_=_everything's undone_=_

-= looking into the bright sun sometimes doesn't show you shit. every now and again you've gotta be in complete darkness to see the light. it's only then that you can open your eyes to the world around you =-

My favorite diaries:

anenigma profile - diary
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enurta profile - diary
microthrills profile - diary
drugzilla profile - diary
comebacktome profile - diary
hushnowbella profile - diary
redsilk profile - diary
Vinternatt profile - diary
Daath profile - diary
Ericg profile - diary
Bantenhut' profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: yay!
comments: lovely
comments: gone but never ever forgotten

My favorite movies:

Hocus Pocus
comments: amuck amuck amuck hehe
Winnie the Pooh
comments: it's all about Eeyore man. and i have the tattoo to prove it!
Save the Last Dance
comments: it's a LONG LONG story don't ask. good movie though.
Disturbing Behaviour
comments: it's the psycho jocks that makes me loves this movie
comments: something about angels cussing that makes this just the greatest movie. that and god is not only a chick, but Alanis. ya right!

My favorite authors:

Herion Diaries
comments: can i just say that this book only took me 4 days to finish. Nikki Sixx, wrote from his soul. i wonder if he's ever had a d-land diary??

leave a note for akira
diaryrings which akira belongs to
diaries which list akira as a favorite diary
last updated: 2017-11-18 02:21:45
this user's total entries: 420
user since: 1999-12-20

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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