my ideal woman, she'd look a lot more like Keira Knightley (pre-preggers) than Sofia Vergara. So should it ever come to it, then, your molehills would be lacking for neither attention nor appreciation here. After a good meal, of course :)
from dangerspouse :
So my takeaway from all that is: I have to buy (make) you dinner if I want to feel you up. Done! (And you damn well better eat it all. I don't want to risk paper cuts from your ass bones.)
from cocoabean :
Whoa! Someone who listened and used their brain! Amazing!
from dangerspouse :
Man, you have been through so much. I hope you're finally down the home stretch of being able to identify, and ultimately fix, the root cause of your pain. (And my wife wants to know where she can get one of those wands.)
from dangerspouse :
Good lord. I thought I had a lock on shitty sisters for YEARS. Then I read this. I'm sorry for your whole shitty week, the ovarian thumb-cyst (NewWifey(tm) had one rupture when we were on vacation - don't you let it get that far), and especially the ongoing trauma from all those years ago. God, I wish mere platitudes could cure ills, since that's all I got...
from dangerspouse :
FUCKING STEVE!! If I was there I'd fucking transition HIM, right to a cold and un-visited grave. Seriously, I am greatly incensed on your behalf. That's just not right!
from cocoabean :
Yes, how dare you complain about being too thin? LOL Just kidding... we all have some kind of trial. Maybe a nutritionist could help with your problem..
from dangerspouse :
Good lord, all that's enough to give ANYONE an ulcer! (Except Steve, probably. The man is obviously insensate. What an ass.) Good to hear he thinks you're easy though. Maybe there's hope on that route. Speaking of "easy", that's why my wife will have remarried within 15 minutes of my (probably impending) wake. :)
from cocoabean :
Well, on the bright side, things can't get much worse, so they are bound to get better. Hang in there!
from cocoabean :
Don't blame you. My ex sister in law got into mine a while back... and dangerspouse, some people have cited your diary.... just sayin'..
from dangerspouse :
Dammit. No one ever references *my* diary :(
from dangerspouse :
I think we all feel that way. And by "all", I mean "good people". Unlike your rotten, heckling kids.
from dangerspouse :
You couldn't open your mouth for SIX MONTHS in high school? That must have really put a crimp in your dating style. On the other hand, your parents probably finally stopped ruing the day they bore you, huh? Damn. Well, I hope you made up for lost time on both fronts once they sprung you. Whew.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for asking about the wings. Went back to the doc last week and he hooked me up with Celebrex. It's taken the edge off, enough to type some. If that doesn't last, next step is cortisone shot. If THAT doesn't do it, it's more surgery. Or slow, agonizing death. I'll decide which is preferable when I get there, if it gets to that point. Glad to see your children have convinced you they love you! Guess you can let your guard down then, huh?
from dangerspouse :
Oh, pshaw. No student would ever take advantage of an adult's predicament like that. Go ahead and puke in front of them, Teach.
from dangerspouse :
"Culinary Thoreau" - I like that!
from dangerspouse :
Heh. Heh. Yeah, all my teacher buds laugh when I use that line on 'em. Just before they punch me. Sadly, no oldies in my "neighborhood". I live in the middle of a state forest, with only a few houses within hailing distance - none of them with geriatrics needing nourishment. Maybe I'll just set out leftovers for the bears.... :)
from dangerspouse :
But at least you get summers off! Oh - and Steve is an ass.
from cocoabean :
The kids have not replaced the old maxims because they aren't in the same situations as our parents who came up with them. I'm sure parents of young kids have their own sayings they will to their teens. They aren't saying the same things, see? Different times, you know?
from dangerspouse :
Haha! I went (am going) through that exact same thing! No grip strength at all, and can't lift that hand to my face. So, yup, Caveman Dining it is! The difference is, it made ME happy. Finally a valid excuse for my usual eating habit(s)! :)
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, for the first 4 weeks I was like you: locked at 90%, arm up and out away from my body. Then after a month they let me have periodic breaks to get some limited motion from the shoulder. It was during one of those breaks when I took that pic (what, no risible comment on my classy t-shirt?). So you went through it too, huh? Then you know how frantically I'll be making up for lost time over the next week. Stand back, or wear a rain slicker. :)
from cocoabean :
I work with a lot of young adults who think some of the things I say are hilarious.. like... there's more than one way to skin a cat. I look at them and realize no one has ever said that in front of them befor. That makes me feel kind of old, or maybe old fashioned, but those kinds of sayings are being replaced by new ones. Yup. Getting old. LOL
from dangerspouse :
I remember Dick Canal! He co-starred in all those 40's tough guy movies with Robert Mitchum! Poor bastard never really made it though, what with his predilection for darkies and being named after a euphemism for dames. Shame. Oh, and fuck Steve. With a ham. A HAM!
from dangerspouse :
A couple of thoughts here. First I just wanna make sure we're on the same page regarding culinary terms. So, "stock" is what you get when you simmer bones and connective tissue. "Broth" results from simmering flesh, alone or with bones. "Brown stock" has you roast the bones first, "white stock" requires you don't (most commonly you see this distinction noted for veal stock, but it applies elsewhere also). Then there is "roast chicken stock" which is made from the bones of a...yup. Ok, good. Now for Part 2: stocks taste weaker than broths. They're supposed to, so the don't overwhelm a dish. Part 3: not worth knowing. Neither is Part 4. But Part 5? Crucial. I just wish I could remember what it was. Oh well. On to Part 6. Part 6 tells us that roasted chicken carcasses have already had a lot of connective tissue melted off during the roasting process, and so generally need even less time to simmer than raw birds. There's just less fleshy material left. The stock will be flavored well, but lighter bodied. Finally we get to Chapter 7, tentatively titled "So, like, what the hell??" aka "The Gist". Yeah, so, taking all that bloviating into account, we come to my self important pronouncement: You made stock from the bony remnants of a well roasted rotisserie chicken and wondered why there wasn't much flavor after 3, 6, 8 hours of simmering? It's because roast bird skeletons have less inherent flavor. By probably the 2, certainly the 3, hour mark, there was nothing left to go into solution. That's my lie, and I'm sticking to it. Goodnight, fowl blogger.
from dangerspouse :
"Real cooking" and "following recipes" are not necessarily related. There was an awful lot of cooking going on before the first recipes were even recorded, ya know? You can't say those dishes were ipso facto invalid. You're making meals (more-or-less) scratch, including your own stock(!). And you like the results. I challenge anyone to say that's not Real Cooking. The rise of celebrity chefs, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., seems to have given people the mistaken idea that food isn't worth making if it doesn't conform to certain methodological and aesthetic standards. That's bullshit. Keep rockin' what you're doing kiddo, and hold your head high. (Although one thing I might offer here regarding your broth/stock: simmering times are, in general, a function of the thickness of the bones used. 8 hours is good for beef/veal, but overkill for chicken - especially if the bird has already been roasted. Anything more than 3 or 4 hours and you're just wasting fuel, and may also be producing what's called a "bony" stock. That's where calcium starts leaching out of the carcass once all the other ingredients have long done so. It can especially taint sauces, not to mention absolutely ruin simple consommes.) Oh - and you have a lovely pussy. Don't think I didn't notice.
from dangerspouse :
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand another Thank You card gets mailed to Dr. Vasectomy....
from dangerspouse :
"(sadly) not a lesbian" may be the truest thing you've ever written. At least from my perspective. Y'know, some of them dykes are pretty ripped, too. Just sayin'....
from dangerspouse :
Oh well. It was worth a shot. :)
from dangerspouse :
I'm surprised 1. There aren't more gay guys in the world, and 2. they won't make abortions retroactive. (And if you'd like to send me a few pics, I'll to my best to end the argument over whether you're a C or a D. Who needs judgemental chicks when you can have a dispassionate man help you out? You're welcome.)
from cocoabean :
I don't have as much a problem with a kids matinee, if it wasn't for all the kids that are there!
from dangerspouse :
Love the scrape/bruise!! Looks kinda like, never mind. Anyway, what a hoot! I bet your mom's sorry she didn't join you guys NOW, huh? That'll show her. And I loved the phrase "controlled flail". That made me guffaw out loud. Having done it many, many times myself. Rock on, biker chick!
from dangerspouse :
That...was...the...worst...joke. You tell that to students???? You deserve all the ellipses and question marks K texts you. don't deserve all the other shit she's heaping on top of them. Jesus, she's you're friend? Really??????????
from dangerspouse :
"Oh that this too, too solid flesh should need a better HMO!"
from dangerspouse :
Mmmmm, fungus coffee. You were a fool to pass that up, you know.
from cocoabean :
My condolences... funerals are the suck. The ones I went to as a child scarred me for life... lol.. so I avoid them like the plague.
from dangerspouse :
You have my very sincer condolences. The world is always better when there are good pie makers around. We're all the poorer for her having left. That was a great tire spinning story - the best tire spinning story I've heard in a long, long time. I am very, very sorry for your loss.
from dangerspouse :
Wow. 4 foot 7 AND melanoma? What a coincidence! I happen to be the sole representative for "Herba-Lift", producer of homeopathic infused footwear elevators! Call in the next 24 hours and shipping is free! Since we're Diaryland friends and all (not to mention potential lovers) it's the least I can do for you. You're welcome. Babe.
from bantenhut :
Hey there, yellow! Sorry I am so late to respond to your message. Of course I wouldn't mind if you added me! I'd love to read your diary too, if you're okay with it. Thanks for the note! The introvert/extrovert questions are so fun to think about!
from dangerspouse :
Four foot seven? Damn, you'd have to go UP on me. And of course you're not a crazy cat lady. Only bloods are. Not crips.
from cocoabean :
Hooray!!!! And happy birthday! 30 is nothing... wait till 50!
from cocoabean :
Hang in there, you will have good weeks too!
from dangerspouse : :)
from dangerspouse :
I'd don't mind at all. I'd be honored. And once I figure out how to do it, I'll follow you too :)
from dangerspouse :
So let me get this straight. There are people in the world who can tell 16 year old girls to do something...AND THEY DO IT?! Man, I know which superpower I want now. Fuck invisibility, flying capes, and chocolate transubstantiation. This is the stuff of dreams.
from dangerspouse :
Thank you. The man deserved nothing less. "Goodnight sweet prince, and may flights of pregnant negro "welfare queens" you saw as a threat to your privilege, guide thee to thy rest. In the hell you tried to recreate here on earth." It sometimes hurts to be a sensitive fucking person, doesn't it? We're moved to open weeping at the slightest hint that Dame Fortune may have merely smiled upon us, let alone when she practically has a full-on squirting orgasm over news of this magnitude. It's almost too much to bear. Almost. Sploosh!
from cocoabean :
I work in a place that hires people for minimum wage... it amazes me that some people can survive in life!
from cocoabean :
Yeah, teenage boys don't need reasons to do things. Ice is there, it's to be walked on.
from dangerspouse :
"...three boys from the rival high school across town, for reasons no one knows yet...." Er, not to put too fine a point on it, but: BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAA! Teenage boys? "REASON"?? Oh honey, you and I need to have a little chat about the realities of the XY half.
from dangerspouse :
Remind me to send another Thank You card to Dr. Vasectomy. God, I hate kids. And I hate what kids turn their adult parents into even more.
from cocoabean :
That kid is going to run wild once she's of legal age... at least the kid shows some sense by being annoyed with it!
from cocoabean :
There are reasons I moved so far away from family.....
from cocoabean :
Ha! That will be the first girl in class to get pregnant. Want to bet?
from dangerspouse :
I figured you, of all people, would get it :)
from dangerspouse :
King Lear Act 1, scene 4, 281–289.
from dangerspouse :
I've broken the heart of another girl. Such a burden I carry....
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Yeah, Michele Bachmann. Sorry. And sorry I didn't get to find out about Gilmore Girls :(
from dangerspouse :
I always assumed you'd scare the shit out of people. Just not for your vocabulary. Well done!
from dangerspouse :
HAHA! I love your grandmother wrong number story. Ain't dotage grand?
from dangerspouse :
What's this about fucking marathons?
from dangerspouse :
They're not going to give him any quarter later either, when they come to him while he's wearing his blue shirt with his name in an oval on his pocked, demanding to know why he hasn't swept the corner of their office sufficiently.
from jimbostaxi :
ninja-esque? Ok ok sounds like a grueling process but I'm! If the process changes into a CIA esque thing I will have to give up as I am a punk and can't take the water boarding ,,, so I'm officially asking for a password please :0)
from dangerspouse :
You "gutted it out" with a bleeding foot, overly fast first pace, and other assorted ill? You're a better man than I. I would have quit if a shoelace came untied. You are AWESOME, and coco is right: you'll do better. They're not called "rookie mistakes" for nothing. We all do them. The fact that you're determined to do better is....ah, you see the platitudes I'm going for here. Just know some fat, middle aged guy in Jersey is pulling for you, and behind you all the way. Because that's the best view :)
from cocoabean :
And you will do better. Everyone has an off day, you just had bad timing with this one. Cut yourself some slack! Go get some ice cream! LOL
from dangerspouse :
Pffff. If it didn't end with bukkake, it wasn't a real goat video. Write me, I'll send you some URLs. (And my guess for your next colossal screw up? Some underling accidentally slips you Thalidomide. Good luck.)
from dangerspouse :
I bet I know which category he puts NJ in :)
from dangerspouse :
(Whoops - in my excitement, I accidentally hit "Reply" and typed this in my own Notes. Oh well, bears repeating.): Aha! Then your co-worker no doubt explained the true-ism to you that goes "Everything west of the Delaware River" (he might say "Hudson" if he's hardcore, but whatever) "is Cow Country. Even LA." Whew. I'm glad we got that settled. And hey - where would be be without armpits? Disarmed, that's where! And we can't have THAT in America, so you're welcome.
from dangerspouse :
Granted, the Rockies are a statistical blip. But you can't tell me you couldn't balance an egg on end anywhere on I-70 from St. Louis to Boulder, and again from Grand Junction to Reno. We're talkin' 8 year old Asian girl flat 93.7% of the time. (And just because I made that percentage up doesn't mean it's not valid.) Wait - you want me to trust the Census people? The same group that said I was only worth 2/3 of a white person? EVEN THOUGH I'M WHITE?? I don't think so. Bumpkin.
from dangerspouse :
Another thing about midwesterners: they have no grasp of even their own geography. The "midwest" extends from Altoona PA in the east to just outside Susanville CA in the west, and from the Trump Canada to the Trump Mexico fences, north to south. Any big, flat state with prairie dogs, sausage gravy, and sausage gravy covered prairie dogs is considered "midwest". CO fits the definition. Sorry, deluded young midwesterner.
from dangerspouse :
End-of-meeting-question-askers! NOOOO!! Their type should be boiled down for glue so they could finally be of some appreciable use to the rest of us. Too bad no kids died. Would have made for a more interesting entry. Still...quite enjoyable despite that :)
from dangerspouse :
Wait - there are 16 year old kids who write bad prose? Is everything I believed up til now lies, then?! Lol. You have my sympathy. And thanks for yours! And next time, I'm sure you'll come up with a shitty line when the occasion demands. You were just under pressure. I forgive you. :)
from cocoabean :
Hooray for running so far! Can't remember the last time I ran for anything.. lol. And great news on the skin clearing up! Those side effects must suck.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the great note, Y-N! Lol. Don't worry, those kids who were not alive for 9/11 will be alive for the next one (Trump 2020!). The cycle will continue. It always does :)
from cocoabean :
I finally got in using chrome... but chrome won't sign me in to Dland so I can't leave a note. Sigh.
from cocoabean :
I can't get in locked diaries :( not sure if it's my computer or dland....
from cocoabean :
He'll be texting you before the 17th, for sure!
from dangerspouse :
Rest in peace, Mrs. V. Seems like we all lost a good one, not just Mr. V.
from cocoabean :
Yeah, I had some of those same thoughts sitting in the church for my parents funerals. But I believe Mrs V would not be disappointed in you, but rather, would accept your mistakes as growth. She made some too, I'm sure...
from cocoabean :
Sorry to hear about your loss... maybe RD won't be so needy with you now that she's married!
from blazingstar :
Congrats on the health bennies!!! (I'm an old lady too, so I use slang to make sure that I will fit in with the cool kids. Obviously.) And congrats on the beautiful cat! Reminds me so much of when E and I adopted ours 7 years ago. She was 20 pounds, 8 years old, and literally described as "a whole lotta kitty" in her official adoption paperwork. We got her down to a perfect 11 pounds and we are way less disciplined than you are. Hope your summer is smooth sailing and can't wait to hear about the new job.
from cocoabean :
Beautiful cat! Buy some toys and exercise her and she will drop the weight faster...
from dangerspouse :
What a beautiful, content looking cat! And just think: in two months (days) she is going to HATE you and your Atkins ways. She has to lose more weigh than those dumbbells combined! Well, if anyone can do it, you can with your anal retentive OCD ways. (Speaking of anal, thanks much for the thoughtful note about my wife's.)
from dangerspouse :
I can't believe you didn't jump at the chance to get a little black in you. Or eat a Kohlrabi. And I *especially* can't believe you added an indefinite article to "Ukraine". Do I have to teach you kids everything?
from dangerspouse :
Gee. Sounds like quite a guy. Hope you never seem much more of him or you might end up breaking it off and not seeing much more of him. (And for the record, you look hawt in that running pic. Just sayin'.)
from dangerspouse :
It took every ounce of self control I had, and then some. Thanks for noticing :)
from dangerspouse :
As the hopefully-soon-to-be-attacked-by pit-bulls-with-AIDS-girl said: WOOOOOOOO! You did it! All of us are very proud of all your various personas!
from cocoabean :
LOL @ dangerspouse! Twice means two separate occasions. The nurse is a twit!
from dangerspouse :
So...that's 80 mg./day, right?
from cocoabean :
I second dangerspouse's comment!
from dangerspouse :
Awwwww. You touched their little hearts. Now THAT'S a teacher. Well done.
from blazingstar :
Happy birthday, Ninja! Honestly, the fact that you were deprived of In-N-Out made my heart hurt. I would mail you a burger if it would survive the trip. I truly feel for you!
from cocoabean :
Not only will you do fine at your new job, you will love it. You will learn so much you will be amazed!
from cocoabean :
Look at Monday this way... at least you didn't have to go to the interview in pee-pants!! And good luck with it, btw
from cocoabean :
After all that, I might just say no!
from dangerspouse :
It doesn't matter how tiny you are. Girl Power!
from cocoabean :
he's been in college for one degree for 8 years?? Yes, he knows science LOL. It reminds me of John Belushi's character in Animal House who spent the best 6 years of his life as a freshman... or something like that...
from cocoabean :
5000 texts?? That's about 175 a day.... every day. How does she fit that all in and hold down a job? LOL Her life has changed, and she is changing too. You both need time to adjust to that, but you might not like who she will become.
from blazingstar :
You're really helping me realize how much I want to start talking to a professional about my hidden but pretty obvious anxiety. Come to think of it, I was super anxious as a little kid I never really grew out of it, I just learned to hide it. But I've been trying to pay more attention to it and it really takes its toll. Fear of confrontation is a huge part of it for me, too.
from cocoabean :
It may not be your job to save them, but I'm sure the kids appreciate you!
from cocoabean :
It may not be a bad thing that you don't have similar pasttimes.. just think of it this way, while he's doing stuff you don't want to, you could be home reading!
from cocoabean :
You'll get to your students, I believe that. Starting a fight on your second date? Does not bode well for a relationship!
from blazingstar :
So glad to read an entry from you! But man, everything you described about that date made me mad. Pretty impressive that this guy knows what's best for you, knows more than you about issues he'd never thought about but that you actually encounter every day, and wants to make sure you know it's a big deal for him to pay after he's talked at length about how much money he has. Classy.
from cocoabean :
Ha! Thinking that doesn't necessarily make you a bad person.. actually doing it does. I understand though, I wonder how some kids actually survive to adulthood.. and how those adults survive.
from cocoabean :
I had a car for 13 years, and although it wasn't my first, it had been my favorite. I was sad when I had to let it go..
from cocoabean :
Hooray for new cars!
from cocoabean :
I have a Corolla, and I love it!
from cocoabean :
When I dropped my daughter off at the dorms for her first year of college, I sobbed for at least a half hour. It's hard when their life no longer is geared around the family and they're gone...
from cocoabean :
I hate drunks!
from cocoabean :
Vacation was the bomb! It might not be nice to blame the ill for their diseases, but when it's self inflicted, it's a bit hard not to. Yes, I feel sorry for them too, but if you want to play the game, you eventually will pay the price.
from cocoabean :
Wow, that's kind of a teener thing for your mom to do.. withhold your birthday present because her feelings were hurt? Life is too short for games like that.
from blazingstar :
So glad you both are okay! Such a scary thing. Happy new year, Ninja. Wishing you all the best for 2014!
from cocoabean :
OMG I am glad you are both OK!!!!!
from cocoabean :
I don't usually give marriage advice unless it's to say, "do what makes you happy", or "see a counselor" because I"m not in the marriage and don't know everything about it!
from cocoabean :
Haha... someone will find something that they will need to do for you. Maybe you should just leave a mess in one room so they have something to do!
from cocoabean :
Family. Gotta love em. My sister wanted to come down when I had my foot surgery, and I am so glad she didn't. I enjoy being alone, and more so when I'm hurt. I've survived this way; you will too.
from cocoabean :
It's hard to say if you were wrong or right in breaking up. Only you can decide that... just keep on being you, and that's all you need to do. Sounds like you definitely needed some space!
from blazingstar :
Ugh, you're right that Cap wanting to bring you soup is really about making HIMSELF feel better. I can hear it now: "Honestly, my place is a mess and I'm a mess and I don't want to spend my limited energy cleaning up to host you." "But Ninja, I don't care how your place looks! I don't want you to clean up for me!" "But it's NOT ABOUT what you want! It's about what *I* want! I'M the sick one!" Clearly he already knows your feelings on the subject. It's annoying to have to deal with that when you just need to rest. Feel better, lady.
from cocoabean :
Don't blame you for not wanting Cap over.. that's part of your relationship he needs to work on!
from cocoabean :
Sounds like she misses you... and misses the things you did for her!
from cocoabean :
Thanks for that post. I never understood how a person with three months off would put in 40 hours a week "planning". Most of the rest of the world works 40 hours a week for 50 weeks out of the year, and yes, overtime does exist for a lot of us. I can see how coaching teams or something like that can lead to long hours, but there are still the summer months... and all teachers get paid way more than I do and get a lot more time off than I do!
from sexyatheist :
i'm sorry, i just saw both of your notes! thank you for your note about hair, i appreciate your saying my hair freak-out isn't all that crazy. i'm more comfortable with it now but ready for it to grow! and right, Scott Bakula's voice is so amazing! i love that clip so much!
from summerroll :
The summer of big life events for real! I felt the same way about sex that you did. I waited (not as long as you did), and when I finally did it, I did it to get it out of the way. Also feel the same about kids - I have no intention of having any, unless I adopt. People keep telling me I'll change my mind when I get older, but I' already 31. So unless, I have a huge slip up (which will be difficult, especially when there's no sexing going on!) or an immaculate conception, it's not happening.
from summerroll :
Yay! Congrats on your new home! When I signed the papers for my own condo, I felt so overwhelmed, especially when I saw the date to which I was endebted to the Bank till (2035!). It made it so much more real and, I don't know, undoable. But then I moved in and just knowing that it was all mine (and the Bank's) to do whatever, whenever was awesome. Also, there is no greater feeling than being able to walk around naked whenever you want, just because you can. :-D Congrats again. (It's also so weird reading about you guys growing up! I've been reading your blog since you were a college freshman I think, and I had just purchased my place around that time. I feel like you're one of my kids [students], who I keep calling "my kids", but they're all adults now.)
from cocoabean :
YOUR house sounds awesome! I'm excited for you!! Did you ever consider that maybe you like being in a relationship with Cap because of him? The others just weren't right for you, and it sounds like Cap kind of is.
from blazingstar :
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for your LIBRARY! I dream of having my own library too... I'm glad closing went smoothly and you have such great people around to help with the transition. Your bathtub sounds glorious. Congrats again!
from cocoabean :
from cocoabean :
DTR? Anyway, don't worry about things that might or might not happen 8 years down the road.. You will get your place, move in, and your stress level will go down. Gotta just be a bit chill about this!
from summerroll :
No clue what "DTR" is.
from cocoabean :
Or you'll fall asleep during the movie...
from cocoabean :
Having TV service is fairly expensive. I could probably go without it, but now I'm hooked on Netlflix. One word of advice? Buy the best furniture you can afford. It will last longer, and is generally more comfortable. I've bought a lot of furniture and the cheap stuff just sucks.
from cocoabean :
Should be much quieter after you move!
from blazingstar :
Congratulations!!! Wow, after reading about RD's sexcapades, I'm even MORE excited for your new home!
from cocoabean :
Hooray!! Congrats! That's great!
from cocoabean :
Hooray! That's how you should feel when you put in an offer! Keeping my fingers crossed!
from blazingstar :
Ugh, I can't stand prying questions like those either. Especially when there's only one "correct" response, and when you answer honestly (with the "incorrect" response), somehow YOU become the rude one? Good for you for telling it like it is! I knew someone once who used to reply with a simple, "Why do you ask?" while staring the asker down. This forced the other person to get stuck awkwardly answering a question herself ("Oh, I just...thought...maybe you were thinking about having babies and it's my business to know...?") or realize how personal the issue is. By the way, congrats on getting ready to buy a place! How exciting! It's great that you went with your gut on that condo though. I'm glad you found out about the icky neighbor in time! You want to feel confident about every part of your home.
from cocoabean :
Home buying isn't that bad... some lenders require a pre-sale inspection, that might be something to consider. Then you won't be surprised by anything horrible after you move in. Owning is nice, no worry that the landlord will raise rent, or further hassle you. Hang in there, you will find the right place!
from cocoabean :
You did the right thing withdrawing your offer. It sounds like the neighbor sits there all the time and yeah, weird. You should like the place you buy! Enjoy having your own place!
from summerroll :
Hey lady! It's been a while. I've been doing some catching up after living under a rock. Congrats (hopefully) on your new condo - there's nothing greater than having your own place! Your post on the senior ceremony reminded me of my own "kids". I do informal ed, but there's nothing like seeing the 12 and 13 year olds you've worked with move on with their lives. After doing this kind of work for the past 10 years, many of mine are now finishing college or graduate school, and it's so unbelievable. I even had a former student call me a couple months ago because she's teaching now and had to teach one of her students the importance of meeting deadlines, because that's a lesson I taught her, which made her cry at the time (because it caused her to miss an out of town trip), but she appreciates now in hindsight. It kind of made me misty. Anyway, so glad to see you're still doing well!
from sexyatheist :
your entry about your seniors leaving and the goodbye ceremony you do at your school, may have caused me to cry a little. it was really moving and lovely. congratulations on a job well done. they sound like really good kids. i love knowing you exist, that teachers like you exist, who care so much.
from cocoabean :
from cocoabean :
from cocoabean :
Dude! I've had enough roommates to know that this is going to be hard to make livable. Maybe it IS time to get your own place. Living alone is the bomb!
from cocoabean :
You have a right to feel hurt! I would! I can understand not being invited to her sister's wedding, but since you've stayed close this long, I would wonder why I wasn't invited, especially after she said she'd see you there. Bummer.
from cocoabean :
It's hard to say if they will ever pay you what you're worth.. my guess is you would be well liked wherever you are.... unless you become principal!
from cocoabean :
Just an opinion here.. but you sound pretty happy where you are, and there's no money that will make up for NOT liking your job.
from blazingstar :
It's so hard to make decisions about changing jobs. Pro/con lists are only helpful to a point, like you said; gut feelings are so important but so complicated. I'm always scared too about the things I can never know about a new work environment until I work there. Is there one administrator who will make my life miserable? Or is there one awesome coworker who will totally make up for the crappy politics and drama? Best of luck as you sort through your options!
from cocoabean :
glad it went well. You will find what you want, just hang in there!
from blazingstar :
Oh, Ninja, I'm so sorry you had such a gross and upsetting experience. Yuck. I think one of the most infuriating parts was when he explained to you that you enjoyed it (?!@?*#???!!! where does he get this idea that HE knows what you enjoyed better than YOU do?) and that therefore anything else should be fair game. Ugh. Turns out you didn't need to get to know him any better to know he's no good, but what a crappy way to find out. I completely agree with your cousin's response... If my boyfriend pulled something like that it would not be okay at ALL, because even when you ARE committed to someone you should never have to do anything you're uncomfortable doing. I can just imagine this asshole now: "But LAST night you wanted to so TONIGHT you want to, too... No, trust me, just let me tell you what your thoughts and desires are and then you'll realize it's okay." Uggghhh.
from cocoabean :
I'm with you on this one. He wants sex, and if he wants it with you, he should be willing to accept your limits. And yes, you should know him for more than 2 weeks!
from blazingstar :
I too am super duper paranoid about my parents/friends finding any of my private blogs. Or even my public, anonymous, innocuous tumblr. So don't worry - your secret is safe with me. Your running blog is super cool and makes me want to get in shape and RACE!
from blazingstar :
Hey, thanks for the advice. I'm relieved because I was already leaning in that direction but feeling guilty, and now I feel much better about staying out of the situation. I don't want to be the one to cause any upheaval, plus I bet they would (eventually) work through things and decide to stay together. Why put everyone through that pain unnecessarily? Also, I'm clearly overthinking this, but if the same situation happened 30 years ago and was discovered they probably would not have had kids together... I'm happy letting things play themselves out.
from blazingstar :
Can't wait for the rest of the Vegas story! Sorry you weren't able to let loose and have fun with Diego...hope the rest of the trip wasn't too awkward or annoying!
from cocoabean :
from cocoabean :
It's like I used to tell my son about his homework... if you've done your best, then there's no point in stressing. It will be fine.
from cocoabean :
Dude! I would open the box, see what's inside, and rewrap it. That's just what I'd do... at least you know there's nothing alive inside!
from cocoabean :
You could claim to have made a desperate dive to save a baby... or you could just smirk and let them wonder!
from sexyatheist :
i think that's just grad school! i never want to do anything. and it's even worse when it comes to thesis/dissertation. i can sit and look at the computer screen with that document open for hours without touching it. lesson: grad school is lame.
from sexyatheist :
it sucks that some of the parents are so awful towards you. they really don't get it. and i'm sorry you've had such a rough week. i'm sending out positive thoughts for you!
from cocoabean :
So your headaches are from lack of oxygen? Sounds like a good doc to have! I used to use car rides to have "discussions" with my kids, since they were stuck. BUT the trips were usually 29 minutes or so, so they weren't usually too bad!
from blazingstar :
"Ooo, just flashed his left hand - wedding ring. Damn!" Ha! Eric once suggested that the reason why men are better at spatial reasoning tests than women are is that men are always looking at rings on women's hands and mentally rotating the hands to figure out if the left ring finger has a ring on it. But, uh, women totally do the same thing, so I'm not buying his logic. Hooray for feeling better! What a relief, I can't even imagine.
from summerroll :
The same thing happens at my job. It's a function of being productive and efficient, and as a consequence, you get to do all the work! But on the other hand, that means you're awesome!
from cocoabean :
I feel that way too... sometimes I'm just too tired to make the effort to get some food...
from blazingstar :
Thank you for trekking over to the other site for me! I'll email you. I will definitely read every one of your entries, as always. I'm keeping the new blog locked, so I'm not anticipating meeting new people over there, but that's definitely something I'll miss.
from cocoabean :
Watching my kids grow up and spending time at their schools showed that classes as a whole can be quite different. My daughter's class was quite sedate... but the class one year younger than hers was quite the problem... oddly enough, my son was in a class with a lot of problems, although he could have been part of it. Heh.
from sexyatheist :
thank you! i am very excited to be called a triathlete, it makes me feel so accomplished!
from sexyatheist :
it absolutely should warrant something better. it pisses me off to hear this ninja. as a tax payer and even one without kids, you definitely deserve better.
from cocoabean :
My boss is like that too.... how come I don't have this report done? Cuz I don't ever have the time to get back behind the locked door to do it. I make that point over and over, and do I get the time to do it? No. And every week, I get the same question.
from blazingstar :
Thank you! Ooh, East of Eden...I've always meant to read that. Best of luck with the start of the school year! I know you'll rock it.
from sexyatheist :
thanks, it is really crazy. the hardest part is having no time to prepare for leaving my clients. that and not knowing where my program will put me next!
from blazingstar :
I would want to reach through the computer and strangle that professor. PLEASE DO tell her your mom is dead. Also, your reenactment of your conversations with your sister was hilarious and priceless. Please never stop writing.
from cocoabean :
He is infinitely more sexual than you? Who would even say that to someone on a date?? I think you're doing the right thing!
from jaysthoughts :
It wasn't meant to ACCOMPLISH anything other than being my comment about what I thought. *shrugs*
from jaysthoughts :
Most diaries seem to be locked these days. Defeats the purpose of a public online diary for the reader who may begin to think.. why didn't they just use a wordpad then.
from cocoabean :
Dude! Half of San Diego is Mexicans.. if she doesn't like them, there is nowhere down here for her. However, the majority of Mexicans here WORK HARD and have money. Very few Mexicans are homeless or beg for money. They just want to work.
from theswordsman :
I don't know when it was, but Happy Birthday! I hope you only caught a bug or something and feel better really soon. Take care.
from cocoabean :
I have one of those faces too... but it gets a bit easier to control with age, so there's hope. heh.
from blazingstar :
Ooh, peanut butter cake? Sounds delicious... It's amazing how observant kids are, isn't it? Especially when they act like they're never listening or paying attention...and then they bust out with these really perceptive thoughts.
from cocoabean :
Dang! Dropped you off in the street? Sounds like a great guy if you like being neglected!
from blazingstar :
Okay, I posted the top secret story, just for you!
from blazingstar :
You know what, I have this vague memory from years and years ago...that one of us posted a dream entry and there was definitely dream analysis going on in the comments. Very Freudian-like analysis if I recall correctly...
from cocoabean :
Interesting that your students watch your face so much. I guess you will need to develop your poker face!
from realthoughts :
awesome dream - I'm not even gonna attempt to analyze it though!
from realthoughts :
ahh - teenagers! I can totally picture every scenario you mentioned actually playing out in real life. Why are students so frustrating sometimes? I think it's also really hard being a young female teacher teaching high schoolers - when I was teaching high school I had some particularly difficult students that were of course all freshman guys. Err...I don't even want to think about them. Pretty much, I'm saying that I understand and I'm sorry!
from theswordsman :
Hang in there. With the world as it is today, you made the right choice, and should do it every single time to protect yourself. If you didn't make the system aware, maybe another teacher would end up suffering in the future. Maybe he'll learn from the time off, and send you a thank you note in sixty or seventy years for helping turn him around:-) Take care
from blazingstar :
Hey, lady! Thanks for the note. I love YOUR updates! Wow, RD does sound like an award-winning roommate... I've never lived alone either, for similar reasons I think. And moving is such a frickin' pain. I've put up with a lot of crap just to avoid moving. And/or hurting someone's feelings.
from cocoabean :
That would certainly give you a way to get out. What I don't understand is why you have to move all the furniture. Why isn't your roommate helping?
from realthoughts :
Where are you located? Look up CTY Summer Programs and see if there are any near you. AWESOME summer job for teachers! :)
from summerroll :
I love soup too at any time of the year! A couple months ago, I bought a crockpot and one of those $5 slowcooker recipe books from Borders and have been trying randon soup recipes. I usally just read the recipe and do my own thing anyway. Most have been pretty good (except for the cheese burger soup - but that could have been because I accidently used Silk Very Vanilla instead of normal milk flavor).
from sugar-pain :
Sorry if I've made you wait too long for an answer to your comment. I haven't logged in on here for a while. My new address is Hope all is well on your end. I gotta get back to commenting like I used to as well. *sigh* ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
from theswordsman :
Ouchie. I had one I was 6 or 7. The doctor got out something like they use for wood burning and went to town while I buried my head. I'd forgotten. Been watching, or listening to, Big Brother UK, and they're still coming up with expressions I never heard before. Take care.
from silverluna :
hey I just read your comment about my diary. That's very nice of you. I also realized that you are locked. I will email you! :)
from theswordsman :
Hi Ninja. I just checked out your headache blog. I hope you're doing OK, and getting some enjoyment out of your summer. Good luck with the grad school admission - I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. Take care. John
from kaybiff :
So the game is still a-go? How interesting. Let's see. I don't know of any English teachers here teaching The Hobbit, but I do know of a couple of teachers delving into Orwell. What level do you teach, if there are levels at your school?
from summerroll :
Glad to hear that you are well after your gym incident. I agree that fainting is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to you because it's always out of the minute you're fine, the next there are 20 people clammering around you and looking at you like you're some sort of freak experiment. It's happened to me twice, both times from dehydration. Well, at least you're on summer vacation. I hope you enjoy it (and glad to read you still have a beau!)!
from snoopy-9487 :
Oh my. I do hope you are feeling much better after a day like that! Cheers.
from kaybiff :
I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't find a hobbit exclaiming "Struck by lightning!" to a wizard amusing. I mean, what's not to like?! Wait. No. Maybe they are communists. Yup, definitely. You teach communists. As for whether or not any faculty members are being deported, I wouldn't know. I don't know any of the gossip at my school. That being said, I don't think that we even have any faculty members from any other countries. one is probably being deported. Does that break the game?
from kaybiff :
Well, not exactly. We have both those groups, the crazy rich if-my-kid-doesn't-pass-it's-TOTALLY-NOT-because-I-don't-pay attention to/discipline/care about-him-or-her-but-because-obviously-the-school-is-out-to-get-my-child and the other group, but we also have a group of parents and students that actually CREATE struggles of their own, like horrible, unkickable drug problems, creating this middle group that makes no sense. There is also a group of people I have had the great fortune of meeting who are sensible. They are, unfortunately, the minority, but I do take comfort in the fact that they exist and within my district. NEXT QUESTION! Is tenure the bane of your and your school's existence?
from kaybiff :
Yikes. Did you get the can? 'Cause I got my RIF letter last Thursday. I don't think there is anyway I will be called back either. So, bummer. But, man, that is a complicated one. The textbooks are bought by the departments, and so it is at the discretion of the people in charge of each subject. That being said, I don't think the school has purchased new books since the late nineties, with the exception of a few departments springing for new material. Now, my question you have an inflated administration?
from kaybiff :
No, my school is not smaller than a breadbox. It's not a school for ants, afterall. But now it is my turn. Is your school going through massive lay-offs?
from snoopy-9487 :
I feel like a day behind the rest of the world, but happy (slightly belated) birthday! Hoping the next year is fantastic for you. :)
from theswordsman :
Happy Birthday, Ninja:)
from realthoughts :
ha ha - loved your birthday drunk entry. happy early birthday! :)
from cocoabean :
I used to make donuts, and eclairs are baked. It's almost the same shell as cream puffs...
from boombasticat :
Yo! Password?
from snoopy-9487 :
Got it! Thanks! :)
from snoopy-9487 :
Locked? May I please have a password? Pretty please? With sugar on top? Email annandil [at] hotmail [dot] com. Please(?) and thank you. Cheers!
from cocoabean :
Password, please? drkchoclover AT yahoo! thanks!
from sexyatheist :
hey! if you're going to stay locked up, can i get a password? [email protected]. thanks and i hope everything is okay.
from theswordsman :
Congratulations, Ninja
from sexyatheist :
woo hoo! congrats on being such a GRE badass
from sugar-pain :
Thanks chica. I really needed that. ♥
from blazingstar :
It's fixed now! Before I was trying to read it on my phone, which could have been part of the problem. But anyway, it's back in all its glory. Yay. I'm glad you didn't go crazy and decide to delete everything or something ridiculous like that. Good luck with the stupid GRE!
from blazingstar :
Ninja! When I click on your diary it's just a blank white page! Is everything okay?
from summerroll :
Hey, I haven't been able to read any of your last entries. I'm not sure if it's something on my end, or if you changed some of your html. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your holiday break and Happy New Year.
from sugar-pain :
Since you're intent on killing said person, I personally believe that it would be hysterical to find out that the person that stole your plates was actually the crazy Christmas cashier from your previous post. You so deserve that kind of justice. ;) ♥
from sexyatheist :
i know i'm late in this since you already took the test (i believe) so good luck to you hopefully kicking the GRE's ass! i hated that stupid test.
from realthoughts :
thank you so much for your note. That was really nice of you to leave me one, just to let me know that someone is there. yeah, this is just a strange time in my life and then, I occasionally get these stupid hormones that just make everything worse...arg! I know it will get better someday, but until then, it kind of sucks. By the way, I always love your reading your entries about school. Teaching online now is so great because I only have to deal with 14 yr. olds virtually and it's so much easier to handle them that way! But part of me does miss the dumb drama of their everyday lives... :)
from snoopy-9487 :
Pubescent high school kids can be really mean sometimes. I'm sorry to hear that yesterday was rough. I don't know if your a fan of cats but this surprised kitten video makes me smile.
from theswordsman :
That keyboard could come in handy whenever helicopter mom comes around. Have your roomie let you know when she's coming and be playing near the TV when she arrives:)
from adora-bella :
If you send me an email ([email protected]) I'll send you the username & password :)
from boombasticat :
Did he have one of those bowling wristband deals? They're pretty dorky. Also, have you seen The Big Lebowski? Bowling features prominently.
from adora-bella :
"Don't add to my mental distress, you crazy old bat! Where on earth did you come from?!" LOL!! Cracked me up.
from sugar-pain :
Yes! It so was! Not to mention I managed to stretch it out to last for almost three days! Also, finding out that I had to be there at 3am made me want to burst out into tears. Luckily, my task for that day doesn't require any actual thought. Otherwise, they'd pretty much be screwed. Hope you're well! ♥ ♥
from sexyatheist :
thank you. i appreciate your thoughts. it is rough but life goes on. and a hug right back at you.
from sexyatheist :
tee shirt, jeans and a messy knot is totally hot to boys. so maybe you weren't trying but you were totally torturing him. which i think is fantastic.
from theswordsman :
I read that, and I thought "there's a good clue for guys who want to date her in the future," and then it hit me that you'd be the perfect woman for the Groundhog Day movie, so guys could try things, screw up, make adjustments, and keep working at it until they get it all right. Or maybe during a date, it could be like Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, so if a guy isn't sure what to do next, he could phone a friend, ask the audience, or have you give him a 50/50 shot at getting it right. Just kidding. Take care
from snoopy-9487 :
Thank you so much for the note! I think I am adjusting although however slow it is. The driving is getting slightly better but my calves still protest walking (staggering) up those big ol' hills. :) I hope you can find a balance or something with this new principal to make things at work a bit more bearable. Anyhow, cheers!
from sugar-pain :
Wowie! Good luck chickadee! I can totally feel your pain! ♥ ♥ ♥
from adora-bella :
Oh I AM! grrrrr. I DO deserve better. We all deserve better than we think we do. But dammit, the sex is (was?) great. I have a feeling we won't last through the week though. If he keeps acting this way and doesn't break up, I'm gonna do it.
from sugar-pain :
Ha ha! I got it at Tim Horton's if that helps! :)
from xxholding-on :
hi i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote from diaryland towards a contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get, please help!
from theswordsman :
lad to have you back at the Land of D. Ouch! The bruise flashed me back to my classical fencing practice sessions. I didn't have a proper jacket (not that it would have helped much) for the first couple of months. We'd do repetitive drills, and I'd get stabbed in the upper arm over and over, two or three times a week. I've got my fingers crossed that your headaches are gon for good. Take care.
from sugar-pain :
You are very welcome by the way. I hope that you're feeling better. Good luck with all of that softball!
from kaybiff :
It is highlighted indeed. I think I am returning. But it's a secret. Or something.
from famoustn :
I'm extremely sorry about your friend John. I don't know your religious affiliation, but my prayers are with you and his family.
from sugar-pain :
from theswordsman : These seem really cool.
from sugar-pain :
Yes. She most definitely has her moments---made worse by the fact that she's incredibly fat! Yeah, I'm kinda worried about how that skin is going to affect my game playing capabilities too...hmm...oh, and enjoy your burger! ♥
from theswordsman :
Hey Ms. Ninja. Would a pair of those snug wraparound cycling sunglasses help at all? They'd keep the bugs out, but would keeping your eyes from allergen exposure make things more pleasant? Oh! When I was in 5th grade, we had three cousins who were always up to mischief. One day the nun reacted and slapped one of the kids right out of his desk. She was this legendary terror. Years later she was back in town and the priest introduced her at Mass. She was like four foot nine and eighty pounds. I'd remembered her being Hagrid-sized:) Take care.
from snoopy-9487 :
I assume you mean the Praxis II test (which I hear is crazy insane hard)? If that is the test, much congratulations is in order (especially that perfect score). If it not the test I am thinking of, congratulations is still in order! Hurray!! Congrats again!
from snoopy-9487 :
Hey, thanks for the congrats on graduation. I understand what you meant as the end got a bit tougher towards the end but it felt so good (albeit strange/terrifying!) knowing that I've graduated. Thanks again though for the good wishes!
from adora-bella :
Happy birthday to you darlin! :)
from theswordsman :
Happy Birthday!
from snoopy-9487 :
Hey, thanks for the words of encouragement. It is not easy trying trying to throw a bachelorette though, but hopefully I'll think of something. Soon. At least she wants to keep it small. Anyways, cheers! :)
from shot-of-tea :
Interesting! If they're good enough for teachers with a penchant for hooker fashion, then they're good enough for me ;) Aha, lovely diary by the way!
from adora-bella :
haha! I've heard that one before. I was dating a guy who called me "Tubby" because I was ridiculously skinny and it seemed funny... but when other people heard the nickname, they actually got mad at me. As if it were my fault he gave me the nickname. Crazy! Oh well... I guess I'll have to embrace the fact that I'm "skinny as a rail". lol
from theswordsman :
I just Googled it. Apparently you're supposed to call the vet right away so they might induce vomiting while it's still in the stomach. Good luck.
from theswordsman :
Hi Shannon. I hope the neurologist hooked you up, and you're feeling a lot better. Take care.
from theswordsman :
Hey Ninja. Sorry about the headaches, but I'm glad to hear you're okay otherwise. I never knew if you got your teaching credentials in time. I'm sure your doctors have covered everything, but when I was researching supplements for my PCS, I found something called butterbur that's supposed to offer protection from migraines. I don't know if it helps with clusters or not. hope you feel better soon. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
I'll include your quest for a teacher's license in my prayers and hope that helps speed up the automatons. That has to be totally frustrating. Back when I ha my Miata, I bought four special Dunlop tires. Five miles later, one of them shredded. I had an injured hand at the time, so I had to force them to come out and get me. They said there wasn't enough left to know what they did wrong. Have a great rest of the week.
from theswordsman :
How did my last note double up? Anyway, you've given me a great idea for what to do this evening. I'll put on my Madmartigan hair extensions and watch me some Willow, because it's been a while and the movie rocks.
from theswordsman :
Thank you. Have a great holiday. John
from theswordsman :
Thank you. Have a great holiday. John
from theswordsman :
Happy Birthday! And congratulations on your impending graduation
from blazingstar :
I don't want to write my thesis either. Just thinking about it makes me sick. Grrr!
from theswordsman :
Happy Holidays
from vurrblurr :
ow ow, stupid boy! get it girl
from vurrblurr :
woot woot! haha naked pillow fight. wow.
from theswordsman :
I'm glad your Mom is making you go to the doctor because I was going to ask you to please do so, and now you'll never know that. Hah!
from vurrblurr :
ps. you go kim possible! hollaaa
from vurrblurr :
well that's the thing, we never really saw him. haha. although my dad talked with them from time to time- once a tree fell down in between our backyards and it was leaning on their deck but they didn't touch it for a few days. finally my dad got tired of looking at it and took it upon himself to chop it up for them. they came home while he was sawing away, and mrs hansen was all grateful and overly thankful and says "we just haven't had the time!" and then the spy acts all super sketchy and says "yeah.... i've just been busy with... other things." crazyyyy. when they were filming the movie in my town, my dad really wanted to tell the director about that scene (like they would actually care). so yeah, cool stuff!
from theswordsman :
And you were probably watching the film while looking for creative ways to get even with your roommate.
from theswordsman :
I think I probably just wanted to see more of Scarlett Johansson. Your Kim Possible outfit sounds great. Have fun with round 2. Take care. John
from vurrblurr :
so you watched breach? well get this... the spy's backyard backs up to mine. yep, i said it. he was my neighbor. your world just got smaller.
from theswordsman :
The Prestige was OK, but a bit too mean-spirited for me. Plus, I had seen The Illusionist at the theater a week or two before and liked that way more. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Have a fun fall break. John
from vurrblurr :
"life is about to get really bad" hahahahahaha i so feel your pain.
from vurrblurr :
woohoo! shoutout! haha, too bad about your team's unfortunate homecoming loss this weekend. there's always basketball? And I'm also sorry about missing your family, I just saw one of my high school friends this weekend, but the visit was 40 minutes tops. Just long enough for me to become really attached and sad to leave an old friend. (ps. we reserve the right to be self absorbed on d-land... it's the only place we can talk freely about whatever without fear of being judged)
from theswordsman :
I had the same alarm problem when I did my semester in England. I ended up using the quieter alarm on my Casio watch to actually wake me up, and had the regular alarm set in case of emergencies or drunken stupors. Take care.
from theswordsman :
Sorry - I'll make this my last note. But since you mentioned the long drags on a cigarette, I read once that what actually helps a smoker relax isn't the nicotine or whatever, it's the long, slow, deep breath. It was something about the lymphatic system and breathing more deeply than we normally do. They suggested something like, and I've probably got this backwards or sideways, but something like inhaling slowly through your nose for a count of seven and exhaling through your mouth for half of that? Anyway, have a great weekend, and as soon as some of the other fifty people on my buddy list start updating, I'll bug them instead of you. Have a great weekend. John
from theswordsman :
from theswordsman :
It's my fault for using words like "funnest." Have a great week. John
from theswordsman :
Well, it was KIND of funny. Or cute or something. Cheers.
from theswordsman :
Hi. I didn't mean it was funny, I meant it was enjoyable to read. Have a great day. John
from theswordsman :
Hi. I'm John. That was the funnest diary entry ever. The new school sounds great. Take care.
from vurrblurr :
p.s.'re a HUSKER??? no. no no no. this is all wrong. this means war!! except not really because i have nothing against you. i do, however, have a bone to pick with that blind old ref. BLATANT FOULS APLENTY.
from vurrblurr :
next time you might want to look into signing a prenup... it makes the hurt go away.
from vurrblurr :
the move went really well, there were student volunteers who moved everything for us. totally awesome. ps. i was really sorry to read about all the trouble your family is going through with your brother. i'll keep you in my prayers! oh and sorry my wall commenting has reached a stalkerish level...
from vurrblurr :
are you allowed to quit a sorority? i always thought you were stuck there... foreverrrr
from vurrblurr :
i totally feel your pain- flopping on water is deceivingly painful!
from vurrblurr :
hey congrats on your new bike! too bad i didn't sell it to you, seeing as i work in a bike store and all... haha.
from vurrblurr :
i know, how amazing is that? i wish more people in the world were like him.
from meine-kleine :
i must be a dumbass, but i need your e-mail addy again. SHANFACE. *tackle*
from super-suzan :
Honestly I come back time to time and check up on you, but when it comes to the things that happen to me these days, I simply do not know what to say.
from serenaville :
Warmest wishes for a very happy birthday, Sweetheart!! Celebrate and pamper yourself today! Know that I too celebrate you, and feel much gratitude for having you in my life. Much love, now and always! *HUGS!!!*
from lahoo :
ginger, snaps
from lahoo :
ginger snaps (username, password)
from sweetjulep :
It's at Horray that you want to keep reading :)
from summerroll :
Believe me, I had the same reaction when I first heard about the deep-fried twinkies and candbars (but this is the first I'm hearing about the oreos, hmmm!), but my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to try one. They freeze the twinky/candy, then when you order it, they dip it in a batter similar to the elephant ear batter, and then dip it in the hot oil for about 5 seconds. The outside is all crunchy, and everything inside is warm and melty (think about the melty chocolate, yum!). It's suprisingly good and suprisingly not as greasy and gross as it sounds. I say you definitely give it a try the next time.
from serenaville :
Dear one, your wonderful comments left me teary-eyed earlier. Thank you so, so much. I love you. *HUGS!!!*
from summerroll :
For whatever reason, your page never comes up when I try to read it at work and I am forced to read the source good instead. Oh well. I wanted to say that for the discussion, pick 4 or 5 of your questions that you know will get people talking. If it's a good question, they could probably talk for 10-15 minutes, before you throw in the next thing. Planning for 3 minutes per question is not good because they might want to discuss it further or they might not want to discuss it at all. Good Luck!
from serenaville :
Sweetheart, I love you. Thank you very much for your sweet support of Erianne, and her sister. I'm evermore proud to be your cybermom, if that were even possible. *HUGS!!!!!!!*
from super-suzan :
Thanks Shan! Happy birthday to the idiot as well, and in Canada it's pornography and lottery tickets. My great plan was to try buying pornography yesterday and complain that I would be 18 in a matter of hours when they said no. Didn't get a chance. It's pretty sad. I have no idea how old you have to be to buy ciggarettes here. I'm not a smoker. I know we're allowed to smoke them at any age, we just can't buy them until who knows when. An interesting little law that one is.
from gizzhead :
Two resolutions: give up Diet Coke [I drank three] and... one secret that I can't tell you, because you'd probably come to Vienna, wheelchair and all [that wasn't meant to be offensive, I too was a cripple once], to beat me savagely if you knew.
from blazingstar :
Good! I'm not crazy! You're a perfectionist, and you don't come home in the rain and BLOW DRY YOUR SHOES. Okay, maybe other people do that. I have no idea.
from sweetjulep :
I'm so sorry you are going through a break up :( I know this might not be comforting now, but if you think about it, you did it the nicest way possible. You said why you were breaking up and you blamed yourself, which is the honorable and honest thing to do. Vet will be ok, because you were kind about it - because there is no way to be *kind* about it. At least you weren't mean and stupid like most people out there. Trust me, if being dumped by a narcissistic, pig-headed, dishonest momma's boy is something I can get past, this is something both you and Vet will get past, too. Do hope you feel better, though.
from blazingstar :
Is your BOYFRIEND keeping you from updating? wink wink.
from uridium15 :
i went to church today too, unfortunately, christ the scientist told me to get fucked.
from blazingstar :
Yes, yes I did! And I've been reading! Hooray for your new laptop. And for your mom knowing what color your eyes are... I can relate; my dad still forgets what day I was born.
from super-suzan :
Glad to see the new diary up and running. I love the little yellow ninja, keep that there if you do change the layout.
from kaybiff :
Dude! Four dollars?! That's madness! That's crazy! That's hot pants! It's like have a little more awesome with your awesome because I don't think you have enough there. Is what it's like. Wow. I can't get over that. Just wow. Wowy wow wow. Have a hug with that awesome.
from sweetjulep :
The Username is: mimbelus, And the Password is: mimbletonia. Had to lock up. Boys are retarded, and as wonderful as I thought he was at the time, my ex is no exception (ha. that was funny).

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