Cirque du Gothique

Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I...

* NocheClaw ( provided the Robert Joy icons I occasionally use in my profile. *

My favorite diaries:

azimel profile - diary
comments: Anime coated ranty goodness. Perkigoffness (rawr)!!!! <3<3
enchancea profile - diary
comments: Brilliant witch, awesome person and wicked funny when she texts. <3<3
sinsear777 profile - diary
comments: The soul of an artist, open-minded and just brilliant. <3<3
UncleBob profile - diary
comments: ...because he's Uncle effing Bob, dammit!!
bigjon profile - diary
comments: Where are you BJ?!?! <3<3
squirrelx profile - diary
comments: ...because I'm still hoping she'll come back. <3<3
rev-stinkers profile - diary
comments: A truly beautiful specimen of kittyhood. Likes poop. Has his own diary, therefore possibly the smartest cat alive. Me likey stinky kitty.
baderotica profile - diary
comments: The only erotica worth reading (Science Friction, baby!!).
barelyspoken profile - diary
comments: Sensitive, open and emotional. Formerly XmoneenX <3<3

My favorite music:

Classic Rock
comments: The Beatles, Jim Croce, John Lennon, Eagles, CCR, Bob Dylan
New Age Music
comments: Enigma, Dreamcatcher, Loreena McKennitt, Douglas Spotted Eagle, Circle of Women
Michelle Branch
comments: Tori Amos, Mandy Moore
comments: Marilyn Manson, Scissor Sisters, NickelBack
comments: Devil's Rejects soundtrack, Shrek 2 soundtrack

My favorite movies:

Anime (tv & movies)
comments: CHOBITS!! INUYASHA!! Akira, Vampire Princess Miyu, Witch Hunter Robin, CowBoy Bebop, Hellsing, Ah/Oh My Goddess, Full Metal Alchemist
Asian Horror
comments: Pulse, One Missed Call, Ringu series, Audition, The Eye, Ichi the Killer (and all Takashi Miike films)
A Midsummer Night's Dream
comments: M. Night Shyamalan (anything), Guillermo Del Toro (anything), Mel Brooks (anything)
What Dreams May Come
comments: The Stand, The House on Haunted Hill, Ed Wood films, Hostel, Carnival of Souls
Gone With the Wind
comments: Throne of Blood (and anything else by Akira Kurosawa), Onibaba, LOTR Trilogy

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: William Shakespeare, Robin Cook, John Saul
Richard Matheson
comments: Edgar Allen Poe, Kim Antieau, Ray Bradbury
JK Rowling
comments: Zoa Sherburne, Roald Dahl, Charlotte Prentiss
Laurie Cabot
comments: Rae Beth, Margaret Starbird, Patricia Telesco, Scott Cunningham
Favorite Books
comments: Harry Potter series, What Dreams May Come, The Stand, The Jigsaw Woman, Gone With the Wind

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last updated: 2007-04-01 21:34:19
this user's total entries: 202
user since: 2001-09-28

AOL IM name: eclecticautumn
ICQ number: 328856788
Yahoo Messenger name: celtic_lullaby
MSN Messenger name: sacredspiral

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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