amandabean; sinking slowly

read at your own risk:

drama, suspense, high heels, and the danger of falling

My favorite diaries:

allden profile - diary
comments: "The wall around my frigid heart is back up and more guards are stationed around."
amalthea23 profile - diary
comments: "when i was a little kid when you puked that meant no school tommorrow, if you catch my drift."
billcosby profile - diary
comments: "I wish I could frolick, felt like frolicking, but this just isn't me, this isn't where I feel the most accepted."
gawain profile - diary
comments: "I know other people do, and thats fine. Its not a bad thing, its just not something im comfortable with."
lostinsound profile - diary
comments: "it's funny how at the right moment where the proverbial time and space clash in some type of cosmic funk everything can feel just as it was at another, more nostalgic point of your life."
lttelamon profile - diary
comments: "If you were to ask me how I was right now... I would likely say, "I have no idea." And that's the truth... I'm sorta just.. existing, right now."
mattu profile - diary
comments: "I'm fat, and I'm fat for a reason... I eat too much.. ummm, next!"
radioradio27 profile - diary
comments: "bazooka joe. i miss your purple panty liners. but just tell me this: why does chewbaca always get the cucumber?"
r0xy profile - diary
comments: "You know a guy likes you when he frolicks to fireworks he doesn't want to see."
spankbottom profile - diary
comments: "So now everyone at Chapman's gonna think I'm the Porn King. Oh, look, there goes BJ, hey did you hear? All he watches is porno 24-7. "
sushipig profile - diary
comments: "Speaking of which, I am also obsessed with Tim Curry. I have never read the Bible cover-to-cover."
unclebob profile - diary
comments: "Which is amusing to watch, but then you're stuck with a shitbrick, and what the hell are you going to do with a shitbrick, pal?"
waterstain profile - diary
comments: "Today's observation, fresh off the assembly line: i'm going to be in my thirties before my littlest brother can vote."
weetabix profile - diary
comments: "That�s when I felt my bottom and found a huge splinter sticking out of my butt."

My favorite music:

comments: diamonds and pearls don't move this girl, she can be icy cold to the craw
bruce springsteen
comments: we took what we had and we ripped it apart; now here I am down in Kingstown again
tom petty and the heartbreakers
comments: two cars parked on the overpass, rocks hit the water like broken glass
adam kowalczyk
comments: you're watching TV, I'm here waiting for you to fall in love with me
rolling stones
comments: and they shouted out, 'who killed the kennedys?' when after all, it was you and me

My favorite movies:

boondock saints
comments: sets your place on irishmen.
say anything
comments: sets your place on lloyd dobler.
good night and good luck
comments: sets your place on communism.
punch drunk love
comments: sets your place on pianos.
high fidelity
comments: sets your place on, well, fidelity.

My favorite authors:

ayn rand
comments: atlas shrugged, the fountainhead, for the new intellectual
jeffery eugenides
comments: middlesex, the virgin suicides
alain de botton
comments: on love, how proust can change your life, kiss and tell
robert pirsig
comments: zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
truman capote
comments: breakfast at tiffany's, in cold blood

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last updated: 2007-12-13 20:49:13
this user's total entries: 0
user since: 1999-12-29

AOL IM name: reekinglethargic
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