messages to yeoldesoul:
(click here to add new message):

from justamephit :
Hey, welcome back dear heart! You were missed.
from godmoney :
read ur diary + liked it.
from dea-lamia :
�Hola chiquita mia! *nudge* I have not seen any Kyle forward in my inbox! It sucks to hear that you're hypoglycemic & borderline - my mom's borderline too - but at least you're not fully! My computer's been broken, so blame it for my not contacting you earlier... if that's any excuse at all. I'll talk to you later.
from pmattie :
Hello again my little Shoe Monkeys! For those of you who are oldies but goldies and for those of you who are fresh off the press, I am doing my "Ode To Independent Films" again. I noticed that it was only a short year ago that I did it, and back by popular demand, here ya go: Tell me your top 3 favorite indie flicks at the present time." In a week, I'll post the results...Happy hunting!--Pmattie
from moreneta :
username: liu/password: hong
from girlreview :
You scored a 95 or above on your review, and if you have the time to review 4-5 diaries a week then girl review would love to have you. Come by and read the reviewers rules, the scoring sheet, and the review for us page and see if you would like to be a reviewer. If you would, just follow the instructions on the review for us page. I look forward to hearing from you. ~Dani *If you've recieved this before, just ignore it.*
from aim-e :
good luck with the blood tests :x p.s. i hope you don't mind I read your diary?
from chocoreviews :
Review now up. Sorry for the delay.
from bop-reviews :
Hey there. Your review has been done, so go check it out ( I'll be adding you to my diary's favorites! :-)
from new-review :
from childreviews :
review is up.
from myhorizons :
from cocktails :
Hiya. Noticed you have a Crohns DR - I have one as well. Toilet Humour. This article may interest you: Cheers Claire
from julesreviews :
Your review is up at Great job!!!
from zap-reviews :
your review is ready.
from y-r-we-hear :
Tell me how going Gold it worth it?
from tiki-reviews :
The link on your review has been fixed...sorry about that!
from xoxo-revu :
Your review is up. ~ Sammy
from moreneta :
Hey hey :) It's me back to pester you. The Compendious page won't load on my computer for some reason...didja change the layout? I'm going into meeeeeeee...
from utter-views :
Your review is up -
from betterthnu :
You have been reviewed at Better Than You!
from rotten-views :
Your review is finished.
from justamephit :
The thought of challenging your mammoth guestbook twice in one night gave me coldsweats, so I retreated to the safety of notes :) Just to let you know I bulldozed through your archives and am now thoroughly addicted.
from utter-views :
Just wanted to let you know that we're open!
from mistresslink :
thanks for joining!
from mistresslink :
hey--you're in the vincent d'onofrio ring and i thought i'd sent an invite to my new criminal intent one. (crim-intent.) :)
from quitenasty :
Your Quite Nasty review is up.
from bonkersquipy :
welcome to the dangerous lives of altar boys diaryring...and thanks for joining...
from invisibledon :
Thanks for playing in the neighborhood
from bleedingisnt :
thanks for the note, getting a note from someone i don't know just brightens my day. . .your diary, intrigueing, interesting, and entertaining. . .i love the disney link, it made me laugh
from y-r-we-hear :
I really liked your note. Thank you. I had only read a few of your entries one night. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I thought them wonderful. Best friends do make great lovers and husbands when it works out. But it's hard to get there from here sometimes. All I can say is, he should be so lucky to feel the same way about you. If he doesn't, it's his loss. Have a great week!
from y-r-we-hear :
I like the Moulin Rouge wallpaper. Some say it's best to give up Self-Loathing for lent. But I've had a hard time shaking it myself. As for crushes, they can take the breath out of you, like falling and losing all your air. But eventually, you look at them in the rear view mirror of life and wonder what the hell you were ever thinking?!@$E I hope that is how it works out for you if it doesn't come to be.
from mightybruja :
Welcome to the thunderstorm ring!
from wingedsphinx :
Hello from one `kin to another. <smiles> FYI, I think there might something wrong with your diary. When one pushes current (or any button to see what you have to say) then nothing shows up.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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