messages to zephyrkate:
(click here to add new message):

from moony68 :
not a problem. :)
from moony68 :
username is NOW: werewolf. password is dogstar
from moony68 :
username = 'moose' too!!! w00t, it is SNOWING!
from moony68 :
password is "moose". :p
from alonenafraid : Please check out this petition and help make this poor woman's quality of life a little better. I know this is for real because my best guy friend knows this woman. PLEASE HELP HER!!!
from helga2007 :
Hello, Katie!! Just wanted to say hi. So, "hi!" Hope the novel goes well!!!
from no-yes-maybe :
OMG, I cannot believe Phelps is doing such a thing, thanks for making me aware, and I signed the petition too! That really pisses me off.
from weirdolaina :
OH MY GOD!!!!! 18 inches! I have to see it! Katie that's so cool! Elena
from zabbazooey :
Love the theme...LotR, awesome ['cause that didn't end up sounded uneducated and stupid when it came out...] Anyways, just popped in, found you through profile hopping.
from moony68 :
Hi! I'm Emily-Elizabeth, and this is my dog Clifford. oy, my mum discovered that book a few months before i was born and read it to me *in the womb*. then, as a bedtime story until i knew it by heart and begged her not to read that book. i still hold it close to my heart, though. i love that book, but i can honestly say my mum has a freakish devotion to it. and about the harry potter commercialization: rowling herself is rather upset about it. but she's said that they need the money to continue making the movies. i say, if that's all this junk is going to, why continue with the movies? they give those who haven't read the books silly ideas, for one thing. ugh, i hate the movies. which makes me wonder why i still watch them. weird devotion, i suppose. (although 'POA' i'm planning on seeing solely because sirius and remus are in it, and they're my lads.)
from weirdolaina :
I wasn't quite sure how to leave a note, so I hope this works... Thanks for your note, I really appreciate it. How did your show go, I wanted to come see it, but we didn't go by Cedar Falls on the wisconsin, so I didn't stop by. I hope all is going well, have a wonderful summer!
from swim4gold04 :
rent rox my sox you are a smart cookie--i am a major renthead
from invisibledon :
just randomly ended up here -thought I would leave a note
from moony68 :
thanks. :) i was sitting there last night going, "i STILL don't know what a jellicle cat is, and i've seen it three times!" LOL merci beaucoup. started out as a poem for his daughter, eh? huh, seems lots of personal things such as that are made famous. v. good. joyeaux mai. :p
from windysunday :
I always find it amazing to find some one who enjoys listening to Donovan besides myself.
from seniledream :
I don't know you, and you don't know me. But there's something majestic about the things that you say..
from moony68 :
wish i didn't have any televisions either. my dad's always watching some sort of C-Span crap about the war these days. he doesn't think anything will come of it. or at least, that's what he hopes. i have more faith in my dad than in anyone else on the planet, you know that? well, with the exception of the dalai lama... but i hope he's right about this war. and *chuckle* nobody would listen to anything i have to say on TV. nobody listens when i say things at school either. :) anyway. we can't stop it. and if we can... then we can. fate, man. everything happens for a reason.
from bonitababy :
Well Pippi did grow up I think to the age of 12 and then puberty started hitting her massively so I think it was along the line of," fuck this shit, boobs suck... flopping around all the time and I have to wear that stupid bra *mutters* whoever made a bra I want to strangle them with it, and what about this period thing? Who wants to bleed one week out of the month? That sucks. So she discovered these drugs in a dark alley given to her by a guy named "Larry the Scary" and after the aftershocks, her fucked up chemical imbalance messed with her system and then she was again 9 except for forever this time. so yea... like your diary. if you pop into my diary(please do) leave a note or message or something.
from moony68 :
sorry my notes are way too long. ^_^ the manga is called "uzumaki", which is japanese for "spiral". look it up if you like. i hope your friend stays safe.
from moony68 :
you want scary? ooooh, man, there's this CREEPY manga by this guy - something Ito... it's scary as HELL and i am NEVER scared of comic books. believe me, this is one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen, and i have seen a *lot* of scary things. i can't remember the title, but i'll give it to you when i see it tomorrow, because kurt (from my english class) owns it. there's a guy who turns into a snail and rotting corpses and women whose babies' bodies absorb their own umbilicle cords and then they're put back in their mothers and there's gore and guts and stitchery and... *shiver* the art is extremely graphic. i could barely hold down my lunch. i've never seen anything like this. it makes me worry... i mean, i wonder what goes on inside the creator's mind? yipe. glad i don't live in HIS brain! anyway - T6S isn't very scary. that i can remember. i remember that i disliked it, and that i was only scared once or twice. alien abduction and being buried alive - those are things that scare me. okay, i better shut up, i'm talking way too much. :)
from moony68 :
i should've read your entry sooner... you know... to spare you the hell that is "the sixth sense". it is truly a masterpiece if you're 15, wear loads of eyeliner, and squeal over teen mags. but to the rest of us, it is a mess of vomity-looking girls and that haley-joel osmond brat. beware the HJO!!! (did you know that hollywood, in all its brilliance, tried to recruit that devious little squirt to be harry potter? hey, i dunno about the rest of the world, but it strikes me as odd that anyone with any sense would think he looks anything like the harry described in the books, or drawn on their various covers.) anyway. hope you like the movie better than i did. i'll be thinking of you.
from stimpykate :
I'M GLAD, i'm glad! you know i'm glad.
from superniguer :
from gwydion10 :
true. but in holden's eyes, everything's either crumby, phony, or corny. or REALLY corny. :) he really is a brilliant guy and all, but his vocabulary would definitely lead you to believe otherwise. but the cool thing about him is, he SAYS what we only THINK. he's not afraid to actually spit it out, y'know? unfortunately, he also doesn't know when to shut up sometimes (ie: when he got punched by stradlater in the dorm for continually calling him a moron, even if it was true). i'm on chapter 20 now. it's interesting how he spends all this time with people he absolutely can't stand - sally, that luce kid, that whore, those giggly girls in the lavender lounge... people he really can't stand, but he's so lonely he figures it's worth the pain in the ass, just for the company. he's a really sad figure, but he also just... he's REAL. that's one thing i love about him - he's thorough.
from gwydion10 :
i smell a few "hobbit" allusions in this story you're doing. ^_^
from gwydion10 :
^_^ "it's a good thing it's dark, i haven't blushed this much since madam pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs." thanks, zephyr.
from gwydion10 :
LOL. your story about apples reminded me of a bomb threat my mum's school got when she was in 11th. theyhad a kid that seemed suspicious and were questioning him and happened to mention that the culprit had said the bomb would go off at 2 o'clock. the kid said, "i didn't say 2, i said 12!" um. the end. ^_^
from euphorically :
i think it was you who asked me about hair wraps.! i am so stupid, i deleted the notification i got emailed to me of your guestbook entry, and i don't know how to get to my guestbook. thats why its taken so long to reply. i haven't seen hair wraps for ages, the last place i think was schoolies, up on the gold coast. am afraid i have never seen them at glebe markets, but i will have a look next time for you! have been reading your diary, also.
from ghanima :
Maybe even thou shalt find Valinor. I was drifting by and saw your flash of green in the black...
from xylem :
I do that with my old entries too...I can't believe how awful some of them are. It was almost like I was trying really hard not to write properly.
from gwydion10 :
May Day! it rocks! it's Beltane! it's a pagan holiday, but the christians won't allow THAT, no SIR! so they changed the name to may day, and it's a celebration of the coming-together of the god and goddess. pretty much a sex day. LOL actually, i'm kidding about that - it does celebrate copulation, but it's not like we all run into the bushes and hump like rabbits. you can read up on it and learn a lot more from a website than from me, i'm sure. :)
from gwydion10 :
we've been through that. baggies leak. besides that, i broke my arm thrice when i was a kid and i had to do that when we went to the beach and i must say, it's not pleasant at all. the inside of the baggie sweats when there's steam in the room and it'll start itching like ~mad~. LOL but thanks anyway! happy almost-harry-potter-time!
from gwydion10 :
oh! i almost forgot! light a candle for richard harris. happy samhain.
from gwydion10 :
"scrounging" because i live in good ol' north carolina - you might call it the third buckle hole in the bible belt. LOL finding gay ANYTHING is a feat, unless you're in asheville, in which case a quick step into Neaco's ought to leave you proud-n-happy because it's run by two gay men who absolutely HOARD anything and everything you could find on! it's a terrific little shop. i considered "the laramie project", but i've seen "the matthew shepard story" about nine times and it makes me cry every time and i dunno if i could handle another dose. *sniffle*. thanks for the list, i REALLY REALLY appreciate it and i'll definitely keep an eye out - and i'll keep a closer eye on barnes & noble, those cheating prats... >.< LOL thanks again!
from gwydion10 :
you go, girl - i love what you said about the trinity. couldn't've said it better if i tried. ^_^ besides that - i think your harry potter bandaid must look rather "dashing" in the words of Pain. ^_^ (hercules) don't forget! the 15th! (of course, we'll probably not have the OPPORTUNITY to go to opening night because of all the MUGGLES. hmph. LOL
from guildenstern :
Yes, it was- I seem to remember having this conversation before..... Thanks also for your letter, which will be responded to ASAP!
from marn :
Thanks muchly for the tip. I'm going to look for the how-to on the web because Zoe may be tiny but she has some wicked claws and isn't afraid to use them. I really was dreading tangling with her again. Again, thank, I do 'preciate it, eh.
from thespianren :
Hey Katie, sorry I havent written in awhile. I just got back from the senior thespian trip to Minnesota which was awesome. Yes I am on IPTV, but I dont know how you knew that. But its not the first time I've wondered about you. I got a part in the musical and its a lead! Finally my turn to shine. Munns is Tevye and Christina Gulick is Golde and I am Tzeitel. He he I have to marry Glenn. Its going to be hilarious and you have to come see it. Anyway, I finally got my internet back so now I will try to write more often. How is UNI. Your roomate sounds like a real orc. He he you should get a sword that shines blue that way you know shes coming. I have to go write an essay for AP Gov. now Mahler is a real bitch about philosophy. Ciao!
from ladyofgondor :
Queen Beruthiel's Cats- I love your layout! It's so cool. Very, very nice. I know hobbits like notes... so here one is, commending your LotR-layout.
from lioness29 :
Yes, yes, it is true. THERE IS NO S. MORGENSTERN sadly was just William Goldman's elaborate prank on all of us believers out there. I know for a fact because my friend tried to mail the place that they tell you to mail if you want that deleted love scene and she got a letter back thanking her for her interest in the book but telling her that there was no "real" version. When she broke this news to me I was devastated for weeks...even now I sigh a bit at the thought of my destroyed illusion...I really had made plans to read the real version one day (no matter how boring it may have been) *sigh* See! There I go again! *Ambles away shaking her fist at the illusive William Goldman*
from pepperberry :
hey! i totally understand what you mean about movies and plays - it's impossible for me to have a conversation about ANYTHING but the movie/production (and possibly dinner) after i come out. it has to really suck for me to want to talk about something else. like that production of 'the hobbit' i saw a few weeks ago - i spent most of the show staring up at the one bright star that was hanging overhead. *sigh* it was such a bad play. but i guess you can't expect much - the hobbit's a tough book to try and remake live. AND: i LOVELOVELOVE your plan for the laramie project! it's brilliant. people need to be educated - help rescue someone from their ignorance. kudos to you, zephyr! *blessed be!*
from lioness29 :
I know that I was the last person to leave a note for you...but what does it matter anyhow? What I wanted to say was that I hope you have fun at camp...I know we've never met or anything so i guess it is kindof weird to write to you a note that seems like it should go in a yearbook, but after months of reading your diary...I guess it still is weird that I'm reading the diary of a person i've never met...hmm...BUT I SAID IT ANYWAY SO HA!!! Have a great summer. *runs away snickering shamelessly*
from lioness29 :
The Secret of Nymh was one of my favorite movies when I was little. I always was drawn to it because it invoked this mixture of excitement and fear in me. Another movie that I felt the same way about was the Dark Crystal, ever seen it? Also, I totally went though a phase where I wouldn't ever set foot into my closet, I had my mom reach her hand in to get my clothes out when I needed them, cause of my belief in the CS Lewis books...and yeah...just a little response to your entry cause it brought back lots of memories for me.
from athol :
BUT! *goofy grin* our dearest mr. frodo is most certainly a Brandybuck! LOL thanks again!
from athol :
*blush* thanks. i knew something didn't feel right when i put that. LOL
from athol :
nooo, i LOATHE driving!!! i took driver's ed. in october of 9th grade. 3 hours directly after school each day in a crowded biology/earth science classroom for nearly two weeks... THREE HOURS! and it was taught by an old man who hobbles and has a voice like fingernails on a chalk-board. he's my french teacher's ex-husband and from what i hear, he's not much better as a father than he is as a teacher. "TURN THE WHEEL!" he yelled once, grabbing the wheel and jerking it as we swerved around the corner near a catholic school. "I'M TURNING THE GODDAMNED WHEEL!" i yelled shrilly back. i was! i was turning it as far as it would go! stupid git. in any case, it was my dad that scared me out of driving. but i don't want to talk about that. ever! LOL ah. we can start a commune for people who should rightfully have been born during the reign of king arthur. :) *we found a witch! may we burn her?* - monty python
from athol :
The clocks felt good to write, too! *Silly grin* I suppose the clocks are just my little additive to old "Mad Baggins'" life, eh? :) I fell in love with clocks when I read (and saw the movie) "The Hiding Place." It's an AMAZING book, I recommend it to everyone. Take care!
from athol :
hullo, hobbit! i just read your entry for may 8th, and i LOVE what you said. i had this stupid grin plastered onto my face while reading your comparison of Trekkies and Potterites/LOTR fans. i'm so grateful to be in the p/lotr catagory. i never thought of it that way, but you're totally right, and trust me: i've had trekkies eat dinner with me... and they will drive you insane. "oh, that's interesting. where's it from?" you ask. "episode 23 of the original star trek, see, captain kirk was talking to..." oy! never engage in conversation! it's not safe! anyhoo... later!
from athol :
hey, someone else has read it besides my english class! this is great. ^_^ i may read the others, but i'm really sick of war stories and depression. i'm looking forward to some ridiculous humour after this. anne-marie read dant�'s inferno, and i've read parts of it, but it drove me insane how she carried it around and behaved like she was absolutely on a pedestal because of it. of course, she usually thinks she's better than everyone, so it wasn't much of a change, but it was there. i have a bias toward dant� thanks to her. LOL ^_^ thanks for the references, though!
from evernever :
You could not find that story? How sad. I will find it somewhere...I'm not sure how. I just read the discourse of the Guiness Records deal. I laughed until 'I' cried. That narrative should be one of those e-mails that you get that are forwarded that you get about a zillion times. Yeah, it was that good.
from lady-arwen :
Mae Govannen! Thanks so very much for leaving me a note! Your comments were helpful and insightful. I am quite glad to see another informed individual on Tolkien's languages interested in helping others. As a matter of fact, I am indeed a part of an email group- the most famous of them all, Elfling. (The helpful people there have given me insights to information I never otherwise would have recieved). I am, at the time, attempting to learn the Beleriand mode of Tengwar, but as I am not a good artist, it is difficult for me to form the letters, though the grammatics were not difficult. Thanks again for stopping by and reading my diary- best of luck on your own quests! ~Lady Arwen
from tobey :
hey do you know Pippin-tooks new diary name? Her e-mail isn't on her site, so I can't ask her.
from rainbowjelly :
I understand what you mean in your post, but what you don't understand is that some of the stuff I said, well, in her eyes, was her entire life. And, knowing her, yes it was her entire life. I did try to bring that up, but she felt that I was telling that much of a secret about her. I don't know. I do understand what you're saying, though. You just don't know Dana like I do, is all. I have to get ready for school now, so see ya. :)
from be-zen :
Spring breakishness. I so envy you. I want some breakishness and some spring, rather than some winter and some work.
from lioness29 :
I loved the keats parody...we read his poetry earlier this year and some of that would have been very welcome during our long discussions analyzing practically eveery word of the poems...but anyhow I'm off subject and I've only written two sentences so I'll just end this with...very funny.
from xylem :
This diary owns me.
from shinyjen :
England's not that brilliant, you know. I should know, I'm from here. Hyde Park's just a big field! St James' Park is much nicer. And I was really disappointed at the "mind the gap" announcements on the tube - they only sound really posh on one or two of the lines. The chocolate is good, though. Mmm, Cadburys...
from shinyjen :
About the older entries not conforming to the new design - go back and edit the very first entry (I don't think you have to do anything, just open it on the "edit/delete entries" screen and then click "make changes") and it should alter all previous entries to the new design. Although the first entry might stay the same. Hmm. Anyway, hope that works. If it doesn't... er... I have no idea.
from lioness29 :
very cool new formatting, I love the LOTR theme
from lioness29 :
Happy Birthday! I agree about the hobbit idea...
from be-zen :
Innately American stuff can sometimes rock. (As a non American.) I am partial to Subway. and American Pie and definitely free refills. I guess Subway is not innately American. But you know, it still rocks nevertheless.
from steveey :
I hope school gets cancelled too, but wait Grand View College cancel classes!? I highly doubt I will have the luxery of sleeping in tomorrow. Then again waking up at 6:45 is so lovely. Hopefully yout wish will come true and you won't have all of that stuff to do. Best wishes.
from cardensaraid :
i just wanted to say, good luck with the call backs.
from be-zen :
Thats is the greatest take on weight I have ever heard, it is just lovely. Good luck with your audition sweetheart. I shall send nice good audition thoughts to the karma gods.
from be-zen :
You linked me same name buddy! Thank you so much, and I shall continue to devour your diary with lightning speed! <3
from be-zen :
I have been reading more of your fine diary, and you really have a nice way with words and all that jazz. I think there is never any romanticism in the country you are from. Australia (my nationality) has this big convict history which gets us some hassling! Anyhow, I am definitely a partner in your otherworldly powers, always have been a bit intutitive myself. Keep writing sweetheart!
from evernever :
I completely agree with you on the history thing. It bugs me that a lot of people our age don't give crap about what happened when some of what we've been 'fed' doesn't seem right and we should, as free citizens of this country, question it. So, cheers.
from lioness29 :
I loved your catch phrase. Hilarious. I laughed out loud (and yes i do mean that unlike many people who say lol without meaning it-sorry now I'm just bitterly blabbering than the short comment I meant to give to you).
from lioness29 :
Beowulf is written in old english, last year we listened to a tape of it in old english it is hilarious, you should try it sometime. Oh yeah, then try to learn the first 50 lines of the canterbury tales in middle english with the accent what a hilarious headache. Wan dat april with his showres soote, da dracht of marsh hath perced to da roote...and I can't believe it but I still remember it!
from johnpowers :
popularity is highly overrated
from cardensaraid :
hi, just wanted to say that i like reading scary stories too and i was wondering where you were reading those. sounds very interesting.
from lioness29 :
I understand entirely about the leads, I hadn't gotten anything but chorus or nothing for 3 years! But I kept working on my acting and singing and tried to become a little less clumsy so I could pretend a little better that I could actually dance and last year I got the lead in a musical and this year a lead in "Electra"(a greek trgedy our school's putting on). It happened I think because I kept at it and I really wanted to do it and let me tell you it feels great. It's like a triumph over all those snotty egotistical actors who I've watched get leads time after time. From what I've read of you, you sound a lot like me, so have some hope. And keep trying.
from weirdolaina :
Sup Katie... It Elena, just stopped by to take a little peek. I wish i had the dedicaiton to actually write in my diary as often as you, but i haven't since a long time ago. Anyway, just leaving a note. :)
from lioness29 :
Your writing is very good. You set up the scenes really clearly and you write interesting stuff that just as it is about to get more interesting you cut off. That is annoying, but intrigue is good...keep it up.
from thespianren :
Kate, You told me to respond to your note so I thought I would. I really like where your story is going although I'm a sucker for romance myself. I like the character Micheal because he seems to try to go against the typical male stereotype.. anyway thats my opinion. REN
from skyefairies :
Hey! Glad you now understand what a stone is! We say pur weight in stones and ounces, so now you know! 14lbs to one stone! Talk soon *Kay*
from lioness29 :
Hey thanks for the note back. I just haven't written much about myself cause i only write on this thing at random times when I have a very distinct thing I need to write about or when my friends say that I don't write on this enough. Anyways, I was you go to Roosevelt High School in Seattle? I noticed you said something about it Roosevelt high school and I wondered if you meant that one. (I figure there could be many around the U.S. otherwise.)
from lioness29 :
you write like I think, it's weird. Also good choices in the movies (or plays) I snuck in RENT too, I loved your note about being a sucker for Romance cause most people won't admit it anymore

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