Domestic Terror

I am ... DOLL ARMS. BIG VEINS. DOG BAIT. Okay, not really. But I am the same age as Courtney Love.

If I have an idol, and I'm not sure that I do, it is probably James Joyce, who expected other people to support him while he wrote his books. I envy Marcel Proust everything but his illness. How many people can say their heart skips a beat whenever they hear "cork-lined room"?

I am a trained reporter, atheist, skeptic, unrequited novelist, and mother of three young children. Bleeding-heart liberal with exceptions. Late bloomer (I very much hope). Have aggressive and sometimes contradictory opinions about things like disposable cameras, leaf blowers, and the worthiness of the American Heritage Dictionary.

Would like to live in Europe someday. Consider myself a patriot, in the ACLU sense (not "America Love It or Leave It").

Crazy about Mike Leigh movies. Would like to be in a movie. It's on my list of things to do before I die. Am working, if not very hard, on a screenplay.

In real life, the reddest fishwife on the pier. Somewhat witty, off-kilter. Can be kind but not nice, and vice versa. Often broke. The diary is chronically domestic, which comes from not getting out much, though I do try to grapple with the larger issues. Now and then I'll dig up an old bone of memory and chew on it for an entry or two.

Diaryland: It's cheaper than therapy.

My favorite diaries:

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blammor profile - diary
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mawm profile - diary
comments: Coo coo ca choo.

My favorite music:

Southern Culture on the Skids
The Pogues
Elvis Costello

My favorite movies:

comments: I've watched this, as well as the six-part Pride & Prejudice, more than 30 times. It's the filmic equivalent of a brownie hot fudge sundae. Sense & Sensibility gets re-rerun a lot, too, though it's more Hollywood.
comments: More like a novel than any other movie I've seen. I love all the Mike Leigh movies I've seen. I hope he lives forever.
comments: This French film had a huge and terrifying impact on me when I saw it in the early '80s. Images from it are seared on my memory.
Lost in Translation

My favorite authors:

James Joyce
comments: I am steeped in Ulysses. It's part of my life
William Shakespeare
comments: Some people worship Jesus
Marcel Proust
comments: The King of Prose

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last updated: 2006-08-04 16:15:41
this user's total entries: 874
user since: 1999-09-26

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