the unlucky beauty queen

There�s two parts of me. One that would kill itself if you read this, one that cant wait until we�re old and married and I show it to you one day. And then both parts tell me that I don�t want to be old and married to you, ever. Or young and married to you, for that matter.they tell me, and rightly so, that you don't love me and I don't love you.

and then that small part of me cant wait, anyway.

My favorite diaries:

liar--liar profile - diary
three-dots profile - diary
goodluckgold profile - diary
comments: (Or, Julymalaise. see below.)
such-a-liar profile - diary
raquela-rain profile - diary
comments: My very wonderful friend rachel.
DeathByCocoa profile - diary
comments: Intresting, disturbing, charming, Bold.
myheavyheart profile - diary
comments: My absolute favorite, beautiful words that echo my heart in a way i could have never spoken them
saving-salt profile - diary
comments: quote this.
iheartgnr profile - diary
comments: "Leah."
julymalaise profile - diary
comments: goodluckgold's new one
sunflowerowl profile - diary
fairybones profile - diary
Scratchvinyl profile - diary
Bethshort profile - diary
lifeasadream profile - diary
toxic-hearts profile - diary
yourtipsucks profile - diary
comments: Very entertaining

My favorite music:

comments: And jl's other musical, tick tick boom as well
Tegan And Sara
Kate Vogel
Kimya Dawson
comments: food for the soul

My favorite movies:

Bend it like beckham
comments: i. love. this. movie. it's the ice cream to my sudae.
comments: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Actualy

My favorite authors:

Jk Rowling
comments: harry potter... ngl, i loved malfoy after i read "the lightning struck tower" chapter in the sixth book
Kate Morgonroth
comments: I LOVE "ECHO" and "Jude" is amazing, too.
F. Scott Fitzgerld
comments: and not just because writing classical authours makes me look smart
My Best friend Rachel
comments: Because she's the best.

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last updated: 2014-03-04 20:13:28
this user's total entries: 360
user since: 2009-01-02

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